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Two experiments were performed to determine the endocrine and ovarian changes in medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP)-primed ewes after ram introduction. Experiment 1 was performed during the mid-breeding season with 71 ewes primed with an intravaginal MAP sponge for 12 days. While the control (C) ewes (n = 35) were in permanent contact with rams, the ram effect (RE) ewes (n = 36) were isolated for 34 days prior to contact with rams. At sponge withdrawal, all ewes were joined with eight sexually experienced marking Corriedale rams and estrus was recorded over the next 4 days. The ovaries were observed by laparoscopy 4–6 days after estrus. Four weeks later, pregnancy was determined by transrectal ultrasonography. In eight ewes from each group, ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned; FSH, LH, and estradiol-17β were measured every 12 hours until ovulation or 96 hours after estrus. The response to the rams was not affected by the fact that ewes had been kept or not in close contact with males before teasing. No differences were found in FSH, LH, estradiol-17β concentrations, growth of the ovulatory follicle, onset of estrus, ovulation rate, or pregnancy rate. Experiment 2 was performed with 14 ewes during the nonbreeding season. Ewes were isolated from rams for 1 month, and received a 6-day MAP priming. Ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned every 12 hours, and FSH, LH, estradiol-17β, and progesterone were measured. Ewes that ovulated and came into estrus had higher FSH and estradiol-17β levels before introduction of the rams than did ewes that had a silent ovulation. The endocrine pattern of the induced follicular phase of ewes that came into estrus was more similar to a normal follicular phase, than in ewes that had a silent ovulation. The follicle that finally ovulated tended to emerge earlier and in a more synchronized fashion in those ewes that did come into estrus. All ewes that ovulated had an LH surge and reached higher maximum FSH levels than ewes that did not ovulate, none of which had an LH surge. We conclude that (a) the effect of ram introduction in cyclic ewes treated with MAP may vary depending on the time of the breeding season at which teasing is performed; (b) patterns of FSH, and estradiol-17β concentrations, as indicators of activity of the reproductive axis, may be used to classify depth of anestrus; and (c) the endocrine pattern of the induced follicular phase, which is related to the depth of anestrus, may be reflected in the behavioral responses to MAP priming and the ram effect.  相似文献   

The effect of melatonin implants administered during non‐breeding season in Rasa Aragonesa rams on sperm motility parameters and other reproductive traits was assessed. In a first experiment, two Rasa Aragonesa rams were implanted (with melatonin group M), remaining other two males as control group (C). Semen of each group was collected from 1 May to 23 June, twice or three times a week, and motility parameters were assessed using a computer‐assisted sperm analysis system. Melatonin increased the percentage of progressive motile spermatozoa, particularly during 46–75 days after melatonin implantation (p < 0.01). In experiment 2, M and C in vitro fertilization ability had been determined by zona‐pellucida binding assays, using spermatozoa from experiment 1, obtained 60–70 days after melatonin was implanted. A significantly higher number of spermatozoa attached per oocyte was observed in frozen‐thawed immature ovine oocytes incubated with sperm from M animals than in those incubated with sperm from the C group (p < 0.01). Finally, a field assay (experiment 3) was performed. In this case, five Rasa Aragonesa rams were implanted with melatonin and three remained as control group. Sperm doses from those animals were used for artificial insemination of 2608 Rasa Aragonesa ewes from 39 different farms at non‐breeding season. Fertility, litter size and fecundity were studied. Semen from melatonin implanted rams seemed to increase both fertility and fecundity in ewes inseminated with spermatozoa obtained 46–60 days after implantation (p < 0.1). Thus, melatonin treatment in rams during non‐breeding season modifies sperm motility parameters and seems to improve the fertilization parameters obtained.  相似文献   

The study was aimed to assess the influence that short‐term progesterone treatments have on follicular dynamics, oestrus and ovulation in sheep. The treatment was tested thereafter in a field trial to assess its fertility after AI with fresh semen. In a first experiment, 12 ewes without CL were grouped to receive a new (n = 6) or used CIDR (n = 6) for 7 days and blood samples were obtained to follow plasma progesterone profiles. In a second experiment, 39 cycling ewes were synchronized by a 7‐day P4+PGF2α protocol using a new (n = 20) or a 7‐day used CIDR (n = 19). Half of both groups received 400 IU eCG and half remained untreated as controls. Ultrasound ovarian examination and oestrous detection were used to compare follicular dynamics, oestrus and ovulation in both groups. In a third experiment, 288 ewes in 3 farms were synchronized by the short‐term P4+PGF2α+eCG protocol and ewes were AI with fresh semen 24 h after oestrous detection. Lambing performance was used to test the fertility of the treatment. In Experiment 1, ewes with new inserts presented higher P4 concentration than ewes with used inserts throughout the sampling period (p < 0.05) and exhibited a P4 peak at days 1‐2 of the treatment that was not observed in ewes with used inserts. In Experiment 2, ewes treated with new and used inserts show similar ovarian and behavioral traits (p > 0.10). However, ewes treated with eCG show shorter interval to oestrus (p = 0.004) and tend to have larger mature CL (p = 0.06). In Experiment 3, oestrous presentation and lambing performance after AI with fresh semen was considered normal compared to published results. Results suggest that the oestrous synchronization protocol based on P4+PGF2α allows little control of follicular dynamics without compromising fertility after AI with fresh semen provided that eCG is added at the end of the treatment.  相似文献   

The aim in this study was to investigate corpus luteum function and embryonic loss in buffaloes mated by artificial inseminations (AI) during the transitional period from breeding to non‐breeding season. The study was carried out using 288 multiparous Italian Mediterranean Buffalo cows at 110 ± 4 days in milk. The buffaloes were mated by AI after synchronization of ovulation by the Ovsynch‐TAI protocol 25 days after AI buffaloes underwent trans‐rectal ultrasonography to assess embryonic development. Pregnancy diagnosis was confirmed on Days 45 and 70 after AI by rectal palpation. Buffaloes pregnant on Day 25 but not on Day 45 were considered to have undergone late embryonic mortality (LEM), whilst buffaloes pregnant on Day 45 but not on Day 70 were considered to have undergone foetal mortality (FM). Corpus luteum size and blood flow were determined by real‐time B‐mode/colour‐Doppler on day 10 after AI in 122 buffaloes. The resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were recorded at the time. Milk samples were collected on Days 10, 20 and 25 after AI in all inseminated buffaloes for the assay of whey P4 concentrations. Data were analysed by anova . Pregnancy rate on Day 25 after AI was 48.6% (140/288) and declined to 35.4% (102/288) and 30.6% (88/288) by Day 45 and Day 70 respectively. The incidences of LEM and FM were respectively 27.1% (38/140) and 13.7% (14/102). Pregnant buffaloes had greater (p < 0.01) whey concentrations of P4 from Day 20 onwards than buffaloes which showed LEM, whilst P4 in buffaloes that showed FM did not differ from the other two groups on Day 10 and Day 20. Corpus luteum blood flow on Day 10 after AI showed higher RI (p < 0.05) and PI (p = 0.07) values in buffaloes that subsequently were not pregnant on Day 25 compared with pregnant buffaloes. Buffaloes that were not pregnant on Day 45 also had a higher (p = 0.02) RI value on Day 10 than pregnant buffaloes, whilst PI values on Day 10 did not differ for the two groups of buffaloes. It was concluded that blood flow to the corpus luteum on Day 10 after AI influences corpus luteum function as judged by P4 secretion and also embryonic development and attachment in buffaloes.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of plasma concentrations of the metabolic hormones [Growth hormone (GH), insulin and insulin‐like growth factor –I (IGF‐I)] and nutritional metabolites (Glucose, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, globulin, urea and creatinine) on the resumption of post‐partum ovarian activity in sixteen Friesian–Sanga cows grazing extensively on native grassland. Blood samples were taken from cows from week 1 to 16 post‐partum. Cows were classified as having resumed ovarian activity when a plasma progesterone concentration of ≥ 1.0 ng/ml was recorded for two consecutive weekly samples. Based on the resumption of ovarian activity, cows were classified as early‐cycling, late‐cycling or non‐cycling. The concentrations of the metabolic hormones were measured from week 1 to 10, while those of the nutritional metabolites were measured during week 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 during the study period. The concentrations of the metabolic hormones, GH and insulin were similar (p > 0.05) in the three ovarian activity groups, likewise the concentrations of the nutritional metabolites, glucose, total protein, globulin, urea and creatinine. Plasma IGF‐I concentration was higher (p < 0.001) in early‐cycling (18.7 ± 0.74 ng/ml) than in late‐cycling (12.4 ± 0.75 ng/ml) and non‐cycling (10.4 ± 0.91 ng/ml) cows. Plasma cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in early‐cycling (1.94 ± 0.15 mmol/l) compared with late‐cycling (2.48 ± 0.12 mmol/l) and non‐cycling (2.61 ± 0.11 mmol/l) cows. For plasma albumin concentrations, the levels recorded for early‐cycling cows were higher (40.7 ± 2.85 g/l) than in late‐cycling (34.4 ± 1.97 g/l) and non‐cycling (33.6 ± 2.66) cows. The results suggest that cows with lower plasma concentrations of IGF‐I and albumin, but higher plasma cholesterol concentrations were at risk of delayed resumption of post‐partum ovarian activity.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of heat stress, which is commonly observed in the animals of Upper Egypt area in summer, as well as the effect of antioxidant treatment as a thermo‐protective was examined. In this study, the animals (n = 120) were divided into winter group (n = 40, bred during winter) and summer group (n = 80, bred during summer) as well as, animals in the summer group were divided into first subgroup animals (n = 40) and injected with Viteselen intramuscularly (15 ml) twice weekly for 10 weeks and second subgroup animals (n = 40) were not treated (as control). Serum levels of progesterone (P4), oestradiol (E2), cortisol, superoxide dismutase (SOD), lipid peroxidase (LPO) and nitric oxide (NO) were measured. The pregnancy rate of all animals was detected rectally. The levels of oestradiol and the activity of the antioxidant SOD were decreased in serum of animals in behavioural oestrus during summer as compared with those in winter. During the same time period the levels of oxidants such as LPO and NO were increased in the serum of animals again in the phase of oestrus. In another group of animals treated by intramuscular injection with 15 ml viteselen (antioxidant) twice weekly for 6 weeks during hot months, the activities of serum SOD showed an increase and the levels of oxidants and cortisol decreased. Moreover, the levels of oestradiol were increased during the oestrous behaviour. The pregnancy rate was decreased in animals under heat stress and the pregnancy rate was enhanced dramatically when these animals received antioxidants during the heat stress. This means that the heat‐stress in Upper Egypt may affect the fertility of animals and pregnancy rate and this effect may be through an increased production of free radicals and decreased production of antioxidants as well as increased levels of cortisol. Treatment of animals or supplementation with antioxidants before the beginning of months of heat‐stress and also during the stress period may correct the infertility due to heat‐stress through the decrease in cortisol secretion and a decrease in the oxidative stress. These results resulted in an increase in pregnancy rate in treated animals.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop at different seasons, for local North African Maure goats, synchronizing protocols simultaneously to the standard ‘S’ protocol using progestagens in association with prostaglandins and gonadotropin. In late May, 40 goats were assigned to either the ‘S’ protocol or to a protocol where oestrus and ovulation were induced by the buck effect in single‐injection progesterone‐treated goats and provoking early luteolysis using prostaglandin 9 days after exposure to bucks ‘B’. During the 72 h after the treatments ended, 15 and 5 goats expressed oestrus in the ‘S’ and ‘B’ protocols (p < 0.01). Mean time to oestrus was shorter for ‘S’ than for ‘B’ goats. Ovulation rate averaged 2.1 ± 0.22 and 1.60 ± 0.35 for, respectively, ‘S’ and ‘B’ goats (p > 0.05). During mid‐September, 60 goats were assigned to either ‘S’ treatment, ‘PGF’ treatment where oestrus and ovulation were synchronized using two injections of prostaglandin 11 days apart or to ‘GnRH’ treatment where the goats had their oestrus and ovulation synchronized with a GnRH (day 0)–prostaglandin (day 6)–GnRH (day 9) sequence. More ‘S’ goats were detected in oestrus over the 96‐h period after the end of the treatments (88.8, 73.7 and 55% in ‘S’, ‘PGF’ and ‘GnRH’ treatments, respectively; p < 0.05). Mean ovulation rates were 2.3 ± 0.27, 1.33 ± 0.27 and 1.33 ± 0.27 for, respectively, ‘S’, ‘PGF’ and ‘GnRH’ goats (p < 0.001). Despite a similar ovulatory response to ‘S’ protocol, efficiency of prostaglandin and GnRH‐based treatments should be tested in mid‐breeding season.  相似文献   

RFamide‐related peptide‐3 (RFRP‐3), the mammalian ortholog of gonadotropin‐inhibiting hormone, has been implicated as a mediator between reproduction and energy balance. This study aimed to investigate the physiological effects of RFRP‐3 on the process of ovarian development in food‐restricted pre‐pubertal ewes. The results showed that food restriction significantly inhibited the ovarian development and follicular growth. The data of qPCR in the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian (HPO) axis showed that food restriction not only upregulated RFRP‐3 mRNA expression but also downregulated the mRNA expression of gonadotropin‐releasing‐hormone receptor, follicle‐stimulating hormone receptor and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR). Immunohistochemistry of RFRP‐3 in the ovaries suggested that RFRP‐3 may regulate the follicular development. These results suggested that the changes of RFRP‐3 in response to food restriction might influence the HPO axis and inhibit ovarian development.  相似文献   

This study aimed to provide new insights into the epidemiology of Salmonella in pig production, focusing on potential shedding patterns in breeding pigs throughout a full production cycle and the risk of transmission of infection from the sow to her offspring. A longitudinal study was conducted on five farrow‐to‐finish commercial pig farms. In each herd, shedding of Salmonella in faeces was monitored in breeders through service, gestation and lactation. Swabs of the farrowing room floor and pools of faeces from piglets were collected on two occasions during lactation. Environmental pen swabs were also taken in the weaning and finisher houses. Salmonella isolates were serotyped, tested for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and typed by Multiple‐Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA). Shedding by breeding pigs was low in all stages of the production cycle; 5% of sows shed at service, the production stage with highest risk of shedding (p < .01), 1.6% shed during gestation and 2.5% after farrowing. Salmonella was detected in 4% of piglet faecal pools in the second week post‐farrowing and 5% in the fourth week. Serotyping and AMR profiles of Salmonella isolates revealed that strains in sows and gilts were mostly different from strains isolated in weaner and finisher facilities. MLVA typing confirmed that the source of infection in piglets was in most instances the contaminated environment rather than their dam. Based on the typing results, it appears that sows do not pose a major risk in the maintenance and transmission of Salmonella to their progeny but instead the contaminated pen environment is more significant in the perpetuation of the organism on farm.  相似文献   

Peptides of the gastrointestinal tract play a significant role in the digestive processes and the development of the body; therefore, it is important to have an understanding of location and distribution of gastrin, somatostatin and glucagon immunoreactive (IR) cells in the stomach mucosa of growing birds. For this purpose, 6 embryos and 37 chicks from an ostrich farm in Latvia were used. Tissue samples were collected from the proventriculus – superficial and deep glandular region and from the ventriculus – side wall and pyloric region. The number of cells was determined in 10 mucosal fields of each tissue sample. For statistical analysis, the one‐way anova method was used. Gastrin IR cells regarding the stomach mucosa were found only in the pyloric region. Somatostatin IR cells were most densely located in the pyloric region too, but some cells were also discovered in the mucosa of proventriculus and ventriculus. Glucagon IR cells were found in the epithelium of the deep glands of the proventriculus and only some cells of the superficial glands of the proventriculus, and the ventriculus side wall mucosa. Gastrin and somatostatin IR cells were present in a comparatively large quantity in the ostrich chicks' ventriculus – pyloric region yet not long before hatching. They were located deep in the mucosa of pyloric glands, and their number tended to increase with birds advancing in age.  相似文献   

Liver‐expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP‐2) is a cationic peptide that plays an important role in innate immunity for host defense. The aim of this study was to characterize the LEAP‐2 gene in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Japanese quail LEAP‐2 (CjLEAP‐2) was identified from the Japanese quail draft genome database by a local BLAST analysis using chicken LEAP‐2 (GgLEAP‐2). The exon‐intron structure of CjLEAP‐2, analyzed from three quails, is composed of three exons, as is the chicken LEAP‐2 homolog (GgLEAP‐2). An analysis of the coding sequence revealed that CjLEAP‐2 is 231 bp long, like GgLEAP‐2, and 93% identical to GgLEAP‐2 at the nucleic acid level. The predicted amino acid sequence of CjLEAP‐2 contained the liver‐expressed antimicrobial peptide 2‐precursor domain and four cysteine residues characteristic of the LEAP‐2 protein. The amino acid sequence of the mature peptide of CjLEAP‐2 was 100% identical to that of GgLEAP‐2. We confirmed that CjLEAP‐2 was transcribed in at least seven tissues, including the digestive system. Additionally, the mature peptide region of CjLEAP‐2 exhibited no polymorphisms in 99 quails from six strains. Taken together, these findings indicate that CjLEAP‐2 is non‐polymorphic and therefore, it likely plays an important role in the innate immunity of quail as it does in chicken.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the limited access to androgens during late prenatal period alters expression of steroidogenic enzymes involved in androgen production: 3β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5‐Δ4 isomerase (3β‐HSD), cytochrome P450 17α‐hydroxylase/17,20‐lyase (CYP17) and 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17β‐HSD1) or type 3 (17β‐HSD3) in the foetal porcine gonads. Pregnant gilts were injected with anti‐androgen flutamide (for seven days, 50 mg/day/kg bw) or corn oil (control) starting at 83 (GD90) or 101 (GD108) gestational day. To assess 3β‐HSD, CYP17 and 17β‐HSD1 or 17β‐HSD3 expression, real‐time PCR and immunohistochemistry were performed. In testes from flutamide‐treated foetuses, increased 3β‐HSD and CYP17 mRNA expression was observed in the GD90 group, while decreased 3β‐HSD and 17β‐HSD3 mRNA expression and increased CYP17 mRNA expression were found in the GD108 group. CYP17 and 17β‐HSD3 were localized in Leydig cells. Following flutamide administration, the intensity of CYP17 immunostaining was higher in both treated groups, while 17β‐HSD3 intensity was lower in the GD108 group. In ovaries from flutamide‐treated foetuses in the GD90 group, mRNA level for 3β‐HSD was elevated, but it was diminished for CYP17 and 17β‐HSD1. In the GD108 group, flutamide treatment led to lower mRNA level for 3β‐HSD but higher for CYP17. 3β‐HSD was found in granulosa cells, while CYP17 was localized within egg nests and oocytes of forming follicles. Following flutamide treatment, the intensity of 3β‐HSD and CYP17 immunostaining was higher in the GD90 and GD108 groups, respectively. Immunohistochemical staining for 3β‐HSD was restricted to the ovary. Concluding, diminished androgen action in the porcine foetal gonads during late gestation induces changes in steroidogenic enzymes expression, which may led to changes in gonadal function. However, it seems that androgens exert diverse biological effects depending on the gestational period.  相似文献   

Apoptosis has been shown to be an important regulator of endometrium function. To clarify the regulation of apoptosis in the cat endometrium during the normal oestrus cycle, the expressions of the apoptosis‐related proteins (Bcl‐2 and Bax) and their correlation to the inhibitor of apoptosis protein Survivin were analysed using immunohistochemistry. The TUNEL technique (TdT‐mediated dUTP nick end labelling) was also used to detect DNA fragmentation characteristic of apoptotic cells. The results demonstrated that TUNEL labelling is not effective for the detection of apoptosis in cat endometrium. Survivin was expressed in the luminal and glandular epithelial cells of cat endometrium during all phases of the oestrus cycle. Survivin was localized in both the cytoplasm and nuclei of superficial and deep uterine gland cells during the luteal phase, while only cytoplasmic staining was observed during the follicular and anoestrus phases. Bax immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm of luminal and glandular epithelial cells as well as the smooth muscle cells of blood vessels was weak in the anoestrus phase. Compared with anoestrus, the intensity of Bax immunostaining was moderate in the follicular phase and increased dramatically in the luteal phase. Bcl‐2 immunostaining in the cytoplasm of luminal and glandular epithelial cells was moderate in the anoestrus phase. During the early follicular phase, cytoplasmic Bcl‐2 immunostaining was detected mostly in glandular epithelial cells. In the mid‐follicular phase, in glands, the amount of Bcl‐2 protein increased progressively from the superficial to the deep layer. In contrast, the expression of Bcl‐2 decreased in the secretory phase, being very low or absent in the mid‐ and late luteal phases. The overall results suggest that Survivin, Bax and Bcl‐2 proteins may cooperatively contribute to cell apoptosis and cell proliferation in the cat uterus during the oestrus cycle.  相似文献   

This article describes and contrasts the public health response to two human rabies cases: one organ recipient diagnosed within days of symptom onset and the transplant donor who was diagnosed 18 months post‐symptom onset. In response to an organ‐transplant‐related rabies case diagnosed in 2013, organ donor and recipient investigations were conducted by multiple public health agencies. Persons with potential exposure to infectious patient materials were assessed for rabies virus exposure. An exposure investigation was conducted to determine the source of the organ donor's infection. Over 100 persons from more than 20 agencies spent over 2700 h conducting contact investigations in healthcare, military and community settings. The 564 persons assessed include 417 healthcare workers [5.8% recommended for post‐exposure prophylaxis (PEP)], 96 community contacts (15.6% recommended for PEP), 30 autopsy personnel (50% recommended for PEP), and 21 other persons (4.8% recommended for PEP). Donor contacts represented 188 assessed with 20.2% recommended for PEP, compared with 5.6% of 306 recipient contacts recommended for PEP. Human rabies cases result in substantial use of public health and medical resources, especially when diagnosis is delayed. Although rare, clinicians should consider rabies in cases of encephalitis of unexplained aetiology, particularly for cases that may result in organ donation.  相似文献   

In this study, the annual cycle of the gonadal steroids testosterone (T), 11‐ketotestosterone (11‐KT), 17β‐oestradiol (E2) and 17α, 20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (DHP) was determined using radioimmunoassay and then compared, for XY males (n = 35) and sex‐reversed XX males (n = 27) rainbow trout, to establish possible endocrinology differences. Both in XY males and sex‐reversed XX males, significant correlation was shown between body weight and T (r = 0.5046 and 0.34078, respectively; p < 0.0001) or KT (r = 0.52494 and 0.43545, respectively; p < 0.0001) concentrations. Plasma androgen levels in XY and sex‐reversed XX males were similar and showed an intense seasonal variation. The highest levels for T and 11‐KT were detected from December to April with a peak in January (51.67 ± 5.11 and 61.95 ± 4.25 ng/ml, for XY males and 57.1 ± 5.82 and 59.27 ± 4.84 ng/ml, respectively, for XX males). In addition, there was a positive correlation (p < 0.0001) between T and 11‐KT levels for XY males (r = 0.7533) and sex‐reversed XX males (r = 0.6019). Concentrations of DHP in XY males also showed seasonal variation with a peak in February (25.18 ± 12.99 ng/ml). However, DHP levels in sex‐reversed XX males were undetectable (<0.1 ng/ml) over the year. Levels of E2 were undetectable through the year in both groups of trout. In conclusion, the androgenic and oestrogenic profiles of sex‐reversed XX males were similar to those observed in XY males. The only difference in the annual gonadal steroid cycle between XY and sex‐reversed XX males was in the DHP profile.  相似文献   

Endometrial expression of oestrogen (ERα), progesterone (PR) and oxytocin receptor (OR) and cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) was evaluated from the induction of ovulation to luteolysis in llamas. Ovarian activity was daily assessed by ultrasonography in five females. Ovulation was induced immediately after the detection of an ovulatory follicle by a GnRH injection (Day 0). Endometrial samples were obtained by transcervical biopsies from the left and right horns on day 0 and days 4, 8, 10 and 12 post‐GnRH. Blood samples were collected daily for progesterone and estradiol‐17β determinations by RIA. An immunohistochemical technique was used to study receptors population and COX‐2 expression which were then evaluated by two independent observers. The expression of ERα and PR was highest on day 0 in the luminal epithelium and stroma in association with high plasma estradiol‐17β concentrations. Thereafter, a decrease in ERα population was registered on day 4 and a new increase of its expression was observed between days 8 and 12 in those cell types. Conversely, PR population was gradually down‐regulated until its lowest expression was reached on day 10 post‐GnRH in the luminal epithelium. Content of OR was similar throughout the study in all cell types. The expression of COX‐2 was highest from day 8 to 12 post‐GnRH in the luminal epithelium, in relation to the time of maximal PGF release. Both steroid receptors populations and COX‐2 expression were similar between horns. Meanwhile, OR expression was higher in the right than in the left uterine horn. In summary, this study showed that the loss of endometrium sensitivity to progesterone by days 8–10 post‐induction of ovulation and the concomitant increase of COX‐2 expression could play a key role in the mechanism of luteolysis and somehow be related to the short corpus luteum lifespan of llamas.  相似文献   

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