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Broilers deriving from a parent flock, which had been effected in the 6th. month of hatching egg production, show arthritis beginning with the 12th day of life. The tarso-metatarsal joint has been affected. Birds show stunting. Body weights at slaughter and feed conversion of the affected flocks were reduced. The percentage of condemned birds before slaughter was highly increase and came up to 3-5%. Chickens of other breeder flocks, which were reared with the diseased birds, showed viral arthritis at an age of 18-20th day of life. The boilers derived from parent flocks which had been vaccinated twice during the with a 1133 reo live vaccine and before laying with an oil based vaccine of the antigen type WVU. A reovirus has been isolated (isolate K 171/87), which caused viral arthritis in 1133-immune day old chicks after parenteral and oral application. Infection of these chickens with the pathogenic reovirus of the antigen type 1133 didn't cause a disease. Also by serological examinations it was shown, that the reo-isolate K 171/87 possesses a different antigenicity. The kind of occurrence indicates, that this reovirus infection has been transmitted vertically from one parent flock and it spread laterally to chickens of other parent flocks in broiler farms.  相似文献   

Chicken anaemia virus (CAV) infection was demonstrated, by both serology and virus isolation, in 1- to 6-week-old broiler chickens originated from various parent flocks in Hungary. Total losses in the broiler flocks were estimated at 7 to 8% and about 25% of the chickens failed to reach target body mass by the 7th week of life. The clinical signs, postmortem lesions and histopathological changes of the affected chickens were similar to those of naturally occurring CAV-induced infectious anaemia of young chickens. In MDCC-MSB1 cell cultures, a chloroform-resistant virus smaller than 50 nm in diameter, resistant to heating at 70 degrees C for 30 min, and antigenically very closely related to the Cux-1 strain of CAV was isolated from the liver of naturally diseased broilers. This virus isolate was designated the Bia strain of CAV. Inoculation of susceptible 1-day-old SPF chicks with a CAV-positive liver extract from naturally diseased broilers caused pathological changes characteristic of CAV infection, namely impaired growth, severe anaemia with atrophy of the bone marrow, marked atrophy of the lymphoid organs and petechial haemorrhages throughout the body. A quite similar pathological syndrome was also induced by inoculation of 1-day-old SPF chicks with the MDCC-MSB1 cell-culture-propagated new Bia strain of CAV. The CAV was successfully reisolated from the livers of experimentally inoculated birds, and antibodies to the reference Cux-1 strain of CAV were also demonstrated by the indirect immunofluorescence test in sera of naturally diseased and experimentally inoculated chickens. No antibodies were found against infectious bursal disease virus, reticuloendotheliosis virus, Marek's disease herpesvirus as well as avian adenoviruses and reoviruses. The reported disease of young broiler chickens was associated with natural infection of a new isolate of CAV. On the basis of its physicochemical, antigenic and pathogenic characteristics, this virus is similar to other strains of CAV isolated from chickens in other countries.  相似文献   

Isolation of chicken anaemia virus from broiler chickens in New Zealand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chicken anaemia virus was isolated for the first time in New Zealand from the New Zealand domestic chicken population. The virus was recovered from diseased birds in five separate flocks of broiler chickens aged between 14 and 33 days of age. Six isolates were obtained from bone marrow and lymphoid tissues using the MDCC-MSB1 cell line derived from Marek's disease lymphoma. All isolates were resistant to chloroform and survived exposure to 70 degrees C for 5 minutes. The main clinical features consistently associated with the disease outbreaks were increased mortality, yolk sac infections, sub-cutaneous haemorrhages and atrophy of the thymus. Fungal pneumonia occurred in two flocks, and gangrenous dermatitis as a result of bacterial infection in another flock. Microscopic examination showed atrophy of the thymus, reduced medullary haematopoiesis and inflammation resulting from secondary infections.  相似文献   

Pathology of spontaneous colibacillosis in a broiler flock   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forty-eight of 134 chickens collected from a flock on a broiler farm were diagnosed pathologically and microbiologically to have colibacillosis. Both acute septicemia (seven birds, 1 to 36 days old) and subacute serositis (41 birds, 5 to 57 days old) were found. The former consisted of necrosis with fibrinous exudates in the ellipsoids and lymphoid follicles of the spleen, and fibrinous thrombi in sinusoids of the liver with occasional necrosis of hepatic cells. The latter had fibrinopurulent inflammation with granulomatous changes in the serosal tissues--including the epicardium, pericardium, and hepatic peritoneal sac--accompanied by septicemic lesions in the spleen and liver. Respiratory lesions (airsacculitis, pneumonia, and tracheitis) were noted in most chickens affected with acute septicemia and subacute serositis. Degenerative changes also were observed in the bursa of Fabricius.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterisation of a reovirus from pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) is an acute, infectious intestinal disease of turkey poults, characterized by high mortality and 100% morbidity, that decimated the turkey industry in the mid-1990s. The etiology of PEMS is not completely understood. This report describes the testing of various filtrates of fecal material from control and PEMS-affected poults by oral inoculation into poults under experimental conditions, the subsequent isolation of a reovirus, ARV-CU98, from one of the PEMS fecal filtrates, and in vivo and in vitro studies conducted to determine the pathogenicity of ARV-CU98 in turkey poults. In order to identify a filtrate fraction of fecal material containing a putative etiologic agent, poults were challenged in two independent experiments with 220- and 100-nm filtrates of fecal material from PEMS-negative and PEMS-positive poults. The 100-nm filtrate was chosen for further evaluation because poults inoculated with this filtrate exhibited mortality and significantly lower (P < or = 0.05) body weight and relative bursa weight, three clinical signs associated with PEMS. These results were confirmed in a third experiment with 100-nm fecal filtrates from a separate batch of PEMS fecal material. In Experiment 3, body weight and relative bursa and thymus weights were significantly lower (P < or = 0.05) in poults inoculated with 100-nm filtrate of PEMS fecal material as compared with poults inoculated with 100-nm filtrate of control fecal material. Subsequently, a virus was isolated from the 100-nm PEMS fecal filtrate and propagated in liver cells. This virus was identified as a reovirus on the basis of cross-reaction with antisera against avian reovirus (FDO strain) as well as by electrophoretic analysis and was designated ARV-CU98. When inoculated orally into poults reared under controlled environmental conditions in isolators, ARV-CU98 was associated with a higher incidence of thymic hemorrhaging and gaseous intestines. In addition, relative bursa and liver weights were significantly lower (P < or = 0.05) in virus-inoculated poults as compared with controls. Virus was successfully reisolated from virus-challenged poults but not from control birds. Furthermore, viral antigen was detected by immunofluorescence in liver sections from virus-challenged poults at 3 and 6 days postinfection and virus was isolated from liver at 6 days postinfection, suggesting that ARV-CU98 replicates in the liver. In addition to a decrease in liver weight, there was a functional degeneration as indicated by altered plasma alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities in virus poults as compared with controls. Although this reovirus does not induce fulminating PEMS, our results demonstrated that ARV-CU98 does cause some of the clinical signs in PEMS, including intestinal alterations and significantly lower relative bursa and liver weights. ARV-CU98 may contribute directly to PEMS by affecting the intestine, bursa, and liver and may contribute indirectly by increasing susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens that facilitate development of clinical PEMS.  相似文献   

A case of aspergillosis in a broiler breeder flock having respiratory and nervous system problems caused by Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger is documented. Dyspnea, hyperpnea, blindness, torticollis, lack of equilibrium, and stunting were observed clinically. On postmortem examination of the affected birds, white to yellow caseous nodules were observed on lungs, thoracic air sacs, eyes, and cerebellum. Histopathologic examination of lungs and cerebellum revealed classic granulomatous inflammation and cerebellar lesions, necrotic meningoencephalitis, respectively. No lesions were noted in the cerebrum histopathologically. Aspergillus hyphae were observed in stained sections prepared from lesioned organs. Fungal spores and branched septate hyphae were observed in direct microscopy. Aspergillus fumigatus and A. niger were isolated from the inoculations prepared from the suspensions of organs showing lesions.  相似文献   

We investigated the genotype diversity and dynamics of Campylobacter in a commercial broiler flock during rearing and slaughter. In total, 220 Campylobacter jejuni isolates collected on four sampling occasions during rearing and from routine sampling during slaughter were subtyped by SmaI macrorestriction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PFGE. Eight different SmaI types were found. During rearing, a subsequent addition of genotypes occurred, with two SmaI types found at 2 weeks of age and six types on the day before slaughter. All types that were detected in more than one isolate were also found on all succeeding sampling occasions, including the slaughter sampling. Two new types were found in the slaughter samples. In two-thirds of the individual birds sampled the day before slaughter, more than one SmaI type were found, although there was a clear tendency for dominance of one type in individual birds. Our results show that multiple genotypes of C. jejuni may be present in a commercial broiler flock during rearing and even in gastrointestinal tracts of individual birds. Both recurring environmental exposure and genetic changes within the population may explain the genotype diversity. Although the distribution of genotypes varied between different sampling occasions, we found no indication that any subtype excluded another during the rearing of the broiler flock.  相似文献   

A cutaneous mycosis caused by Candida albicans that involved the combs and less frequently the wattles, facial skin, ear lobes, and neck of male broiler breeders is described. Roosters were 35 wk old and housed with hens in two conventional broiler breeder houses on a farm in western North Carolina. Morbidity was approximately 10% in one house and less than 2% in the other house. Mortality and flock fertility were not affected. Three birds from the most affected house were examined. All birds had white adherent material on their combs that presented as crusty patches or lighter diffuse areas. Often, lesions were roughly circular or had a defined margin. Small black scabs were present in a few lesions. Similar but less extensive lesions were located on the wattles, facial skin, ear lobes, and rictus. In one bird, lesions extended down the neck, and they were accompanied by hyperemia and feather loss. Hyperkeratosis with little to no inflammation and intralesional fungi occurring as yeast and pseudohyphae were seen microscopically. High numbers of C. albicans were isolated and identified from the lesions.  相似文献   

A polymelus monster was observed in a 7-week-old slaughterhouse chicken. The supernumerary limbs were smaller than the normal appendages but contained an equal number of digits.  相似文献   

A 2.5% mortality rate was observed in a flock of 19,000 commercial one-day-old broiler chicks that had been placed 24 hours previously on litter treated with ferrous sulfate heptahydrate. Ulcerative ventriculitis and severe hepatopathy were the primary lesions observed grossly and microscopically. Pooled digesta contained 6854 ppm iron. Lesions identical to those found in the field case were reproduced experimentally.  相似文献   

Eight 22-week-old broiler breeder replacements were presented from a flock experiencing a mild mortality problem. Approximately 2-3% of the birds were not getting onto the slats to eat or drink. The birds had been reared in dark-out houses under an experimental lighting schedule. Upon examination, several birds appeared blind or partially blind; others exhibited a photophobic response. Two birds lacked a unilateral menace reflex. No other gross abnormalities or lesions were noted. Histopathologic sections of the eyes revealed retinal degeneration and detachment with early degenerative lesions in one lens. The breeder flock came into production normally but peaked below average. Light intensity in the pullet house was measured at 0.3 footcandles (3.2 lux). Although the lighting program under which the pullets were grown is suspect, the etiology of the disorder remains unclear.  相似文献   

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