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以1年生金钱松幼苗为试验材料,研究不同程度淹水胁迫对金钱松生长和生理变化的影响.结果表明:幼苗淹水胁迫后外部形态特征变化明显,根冠比增大.幼苗叶片的相对电导率、可溶性蛋白含量、MDA含量与淹水处理时间呈显著正相关;叶绿素总含量、SOD和POD酶活性与处理时间呈显著负相关.幼苗叶片的游离脯氨酸含量和MDA含量均与淹水处理水平呈显著正相关.幼苗淹水处理的受胁迫程度W3>W1>W2,表现出较强的抗淹水能力.  相似文献   

Container-grown seedlings of Acacia tortilis Forsk. Hayne and A. xanthophloea Benth. were watered either every other day (well watered) or every 7 days (water-stressed) for 1 year in a greenhouse. Total plant dry mass (T(dm)), carbon allocation and water relations were measured monthly. Differences in leaf area (LA) accounted for differences in T(dm) between the species, and between well-watered and water-stressed plants. Reduction in LA as a result of water stress was attributed to reduced leaf initiation, leaf growth rate and leaf size. When subjected to prolonged water stress, Acacia xanthophloea wilted more rapidly than A. tortilis and, unlike A. tortilis, lost both leaves and branches. These differences between species were attributed to differences in the allocation of carbon between leaves and roots and in the ability to adjust osmotically. Rapid recovery in A. xanthophloea following the prolonged water-stress treatment was attributed to high cell wall elasticity. Previous exposure to water stress contributed to water-stress resistance and improved recovery after stress.  相似文献   

采用田间防雨旱棚方法研究了8个澳洲坚果品种(Hy、A16、863、951、695、特、D4和Daddow)幼苗对水分胁迫的生理响应。结果表明,所有测定指标在3次测定时间、4个水分处理和8个品种间差异均极显著。在水分胁迫(CK、L)处理下,澳洲坚果幼苗叶片中渗透调节物质可溶性糖含量、脯氨酸含量增加;活性氧清除系统中的SOD和POD活性先升高后下降,但变化规律又有所不同;叶绿素含量降低。在水分饱和(N、M)处理下,澳洲坚果叶片的各项指标的变化趋势与水分胁迫处理下截然相反。对8个品种综合分析表明,耐旱能力从强到弱依次为951>695>Daddow>Hy>A16>863>D4>特。  相似文献   

Dat JF  Parent C 《Tree physiology》2012,32(2):115-118
Climate change is projected to have a significant ecological impact on natural ecosystems, most notably through direct and indirect modifications of local precipitation regimes. In addition, anthropic activities such as the removal of vegetation, soil proofing due to building, the absence of storm drains and crop over-irrigation will all increase the occurrence of flooding. As a result, forest species, and more specifically trees, will increasingly be exposed to soil waterlogging. It is now well established that such flooding events can lead to changes in forest distribution and composition. For such reasons, it is becoming increasingly important to study forest ecosystems and more particularly the adaptive potential of tree species to better understand the ecological plasticity of forest communities to environmental modifications.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of 2-year-old seedlings of Nuttall's oak (Quercus nuttallii) and Southern red oak (Q.falcata) with two treatments i.e., deep-drowning and shallow-drowning, were studied. Taxodium distichum was selected as a control. The survival rates of seedlings were calculated, the photosynthetic indices were detected by Licor-6400 photosynthetic system instrument, and the root activities of seedlings were tested by the method of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). Results showed that: 1) By experiencing flooding for 76 d and recovering for 60 d after water was drained off, all seedlings survived under the shallow-drowning treatment. None of Q. falcata seedlings died in the deep-drowning treatment until the 49th day. The survival rate of Q. falcata in the deep-drowning treatment was 30%. 2) Within 61 d of waterlogging treatments, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) showed a tendency of declining, but intercellular concentration of CO2 (Ci) increased. With the prolongation of flooding stress, the extents of variation for all indices under deep-drowning treatment were larger than those under the shallow-drowning treatment. The variation of Q. falcata in flooding stress was larger than that of Q. nuttallii. 3) The root vigor and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities were detected at the 61st day in flooding stress. Waterlogging obviously inhibited root activities. Shallow-drowning made root vigor of Q. nuttallii decreased by 11.7%, and for Q. falcata, by 51.88%. Shallow-drowning treatment had no remarkable effects on ADH activities of seedlings, but deep-drowning increased those of Q. nuttallii seedlings by 227.24%, and decreased those of Q. falcata seedlings by 59.22% in the meantime. We conclude that Q. nuttallii had a stronger waterlogging resistance than Q. falcata, but weaker than T. distichum.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of feeding damage by pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens Uzel (Thysanoptera:Thripidae), on gas exchange and water relations of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings. Compared to undamaged seedlings, feeding punctures in the leaf epidermis of thrips-damaged seedlings decreased water use efficiency, increased leaf conductance to water vapor, and decreased predawn water potential. Under conditions of high soil water and high light intensity, carbon dioxide exchange rate (CER) was greater for thrips-damaged than undamaged seedlings because of greater CO(2) conductance through feeding punctures. Under conditions of low soil water, CER was lower for thrips-damaged than undamaged seedlings as a result of water stress. Carbon dioxide exchange rate at low light and low soil water was limited by non-stomatal factors, but no difference in non-stomatal limitation to CER was detected between thrips-damaged and undamaged seedlings. Leaf tissue water relations differed between thrips-damaged and undamaged seedlings and under high and low soil water conditions. The results suggest that the reduction in leaf area of thrips-damaged seedlings can be partially compensated by elevated CER under conditions of high light intensity and high soil water. However, high gas exchange rates through feeding punctures predisposes thrips-damaged seedlings to water stress that can reduce CER under conditions of low soil water.  相似文献   

We asked if differences in distribution between Nothofagus nitida and N. dombeyi were associated with differences in drought tolerance. Survival, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on seedlings subjected to a gradual drought. At a predawn leaf water potential (Ψm) of ?2.7 MPa, survival of N. nitida was 50%, compared to 100% in N. dombeyi. Under well-watered conditions, the two species displayed similar stomatal conductance (g w ) and transpiration (E), but net photosynthesis (A) and instantaneous water-use efficiency (WUE i ) were slightly higher in N. nitida. A, E and g w declined in N. nitida along the gradual drought but increased in N. dombeyi at a Ψm between ?1.5 and ?2.5 MPa, and declined then drastically at a Ψm below < ?2.5 MPa. As N. dombeyi was able to maintain A at higher levels despite declining g w , this species displayed significantly increased WUE i at Ψm below ?2.5 MPa. Photochemical efficiency of PSII in the light (ΔF/Fmr) and photochemical quenching (qP) were always lower in N. nitida and along with the photochemical efficiency in the dark (Fv/Fm) they declined in both species. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) increased slowly in N. dombeyi along with the gradual drought, whilst it decreased in N. nitida. These results show that differences in drought tolerance are in agreement with sorting of Nothofagus species along moisture gradients in south-central Chile.  相似文献   

6种园林树木对持续性淹水胁迫的生理响应及其比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以榔榆、榉树、朴树、女贞、枇杷、珊瑚树2年生幼苗为材料,采用盆栽控水试验研究了持续淹水对不同树种外部形态及主要生理指标的影响,探讨了不同树种的抗涝性特性与差异.结果表明:1)淹水胁迫下,不同树种幼苗的生长均受到不同程度的影响,外形表现出明显的水渍斑点和黄化特征,但不同树种受害程度存在一定差异.2)淹水胁迫下,不同树种2种保护酶活性呈现出不同的变化态势.榔榆叶片抗氧化保护酶的活性反应最为敏感,表现为淹水初期SOD活性的显著上升和POD活性的剧烈增加,但后期两种保护酶活性趋于平缓变化;榉树、朴树在整个淹水期SOD活性呈现先期下降后期抬升的波动变化;而女贞、珊瑚树在整个淹水期SOD、POD活性的变化相对较小,不同处理期的测定值差异均不显著.3)榉树、朴树的游离脯氨酸含量变化呈现前期略有下降后期缓慢上升的变化;而女贞、枇杷两树种的游离脯氨酸含量变化呈现先期下降,后期平缓变化的态势.4)淹水初期榔榆MDA含量明显上升,并于淹水第13天时含量最高,榉树和朴树的MDA含量变化呈现先期下降后期缓慢上升的变化,枇杷、女贞的MDA含量变化几乎呈一直线变化.5)6树种叶片中叶绿素含量均随淹水时间的延长而下降.采用隶属函数法对6种树种的耐涝性进行评估,其耐涝性强弱大致排序为:女贞、枇杷、珊瑚树、朴树、榉树、榔榆.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity and waterlogging on stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis and transpiration of 3-month-old Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. and Eucalyptus lesouefii Maiden seedlings were studied under greenhouse conditions. Under non-saline conditions, waterlogging induced stomatal closure in both species. However, the stomata of E. camaldulensis reopened after five weeks, when adventitious roots were produced. Relative to that of controls, height growth of waterlogged seedlings was greater in E. camaldulensis than in E. lesouefii, as were rates of photosynthesis and transpiration. In a freely drained medium, high salinity reduced rates of seedling height growth and photosynthesis, relative to those in controls, less in E. lesouefii than in E. camaldulensis. In both species, height growth, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate were lowest under conditions of saline waterlogging.  相似文献   

Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Blume and Nothofagus nitida (Phil.) Krasser are closely related evergreen trees native to south central Chile. Nothofagus dombeyi is a pioneer in habitats subject to high daytime irradiances and nighttime freezing temperatures and has a wider altitudinal and latitudinal distribution than N. nitida, which is restricted to more oceanic climates. We postulated that N. dombeyi has a greater cold-acclimation capacity, expressed as a greater capacity to maintain a functional photosynthetic apparatus at low temperatures, than N. nitida. Because cold-acclimation may be related to the accumulation of cryoprotective substances, we investigated relationships between ice nucleation temperature (IN), freezing temperature (FT), and the temperature causing injury to 50% of the leaf tissues (LT(50)) on the one hand, and concentrations of total soluble carbohydrates (TSC), starch and proline on the other hand. Observations were made throughout a seasonal cycle in adults and seedlings in the field and in seedlings in the laboratory under cold-acclimation inductive and non-inductive conditions. In adults, LT(50) values were lower in N. dombeyi than in N. nitida, suggesting that N. dombeyi is the more frost tolerant species. Adults of both species tolerated freezing in autumn and winter but not in spring and summer. In the fall and winter, seedlings of N. dombeyi had a much lower LT(50) than those of N. nitida. Nothofagus nitida seedlings, in autumn and winter, exhibited freezing avoidance mechanisms. Although elevated TSC and proline concentrations may contribute to freezing tolerance in adults of both species, an increase in proline concentration is unlikely to be the dominant frost tolerance response in adults because proline concentrations were higher in N. nitida than in N. dombeyi. In seedlings, however, there were large differences in proline accumulation between species that may account for the difference between them in freezing tolerance. Starch concentration in both species decreased during winter. Chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that maximal photochemical efficiency (F(v)/F(m)) remained at optimal values (~0.8) throughout the year. The effective photochemical efficiency of PSII (PhiPSII) and relative electron transport rates (ETR(r)) decreased in winter in both species. In seedlings, fluorescence parameters were more affected in winter in N. nitida than in N. dombeyi. We concluded that adults and seedlings of N. dombeyi are hardier than adults and seedlings of N. nitida, which is consistent with its wider latitudinal and altitudinal distribution.  相似文献   

为给山茶属植物的资源评价及进一步开发利用提供科学依据,以21个山茶种质为材料,研究了高温胁迫条件下的相对电导率、叶绿素含量、丙二醛含量和SOD活性变化情况。结果表明,随着温度的升高,21个山茶种质的相对电导率升高,且呈"S"型曲线,XSC14等5个种质的半致死高温均达60℃以上。高温胁迫促使21个山茶种质的叶绿素含量均有不同程度的下降。结合MDA含量和SOD活性测定结果,发现XSC20、XSC14耐热性较强,而XSC4耐热性较差。  相似文献   

不同品种的杨树对重金属污染土壤的修复和耐受性存在显著差异,为了解不同品种的杨树对铅(Pb)和镉(Cd)的耐抗特性,以南林95杨和南林895杨为研究对象,研究其在不同浓度Pb胁迫和PbCd复合胁迫下的生理响应,对其根系活力、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、可溶性蛋白质和叶绿素含量等指标进行对比分析,并采用主成分分析和隶属函数法综合评价2种杨树对Pb和Cd胁迫的耐受性。结果表明,南林95杨和南林895杨在Pb胁迫和Pb-Cd复合胁迫下,各生理指标的变化趋势大致相同,均表现出较强的耐受性;在Pb胁迫和Pb-Cd复合胁迫下,南林895杨的根系活力和CAT活性均强于南林95杨,但其叶绿素含量少于南林95杨。Pb胁迫下,南林95杨的可溶性蛋白质含量略高于南林895杨,在Pb-Cd复合胁迫下则相反。综合评价结果表明,南林895杨对重金属Pb和Cd的耐受性强于南林95杨,具有更好的修复前景。  相似文献   

Zou C  Sands R  Sun O 《Tree physiology》2000,20(17):1205-1207
We investigated physiological responses of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) roots to soil strength and soil water deficit by measuring the osmotic potential (Psi(pi)) and yield turgor (Y) in the elongation zone of root segments of seedlings growing (i) in polyethylene glycol 4000-containing rooting solution of different water potentials (Psi(s)) and (ii) in soil of different soil strengths (Q) at the same soil matric potential (Psi(m)). Root elongation rate (Deltal/Deltat) decreased progressively with decreasing Psi(s) and was associated with decreased Psi(pi) and decreased turgor pressure (P). Osmotic adjustment occurred at Psi(s) < -0.2 MPa. Over a range in Psi(s) of -0.01 to -1.0 MPa, Psi(pi) fell 0.3 MPa whereas P fell 0.7 MPa. Mean Psi in the solution experiment was 0.37 MPa and did not differ significantly with Psi(s) (P = 0.10). Root elongation rate decreased exponentially as Q increased from 0 to 3.0 MPa, and was associated with an increase in P of 0.11 MPa as a consequence of Psi(pi) decreasing by the same amount. Mean Y in the soil experiment was 0.49 MPa and did not change significantly with Q (P = 0.87).  相似文献   

以4年生曼地亚红豆杉扦插苗为试材,实验前1个月将苗木移栽至花盆中置于大棚内进行正常水分管理.将苗木分为3组,每组10株,3个重复,分别进行干旱胁迫.重度干旱(从试验开始时停止浇水),中度干旱(试验期间3d浇1次水,浇水量为对照的50%),对照(充足供水).在重度干旱和中度干旱下分别胁迫35 d,研究曼地亚红豆杉对不同程度干旱胁迫的生理响应,以分析曼地亚红豆杉的抗旱性及抗旱机理.结果表明,水分胁迫下曼地亚红豆杉PD、E、Gs与对照相比显著下降,Ci在胁迫初期升高,胁迫21d后下降.水分利用效率(RwuE)先升高后下降,羧化效率(RCE)显著下降.叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量在胁迫后与对照没有显著差异;Fv/Fm在胁迫期间没有显著变化,而IP1随胁迫强度增加和胁迫时间延长显著下降.推测曼地亚红豆杉在干旱胁迫下叶绿素含量和光系统Ⅱ (PSII)光能转化能力保持相对稳定,对水分有较高的利用效率,引起光合下降的主要是非气孔因素,即羧化效率的显著下降.在水分胁迫条件下,曼地亚红豆杉SOD活性、POD活性,MDA含量、Pro含量都呈现先升后降的变化,说明曼地亚红豆杉在水分胁迫初期能通过增加保护酶活性来提高对逆境下产生的过氧化物的清除能力,同时增加细胞中游离脯氨酸等渗透调节物质来提高植株的吸水保水能力,维持自身水分平衡,具有较强的抗旱性.  相似文献   

Shoot architecture may significantly alter mean quantum flux on foliage and thus, photosynthetic productivity. There is currently only limited information about plastic alterations in shoot structure caused by within-canopy variation in mean integrated irradiance (Q(int)) in broad-leaved trees. We studied leaf and shoot structure, and nitrogen and carbon content in late-successional, widely distributed, temperate, broad-leaved Nothofagus taxa to determine the architectural controls on light harvesting and photosynthetic performance. Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oersted has larger leaves and less densely leaved shoots than the N. solandri varieties. Nothofagus solandri var. solandri (Hook. f.) Oersted is characterized by rounder leaves that potentially have a larger overlap than the ovate-triangular leaves of N. solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole. Leaf dry mass (M(A)) and nitrogen content (N(A)) per unit area increased with increasing Q(int) in all species, demonstrating enhanced investment of photosynthetic biomass in high light. Although M(A) differed between species at a common irradiance, there was a uniform relationship between N(A) and Q(int) across species. Leaf carbon content per dry mass and leaf dry mass to fresh mass ratio also scaled positively with irradiance, suggesting greater structural investments in high light. In all species, shoots became more horizontal and flatter at lower Q(int), implying an enhanced use efficiency of direct irradiance in natural leaf positions. In contrast, irradiance effects on leaf aggregation varied among species. Across the data, leaf overlap or leaf area density was often greater at lower irradiances, possibly as a result of limited carbon availability for shoot axis extension growth. In N. fusca, leaves of which were more aggregated in high light, the shoot silhouette to total leaf area ratio (S(S)) declined strongly with increasing irradiance, demonstrating a lower light harvesting efficiency at high Q(int). This effect was only moderate in N. solandri var. cliffortioides and S(S) was independent of Q(int) in N. solandri var. solandri. Although the efficiency of light interception at high irradiances was lowest in N. fusca, this species had the greatest nitrogen content per unit shoot silhouette area (2N(A)/S(S)), indicating superior shoot-level photosynthetic potential. These data collectively demonstrate that shoot architecture significantly affects light interception and photosynthesis in broad-leaved trees, and that structural carbon limitations may constrain leaf light harvesting efficiency at low irradiance.  相似文献   

以赤峰36号杨1 a生幼苗为材料,采用渗透胁迫处理的方法,研究杨树幼苗生理指标对水分不同强度胁迫的响应,结果表明:在3种水分强度胁迫下,杨树幼苗各生理指响应不同,当PEG体积分数为10%时,苗木水势和POD活性较对照变化明显,但MDA含量和质膜相对透性变化不显著,说明该强度的水分协迫未对杨树幼苗造成生理伤害;当PEG质量分数为15%时,虽然MDA含量较对照变化不显著,但苗木水势、POD活性和质膜相对透性却发生了显著变化,尤以质膜相对透性变化明显,说明该强度的水分协迫已对细胞造成了伤害;当PEG质量分数达到20%时,4种生理指标较对照均出现显著变化,说明该强度的水分胁迫对幼苗造成了严重伤害。  相似文献   

Gas exchange, tissue water relations, and leaf/root dry weight ratios were compared among young, container-grown plants of five temperate-zone, deciduous tree species (Acer negundo L., Betula papyrifera Marsh, Malus baccata Borkh, Robinia pseudoacacia L., and Ulmus parvifolia Jacq.) under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. There was a small decrease (mean reduction of 0.22 MPa across species) in the water potential at which turgor was lost (Psi(tlp)) in response to water stress. The Psi(tlp) for water-stressed plants was -1.18, -1.34, -1.61, -1.70, and -2.12 MPa for B. papyrifera, A. negundo, U. parvifolia, R. pseudoacacia, and M. baccata, respectively. Variation in Psi(tlp) resulted primarily from differences in tissue osmotic potential and not tissue elasticity. Rates of net photosynthesis declined in response to water stress. However, despite differences in Psi(tlp), there were no differences in net photosynthesis among water-stressed plants under the conditions of water stress imposed. In A. negundo and M. baccata, water use efficiency (net photosynthesis/transpiration) increased significantly in response to water stress. Comparisons among water-stressed plants showed that water use efficiency for M. baccata was greater than for B. papyrifera or U. parvifolia. There were no significant differences in water use efficiency among B. papyrifera, U. parvifolia, A. negundo, and R. pseudoacacia. Under water-stressed conditions, leaf/root dry weight ratios (an index of transpiration to absorptive capacity) ranged from 0.77 in R. pseudoacacia to 1.05 in B. papyrifera.  相似文献   

Pinus massoniana Lamb. is a major timber species widely planted in the South China, where the soil is acidic and deficient in phosphorus (P) due to fixation by aluminum and iron. Understanding the physiological responses to rhizospheric insoluble P is essential for enhancing plantation productivity. Thus, a sand culture experiment was conducted with four levels of P treatment (0, 5, 20 g insoluble P and 10 g soluble P), and 11 P. massoniana elite families. Physiological responses were measured after two months of stress. Compared to the normal soluble P treatment, the insoluble P treatment significantly reduced the proline content and the APase activity in the needles, while it significantly increased the catalase activity by 1.3-fold and malondialdehyde content by 1.2-fold. Soluble protein content was unaffected by the treatments, but chlorophyll content was significantly lower in P-deprived treatment compared with soluble and insoluble P treatments. These physiological responses also exhibited highly significant variation among families (p < 0.01). The findings suggest that increased catalase activities in the presence of insoluble P might be involved in the activation of an anti-oxidation defense mechanism that scavenges the reactive oxygen species elicited by the stress. And this response has a strong genetic control that can be exploited to identify desirable genotypes.  相似文献   

【目的】对4个品种核桃砧木幼苗进行抗旱性评价,旨在筛选适合干旱、半干旱核桃产区的优良抗旱核桃砧木。【方法】以4个常用核桃砧木品种为试材,研究干旱对其盆栽幼苗生长速率、水分利用效率、光合参数和叶绿素荧光参数的影响,采用模糊数学隶属函数法对其抗旱性进行综合评价。【结果】干旱条件下,核桃砧木幼苗间存在显著的品种间差异,其中,‘鸡爪绵’的相对生长速率(R)、长期水分利用效率(RLWUE)、净光合速率(Pn)和光系统Ⅱ的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)最高,分别为0.92 mg/d、70.24 g/L、15.22 μmol/(m2·s)和0.79。干旱显著降低了核桃砧木幼苗的R、Pn和Fv/Fm,其中‘鸡爪绵’的降低幅度最小,分别为30.30%、22.78%和7.06%。干旱显著提高了核桃砧木幼苗的RLWUE和瞬时水分利用效率(RIWUE)。‘核桃楸’的RLWUE  相似文献   

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