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本文根据近海渔业资源衰退的实际,有针对性地提出渔业和渔业资源管理具体措施和建议,主要是:(1)削减捕捞力量,优化捕捞作业结构;(2)实施TAC制度;(3)渔获量配额管理和提高渔获物附加值;(4)伏季休渔和产卵场保护;(5)种群最小可捕标准和渔具最小尺寸;(6)重点保护生活史k选择的种群;(7)增殖放流明显衰退的经济种类;(8)杜绝毒、炸、电违规捕捞;(9)控制对沿岸海域的污染,保护渔业生态环境;(10)加强资源监测和预测,开展渔情预报;(11)完善渔业统计,建立渔捞记录制度;(12)强化渔业法和水产资源繁殖保护条例的宣传教育力度;(13)开展渔业资源普查工作等等。  相似文献   

正本刊讯为加快推动渔获物定点上岸制度实施,落实好《农业农村部办公厅关于组织开展渔获物定点上岸渔港申报工作的通知》(农办渔〔2019〕17号)要求,农业农村部渔业渔政管理局印发通知,公布了《渔获物定点上岸渔港申报标准》及《渔获物定点上岸渔港申报材料清单》。通知要求,沿海各省(区、市)渔业主管部门要加快工作进度,按照定点渔港标准,组织本辖区内符合条  相似文献   

<正>渔业统计是社会经济统计的重要组成部分,是制定渔业发展政策和措施的重要依据,还是支撑燃油补贴发放、养殖业问题研究、安全生产、项目建设等等的重要依据。上世纪80年代以前,我国属于集体经济,渔业统计数据都是由生产大队统计后逐级上报,统计数据比较准确,随着改革开放,包产到户,渔业统计工作便一直由县级水产技术推广部门  相似文献   

正本刊讯9月8日,农业农村部发布第334号公告,公布天津市北塘渔港等66座渔港被批准为第一批国家级海洋捕捞渔获物定点上岸渔港。据悉,公布海洋捕捞渔获物定点上岸渔港是落实经国务院批准发布的《农业部关于进一步加强国内渔船管控实施海洋渔业资源总量管理制度的通知》农渔发[2017]2号)中关于"实行渔获物定点上岸制度,建立上岸渔获物监督检查机制"要求的一项具体措施,其目的在于加快实施渔获物定点上岸制度,配合渔获物合法性标签和可追溯管理等相关措施,强化捕捞产出管理,推动渔业高质量发展。  相似文献   

为了进一步规范渔业船舶水上事故统计工作,全面掌握渔业船舶各类事故的发生情况,深入分析事故原因,为渔业安全生产决策提供及时有效的基础数据支撑,农业部于2007年3月开始启动《中华人民共和国渔业船舶水上事故报告和统计规定》(农渔发〔2004〕13号)的修订工作,并于2010年10月29日印发了《渔业船舶水上事故统计规定》(农渔发〔2010〕41号)。为了了解修订工作的有关情况,本刊记者采访了农业部渔政指挥中心李彦亮副主任。  相似文献   

中韩渔业协定实施后涉外渔业管理面临的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《中韩渔业协定》实施后,由于作业海域、船数、时间、方式及渔获物配额等方面的限制,对我国的渔业管理体制产生巨大冲击,由此而引发一系列问题。  相似文献   

国外生计渔业概念辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生计渔业是国外渔业分类的一种基本类型,近些年我国渔业管理研究领域也在探讨生计渔业管理问题。为厘清生计渔业的概念,本文对美国等国家以及FAO等国际组织有关生计渔业的概念界定进行了辨析,得到以下基本结论:(1)生计渔业在不同国家的界定不同,但传统作业习惯是各国界定生计渔业的共同基础;(2)渔获物主要用于个人或家庭消费是将生计渔业区别于商业渔业的主要内涵依据,但如何确定个人或家庭消费的范围存在差异性,且在管理上需要复杂、缜密和庞大的监测系统;(3)有诸多内涵性指标和外部表征可以用来界定生计渔业。但考虑到管理上的适用性,没有哪一种依据可以唯一性地明确、严格地将生计渔业区别于商业渔业,要界定生计渔业需要将多种依据综合起来考虑。  相似文献   

<正>2002年以来,江苏省按照农业部渔业局要求,积极开展养殖证制度建设,稳步推进养殖证发放工作,取得了良好成效。截止到2009年底,江苏省13个省辖市中有7个市的渔业养殖规划已经当地政府批准出台。县级渔业养殖规划出台率(已经政府批准)83.3%,基本出台率(经政府批准及已经上报政府待批)97.6%;《江苏省省属太湖、滆湖、高宝邵伯湖、骆马湖渔业养殖2006-2010年规划纲要》已经省人民政府同意后印发,《江苏省蒋家沙竹根沙海域2010-2015年渔业养殖规划》已上报省政府待批。  相似文献   

第二十七条 发放渔业捕捞许可证应具备下列材料和条件:(一)《渔业捕捞许可证申请书》;(二)《渔业船网工具指标批准书》原件(海洋捕捞渔船);(三)有效的《渔业船舶检验证书》原件和复印件;(四)有效的《渔业船舶登记(国籍)证书》原件和复印件;(五)渔具和捕捞方法符合国家规定标准;(六)《渔捞日志》(海洋大型、中型渔船再次申请渔业捕捞许可证);(七)农业部远洋渔业项目批准文件(公海作业的远洋渔船);(八)农业部规定的其他条件。发放专项(特许)渔业捕捞许可证应具备海洋或内陆渔业捕捞许可证。发放非专业远洋渔船公海渔业捕捞许可证,须将海洋渔…  相似文献   

胡海刚  周剑敏 《海洋渔业》2003,25(4):171-172,164
200海里专属经济区制度是当今世界海洋管理的一项基本制度,其核心内容之一就是要按照专属经济区的有关制度对渔业活动进行管理,养护和合理利用海洋生物资源。我国自1998年颁布专属经济区和大陆架法以来,依据《联合国海洋法公约》的精神,在200海里专属经济区制度框架下,与周边多个国家签署了双边渔业协定,其中有《中日渔业协定》(于2000年6月1日正式生效)和《中韩渔业协定》(于2001年6月30日正式生效)。渔业协定的实施,不仅对我国的传统渔业带来很大的影响,同时对渔  相似文献   

上岸渔获调查是调查渔业资源的主要方法之一。通过2010年9月至2011年8月监测海南岛主要渔港渔情,统计分析渔获上岸量、渔获组成和作业类型,评估南海渔业资源开发现状并提出建议。结果表明,1)低值幼鱼渔获比例超过40%,经济渔获蓝圆鲹(Decapterusmaruadsi)、带鱼(Trichiurushaumela)、马鲛(Scomber-morus)、眼镜鱼(Menemaculata)、金线鱼(Nemipterus)和头足类(Cephalopoda)的总和不足25%;2)蓝圆骖和带鱼是海南岛上岸渔获的优势种;3)拖网是海南岛近海渔获量最高的作业类型;4)海南岛近海底层渔业资源已严重衰退,远海中上层渔业资源具有巨大开发潜力。建议禁止海南岛近海拖网生产,允许南海休渔期间灯光围网和灯光罩网生产,通过增加远海作业船只的柴油补贴等途径扶持灯光围网和灯光罩网生产,构建“养护近海渔业、开发远海渔业”的新捕捞格局。  相似文献   

我国海洋渔业捕捞限额制度实施试点评析与完善建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐议  赵丽华 《水产学报》2021,45(4):613-620
2017—2018年我国沿海5省开展了捕捞限额制度实施试点,在实地调查的基础上,对试点渔业的捕捞限额制度实施情况进行了回顾和比较分析.试点渔业在利用专项捕捞许可制度限制捕捞准入、加强渔捞日志管理、试行观察员制度、吸纳基层渔民组织参与监管等方面进行了有益的探索.不同试点之间在实施捕捞限额管理的渔业资源种类选择、渔场和渔船...  相似文献   

Malaysian fisheries employ multiple measures to improve management; however, not all are well-suited to the multispecies fisheries. As part of a pilot project, an individual quota system was introduced for the purse-seine fishery off the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (ECPM), but no assessment of this particular measure nor the feasibly of its implementation has been confirmed. Therefore, this study analysed spatial and temporal patterns of purse-seine fishing, by collecting catch composition data per landing and its fishing ground within three period fishery surveys between August 2017 and September 2018 at six different landing sites. Similarity and cluster analysis examined species composition and diversity to determine the feasibility of implementing a single-species quota system in this multispecies fishery. Some overlapped of indices results and minor difference in catch composition were found due to changes in spatial and temporal fishing activities. However, no specific spatial or temporal patterns were discernible as structuring the fishing grounds used by purse-seiners. The absence of patterns, using the available data, might be attributable to huge species aggregations and widely distributed and homogenously mixed fish stocks. Thus, it is likely impractical to manage species individually in such a multispecies fishery.  相似文献   

福建海洋渔业捕捞现状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据1996~2008年在福建海区开展的渔业资源专项调查和渔业资源监测以及1990~2008年福建省渔业生产统计等相关资料,续"福建海区渔业资源利用现状浅析"之后,进一步分析福建省海洋捕捞现状和存在问题,提出有关渔业管理建议,为有关渔业管理部门在不断完善渔业管理制度提供参考。  相似文献   

A cointegration analysis is conducted to examine the effect of fishery subsidies on fisheries production using data compiled over more than 30 years in Japan. The results illustrate that one fishery production indicator (production value per fishermen) shows a positive relationship with one particular group of government financial transfer (GFT) (that is, government general service expenditures including cost for fishery managements, scientific researches, and other administrative activities). No other tested results between GFTs and fishery indicators showed a real relationship. Although further scrutiny is awaited, this study could provide an empirical basis for an argument that, under an effective fishing management system, fisheries subsidies do not necessarily cause production increases or negative impact on fishing stocks.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚渔业发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度尼西亚海域辽阔,渔业资源丰富,具有极大的发展潜力。本文在查阅近年来国内外相关文献基础上,着重介绍了印尼的渔业资源状况、管理方式、产品加工和国际合作等。印度尼西亚主要渔业类型为海洋捕捞和水产养殖业,其中金枪鱼渔业是最主要的捕捞业。近年来,水产养殖(如虾类、海藻等)逐渐成为印尼渔业的主要支柱;印尼渔业管理的主要部门为海洋事务与渔业部,地方各级渔业行政机构和渔业协会组织共同参与管理;印尼政府鼓励国外投资渔业,并大力促进海外渔业合作。  相似文献   

The inland fisheries of Sri Lanka are essentially artisanal on most of the reservoirs in the country. The annual inland fish production declined dramatically after 1990, when state patronage for the development of the inland fisheries was discontinued for 4 years. This decline was shown to be a result of growth overfishing of the two dominant cichlid species which accounted for over 90% of landings. This was a result of using small mesh ( < 6.9 cm) gillnets in the absence of the State-sponsored monitoring procedure in the fishery after 1990. This indicates that it is necessary to monitor inland fisheries management in Sri Lanka through a centralized authority in the current situation. However, in some Sri Lankan reservoirs, fishing communities can be categorized as 'organized' because they collectively make decisions to define procedures for the rational exploitation of the fishery resources. In reservoirs with 'organized' fishing, the communities themselves have developed mechanisms to regulate the landing sizes of dominant cichlid fish species through community-based fisheries management strategies. In such reservoirs, over-exploitation of fish stocks was not evident, even after 1990, when state-sponsored monitoring procedures were suspended. Based on these observations, an alternative approach is recommended for the management of Sri Lankan reservoir capture fisheries in which the Government and resource-users have equal responsibilities in the management of the resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The recruitment abundance index of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis was estimated from 1980 to 2003 fishing year by using the troll fishery data in Nagasaki Prefecture, western Japan. It has been shown that the troll fishery in Nagasaki Prefecture operates with good time–area coverage of the species habitat, and that the fishing power slightly changed during the period analyzed, based on fisheries statistics, published information, and interviews with the fishers. Average catch per unit effort (CPUEs) were standardized by a generalized linear model (GLM) considering the effects of fishing year, season and landing area. Standardized CPUE of age-0 bluefin tuna showed larger fluctuations year by year than the nominal CPUE combined for all ages. High CPUEs in fishing years of 1981, 1994, 1996 and 1999 were observed. Data from these years agreed with the higher recruitments estimated by virtual population analysis (VPA) or higher catch of age-0 fish reported for the Pacific side. The age-specific standardized CPUE of age-0 bluefin tuna in this study was judged to be a useful indicator of recruitment.  相似文献   

The daggertooth pike conger, Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål), has become an important fish resource in the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan, since the 1990s. However, introducing sustainable fisheries resource management for this species is difficult in this region because stock assessments have not been performed, and official fisheries statistics for this stock were discontinued after 2007. This study used existing limited data sets to compile the first report for fisheries resource management for this M. cinereus stock. Yield‐per‐recruit analyses showed that increasing fishing pressure above current levels would provide only a minimal increase in expected catch levels. Hence, the current harvest level is considered to represent the upper limit of fishing pressure. Age composition in a given year could potentially be used to forecast landing abundance for the following 2 years. This study provides a basis for establishing effective fisheries resource management strategies for M. cinereus.  相似文献   

通过文献研究,对日本资源管理型渔业体系下的典型作业方式管理措施进行梳理,以期对我国典型作业方式准入制度的构建和完善提供参考。对围网、底拖网、刺网和流网、定置网及鱿钓等5种日本渔业主要作业方式的管理措施体系进行了分类和介绍,认为日本的渔业管理通过不同层级的权限许可,根据海洋渔业资源的自然属性差异采取区域化的管理模式,并以恢复渔业资源为目标,逐步推进从总可捕量管理制度向捕捞努力量控制制度的转变。  相似文献   

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