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The climate-related problems that affect animal production in tropical countries have encouraged seeking solutions to increase herd productivity and one alternative is the use of breeds adapted to high-temperature environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature on 77 Caracu and Nelore males submitted to three different environments: morning period (8:00 to 10:00 AM), afternoon in the sun, and afternoon in a shaded environment (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM). The following physiological parameters were measured in each treatment: heart and respiration rates, rectal and dorsal surface temperatures, and cortisol level. The data were analyzed with the MIXED procedure (SAS) and the model included the fixed effects of treatment (morning, sun, and shade), breed (Nelore and Caracu), month of measurement (December and February), and the interaction between effects. A higher dorsal surface temperature was observed in animals of both breeds in the sun treatment compared with the shade treatment. Caracu animals had a higher dorsal surface temperature than Nelore animals, which probably caused the higher rectal temperature observed in the sun treatment compared with the shade treatment in both breeds over the 2 months of the study. All physiological parameters measured in this study were efficient to detect the thermal stress in both breeds. Despite the variations in rectal temperature observed during the treatments, the animals of the two breeds exhibited no significant changes in heart rate, respiration rate, and cortisol level for the maintenance of thermal homeostasis. In conclusion, both breeds were considered tolerant to sun exposure, demonstrating adaptation of these animals to high-temperature environments, without evidence of harm to its health and welfare.


In the period 1996–2006 two specific sperm defects, the knobbed acrosome (KA) defect and the immotile short‐tail sperm (ISTS) defect, showed a strong negative association with fertility in Finnish breeding boars. In this study, we examined the incidence of these two sperm defects in two pig breeds, their effects on fertility and their associations with sperm morphology and testicular histology. Semen samples from 2048 (1097 Yorkshire, 951 Landrace) boars were collected. None of the Landrace boars revealed either the KA defect or the ISTS defect. Of the Yorkshire boars, 0.8% were afflicted with the KA defect and 7.6% with the ISTS defect. Boars diagnosed with the ISTS defect produced no litters. Fertility data were available from two artificially inseminated (AI) boars and six farm breeding boars affected with the KA defect. Breeding boars with 45–81% knobbed spermatozoa (n = 6) did not produce any litters out of 71 sows bred. AI boars with 25–30% knobbed spermatozoa had a poor non‐return rate (on average 47% compared with 85% for normal control boars) and produced small litters, on average 2.5 piglets less than other boars of the same breed. Morphometry of testicular tissue and distribution of different cells in the seminiferous tubules were examined in nine boars. Boars with the KA defect had a smaller diameter of the seminiferous tubules (p < 0.05) and a lower number of Sertoli cells (p < 0.05) than controls. ISTS boars, in turn, had a significantly lower number of elongated spermatids (p < 0.05), and they also produced on average only 12% of the spermatozoa of normal boars. The ISTS defect is a manifestation of an autosomal recessive disease caused by an insertion in the KPL2 gene in porcine chromosome 16. Although we tried to map the KA defect, its aetiology remains unclear.  相似文献   

In Bos taurus cattle, antimullerian hormone (AMH) has been demonstrated to have a high degree of correlation with ovarian antral follicle count and the number of healthy follicles and oocytes. To document the correlation between the plasma concentration of AMH and follicular number in Bos indicus and Bos taurus heifers, Nelore (Bos indicus, n = 16) and Holstein heifers (Bos taurus, n = 16) had their ovarian follicular waves synchronized. After synchronization, ovarian antral follicular population (AFP) was evaluated three times at 60‐day (d) intervals (T‐120 d, 120 days before plasma AMH determination; T‐60 d, 60 days before; and T0, at the time of plasma AMH determination). The plasma AMH concentration was positively correlated with the number of ovarian follicles on the day of the follicular wave emergence in Bos indicus (Nelore) and Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers at each evaluation time (p < 0.05). The AFP was higher in Bos indicus (Nelore) than in Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers (p < 0.05). Similarly, the AMH concentration was higher in Bos indicus (Nelore) than in Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers (p < 0.0001). When heifers were classified as to present high or low AFP according to the mean of the AFP within each genetic group, high‐AFP heifers presented a greater (p < 0.0001) AMH concentration than low‐AFP heifers, regardless of the genetic group. In conclusion, the AFP is positively correlated with plasma AMH concentration in both Bos indicus (Nelore) and Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers. Furthermore, Bos indicus (Nelore) heifers presented both greater plasma AMH concentrations and AFP than Bos taurus (Holstein) heifers.  相似文献   

The IGF system is related to embryo quality. We aim to determine the effect of the heat stress on the mRNA expression of IGF1 and IGF2, IGFR1 and IGFR2, IGFBP2 and IGFBP4, and PAPPA in in vitro production (IVP) blastocysts from Nelore and Holstein after ovum pick up (OPU) to better understand the differences between these breeds. Oocytes from four Nelore and seven Holstein were collected in six OPU sessions. Following in vitro maturation and fertilization using six Nelore or Holstein sires, embryos were divided into control (cultured at 39°C) and heat stress (HS; exposed to 41°C for 9 h). Blastocysts were submitted to RNA extraction. The IGF1 expression was higher in blastocysts under HS in both breeds, and the expression of IGFBP2 and IGFBP4 was higher in Holstein blastocysts under HS. The high PAPPA expression and the low expression of IGFBP2 and IGFBP4 are associated with a more efficient degradation of IGFBPs, which results in greater IGF bioavailability in Nelore blastocysts and may contribute to the superior HS tolerance in Nelore, when compared to Holstein.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to evaluate the efficiency of the spermatogenesis through the morphology of the testicular parenchyma in bulls of different zebu breeds. We used testicular fragments from bull of the breeds Nelore (n = 10), Polled Nelore (n = 6), Gyr (n = 5), Guzerat (n = 5) and Tabapuã (n = 5). The tissue was perfused with Karnovsky solution, included in glycol methacrylate and stained with toluidine blue–sodium borate 1%. Animals of the Nelore breed presented higher population of primary spermatocyte in pre‐leptotene/leptotene (38.30) and in pachytene (38.14) and round spermatids (113.30), higher yield of spermatogonia mitosis (21.2) and higher daily spermatic production per gram of testicular parenchyma (32.8 × 106) than those from breeds Gyr, Guzerat and Tabapuã and higher general yield of spermatogenesis (62.4) than breeds Gyr and Tabapuã. There was no significant difference in any of the evaluated parameters between breeds Nelore and Polled Nelore. The rate of Sertoli cells did not vary between the studied breeds. Apparently, the genetic selection applied to the breeds has been improving the yield in the spermatogenic process by decreasing cellular loss, although it did not increase the support capacity of the Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Semen quality, testis size and efficiency of sperm production in Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) and hybrids with Bos indicus and Bos taurus were determined. Mean (+/- SEM) daily sperm production per gram of testis parenchyma (DSPG) in six purebred Bali bulls was 12.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(6). F1 B sondaicus cross B taurus bulls and F1 B sondaicus cross B indicus bulls were sterile. Spermatogenesis was arrested at the late primary spermatocyte stage. In 11 B sondaicus cross B indicus crosses, mean DSPG was lower than in the purebred B sondaicus, although four (one 1/4 B sondaicus, one 3/4 B sondaicus, one 5/8 B sondaicus inter se and one 3/8 B sondaicus inter se) exhibited DSPG levels similar to the foundation stock. Semen from those crossbreeds which exhibited complete spermatogenesis was more variable in terms of spermatozoal concentration, percentage of spermatozoa exhibiting progressive motility and levels of spermatozoal abnormalities. In crossbreeds where sperm production was reduced or absent, there was seminiferous epithelial dysfunction, manifested as an increased frequency of degenerative late pachytene and diplotene primary spermatocytes and germinal cells occurring later in the cycle, or in extreme cases, as complete arrest of spermatogenesis at the late primary spermatocyte stage.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate a recumbent left flank approach to bilateral ovariectomy in prepubertal heifers and to develop an optimal surgical technique for this procedure. Both ovaries were removed from 6 Nelore heifers by left flank approach without any complications, except in 1 heifer, which was believed to have had only 1 ovary based on ultrasound and exploration during surgery, but was later found to have a remaining functional ovary. Ovariectomy via left flank approach in recumbent prepubertal heifers is feasible and technically easy. This procedure does not involve special instrumentation and, despite the invasive approach, it allows optimal visualization of the ovaries and uterus.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of season in southeast of Brazil comparing genotypes on semen characteristics, freezability and peripheral plasma concentrations of testosterone. Ejaculates of five Bos indicus bulls and six Bos taurus bulls were evaluated over a period of 27 months, which was divided into winter (July, August, September), spring (October, November, December), summer (January, February, March) and autumn (April, May, June). Semen was evaluated according to standard procedures for ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, gross-motility, progressive motility and sperm morphology. After preparing and freezing the ejaculates according to commercial procedures, the straws were stored in liquid N2 until post-thaw evaluation. Ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, gross-motility, progressive sperm motility, vigor and morphological sperm defects were significantly influenced by season and genotype (p < 0.05). Heat tolerance was better in B. indicus bulls than in B. taurus bulls characterized by lower values of sperm abnormalities throughout the observation period. The highest values were recorded for abnormal heads followed by cytoplasmatic droplets in B. taurus bulls. The proportion of ejaculates which were eliminated before freezing for reasons of bad quality was lower in the B. indicus bulls. Temporal changes in peripheral plasma testosterone concentrations were higher in B. indicus bulls than in B. taurus bulls not revealing seasonal influences. The results of this study show clear genotype differences regarding semen quality. Freezability of B. taurus semen varies considerably throughout the year, leading to a high proportion of eliminated ejaculates. Collecting semen from B. taurus bulls during the summer in an artificial insemination centre may not be profitable.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center, University of Florida – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) (Ona, FL), to evaluate differences in the metabolism of Cu and Se of Angus (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) cattle. Thirty-two pregnant beef cows (n = 8 Brahman and 8 Angus/yr) were enrolled in the study in the first trimester of gestation. This study consisted of three phases: 1) restriction (day 0 to 90), 2) supplementation (day 91 to 150), and 3) calving. During all three phases, cows were individually fed and housed in partially covered drylot pens. During the restriction and supplementation phases, cows were provided a 1.5 kg/d of a grain-based concentrate supplement, which was fortified with flowers of S (50 g of supplemental S/cow daily; restriction phase) or Cu and Se (100 and 3 mg/d of Cu and Se, respectively; supplementation phase). Blood and liver samples were collected from all cows at 30 d intervals and from both cows and calves within 24 h of calving. Colostrum and milk samples were collected at calving and 7 d after birth. All data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS, where cow and calf were the experimental unit. During the restriction phase, a breed × day effect (P = 0.03) was observed where Brahman had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus cows in all sampling days. For liver Se concentration, a tendency (P = 0.07) for a breed effect was observed where Angus cows tended to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman. During the supplementation phase, breed (P < 0.001) and day (P < 0.01) effects were observed, where Brahman cows had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus. For liver Se concentration, a day effect (P < 0.001) was observed, where liver Se concentration increased (P < 0.001) from day 90 to 120 and remained unchanged (P = 0.86) until day 150. At calving, no effects of breed (P = 0.34) were observed for liver Cu concentration of cows; however, Brahman calves tended (P = 0.09) to have greater liver Cu concentration than Angus calves. For Se liver concentration at calving, Angus cows tended (P = 0.07) to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman cows; however, no breed differences (P = 0.70) were observed for liver Se concentration of calves at birth. In summary, substantial differences in multiple indicators of Cu and Se status were observed between Angus and Brahman cattle, implying that Angus and Brahman cattle possibly have different mechanisms to maintain adequate Cu and Se status.  相似文献   

The pregnancy rates obtained after the transfer of cryopreserved in vitro‐produced (IVP) embryos are usually low and/or inconsistent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the pregnancy rates of Holstein, Gyr and Holstein × Gyr cattle after the transfer of vitrified IVP embryos produced with X‐sorted sperm. Seventy‐two Gyr and 703 Holstein females were subjected to ovum pickup (OPU) sessions, followed by in vitro embryo production using semen from sires of the same breeds. Embryos (1636 Holstein, 241 Gyr and 1515 Holstein × Gyr) were exposed to forskolin for 48 h prior to vitrification. The pregnancy rate achieved with Gyr dam and sire was 46.1%, which was similar (p = 0.11) to that of Holstein dam and Gyr sire (40.3%). Crossing Gyr dams with Holstein sires resulted in a pregnancy rate of 38.9% and did not differ (p = 0.58) from the pregnancy rate obtained with the cross between Holstein dams and Gyr sires. The rate obtained with Holstein dam and sire was 32.5%. The average pregnancy rate was 36.6%, and no difference was found in the proportion of female foetuses (88.8%, in average) among breeds (p > 0.05). In conclusion, transfer of cryopreserved X‐sorted embryos represents an interesting choice for dairy cattle. Despite the small differences between pregnancy rates, we highlight the efficiency of this strategy for all of the racial groups studied.  相似文献   

Amount of circumocular pigmentation and incidence of ocular squamous cell tumors were evaluated in dams representing diverse cattle breed types. Each dam was examined twice annually during a specific stage in the life cycle (3.5 to 9.5 years old). Overall, 28.3% of dams in the herd developed at least 1 ocular squamous cell tumor. Breed groups differed (P less than 0.01) in amount of circumocular pigmentation and incidence of tumors. Results indicate that losses from ocular squamous cell tumors in beef herds can be sharply reduced by judicious choice of breed types.  相似文献   

Females representing Hereford, Red Poll, F1 Hereford x Red Poll, F1 Red Poll x Hereford, F1 Angus x Hereford, F1 Angus x Charolais, F1 Brahman x Hereford, and F1 Brahman x Angus breed types were evaluated from birth until 10 yr of age. Of 308 females born alive, 35.7% died or were culled because of injury, serious illness, or reproductive failure. Breed types differed (P less than .01) in total number of mating seasons per cow and total number of progeny born and weaned. Values for lifetime total number of calves weaned were as follows: Hereford, 4.54; Red Poll, 5.45; Hereford x Red Poll, 4.45; Red Poll x Hereford, 5.49; Angus x Hereford, 5.98; Angus x Charolais, 5.57; Brahman x Hereford, 6.96; and Brahman x Angus, 6.22. Brahman crosses (P less than .01) and Angus x Charolais (P less than .10) exceeded Hereford dams in lifetime total number of calves weaned but did not differ from Angus x Herefords. Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed no evidence of heterosis in life span traits. Results indicate that breed type was a major source of variation in reproductive life span of beef-type females. F1 Bos indicus crosses and Angus x Herefords were outstanding in longevity.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to monitor endometrial distribution and concentrations of oestrogen receptors α (ERα) and progesterone receptors (PR) by immunohistochemistry in Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus) during the oestrous cycle. Blood samples were collected for progesterone measurement and endometrial samples were taken from the uterine horn contra lateral to the corpus luteum in 16 cows at days 0 (ovulation), 5, 9, 13 and 19 of the oestrous cycle. Immunostaining evaluation for ERα and PR in the glandular epithelium and uterine stroma was performed by two methods: positive nuclei counting and staining intensity of the nuclei. Specific positive staining reactions for both receptors were limited to cell nuclei and they were not identified in the cytoplasm. The proportion of ERα positive nuclei had a temporal variation throughout the oestrous cycle in both cell types evaluated and was higher in uterine stroma than the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). The greatest proportion of ERα stained nuclei was observed at oestrus and during the initial and mid luteal phase (days 5, 9 and 13) (p < 0.05) in the glandular epithelium and at days 0, 5 and 9 in the uterine stroma (p < 0.01). The proportion of PR positive nuclei remained constant throughout the entire oestrous cycle for both cell types evaluated (p > 0.05). A higher proportion of PR positive nuclei was measured in the uterine stroma compared with the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). Intensity of staining for ERα and PR varied throughout the oestrous cycle (p < 0.01). There was a higher staining intensity at days 0 and 5 in the stroma for ERα (p < 0.01) and PR (p < 0.01) and in the glandular epithelium at days 0, 5, 9 and 13 for ERα (p < 0.01) and at days 0, 5 and 9 for PR (p < 0.01) when compared with the other evaluated days. These data demonstrate that ERα and PR expression varied throughout the oestrous cycle in Nelore cows, in general with highest concentrations at oestrus and the lowest during the luteal phase. This is similar to patterns observed in Bos taurus taurus.  相似文献   

The genetic variation at four milk protein loci αs1‐casein (CSN1S1), β‐casein (CSN2), κ‐casein (CSN3) and β‐lactoglobulin (LGB) was investigated in 358 animals belonging to seven populations well adapted to hot climatic conditions, reared in Africa and Italy. Bos taurus (Somba, Lagune and Modicana), Bos indicus (Sudanese Zebu Peul, Azaouak and Adamawa), and B. taurus × B. indicus (Borgou) were studied by adapting different molecular methodologies to evaluate their genetic variability. All loci were polymorphic and a new CSN2 synonymous variant, named A2′, was detected and characterized. Noteworthy differences in the distribution of alleles and haplotypes were observed between zebuine and taurine cattle showing that milk protein polymorphism is suited for discriminating B. taurus from B. indicus efficiently, and also taurine breeds. Milk protein loci, being positively selected loci, can also provide information about the occurrence of germplasm particularly useful for breeding strategies and production improvement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of breed and season on semen quality parameters of zebu bulls. Data (1,632 registers) of semen production from Gir (n?=?4) and Nelore (n?=?15) bulls were collected between October 2005 and November 2009. The ejaculates were collected twice a week during various seasons (summer, fall, winter, and spring) and evaluated for the following semen parameters: ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, forward progressive motility (FPM), and sperm morphology. Factor analysis was used to determine the relationship among variables. The effect of breed (Gir and Nelore) and season and their cross effect on each parameter and extracted factor were tested using ANOVA. A negative correlation (P?<?0.05) was observed between FPM and proximal droplet, as well as with abnormal loose head, abnormal small head, pouch formation, abnormal mid-peace, and strongly folded tail. Gir bull sperm showed more major defects, detached acrosome, and minor FPM (P?<?0.01), whereas Nelore bulls showed a higher number of sperm with normally loose head.  相似文献   

A seven‐month‐old purebred Nelore calf was diagnosed with a bilateral finger‐shaped swelling although more prominent at the left side of the scrotum, located longitudinal and parallel to epididymis corpus. The finding was present from 7 months of age up to castration (performed at 25 months of age). Scrotal circumference, testicular and epididymis consistency and symmetry as well as seminal quality were normal during the follow‐up period. The ultrasonographic appearance of the scrotal wall, pampiniform plexus, gonad and epididymis was normal. However, an anechoic region surrounded by a wall forming a sac‐like structure with a blind end at its dorsal pole was seen on the swelling area. The examination of fluid aspirated from the saccular contents revealed the presence of mononuclear cells mainly from lymphocytic and histiocytic type as well as some loosing degenerated mesothelial cells. Gross examination at castration revealed a blind sac‐like appendix derived from an evagination in the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis. The structure of approximately 5.0 cm in length extended from the dorsal edge of the epididymis cauda. No adherences with surrounded tissues were observed. Histopathology of the sac wall showed a smooth inner surface composed by scarce mesothelial cells forming in some areas papillary‐like projections protruding to the vaginal cavity. Underneath, a thick layer of fibrous tissue mixed with collagen fibres and mononuclear inflammatory cells were seen. The potential consequences of this saccular formation at an older age in a bull are unknown.  相似文献   

Metabolizable energy for maintenance (MEm) was estimated using 123 mature cows of eight diverse breed groups. Cows in each breed group were allotted at random 1) to limit-feeding to approximate maintenance or 2) to ad libitum access to feed. The MEm values were calculated by regression of change in body energy on ME intake. The MEm values for mature Hereford, Red Poll, Hereford x Red Poll, Red Poll x Hereford, Angus x Hereford, Angus x Charolais, Brahman x Hereford, and Brahman x Angus breed types were as follows: 145, 169, 148, 149, 144, 152, 139, and 143 kcal.kg-.75.d-1, respectively. Bos indicus-cross cows ranked lowest for MEm/kg.75. Angus x Hereford cows averaged highest in terms of grams of calf weaned per mature female exposed divided by yearly MEm requirement. Hereford x Red Poll reciprocal crosses on average required 640 kcal less total daily MEm per animal than Hereford and Red Poll straightbreds.  相似文献   

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