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A case of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma with concurrent Sertoli cell tumor is presented in an old, miniature Schnauzer dog. The prostatic neoplasm was highly anaplastic and had metastasized widely. Clinical signs were compatible with increased estrogen production. It is interesting to note that the prostatic carcinoma, usually considered to be androgen dependent, developed and metastasized, despite the presence of apparently increased estrogen levels.  相似文献   

A 9-month-old male Miniature Schnauzer was examined because of a lifelong history of behavioral abnormalities, including hypodipsia. Diagnostic evaluation revealed marked hypernatremia and a single forebrain ventricle. The behavioral abnormalities did not resolve with correction of the hypernatremia, and the dog was euthanatized. At necropsy, midline forebrain structures were absent or reduced in size, and normally paired forebrain structures were incompletely separated. Findings were diagnostic for holoprosencephaly, a potentially genetic disorder and the likely cause of the hypodipsia. Similar evaluation of affected Miniature Schnauzer dogs may reveal whether holoprosencephaly routinely underlies the thirst deficiency that may be seen in dogs of this breed.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old female spayed Miniature Schnauzer was presented for investigation of an intra‐nasal mass. The mass was diagnosed by histopathologic examination as an undifferentiated round cell neoplasm with an infiltrate of segmented leukocytes, interpreted as neutrophilic inflammation. The mass was treated with palliative radiation and systemic chemotherapy due to the presence of regional lymph node metastasis. During subsequent monitoring over several months, the peripheral leukocyte concentration was repeatedly within reference intervals to slightly increased with low numbers of toxic neutrophils. Four months after the initial diagnosis, there was a significant leukocytosis of 66 100 cells/μL, and 39 700 cells/μL of the leukocytes had variably mature, lobulated, and hypolobulated nuclei, and grey cytoplasm with clear vacuoles, resembling grey eosinophils. To further characterize these cells, peripheral blood smears from the patient and a canine control with eosinophilia were stained for alkaline phosphatase (AP), peroxidase, and esterase activities, and with Luxol fast blue (LFB). Histopathologic sections of the nasal mass were stained with LFB and immunohistochemically for tryptase. On blood smears, the cytoplasm of the suspected grey eosinophils stained for AP and granules stained with LFB confirmed that there was an eosinophilic lineage. Peroxidase staining was weak, and esterase staining was absent. On histopathologic sections from the nasal mass, the segmented leukocytes contained LFB‐staining granules, indicating an eosinophilic infiltrate was present. Neoplastic cells expressed tryptase, which confirms a mast cell lineage. Our findings suggest that grey eosinophils might be under‐recognized and interpreted incorrectly as toxic neutrophils. This report expands the canine breeds in which these eosinophils have been identified.  相似文献   

Congenital cataracts and microphthalmia in the Miniature Schnauzer were inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Eighteen matings of affected X affected Miniature Schnauzers resulted in 87 offspring with congenital cataracts and microphthalmia (49 males/38 females). Two matings of congenital cataractous and microphthalmic Miniature Schnauzers (2 females) X a normal Miniature Schnauzer (1 male) yielded 11 clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers (7 males/4 females). Eighteen matings of congenital cataractous and microphthalmic Miniature Schnauzers (6 males) X carrier Miniature Schnauzers (9 females) produced 81 offspring; 39 exhibited congenital cataracts and microphthalmia (20 males/19 females) and 42 had clinically normal eyes (17 males/25 females).  相似文献   

Tumours are rare in the bovine testicle. A case of malignant Sertoli cell tumour in a 29‐month‐old Simmenthal bull that was hospitalized with a history of severe unilateral scrotal swelling is reported. On inspection and palpation, the scrotal sac was found enlarged with fluctuant content in the right side. The right testicle was enlarged, hard and indolent. Also the right plexus pampiniformis and funiculus spermaticus were enlarged. Sonograms revealed severe changes in the right testicle with a loss of homogeneity and multiple hyperechogenic areas. After slaughter, the scrotum with testicles were removed and evaluated pathologically. On section, the right testicle contained areas of necrosis, haemorrhage, and mineralization. Histology showed Sertoli cells in tubular structures surrounded by dense fibrous stroma replacing normal testicular tissue. Both lymphatic and blood vessels were infiltrated by neoplastic cells. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells stained positive for vimentin and negative for cytokeratin and S‐100. Based on the pathological observations a diagnosis of right‐sided malignant Sertoli cell tumour with vascular invasion and hydrocele was established.  相似文献   

A persistent ductus venosus was diagnosed in a 4-month-old Old English sheepdog. Total occlusion of blood flow to the liver was achieved through heparinization, hepatic artery occlusion, and placement of bypass cannulas from the portal vein and caudal vena cava to the right atrium. Intracaval closure of the ductus venosus then was accomplished. Despite postoperative complications of continued hemorrhage and acute renal uremia, the animal recovered. The neurologic abnormalities exhibited before surgery resolved, and the dog became more active and gained weight. The dog died due to undetermined causes three months after surgery. The ductus venosus was found to be closed, and the liver was markedly increased in size at necropsy.  相似文献   

An 8‐year‐old, mixed breed, polled goat was presented for evaluation of male‐like behaviour. Clinical findings included clitoromegaly, a heavily muscled neck, pronounced beard, and erect dorsal guard hairs, which are phenotypic characteristics commonly observed in intersex animals. Transrectal ultrasonography revealed the presence of two abdominal masses caudolateral to the uterine horns. Serum concentration of estradiol was elevated. Genetic evaluation was compatible with polled intersex syndrome defined by an XX karyotype without a Y chromosome or SRY gene. Based on gross and histologic evaluation, the abdominal masses were determined to be intra‐abdominal testes, each of which was effaced by Sertoli cell and interstitial (Leydig) cell tumours. The Sertoli cell tumours (SCTs) represented two unique histologic patterns. Regardless of pattern, neoplastic Sertoli cells were consistently lipid laden and positive for vimentin. Interstitial cell tumours (ICTs) were negative for vimentin. Clinical and histopathologic findings suggest that prolonged exposure to steroids secreted by neoplastic Sertoli cells contributed to virilization. In addition, results from immunohistochemistry indicated that vimentin may be a valuable immunodiagnostic tool for differentiation between interstitial and Sertoli cell tumours in goats.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Tumours of the ciliary epithelium in the dog can be diagnosed clinically, because they are circumscribed and have a characteristic pink colour.
A case is described in which the histological structure corresponds to the adult medullo-blastoma in man.
It is suggested that some pigment in an intraocular tumour is no proof that the tumour originates necessarily from a pigment-forming tissue.
Résumé— —Les tumeurs de l'épithélium ciliaire, chez le chien, peuvent être diagnostiquées clinique-ment parce qu'elles sont circonscrites et ont une couleur rose caractéristique. Un cas dont l'aspect histologique est comparable à celui de médullo-blastome de l'homme est décrit.
Il est avancé que la présence de pigments en petites quantités dans une tumeur intra-oculaire ne suffit pas à prouver que la tumeur provient d'un tissu formant des pigments.
Zusammenfassung— —Die klinische Diagnose von Tumoren des Ziliarepithels beim Hund lässt sich aufgrund ihrer klaren Abgrenzung und der charakteristischen rosa Farbe stellen. Es wird ein Fall beschrieben, in dem der histologische Befund dem eines Erwachsenen-Medulloblastoms beim Menschen entspricht.
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, daß die Anwesenheit von Pigment in einem intraokularen Tumor keineswegs beweist, daß dieser Tumor seinen Ursprung in pigmentbildendem Gewebe hat.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old spayed female Whippet with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome was treated with a specific thromboxane synthetase inhibitor (3-methyl-2[3-pyridyl]-1-indoleoctanoic acid), resulting in decreased proteinuria and resolution of ascites and edema. Glomerular histology, however, appeared unaffected by treatment. Discontinuation of treatment for 10 weeks resulted in increased proteinuria and decreased serum albumin concentrations that were again attenuated when treatment was reinitiated. Thromboxane synthetase inhibitors have been used successfully to treat experimentally induced glomerulonephritis in several species and this treatment appears to hold promise for naturally occurring glomerulonephritis in dogs.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A routine of clinical examination is given. The clinical signs obtained by this examination which would suggest heart disease in the dog are discussed. Having diagnosed heart disease, the diagnosis is refined further to consider the specific heart diseases which are clinically separable. Résumé— —Une routine d'examens cliniques est présentée. Les signes cliniques obtenus par cet examen et qui suggèreraient des maladies de coeur chez le chien sont discutés. Ayant diagnostiqué une maladie de coeur, la diagnose va plus loin et considère les maladies spécifiques du coeur qui sont cliniquement séparables. Zusammenfassung— —Darstellung eines Routineverfahrens bei klinischen Untersuchungen. Die durch diese Untersuchungen vorgefundenen Anzeichen, welche Herzfehler bei Hunden andeuten könnten, werden besprochen. Nach diagnostiziertem Herzfehler wird die Diagnose zur Berücksichtigung spezifisher Herzfehler, die klinisch separierbar sind, ausgebaut.  相似文献   

Abstract— An aged dog with a chronic, bilateral, bacterial otitis externa developed bilateral squamous cell carcinomas of the pinna. The tumours were located where the pinna would cover the external auditory meatus and probably were induced by the chronic infection.
Résumé— Un chien agé souftrant d'otite externe bactérienne chronique bilatérale présenta un épithelioma spinocellulaire bilatéral des pavilions auriculaires. Les tumeurs étaient situées là où les pavilions auraient recourvert le méat auriculaire et furent sans doute provoqués par l'infection chronique.
Zusammenfassung— Ein alter Hund mit einer chronischen, bilateralen, bakteriell bedingten Otitis externa entwickelte Plattenepithelkarzinome en beiden Ohrmuscheln. Diese Tumore traten an der Pinna exakt an der Mündung des äußeren Gehörgangs auf, und sind möglicherweise durch die chronische Infektion induziert worden.
Resumen  Un perro de edad avanzada que presentaba una otitis externa bilateral bacteriana crónica desarrolló unos carcinomas de células escamosas bilaterales del pabellón auditivo. Los tumores estaban localizados en la entrada del meato auditivo y probablemente fueron inducidos por la infección crónica.  相似文献   

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