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佟屏亚 《种子世界》2009,(11):67-68
乙丑仲秋,内蒙古丰垦种业发出红色的“十周年纪念暨玉米节”邀请函:“值我公司成立十周年之际,感谢社会对公司成长和发展中给予的支持和关怀,决定举办公司成立十周年纪念和玉米节,汇报公司发展轨迹和展示玉米育种成果。”这个创意新颖的玉米节让许多人怦然心动,浮想联翩,农民和商户从四面八方云集到内蒙古科尔沁草原上来。  相似文献   

青禾 《种子世界》2009,(9):70-71
8月22日内蒙古丰垦种业有限责任公司在乌兰浩特市召开了公司成立十周年庆典暨玉米节大会。会议由丰垦种业公司副总经理姚宏宇主持。内蒙古自治区种子管理站副站长王跃飞、兴安盟农牧业局局长满都呼、黑龙江省农科院育种所副所长辛文利、北京德农种业有限公司副总经理张子宽等到会并讲话。内蒙古自治区种子管理站原站长郑宝信、东北农业大学农学院玉米中心于天江教授,白城农科院原院长、“白单九”玉米品种育成者孙福明研究员,吉林省农科院植保所晋齐鸣研究员和玉米育种专家马正谭、兰陟平、朱丽荣、中国农科院研究员佟屏亚等应邀参加了庆典。  相似文献   

施贵明 《种子科技》2012,30(6):37-38
随着种子体制改革及现代种业的迅速发展,玉米育种呈现出了“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的新局面。玉米自交系是玉米育种的基础,一个优良自交系可以育成一批优良品种。因此,玉米自交系的水平决定了杂交种的水平,玉米自交系的选育是玉米育种的前提。  相似文献   

陈虞晖 《种子》1995,(3):47-48
从玉米品种资源中,选出籽粒呈红、黄、紫颜色的玉米材料与优质可口白玉米杂交,经3年来的回交和自交选择,从中选出一组籽粒表现红、黄、白、紫、黑、橙的玉米品系,丰产性和适口性均表现良好。彩色玉米的选育为玉米的鲜用、加工开辟更广阔的前景。  相似文献   

近年来,单倍体技术被人们广泛地应用于玉米育种中,为玉米育种创造了新的发展条件。单倍体技术的有效应用能够对玉米品种进行改良。介绍了单倍体技术的应用方向以及单倍体技术在玉米育种上的应用,并且展望了单倍体技术在玉米育种中的前景,为单倍体技术在玉米种植中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

国家种业发展政策提出,发展以企业为主体的商业化育种体系,其要义是使种子企业升级。种业要发展,企业是主体。种业发展、企业竞争,决胜于科研创新制高点。企业不能滞留于种子生产销售的层面,参与区域竞争、国际竞争,必须决胜于科研育种的高端层面。河南主要农作物育种现实又怎样呢,现作一分析。  相似文献   

玉米的单倍体育种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单倍体是指含有配子染色体数的个体,单倍体育种是生物技术与常规育种方法结合产生的一条新的育种途径.介绍了获得和鉴定玉米单倍体的方法、如何实现单倍体加倍以及在玉米育种中加以应用,并就玉米单倍体育种研究存在的问题及发展前景等提出了自己的见解.  相似文献   

龙源3号北京垦丰龙源种业科技有限公司独家生产经营的早熟玉米杂交种。2007年内蒙古自治区审定(蒙审玉2007014号)。  相似文献   

研究表明,发现供试的早熟优质蛋白玉米自交系苗期性状较普通玉米差异较大,而二者穗部性状差异较小,仅虫熟优质蛋白玉米的百粒重较普通玉米低10%以上。遗传分析表明,苗期叶面积,苗期叶干重,拨节期叶干重等性状,优质蛋白玉米与普通玉米均为非加性效应在遗传中占主导地位,粒径数均是加性效应在遗传中占比重较大;而喇叭口期叶面积,叶面积增长速率,出叶速率,平均灌浆速率,百粒重,单株穗重等性状,优质蛋白玉米以加性效应  相似文献   

王大春 《种子科技》2005,23(3):152-154
回顾了分子标记技术和转基因技术等基因工程技术在玉米遗传育种上的应用及所取得的成就,并就我国玉米育种的实际情况阐述了基因工程技术在玉米遗传育种上的运用所应该注意的问题.  相似文献   

菲律宾自2003年批准种植转基因玉米以来,发展迅速,2011年种植转基因玉米68.5万 hm2,已占到玉米总面积的26.9%;而双抗转基因玉米占到转基因玉米的94%,成为未来发展的主导趋势。分析表明,菲律宾玉米总产的提高得益于单产的提升,两者的相关系数达到0.98;玉米单产的提高与转基因玉米的大力推广关系密切,单产与转基因玉米普及率的相关系数为0.86,说明转基因玉米的推广对菲律宾玉米单产的提高和总产的增加有显著的积极作用。  相似文献   

不同玉米穗部性状的配合力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:本实验采用双列杂交的方法按照P(P-1)/2对9个不同的亲本材料进行配合力分析,结果表明:EGM、云油199、沈137等亲本材料的一般配合力高,EGM×云油199、沈137×云油199、T8×EGM等组合的特殊配合力高.从对各性状遗传参数的分析结果可知,各性状主要受加性基因遗传影响,而受环境条件的影响较小,均能较真实地将亲本的这4个性状遗传给杂交一代。  相似文献   

对我国玉米科研生产中若干问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我国是玉米生产和消费大国,育种单位众多,但所育品种同质化程度高,个性化品种少,品种寿命短.应组建生态区玉米育种中心,协作开发,提高玉米育种水平.对玉米品种审定、区试、扩展DNA指纹鉴定用途等提出建议.  相似文献   

对山西省玉米未来育种的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玉米是山西省主要的粮食作物,随着社会的发展,对玉米育种提出了更高要求。山西省气候和地形复杂,要因地制宜明确育种方向和采用先进的育种技术,选育适合的品种,使其能有效地提高农业资源的利用效率,从而提高玉米单位面积产量。  相似文献   

Atmospheric sulphur (S) depositions have been decreasing in Europe for the past 20 years. Up to now, there were no evidences of S deficiencies on cut grasslands in Belgium. The effects of S fertilisations together with incremental nitrogen (N) dressings were investigated in Belgium using small plot trials on cut grassland between 2001 and 2003. In 4 cases out of 13, S supply increased dry matter yields on average by 0.8 t ha−1 y−1. Response to S appeared to depend on the site, the year, the N fertilisation level and the soil. Grass S content was significantly increased and N:S ratio decreased by S fertilisation. High N:S ratio (>14) was observed in grasslands without S fertilisation even with a moderate N supply. It is concluded that S deficiency can be feared for cut grassland in Belgium mainly on light textured soils after a wet winter.  相似文献   

A precise assessment of the phosphorus (P) nutrition status of plants is necessary for an efficient P management in agricultural grasslands. Plant mineral analysis is a tool to identify the nutrition status of grasslands and several P indicators derived thereof are available. However, the interpretation of plant P indicators in grassland samples is complex due to variation in botanical composition, changing nutrient concentrations during growth and interactions between nutrients. The aim of this study was to compare indicators on the P nutrition status of plants and eventually to improve their application in agricultural grasslands. We studied three agricultural grassland types in Switzerland that were managed at different intensity either for high biodiversity or high forage production. Each grassland type was for 5–25 years subjected to treatments of low, recommended or high rates of P, nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) fertilizer. The recommended P rates ranged from 15 to 48 kg P ha−1 year−1. We measured plant P, N and K concentrations in the aboveground biomass of grasses, legumes and forbs. The evaluated P indicators were: P concentration, N:P and K:P ratios and the P nutrition index (PNI). The PNI is calculated as P concentration divided by the linear relationship describing optimal sward P concentration as a function of N concentration (PNI = 100P/(0.06 × 5N + 1.5)). We observed significant yield reduction compared to the expected yield only when one or more nutrients were omitted from fertilization. Fertilizer P input higher than recommended did not significantly increase yields above the yield expected for the respective management and altitude. Under P limiting conditions, forbs and legumes had significantly higher P concentrations than grasses. Additionally, the proportion of legumes affected the P indicators integrating N. Therefore, we used the P indicators in the grass fraction, which was always the main botanical fraction. In grasses all P indicators differentiated between P fertilized and non-P-fertilized treatments. Concentrations of P from 2.1 to 3.0 mg g−1 indicated sufficient P supply, while yield was reduced at lower and not increased at higher concentrations, suggesting luxurious P consumption. Our results for N:P and K:P suggested optimal ranges of 5.5–9.0 and 6.0–10.5, respectively. The PNI showed a clear differentiation between deficient, sufficient or surplus fertilizer inputs. For the precise and correct interpretation of the plant P nutrition status in agricultural grasslands under different management, we propose to use the PNI in the grass fraction. Finally, the interpretation of the indicators was valid for the agricultural grasslands managed at different intensities in spite that the grass fraction was composed by different species.  相似文献   

霉菌对储藏期玉米种子发芽率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了霉菌对储藏期玉米种子发芽率的影响,结果表明,当储藏玉米水分为14.5%和16.0%时,30℃下储藏50d,霉菌带菌量显著增多,发芽率降幅达到13%和34%;降低储藏温度可以抑制霉菌的生长,降低霉菌对玉米发芽率的影响。进一步的研究表明,玉米种子储藏在高湿环境下,子粒上含有分解能力强的霉菌种群或原始霉菌带菌量较高等因素均可加速种子发芽率的下降。  相似文献   

<正>自《中华人民共和国种子法》实施以来,实现了种子生产经营由垄断到竞争、计划到市场的转变。各种类型的种子公司和经营网点应运而生,方便了群众购买种子,但各种各样的种子充斥市场,扰乱了种子市场秩序,为农业生产埋下了安全隐患。1玉米种杂、乱的原因1.1品种多,种子杂随着体制改革不断深化,作为  相似文献   

简述了玉米雄性不育的类型及特点,不育系、保持系和恢复系的选育方法,对玉米种质改良及种子生产具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

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