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Tacrolimus ointment (TAC) is an effective treatment for atopic dermatitis in humans and dogs. The purposes of the present study were to evaluate the effect of 4 weeks of TAC on intradermal skin testing (IST), and in case of suppression, to investigate if reactivity returned to baseline by 2 or 4 weeks post treatment. Intradermal skin test was performed using saline, histamine, lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 0.4 mg mL(-1)), house dust (25 PNU mL(-1)) and house dust mite (1 : 40 000 w/v) at weeks 0, 4, 6 and 8 on nine dogs enrolled in a blinded, crossover, clinical trial, using 0.1% TAC or placebo once daily for 4 weeks. Reactions were evaluated at 15 min, and at 4 and 6 h. Ointment was applied after the 15-min evaluation on weeks 0 and 4. Data were analysed using the statistical software SAS System for Windows. At week 4, TAC did not affect 15-min IST, but some reactions in the TAC group were suppressed at 6 h compared to baseline. In the TAC group, 4-h IST reactivity was reduced 2 weeks after discontinuation but returned to baseline by 4 weeks. In conclusion, TAC has no effect on immediate reactions but decreased some late-phase reactions. Therefore, no withdrawal is recommended to evaluate only immediate reactions, but a 4-week withdrawal may be necessary for evaluation of late-phase reactions.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a new perspective in the diagnosis of dermatitis in dogs with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. The results obtained with CMG IMMUNODOT tests using the technique of allergen-specific strip tests, as employed for human allergy diagnosis, were compared with those obtained by the intradermal skin test (IDST). Forty-eight cases completed the diagnostic evaluation, which included IDST, flea-control program, exclusion of sarcoptes and, for some cases, a 1- to 2-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source diet and testing the serum in the presence of allergen-specific IgE and total IgE. The most common disorders included house and storage dust mites, allergic dermatitis and flea-allergic dermatitis together with atopy. This was confirmed serologically. In the case of positive IDST to pollens, Aspergillus spp. and cat epithelium, CMG IMMUNODOT strip tests were negative. A total of 25% of cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, but only 4% were confirmed serologically. This study emphasizes the value of CMG IMMUNODOT tests as a support in the diagnosis of dog allergy.  相似文献   

Feline and canine atopic dermatitis are thought to have a similar immunopathogenesis. As with dogs, detection of allergen‐specific IgE in cat serum merely supports a diagnosis of feline atopy based on compatible history, clinical signs and elimination of other pruritic dermatoses. In this study, a rapid screening immunoassay (Allercept® E‐Screen 2nd Generation; Heska AG, Fribourg, Switzerland; ES2G) was compared with a complete‐panel serum allergen‐specific IgE assay (Allercept®; Heska AG; CP) in healthy cats with no history of skin disease and in atopic cats. The latter had no diagnosis of external parasitism, infection, food hypersensitivity or other skin disease explaining their pruritus, and expressed cutaneous reaction patterns typically associated with feline allergic skin disease (head, neck or pinnal pruritus, miliary dermatitis, self‐induced alopecia, eosinophilic granuloma complex). The proportion of cats positive on either the ES2G or the CP assays was not significantly different between the atopic and healthy cat groups. There was, however, strong agreement between the results of the ES2G and CP assay; overall, the two tests were in agreement for 43 of 49 (88%) serum samples. There was also strong agreement when individual allergen groups were evaluated (agreement noted: indoor, 41 of 49 samples; grasses/weeds, 37 of 49 samples; and trees, 41 of 49 samples). These results indicate that although neither test is diagnostic for feline atopic dermatitis, the screening assay is beneficial for predicting the results of a complete‐panel serum allergen‐specific IgE assay in cats.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the intradermal test (IDT) and the serological allergy test (SAT) for detecting antigen‐specific IgE in allergic cats has not yet been established. In this study, we compared the results of IDT with those of SAT and evaluated the clinical usefulness of the two tests for detecting possible allergens in allergic cats. IDT and SAT using eight antigens were performed on 22 cats with intense pruritus after excluding ectoparasites and performing diet elimination tests. Approximately 50% of the cats reacted to at least one allergen by either IDT or SAT, and 36.4% of the cats reacted on both IDT and SAT. In contrast, seven healthy cats did not show any reactions on IDT or SAT. The most commonly detected allergen in both tests was house dust mites (IDT, 36.4%; SAT, 40.9%). Five cats reacted to one allergen and the others reacted to more than one allergen with IDT. Three cats reacted to one allergen with SAT. The following percentage agreement between the results of the two tests was calculated: house dust mites (86.4%), cat fleas (63.6%), grass mix (86.4%), common mugwort (81.8%), cat epithelia (90.9%), ragweed (86.4%), Japanese cedar (90.9%), and plantain (81.8%). The overall mean percentage agreement was 83.5%. In summary, the present study showed good agreement between IDT and SAT for cats, and SAT may be more sensitive than IDT, but less specific for detecting sensitized allergens. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare an ELISA measuring serum allergen-specific IgE with intradermal skin testing in canine atopic dermatitis. PROCEDURE: Eighty-four dogs with the clinical diagnosis of atopic dermatitis underwent intradermal skin testing and serum testing for allergen-specific IgE. Tests were performed in a blinded fashion. Positive reactions were compared and the sensitivity and specificity of the serum test (using intradermal skin test as the standard) were determined overall and for individual allergen groups (grass pollens, weed pollens, tree pollens, house dust mites and fleas). RESULTS: The sensitivity of the ELISA overall was 90.4%. Evaluating the individual allergen groups, the sensitivity for dust mite hypersensitivity was 95.1%, for fleas 85.4%, for tree pollens 84.3%, for grass pollens 95.1% and for weed pollens 96.4%. The specificity was 91.6% overall, for dust mites 96.3%, for fleas 92.7%, for tree pollens 95.2%, for grass pollens 94% and for weed pollens 80.7%. CONCLUSION: The evaluated ELISA seemed reliable for the diagnosis of atopy in practice and can be recommended as a screening test prior to intradermal skin testing or for use in dogs when immunotherapy is not a therapeutic option.  相似文献   

We compared the effect of propofol and saline control on intradermal test reactions in dogs with atopic dermatitis undergoing outpatient intradermal testing (IDT). Nineteen dogs were used in this clinical study. Patients were randomly allocated to receive either intravenous (IV) propofol or IV 0.9% saline, and IDT was performed on the right or left (randomized) lateral thorax. One investigator, unaware of the treatments, interpreted all IDT results. Injection sites were analysed using a subjective and objective method. A value of P or= 1+ on all dogs, significantly more positive sites were apparent during propofol sedation than during saline administration. In addition, the greater number of individual dogs experiencing more positive reactions >or= 1+ during propofol sedation was significant. When subjectively analysing reactions >or= 2+, the greater number of positive reactions and the greater number of dogs with more positive reactions observed during propofol treatment was not significantly different from the saline control. When analysed objectively, the greater number of positive reactions observed during propofol sedation was not significant. A greater number of dogs had higher subjective scores and larger objective measurements during propofol sedation compared with saline administration. In summary, propofol sedation was associated with an overall greater number of positive IDT reactions compared with the saline control. Although not always significant, this difference should be considered when choosing propofol for skin testing dogs with atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

Background – Dogs and humans with atopic dermatitis (AD) are predisposed to colonization and recurrent infection with Staphylococcus spp. Studies in humans suggest that staphylococcus‐specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) plays a key role in disease pathogenesis. Few such studies have been undertaken in dogs. Hypothesis/Objectives – The aim of this study was to compare levels of staphylococcus‐specific IgE and immunoglobulin G (IgG) in dogs with AD, nonatopic dogs with staphylococcal pyoderma, and nonatopic and noninfected control dogs. Animals – Sera were collected from 108 dogs with AD, 39 nonatopic dogs with staphylococcal pyoderma secondary to different underlying conditions, 67 age‐matched nonatopic control dogs, and nine control dogs reared in minimal disease conditions. Methods – Serum Staphylococcus pseudintermedius‐specific IgE and IgG antibodies were measured by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Results – Dogs with AD had significantly higher levels of anti‐staphylococcal IgE than nonatopic dogs with staphylococcal pyoderma and the two groups of control dogs. Levels of anti‐staphylococcal IgG were significantly higher in atopic dogs and nonatopic dogs with pyoderma compared with nonatopic control dogs and control dogs reared in minimal disease conditions, but there was no significant difference in levels of anti‐staphylococcal IgG between dogs with AD and nonatopic dogs with pyoderma. Conclusions and clinical importance – A significantly increased IgE response to S. pseudintermedius antigens in atopic dogs suggests an immunopathogenic role for anti‐staphylococcal IgE. The finding of elevated IgE and IgG in atopic dogs is also important as a prelude to studies on antigenic specificity and possible correlations with disease phenotype.  相似文献   

The natural occurrence of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollinosis has been reported in dogs with atopic dermatitis. However, the reactivity to Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) pollen allergens in these dogs has not been reported. The present study was designed to investigate the reactivity to Japanese cypress pollen allergens in dogs sensitized to Japanese cedar pollen allergens. In 19 dogs with specific IgE to C. japonica pollen allergen, we measured the specific IgE to C. obtusa pollen allergen and examined the reactivity to the allergen by intradermal test. Of the 19 dogs, 18 had specific IgE to crude and purified major allergens (Cha o 1) of C. obtusa pollen. Most of the dogs showed a positive reaction to C. obtusa pollen allergens in the intradermal test. Allergenic cross-reactivity between Cha o 1 and Cry j 1 (a major allergen in C. japonica pollen) was observed by the ELISA inhibition method. Dogs sensitized to Japanese cedar pollen allergens demonstrate reactivity to Japanese cypress pollen allergens.  相似文献   

An intradermal allergy test (IDT) is an important diagnostic tool for identifying offending allergens in canine atopic dermatitis. No standardized method of scoring an IDT has been described. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a correlation between a conventional, subjective IDT scoring method based on perceived wheal diameter, erythema, and turgor (0-4+) and an objective scoring method based on measuring wheal diameter alone. Thirty-four atopic dogs were skin tested with 68 different allergens. All skin tests were performed according to standard procedures, and any IDT score ≥2+ was considered clinically significant. When the subjective IDT scores were compared with the objective IDT scores in all dogs, there was a moderate level of correlation overall (r=0.457; P <0.0001). The highest level of agreement between subjective and objective scores was noted with the reactions assigned subjective scores of "0" and "2+." Overall, there was a slight level of agreement between subjective and objective scores based on clinical significance (i.e., subjective scores ≥2+; κ=0.20; P <0.0001). In conclusion, the authors believe that the objective scoring method used in this study may provide a point of reference for inexperienced individuals (dermatology residents, veterinarians, technicians) when learning to grade an IDT.  相似文献   

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