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通过分离子宫蓄脓犬与健康犬子宫内膜基质细胞,观察其生长特性并对其进行细胞免疫荧光鉴定,分析比较该细胞在病犬中是否异常。结果显示,轻度子宫蓄脓犬和健康犬的子宫内膜基质细胞形态和特性基本一致,前者的细胞活性更强,增殖速度较快,可在接种后4 d融合成片,细胞多数呈梭形,少数呈多角状。经细胞免疫荧光鉴定,该细胞表达波形蛋白,阳性率98%以上。结果表明本试验所分离的细胞为犬子宫内膜基质细胞,该细胞在轻度子宫蓄脓犬和健康犬中无明显变化。  相似文献   

Background: Age‐related hearing loss (ARHL), or presbycusis, is the most common form of acquired hearing loss in dogs. Middle ear implants have been used successfully in people with ARHL who cannot benefit from conventional hearing aids. Hypothesis: Audibility improves in dogs with ARHL after implantation of the Vibrant Soundbridge (VSB) middle ear implant. Animals: Three Beagle dogs with ARHL, mean age 11.1 years. Methods: The dogs were assessed pre‐ and postoperatively by brainstem‐evoked response audiometry (BERA), otoscopy, and computed tomography scans of the ears. A VSB middle ear implant was implanted unilaterally. Three months later the functionality of the implants was assessed by auditory steady‐state responses (ASSRs), after which the dogs were euthanized for histopathological examination. Results: The VSB was implanted successfully in all dogs. Recovery from surgery was uneventful, except for transient facial nerve paralysis in 2 dogs. ASSRs showed that hearing improved after activation of the implants with a mean of 20.7, 13, and 16.3 dB at 1, 2, and 4 kHz, respectively. The implantation procedure did not affect residual hearing (with inactive implants) as measured by BERA. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Implantation of the VSB resulted in lower ASSR thresholds, but only at the higher gain settings of the audioprocessor. As in humans, a more powerful audioprocessor is required to treat sensorineural hearing loss exceeding 20 dB in dogs. A substantial improvement in patient‐owner communication will have to be demonstrated in future studies before the procedure can be recommended in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the pyometra is most common in the first half of the dioestrus when there is decreased cellular immunity associated with increased serum concentration of progesterone in females. The aim of this study was to determine the immunological profile of bitches with pyometra, studying serum levels of IL‐2, IL‐4, IL‐10, IFN‐γ, KC‐like and TNF‐α and comparing them with those of healthy bitches in anoestrus, dioestrus and pregnant. Forty females were divided into four experimental groups: group 1 (G1): with pyometra (n = 10); group 2 (G2): bitches in the second week of gestation (n = 10); group 3 (G3): in anoestrus (n = 10); and group 4 (G4): in dioestrus (n = 10). The serum levels for IL‐2, KC‐like, INF‐γ and TNF‐α were similar for all experimental groups. The values obtained for IL‐10 were found increased (p < 0.001) in animals in dioestrus and pyometra compared with females in anoestrus and pregnant, and the levels of IL‐4 observed were significantly greater (p < 0.001) in bitches with pyometra when compared with others. The cytokine profile in animals with pyometra is similar to bitches in dioestrus for IL‐10 and had increase in IL‐4 for bitches with pyometra, which represents an anti‐inflammatory these cases. This suggests the presence of an immunosuppressive state in both cases, which may explain the propensity of bitches in dioestrus to be affected by pyometra and the severity of the disease on these animals.  相似文献   

There is no data in the literature concerning the frequency of birthing difficulties in the elk cow. This study aims to describe the pelves of elk cows and adult bulls. The measurements of an elk pelvis depend on living conditions rather than age. The dimensions of primiparous pelves are more homogeneous than those of pluriparous cows because heifers have to reach a certain weight prior to successful conception. The elk pelvis has a rather slim shape; the cavum pelvis is deep, oval lengthwise in the median plane, and narrows in the caudal direction. Primiparous and pluriparous cows were significantly different regarding the following measurements: the lengths of the diameter conjugata, the diameter transversa and the caudal transverse and the area of the aperturae pelvis. The pelvic cavity of bulls is longer and narrower in comparison with that of cows, and the areas of the pelvic apertures are smaller. A rapid delivery of the foetus is facilitated by the following factors: a uniform diameter and an appropriate angle of inclination of the bony birth canal, relative mobility of the articulatio sacroiliaca, a concave pelvic surface of the os sacrum, a slow ossification of the symphysis pelvina and the degeneration of the tuberculum pubicum dorsale. In order to differentiate between elks pelves by sex and age, the measurements of the aperturae pelvis and their ratios, the surface area of the symphysis pelvina and the pecten ossis pubis, and the position of the eminentiae iliopubicae and os interischiadicum should be recorded and analysed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate endometrial and placental structural changes that occurred in response to mid‐gestational termination of pregnancy in queens using aglepristone, a progesterone receptor antagonist. Thirteen European Shorthair pregnant queens were either treated with aglepristone (10 mg/kg body weight; subcutaneously) twice on days 25 and 26 after first mating (am; group I; n = 9), or remained untreated and served as control (group II; n = 4). Queens of group I were ovariohysterectomized between days 30 and 41 am, either at the onset (n = 3) or during (n = 1) abortion and 12 h (n = 1), 24 h (n = 3) or 10 days after abortion (n = 1). Queens of group II were ovariohysterectomized on day 30 am. Tissue was collected from the cervix, and the interplacental zone as well as the paraplacenta/placental girdle of the uterus, subjected to standard histological procedures and evaluated using light microscopy. During abortion, gaps appeared within the paraplacenta and the placental girdle which were filled with blood, leading to an embryo‐maternal disconnection. Blood was also observed within the uterine lumen as well as the interstitial mucosal stroma of the cervix and the placental girdle zone and probably originated from damaged venules, whilst arterioles remained intact. As the interval between abortion and surgery increased, the interstitial and luminal haemorrhages became less pronounced and completely disappeared except interstitial remnants 10 days after abortion. The endometrial regeneration was not fully completed on day 10 after abortion and a few cystically dilated glands were evident. In conclusion, abortion of queens through aglepristone given during mid‐gestation is assumed to be the result of damage of uterine venules. This leads to an interstitial haemorrhages and bleeding into the uterine lumen, subsequently resulting in utero‐placental detachment.  相似文献   

文章结合临床病例,对犬子宫蓄脓的病因、诊断和根据不同病症类型制定治疗方案进行总结,指出B超及X光检查对诊断的重要意义,施行子宫卵巢摘除术是根治的有效治疗方法。  相似文献   

本试验对一例患有子宫蓄脓的西施犬通过询问病史、临床检查、血常规检测、X光及B超检查进行确诊,采用手术法治疗。结果显示,血常规检查发现白细胞、中性粒细胞均增多,X光检测到明显膨大的子宫,B超影像可观察到子宫角为圆腔状的黑色暗区,子宫壁增生变厚产生无回声液性暗区。对于子宫蓄脓的诊断,血常规检查显示体内有炎症变化,X光和B超确诊病犬为开放性子宫蓄脓,对病犬采取手术疗法,彻底切除卵巢和子宫。病犬术后恢复良好。  相似文献   

犬子宫蓄脓是目前临床上常见的产科病之一,在宠物饲养中危害较大,2009年3~5月,乌鲁木齐市畜牧科学院动物医院共接诊了40例产科病,其中犬子宫内蓄脓占10例.本文结合这10例病例,从该病的发病原因、症状表现、诊断方法和治疗方面进行阐述,并就相关内容进行讨论.  相似文献   

外源激素对间情期毕格犬发情及妊娠的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
给6只间情期雌性毕格犬注射外源激素雌酮(E1)、孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)、人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)和雌二醇(E2),结果有5只犬发情,3只受孕,产仔14只。发情前期、发情期与自然发情犬无明显差别。发情犬血浆LH高峰出现在阴门见有血样分泌物后(11.6±1.6)d;在LH高峰期血浆孕酮(P4)明显升高,其后12d,P4含量达峰值;80%阴道上皮细胞角化后(6.40±0.68)d出现LH峰  相似文献   

Growth, gravidity and lactation put high demands on the performance of the myocardium. The aim of this study, which was performed in 40 female and 20 male bovines ranging from 1 to 4.5 years old, was to determine gross and microscopic morphometric data of bovine myocardium to establish a comparative measure of myocardial growth during juvenile development. During the developmental stage of young adulthood, age‐related increases in female myocardial characteristics included cardiac mass, left and right ventricular mass and the ratio of cardiac mass to loose connective tissue. Age‐related decreases were observed in the number of myocyte nuclei per mm² and the thickness of the right ventricular wall. Sex differences in these parameters were found between 2‐year‐old bulls (N = 20) and 2‐year‐old heifers (N = 10), with males having heavier hearts, thicker ventricular walls, less myocytes in the left ventricle and less connective tissue in both ventricles. Age and sex had no influence on the ratio of capillaries to myocytes, estimated at 0.98 in the adult bovine. Capillary density does not change during juvenile development, but cross‐sectional capillary area does adapt to myocyte cross‐sectional area, accounting for this relatively constant ratio.  相似文献   

犬子宫蓄脓是临床上常见的产科疾病,主要发生在犬发情后期,根据临床症状可将其分为开放型子宫蓄脓和闭锁型子宫蓄脓。犬子宫蓄脓是在子宫内膜囊性增生、孕酮浓度增加、雌激素浓度降低和细菌感染等因素作用下子宫发生的炎性病变。作者对犬子宫蓄脓的病因、诊断及治疗进行了综述。  相似文献   

宠物犬一般体型较小,大多数畜主是根据犬的喜好来饲喂食物。长期如此,易造成偏食和某些营养物质缺乏。当严重缺钙时,生长犬易发生佝偻病,成年犬易发生软骨病。母犬在怀孕期间要保证胎儿  相似文献   

2014年2月5日,江西农业大学动物科学技术学院宠物兴趣小组接诊该小组自养的1条金毛犬病例.该犬为6岁母犬,体重约8 kg,临床表现精神委顿、食欲不振、呕吐、排尿频繁(偶尔排出几滴红色尿液及少量稀粪)、呼吸急促等症状.根据临床症状和影像学分析将该病例确诊为子宫蓄脓.手术疗法治疗后,病犬逐渐恢复至痊愈.主要对该病例的治疗过程进行了介绍,以期能为临床治疗犬子宫蓄脓提供参考.  相似文献   

2014年2月5日,江西农业大学动物科学技术学院宠物兴趣小组接诊该小组自养的1条金毛犬病例.该犬为6岁母犬,体重约8 kg,临床表现精神委顿、食欲不振、呕吐、排尿频繁(偶尔排出几滴红色尿液及少量稀粪)、呼吸急促等症状.根据临床症状和影像学分析将该病例确诊为子宫蓄脓.手术疗法治疗后,病犬逐渐恢复至痊愈.主要对该病例的治疗过程进行了介绍,以期能为临床治疗犬子宫蓄脓提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对1例金毛犬进行血常规、血液生化检查及X光片、B超检查,诊断为子宫蓄脓,采取切除子宫的手术方法治疗后痊愈。  相似文献   

为了研究犬子宫蓄脓症的诊断与治疗方法。收集来自合肥动物保健中心、池州贝乐康宠物医院的20例子宫蓄脓症患犬病例,并通过分析上述病例的临床症状、实验室检查、仪器检查探究了子宫蓄脓症最为有效、最合理的诊断与治疗方法。研究结果表明,血常规、血液生化、B超、X线对于子宫蓄脓的诊断有着重要的应用价值,在针对该病的预防与治疗上应尽早实施卵巢子宫摘除术。  相似文献   

48例犬子宫蓄脓的中西医治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了前来我校动物医院就诊的48例犬子宫蓄脓病例,随机分成A、B、C 3组,分别采用中医疗法15例、激素疗法20例和手术疗法13例。结果表明,中医疗法治愈率为33.3%,激素疗法治愈率为50%,手术疗法治愈率为84.6%。  相似文献   

犬子宫蓄脓是异常的子宫内膜继发病原微生物感染引起的子宫腔内积有脓液的疾病。外阴部不洁、配种、产后感染或死胎、难产助产感染等均可引起该病。笔者通过对贵州大学动物医院收治的一例病犬进行临床检查和实验室检查,确诊为子宫蓄脓后采取手术疗法治疗并取得成功;对子宫内容物进行病原菌分离鉴定、药敏试验,病原学分析显示,此犬子宫内病原菌为大肠杆菌,且该菌株对先锋霉素、头孢噻吩、卡那霉素和庆大霉素等药物敏感。本试验为犬子宫蓄脓诊治,预防及前期的药物选择提供临床指导。  相似文献   

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