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This report describes an uncommon variant of humpy-back syndrome associated with multiple rib fractures and multisystemic vasculitis in several nursing piglets and, for the first time, a skin disease in swine consistent with alopecia areata. Both conditions were observed concurrently on the farm and occasionally in the same piglets.  相似文献   

A case of alopecia areata (pelade) is described in a cow. Alopecia areata is a rare idiopathic dermatosis of cattle. It is characterized by asymptomatic, solitary or multiple, annular areas of noninflammatory alopecia. Scrapings and cultures are negative, and the diagnosis is confirmed by skin biopsies taken from early lesions, which reveal accumulations of lymphocytes around the bulbs of anagen hair follicles. There is no known effective and practical treatment for affected cattle. The dermatitis is a cosmetic problem, but does not seem to affect general health and production, and spontaneous remission may occur.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old, thoroughbred mare was presented with an 8-year history of multifocal, generalized, noninflammatory alopecia and a 3-month history of alopecia, erythema and scaling of the white star on the forehead and muzzle. Histopathological examination of biopsy samples from multiple sites on the body (mane, neck, shoulder, flank and gluteal region) showed a subtle lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate affecting and surrounding the anagen hair bulbs, consistent with a diagnosis of alopecia areata. The biopsy sample from the star on the forehead showed atrophic hair follicles with perifollicular and mural mononuclear folliculitis affecting the isthmus. Immunohistochemical staining with a CD3 marker confirmed the T-lymphocytic origin of the inflammatory infiltrate in all the samples. The concurrent presence of lymphocytic infiltration at the bulbar and isthmic level of the hair follicles in the same horse is unusual. This finding may represent a variation of the histological appearance of alopecia areata.  相似文献   

Alopecia areata (AA) can be induced in C3H/HeJ mice by grafting full-thickness AA-affected skin. An 8- to 12-week delay between surgery and overt hair loss onset provides an opportunity to examine disease pathogenesis. Normal haired C3H/HeJ mice were sham-grafted or grafted with AA-affected skin. Mice were euthanatized 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks after surgery along with chronic AA-affected mice as a positive control. Until 6 weeks after grafting, inflammation was only evident around anagen-stage hair follicles in host skin adjacent to but not distant from the AA-affected graft. From 8 weeks on, AA-grafted but not sham-grafted mice exhibited a diffuse dermal inflammation at distant sites that progressively focused on anagen-stage hair follicles at 10 and 12 weeks. Perifollicular inflammation was primarily composed of CD4+ and CD8+ cells associated with follicular epithelium intercellular adhesion molecule -1 expression. Only CD8+ cells penetrated intrafollicularly by 12 weeks after surgery, although both CD4+ and CD8+ intrafollicular cells were observed in chronic AA-affected mice. Under electron microscopy, intrafollicular lymphocyte and macrophage infiltration associated with hair follicle dystrophy was prominent 10 weeks after surgery, primarily within the differentiating outer and inner root sheaths. This study shows that focal follicular inflammation develops some time in advance of overt hair loss and focuses on the differentiating root sheaths in C3H/HeJ mice. The severity of inflammation and the degree of hair follicle dystrophy induced by the infiltrate appear to reach a threshold level before overt hair loss occurs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Alopecia universalis was diagnosed in a 3-year-old brown Percheron mare. Clinical and histo-pathologic findings in this previously unreported condition in the horse are described.  相似文献   

《Veterinary dermatology》2000,11(3):191-203
Dr Stannard explains different forms of alopecia in the horse with emphasis on the hair follicle and its function in the production of hairs. Both normal and abnormal patterns of hair growth and shedding in the horse are reviewed. Overviews of several specific hair follicle abnormalities, both inflammatory and noninflammatory, are discussed in detail with their clinical relevance. Some of the clinical entities covered in this section (linear alopecia and alopecia areata) are caused by immunological attack against normal structures and could have been placed in Immunologic diseases. However, because the clinical presentation for these entities is alopecia, Dr Stannard chose to include them in his notes on alopecia. Other inclusions in this section include cutaneous bacterial infections (e.g. pastern folliculitis and dermatophilosis) as well as fungal infections of the hair (dermatophytosis).  相似文献   

A A Fedorov 《Veterinariia》1967,44(11):91-92

奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒(SARA)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要介绍奶牛亚急性瘤胃酸中毒的概念、症状、诊断及预防。  相似文献   

Abstract— A 10-year-old male Labrador Retriever dog presented with alopecia and scaling that was extensive in the head and limb regions and patchy over the trunk. The major histopathological feature was degeneration of the outer root sheath with disruption of keratinocytes and formation of cystic spaces filled with mucin. A diagnosis of follicular mucinosis was made. This case report represents the first case of this syndrome in the canine species.
Résumé— Un Labrador, mâle de 10 ans est présenté pour une alopécie squameuse, extensive, de la tête, des membres, et en "taches" sur le tronc. La lésion histopathologique principale est une dégénérescence de la gaine externe du poil avec dislocation des kératinocytes et la formation d'espaces kystiques remplis de mucine. Un diagnostic de mucinose folliculaire a été fait. Ce caqs est le premier décrit chez le chien. [Bell, A., Oliver, F. Alopecia mucinosa (follicular mucinosis) in a dog (Alopecia Mucinosa (mucinose folliculaire) chez un chien).  相似文献   

Trachyonychia associated with alopecia areata was diagnosed in an 8-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. Clinical and histological findings are described in this respectively unreported and rare condition in the dog.  相似文献   

Abstract A combination of cellular and humoral immunological assaults directed against follicular matrical cells is suspected to cause alopecia areata (AA) in humans. The specific aims of this study were to determine whether cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were increased in the blood and skin lesions of canine AA. Additionally, we wished to determine if circulating antifollicular antibodies were present in the dog. Finally, we aimed to investigate whether bulbar inflammation was associated with decreased matrical cell proliferation and keratinocyte apoptosis. Canine AA lesions were infiltrated by intrabulbar CTL, perifollicular helper T cells and dendritic cells. A higher percentage of CTL was present in canine AA peripheral blood compared with that of normal dogs. Tissue-fixed and circulating antifollicular IgG antibodies were detected. Reduced matrical proliferation and increased keratinocyte apoptosis was observed in inflamed hair bulbs. This study demonstrates the existence of antifollicular cell-mediated and humoral immunological responses in canine AA. Résumé— L'association d'agressions immunologiques cellulaires et humorales dirigées contre les cellules matricielles folliculaires est suspectée d'être à l'origine de l'Alopécie Areata chez l'homme. Le but de cette étude était de montrer si le nombre de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques est augmenté dans le sang et dans les lésions cutanées lors d'Alopécie Areata chez le chien. En plus, nous souhaitions montrer la présence d'anticorps circulants antifolliculaire chez le chien. Enfin, nous voulions voir si l'inflammation du bulbe pileux était associée à une diminution de la prolifération des cellules matricielles et une apoptose des kératinocytes. Lors d'Alopécie Areata chez le chien, existe une infiltration lésionnelle par des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques intrabulbaires, des lymphocytes T auxiliaires périfolliculaires et des cellules dentritiques. Le pourcentage de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques était plus important dans le sang périphérique provenant de sujets à Alopécie Areata que dans le sang d'animaux sains. Par ailleurs, des anticorps antifolliculaire (IgG) circulants et fixés dans les tissus sont détectés. Une réduction de la prolifération des cellules matricielles et une augmentation de l'apoptose des kératinocytes sont observées dans les bulbes pileux atteints. Cette étude démontre l'existence de réponses immunologiques cellulaires et humorales contre le follicule pileux dans l'Alopécie Areata du chien. [Olivry, T., Moore, P.F., Naydan, D.K., Puget, B.J., Affolter, V.K., Kline, A.E. Antifollicular cell-mediated and humoral immunity in canine alopecia areata (Immunité contre le follicule pileux dans l'Alopécie Areata du chien). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 67–79.] Resumen Se cree que la alopecia areata (AA) en la especie humana resulta de la combinación de la acción inmunológica celular y humoral contra células de la matriz folicular. Los objetivos especificos de este estudio fueron determinar si los linfocitos T citotóxicos (CTL) se encontraban aumentados en sangre y en las lesiones cutáneas de animales con AA. Además, descamos investigar la posible presencia de anticuerpos antifoliculares circulantes en el perro. Finalmente, nos propusimos investigar si la inflamación bulbar se encontraba asociada a una disminución en la proliferación de células de la matriz y a la apoptosis de queratinocitos. Las lesiones de la AA canina mostraban infiltración por CTL intrabulbares, células T colaboradoras y células dendríticas. Se encontró un porcentaje mayor de CTL en la sangre periférica de perros con AA respecto a perros normales. Se detectaron anticuerpos IgG antifoliculares circulantes y en tejido fijado. Se observó una disminución en la proliferación matrical y un aumento en queratinocitos apoptóticos en los bulbos foliculares inflamados. Este estudio demuestra la existencia de respuestas inmunitarias antifoliculares de tipo celular y humoral en la AA canina. [Olivry, T., Moore, P.F., Naydan, D.K., Puget, B.J., Affolter, V.K., Kline, A.E. Antifollicular cell-mediated and humoral immunity in canine alopecia areata (Immunidad antifolicular en la alopecia areata canina). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 67–79.] Zusammenfassung— Eine Kombinaton von zellulären und humoralen immunologischen Angriffen, die gegen die follikulären Matrixzellen gerichtet sind, wird als Ursache bei der Alopecia areata (AA) des Menschen vermutet. Die besondere Absicht dieser Studie war, festzustellen, ob die zytotoxischen T-Lymphozyten (CTL) im Blut und in den Hautveränderungen bei kaniner AA erhöht sind. Zusätzlich wollten wir feststellen, ob beim Hund zirkulierende antifollikuläre Antikörper vorkommen. Schließlich beabsichtigten wir, zu untersuchen, ob die bulbäre Entzündung mit verminderter Matrixzellproliferation und Keratinozytenapoptose einhergeht. Die Veränderungen bei kaniner AA wurden von intrabulbären CTL, perifollikulären T-Helferzellen und dendritischen Zellen infiltriert. Verglichen mit dem peripheren Blut gesunder Hunde kam bei kaniner AA eine höherer Prozentsatz an CTL vor. Es wurden gewebsfixierte und zirkulierende antifollikuläre IgG-Antikörper festgestellt. In entzündeten Haarbulbi wurde eine reduzierte Matrixproliferation und eine erhöhte Keratinozytenapoptose beobachtet. Diese Studie zeigt die Existenz von antifollikulären zellvermittelten und humoralen immunologischen Reaktionen bei kaniner AA. [Olivry, T., Moore, P. F., Naydan, D. K., Puget, B. J., Affolter, V. K., Kline, A. E. Antifollicular immunity in canine alopecia areata (Antifollikuläre Immunität bei der Alopecia areata des Hundes). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 67–79.]  相似文献   

Sixteen Pomeranians and eight miniature poodles presenting with clinical signs of alopecia X, elevated blood concentrations of 17-hydroxyprogesterone post stimulation with adrenocorticotropic hormone and increased urinary cortisol/creatinine ratios were treated with trilostane, a competitive inhibitor of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Trilostane was given once or twice daily at a mean dose of 10.85 mg kg(-1) day(-1). Adrenal function was evaluated with a follow-up of 28 months in the Pomeranians and 33 months in the miniature poodles. Treatment with trilostane led to complete hair re-growth in 85% of the Pomeranians and in all of the miniature poodles within 4 to 8 weeks. No adverse events attributed to treatment with trilostane were recognized. The hair re-growth might have been the result of a down-regulation of adrenal steroids and/or of the noncompetitive inhibition of the oestrogen receptors at the hair follicle level.  相似文献   

利用中草药对绵羊 (牧羊 )秃毛症进行综合治疗 ,收到满意的疗效  相似文献   

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