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Strategic long‐term sampling programmes that deliver recreational catch, effort and species demographic data are required for the effective assessment and management of recreational fisheries and harvested organisms. This study used a spatially and temporally stratified observer programme to examine variation in the rates, quantities and lengths of retained and discarded catches of key species in a recreational charter fishery. Geographic region, but not season, significantly influenced catch rates of key demersal species, being driven by temporally persistent latitudinal clines in environmental conditions influencing species distributions. There was considerable trip‐to‐trip variation in catch rates that were attributed to localised differences in fishing operations, locations, environmental conditions and client preferences. Broad trends in retained and discarded catch rates were nevertheless, similar across different fishing effort standardisations (per‐trip, per‐hour, per‐client, per‐client/fished hour), demonstrating that the coarsest unit of effort could be used in fishery assessments. Discard rates of organisms were variable and driven by a combination of mandated legal lengths, individual client and operator preferences for particular species and sizes of organisms, and not due to attainment of catch quotas or high‐grading. This study has identified important fishery attributes that require consideration in assessing charter fisheries and stocks of recreational fish species.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of recreational fisheries governance has been mixed, with some countries boasting good governance practices that sustain productive recreational fisheries, while others lack any policies and governance structures specific to recreational fisheries. Here, we identify what constitutes effective governance of recreational fisheries by carrying out: (a) a desktop review of 227 country‐specific fisheries legislation, policies and strategies; and (b) a follow‐up questionnaire‐based survey covering 57 contacts in 29 selected countries. Our results show that while recreational fishing is referred to in the main legislation of 67% of the countries reviewed, only 86 of these 152 countries provide a definition for either “recreational” or “sport” fishing and not always in the main legislation. Recreational fisheries are not considered to be effectively managed in many countries, with less than a quarter of respondents claiming that management in their country is effective. Furthermore, the management efficacy, including compliance with regulations, was considered greater for the industrial and small‐scale fishing sectors than for recreational fisheries in most countries. From our findings, it appears that effective recreational fisheries governance requires explicit acknowledgement of recreational fisheries with a clear legal definition in Policy, a well‐developed Policy statement, extensive co‐management processes, clearly defined biological, economic and social monitoring structures and efficient and transparent cost recovery mechanisms. To ensure adaptation to rapidly changing conditions, policy should recognize all fishery sectors and proactively incorporate adaptive planning and contingency plans to effectively secure the diverse values of resources for all users.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing is a popular sport and leisure activity in many countries worldwide. There has been growing interest by recreational fishing groups and researchers in the perceived physical and psychological health and social (or ‘biopsychosocial’) benefits of recreational fishing. However, quantifying the key subjective ‘human dimensions’ of fishing that satisfy both the needs of recreational fishing groups and fishery managers is a major obstacle. We propose the use of psychometrically valid health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measures widely used in the medical and health sciences – namely the Short‐Form Health Survey (SF‐36) – as rapid, reliable and cost‐effective instruments for quantifying HRQOL of recreational fishers. The widespread use of SF‐36 and availability of population normative data allows comparisons of the HRQOL of recreational fishers across multiple temporal and spatial scales, with participants of other activities, and the general population. The use of such measures in periodic surveys allows the biopsychosocial status of a recreational fishery's participants to be assessed using a modified Kobe plot, a graphical format that is easily interpretable and consistent with existing reporting formats used in fisheries stock assessment. Future biopsychosocial research in recreational fisheries can further benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration to develop a suite of standardized psychometrically valid and reliable instruments for assessing specific issues that commonly affect recreational fisheries from regional to international scales, such as drivers of fisher motivation, behaviour and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The sampling of commercial marine fisheries for management purposes often displays a key weakness in the form of poor documentation of the scientific basis of sampling and estimation, the assumptions made, and the practical constraints. This paper reviews systematically the theoretical and practical options that can remedy this situation and recommends that decisions be archived in regularly updated ‘Sampling Approach and Modifications’ (SAM) documents. Defining the target population, the observable population (usually a subset of the target), and the assumed links between them is important, along with the distinction between design‐ and model‐based sampling approaches. Fleet‐targeted and stock‐targeted sampling strategies are contrasted, the latter being much harder to implement. Sampling protocols aimed at estimating quantities of fish landed and discarded, length–frequency distributions, length‐related variables such as age, weight and maturity, and ratio variables such as catch per unit of effort and the proportions of discards are discussed, together with the raising of estimates to fleet and/or stock levels. The ideas are summarized in the specific contexts of landings sampling, logbook schemes and sea‐going observer surveys. SAMs are commended for enhancing the scientific value of fishery sampling, and for encouraging methodological discussions among users and producers of the data.  相似文献   

The role of recreational fisheries in the competition for marine resources is increasingly recognised. Their contribution in stock dynamics needs to be accounted for in assessments and management. Management regulations should be based on scientific advice on human and biological dimensions to be effective in reaching their goals. A survey among marine angling tourists staying in fishing camps in two study areas in Norway was conducted to study catch‐and‐release (C&R) behaviour. Although C&R has been assumed to be low in many marine recreational fisheries, this survey showed that for some species, more than 60% of the catch was released. As C&R may be associated with post‐release mortalities, the current management system could be inefficient towards its aim of reducing fishing mortality. It was concluded that it is necessary to quantify release mortalities, to consider C&R behaviour in future management decisions, and to minimise the potential negative impacts of C&R through handling guidelines.  相似文献   

Bootstrap methods are often used for confidence intervals on recreational fish catch estimates, because they are relatively robust and straightforward to implement. Such data are typically highly skewed and zero‐inflated, presenting difficulties for many estimation methods. However, bootstrap performance in many situations is not well understood. Inaccurate confidence intervals can cause management errors, and biased intervals can promote errors in one direction. Although the analyses originate from recreational fisheries data, the conclusions are generally applicable to similarly distributed data from other sources. Using simulation, non‐parametric bootstrap confidence intervals (bootstrap normal, bootstrap percentile, hybrid, bootstrap‐t, BC, and BCa) on catch rate and total catch estimates from a recreational fishing survey were compared. The intervals' coverage (proportion of times the ‘true’ mean fell within the confidence intervals) and relative bias were also compared. The bootstrap‐t, using a resample size of slightly less than n/2, provided confidence intervals with the most correct coverage for both parameters. Intervals were biased, usually substantially, for all other methods, with the commonly used bootstrap percentile among the more biased methods.  相似文献   

Abstract An in‐depth explanation of selected content of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission’s ‘Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries’ (CoP) is presented. The focus is on core areas that were intensely debated in the drafting the CoP. These include definition of recreational fishing, recreational fishing practices, fish welfare, recreational fisheries management and research. It is anticipated that the CoP for recreational fisheries promotes best practice and management principles for sustainable recreational fisheries, within the recreational fisheries sector and ancillary industries/sectors regionally, nationally, and ultimately globally. To be viable, the CoP for recreational fisheries must be adopted by the international community complementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  相似文献   

Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem‐based perspective, using objective and evidence‐based criteria. The survey was completed by ecosystem experts (managers and scientists) and results analysed using ranking and multivariate methods. Results were further examined for selected ecosystems, using expert knowledge, to explore the overall findings in greater depth. Higher scores for ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ were significantly and positively related to ecosystems with better ecological status. Key factors that point to success in delivering fisheries and conservation objectives were as follows: the use of reference points for management, frequent review of stock assessments, whether Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) catches were being accounted for and addressed, and the inclusion of stakeholders. Additionally, we found that the implementation of a long‐term management plan, including economic and social dimensions of fisheries in exploited ecosystems, was a key factor in successful, sustainable fisheries management. Our results support the thesis that good ecosystem‐based management and governance, sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems go together.  相似文献   

In this essay, we explore the idea that slow social change may cause degradation of the open access equilibrium in recreational fisheries. An existing bioeconomic model illustrates how three social quantities in the recreational fisheries social–ecological system—the marginal cost of fishing effort, catchability, and the relative importance of catch and effort to angler utility—influence equilibrium fish abundance. We speculate that slow directional changes in all three of these quantities may be common, driving gradual declines in abundance that may be difficult to detect. We present limited evidence in support of this speculation, highlight the need for further empirical work, and discuss the implications of slow social change for resilient management of recreational fisheries in a changing world.  相似文献   

A new methodology based in the use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective tools to obtain information about marine recreational fisheries (MRF) is presented. The squid and cuttlefish fishery of the Ría of Vigo (NW Spain) was selected because it is managed in a data‐poor environment. In‐depth interviews (57) were conducted with fishers, collecting ecological and socio‐economic information. A cartography of fishing grounds based on their knowledge was obtained, while the intensity of effort and catches was mapped by the monitoring of two vessels with low‐cost GPS data loggers. The 102 shore anglers and 248 recreational boats catch 8 t/year of European squid Loligo vulgaris and 11 t/year of common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (11% of total catches on these species in the area). Shore anglers fish from 11 ports, while boat fishers use 14 fishing grounds (covering 30 km2). Most of the catches (86%) are landed by boats, and their CPUE is higher in the outer part of the Ría of Vigo. The use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective monitoring is encouraged to obtain information for the management of MRF. Given the economic contribution of MRF (260,000 €/year in direct expenses), this activity should be considered in the regulations.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of recreational fishing in Portugal over the last 20 years, along with the multiplicity of pressures affecting inland fisheries, demands the urgent recognition of the social and economic values. Sport-angling information is still inadequate to formulate management actions. To address this issue, a regional survey on freshwater recreational fishing in all the municipalities of the Guadiana River Basin was carried out in 1999. The survey, based on 1998 data, provided information on the profile of anglers, preferences as regards reservoirs and sections of rivers fished, frequency of fishing trips, motivation, expenditure, fish species caught, an estimation of total catch and its destination, interest in competitions, enforcement and personal opinions. The results recommended improved communication and feedback between users, and mechanisms for future regional development and management of recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

Increasingly, fisheries are being managed under catch quotas that are often further allocated to specific permit holders or sectors. At the same time, serious consideration is being given to the effects of discards on the health of target and non‐target species. Some quota systems have incorporated discard reduction as an objective by counting discards (including unmarketable fish) against the overall quota. The potential effect of the introduction of a quota system that includes accountability for discards on the fishing strategies employed by fishermen is enormous. This is particularly true for multispecies fisheries where healthy and depleted stocks co‐exist; resulting in a trip's catch being applied to very large and very small stock quotas simultaneously. Under such a scenario, fishermen have a strong incentive to minimize (i) catch of low‐quota or ‘choke’ stocks, (ii) regulatory discards due to minimum size limits and (iii) catch partially consumed by predators. ‘Move‐on’ rules (i.e. event‐triggered, targeted, temporary closure of part of a fishery when a catch or bycatch threshold is reached) have been employed in a variety of fisheries. However, their efficacy has been limited by a lack of empirical analyses underpinning the rules. Here, we examine the utility of spatiotemporal autocorrelation analyses to inform ‘move‐on’ rules to assist a sector of the New England Multispecies Fishery to reduce discards and maximize profits. We find the use of empirical move‐on rules could reduce catch of juvenile and choke stocks between 27 and 33%, and depredation events between 41 and 54%.  相似文献   

Global overfishing indicates a need to define fisheries sustainability thresholds and identify social factors promoting successful management, but rates of fishing and factors mediating sustainability over long timescales are largely unknown. Here, we reconstruct fisheries yield for the entire period of human habitation (five to seven centuries) for two coral reef ecosystems with substantially different fisheries histories (Florida Keys and the Hawaiian Islands) and evaluate the management strategies associated with periods of sustainable fishing. This involved a mixed methods approach, in which we estimated yield by fishery sector (commercial, subsistence, recreational and aquaculture) and characterized management strategies associated with periods of sustained high yields. We found differences between the two locations, with Hawai‘i sustaining yields of more than 12 mt km?2 for four centuries prior to the arrival of Europeans. This period was characterized by adaptive management whose design and enforcement exhibited characteristics of common property resource governance systems, and which effectively protected reef habitat, vulnerable life‐history stages for fish, and species with high susceptibilities to overfishing. Reefs in both Florida and Hawai‘i were exploited intensively after European contact, with sequential export‐driven depletion evident in Florida over the past century. Today, both exhibit strikingly similar modern catch levels, with landings exceeding 10 mt km?2 and evidence of overfishing. Our results demonstrate that management strategies and social institutions that support strict enforcement by a local rule‐making authority have had substantial impacts on fisheries yields in the past and suggest that long‐term sustainability of fisheries is possible, although rare today.  相似文献   

Following implementation in a range of other resource sectors, a number of credit‐like systems have been proposed for fisheries. But confusion exists over what constitutes these nascent ‘fisheries credit’ systems and how they operate. Based on a review of credit systems in other sectors, this study fills this gap by defining how credit systems function and what credits add to prevailing fisheries management. In doing so, we distinguish ‘mitigation’ and ‘behavioural’ fishery credits. Mitigation credits require resource users to compensate for unsustainable catches of target species, by‐catch species or damaging practices on the marine environment by investing in conservation in a biologically equivalent habitat or resource. Behavioural credit systems incentivize fishers to gradually change their fishing behaviour to more sustainable fishing methods by rewarding them with, for instance, extra fishing effort to compensate for less efficient but more sustainable fishing methods. The choice of credit system largely depends on the characteristics of specific fisheries and the management goals agreed upon by managers, scientists and the fishing industry. The study concludes that fisheries credit systems are different but complimentary to other forms of management by focusing on ‘catchability’ or gear efficiency in addition to effort or catch quota, affecting overall economic efficiency by setting specific goals as to how fish are caught. Credit systems therefore incentivize specific management interventions that can directly improve stock sustainability, conserve habitat and endangered species, or decrease by‐catch.  相似文献   

应用分层抽样技术估计北部湾底拖网渔业产量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的按行政单元逐级上报的渔业产量调查方法在数据获取过程中受人为因素的干扰,而全面普查的方法受限于时间和经费,相比而言,抽样调查是一种科学合理的方法。本研究于2007年8月对北部湾底拖网产量进行了调查,以全体底拖网渔船为抽样总体,按功率段划分了抽样层次,按比例分配了抽样单元数,分别以生产渔船总数和总功率数推算总产量,并比较了这两种方法的方差。结果表明,用每kW平均产量估计总产量的变异系数为1.13%,用单船平均产量估计总产量的变异系数为14.65%。同时由于渔业抽样调查的难点在于总体船数的掌握,建议统计推断时,采用单位渔捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)推算总体渔获量。  相似文献   

The growing awareness of the impact that recreational fishers can have on fish stocks has highlighted the paucity of information used to inform their management. Most of the available information on the scale and nature of recreational catch and effort has come from intermittent and labour‐intensive surveys that provide fragmented insights into often highly variable fisheries. Digital cameras offer a more cost‐effective means of continuously monitoring trends in recreational fishing effort, and it is surprising that greater use of this approach has not been made to date given its widespread use in other contexts. We share lessons learnt from four early adopter studies in New Zealand, Australia and Germany, where digital cameras have been used to monitor recreational fishing effort. Many of the challenges that we have encountered and overcome were initially unforeseen, and we suggest solutions and strategies to address these issues. We conclude that all aspects of a camera‐based monitoring system should be considered from the outset, to optimize the utility and value of the information they provide over the long term. Aspects to consider include the location and configuration of a camera system, ensuring service continuity, image quality, data storage, image interpretation and ultimately the analysis of any data collected. Robustly designed digital camera monitoring systems can be used to gain greater insight into recreational fishery dynamics, leading to more informed, responsive and effective fisheries management.  相似文献   

The rise and fall of Japan’s marine fisheries have been well documented and are clearly evident in official landings statistics. However, the extent of illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries, including recreational fisheries, and the discarding of unwanted catch in Japanese waters, both of which may have significant implications on the success of management regimes, have yet to be closely examined. This study reassessed the impact of fisheries on the marine ecosystems of Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) by estimating the total marine biomass removed through the use of an established catch reconstruction approach. Since 1950, 368 million t of marine biomass have been extracted from the Japanese EEZ as commercial catch, recreational catch, illegal catch and discards. Commercial catch accounted for 87 % of the total, while discards accounted for an additional 8 %. The disparity between the estimated biomass removals and the reported commercial catch is 48 million t, or 15 % of the reported catch. The difference is not as large as observed in similar studies of other regions. Nonetheless, the reconstructed biomass removals represent a better baseline for the management of fisheries in the Japanese EEZ, particularly if Japan is to move forward with implementation of output control management.  相似文献   

Sixty‐two years of voluntarily collected angling logbook data from a large natural Danish lake were used to study variation in pike, Esox lucius L., CPUE (catch per unit effort), expressed as no. of captured pike per boat trip, as an index of stock size. Pike CPUE was positively related to pike release rate by anglers and negatively affected by certain commercial fishers. The stocking of young‐of‐the‐year pike and a fishery‐dependent index of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., abundance (which may be pike prey or predator depending on size) did not correlate with pike CPUE. Analyses of the size distribution of pike, based on sizes of annual record trophy pike captured by anglers, confirmed the negative impact of commercial pike fishing and revealed a positive influence of air temperature. It is concluded that high‐quality angler logbooks that record effort and catch can be a cost‐effective tool to inform lake fisheries management by revealing long‐term population trends. Further, state space modelling, a statistical technique not yet seen in recreational fisheries science, is recommended as a tool to model proxies for population dynamics from angler logbook data.  相似文献   

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