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为减少野生考氏鳍竺鲷(Pterapogon kauderni)做为海水观赏鱼的捕捞量,保护海洋野生动物种质资源,增加考氏鳍竺鲷市场供应量,使用野生考氏鳍竺鲷作为亲鱼,进行了考氏鳍竺鲷繁育技术研究,主要技术包括野生成鱼选择及驯养、成鱼配对、亲鱼促熟、产卵及护卵管理、受精卵孵化及苗种培育.  相似文献   

陈必哲 《福建水产》1993,(3):34-36,33
短尾大眼鲷俗称“红目狗”属大眼鲷科、大眼鲷属,为暖水性近底层鱼类,我国东海、南海和黄海均有分布。闽东北外海渔场除了短尾大眼鯛外,还有斑鳍大眼鲷和黑鳍大眼鲷,但数量以短尾大眼鲷占绝大多数,是拖网作业主要的捕捞对象之一。以往福建海区短尾大眼鲷的渔获量很低。东海短尾大眼鲷的开发利用始于七十年代。1972年12月,东海水产研究所和上海市海洋渔业公司联合进行“东海外海底鱼资源季节性调查”,在7个航次中,短尾大眼鲷的渔获量,占总渔获量的24%,居首位,从而引起重视。从1980年起,福建省海洋渔业公司开发了闽中渔场的短尾大眼鲷资源,渔获  相似文献   

黄鳍鲷为浅海暖水性底层鱼类,舟山海域有部分分布,该鱼肉质鲜美,营养价值高,市场畅销,是网箱养殖推广和海洋增殖放流的本地优良品种。为了解决黄鳍鲷苗种的供应问题,浙江省舟山市水产技术推广站联  相似文献   

<正>2014年,山东莱州明波水产有限公司与中国科学院海洋研究所、中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所合作,在国内首次突破斑石鲷生殖调控及苗种生产技术研究,成功培育出批量斑石鲷苗种,填补了我国斑石鲷苗种繁育的空白。斑石鲷属鲈形目,石鲷科,石鲷属,俗称斑鲷、花金鼓、黑金鼓。在自然海域中该鱼的自然资源稀少,常以垂钓获得,极少形成自然群体,没有明显的盛鱼期,且产量很小。  相似文献   

<正>在广东番禺海鸥岛,提起养黄鳍鲷,大家首推的就是石楼海鸥水产养殖基地。大家推荐的理由有三:产量高,病害少,出品的黄鳍鲷肉质细嫩。到底该基地有什么养殖秘诀,带着这个疑问,记者实地探访了海鸥岛石楼海鸥水产养殖基地。"我们养黄鳍鲷成功的关键是‘黄鳍鲷+金鼓鱼+鲳鱼+鲈鱼+鳙鱼'这五种鱼的混养模式。"养殖场负责人郑先生一语道破黄鳍鲷高产的奥秘。郑先生表示,他们从事黄鳍鲷养殖已经有三十年历史,既纯养过,也混  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯日前,广西钦州市渔政管理中心站在三娘湾海域实施人工增殖放流项目,人工增殖放流卵形鲳鲹、红鳍笛鲷苗种各80、50万尾,生活在三娘湾海域的中华白海豚又增添了130万尾小伙伴。近年来,为加强对三娘湾中华白海豚的保护,确保三娘湾中华白海豚栖息环境的生态平衡和可持续发展,钦州市渔政管理中心站加强对三娘湾海域的巡查执法,打击各种破坏渔业资源行为。在适航条件下,每天早晚各一次到三娘湾海域巡查,或者深入到三娘湾沿  相似文献   

<正>2014年,山东省烟台莱州明波水产首次在国内引进斑石鲷亲鱼452尾,与中科院海洋所、水科院黄海所联合攻关,一举攻克育苗关键技术难题,培育6cm以上斑石鲷苗种50余万尾。在2014年7月4日明波水产斑石鲷全国验收推介会上,与会中山大学林浩然院士等专家普遍认为,斑石鲷作为我国新的养殖品种,明波水产能够率先引进并完成它的驯养、自然催产、催熟和苗种孵化培育,成果可观,推广前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

<正> 拖网是南海海洋捕捞的主要作业方式,历年来以捕获蛇鲻、金线鱼、大眼鲷、红鳍笛鲷,二长棘鲷、鲱鲤等底栖鱼类为主。七十年代以后,蓝园鲹、鲐鱼、沙丁鱼、马面鲀等上升为主要鱼类,占海洋总捕捞量的70%以上。如何使网具适应游速较快和具有垂直涸游习性的鱼类特点,成为南海渔业生产的主要研究课题。  相似文献   

<正> 荣成市鳀鱼开发 实现新突破 针对主要传统的经济鱼类资源严重衰退的捕捞形势,荣成市水产局及时采取新对策,调整作业结构,积极组织开发鳀鱼资源,井采取得力措施,使鳀鱼开发在捕捞生产、加工销售等环节上都兼顾发展,既为捕捞生产开拓了新路子,又促进了鱼粉、鱼油及粗饲料加工等行业的发展。他们做法是: 一、充分发挥大马力拖网船优势,提高捕捞产量,增加捕捞  相似文献   

泉州湾属河口型内湾,水质肥沃,饵料丰富,湾内的岩礁岛屿栖息着大量的翡翠贻贝(Perna uiridis)资源。经过繁殖与保护,将可以形成一个有开发前景的天然苗种场。  相似文献   

Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) aquaculture has rapidly spread around the Mediterranean Sea. Fish escapes from sea cages are one of the major problems for the industry and also represent a threat to the marine environment. Fishery catches are also influenced by escape events, being mirrored in increased landings of cultured species. However, within the Mediterranean, studies shedding light on the incidence of escaped individuals in fisheries landings are scarce. Firstly, the present study describes a simple scale‐examination methodology to distinguish escaped from wild S. aurata landed by coastal fisheries. Secondarily, the incidence of escapees is assessed within landings of the species in the western Mediterranean. The scale readings revealed a monthly incidence of escapees between 11.2 and 20.8%, representing 6.8% of the total income derived from these landings. Moreover, morphological differences between wild fish captured near and far from fish farms point towards escape events as a source of potential genetic admixture between cultured and wild genotypes. Socio‐economic and ecological implications of escapees are discussed, and a set of management guidelines proposed, to prevent and/or mitigate the negative influences of escaped fish on the ecosystem and traditional users of the coast such as fisheries.  相似文献   

渔业资源可持续利用是实现渔业可持续发展的基础,如何评价其可持续利用是重要的科学问题。本文基于生态足迹理论构建了渔业可持续指数的评价框架,并利用该评价指数对江苏省1949~2007年的渔业资源利用状况进行了定量评价。结果显示:1949~1978年的近30年间,江苏省渔业资源基本处于可持续利用状态,但改革开放以后,尤其是1980、1990年代总体处在较强的不可持续利用状态,过度捕捞是导致渔业资源不可持续利用的重要原因;2000年以后不可持续性程度有所减缓,说明伏季休渔、增殖放流等生态保护措施已初见成效。最后就如何提高渔业资源可持续性水平,降低经济社会发展对渔业资源的负面影响提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal patterns of distribution of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and sea bream, Sparus aurata, and their influence on artisanal fisheries are explored before and after an escape event that released 1.5 million fish into the wild off La Palma (Canary Islands). Data were collected by in situ visual census and first sale data as a proxy of artisanal fisheries landings. Permutational anova of escapee abundances in shallow coastal habitats revealed consistent spatial patterns that linked densities of these fish to distance from escape point, whereas temporal patterns were related to a higher biomass released during winter. A nearby marine protected area did not show different densities of escaped fish. Local artisanal fleet catches accurately reflected the massive escape event and offer the main contingency force to mitigate the potential negative effects of massive escape events over shallow coastal habitats.  相似文献   

Stocking is an important management tool for enhancing fisheries resources, but its actual contribution to fisheries resources is controversial, taking into consideration both the positive and negative effects. This study compared density and biomass of hatchery (otolith thermal marked) and wild masu salmon parr between stocked and unstocked rivers to evaluate the contribution of stocking with hatchery‐reared fish. Density and biomass of all fish did not differ between stocked and unstocked rivers. Moreover, density and biomass of wild fish in the stocked rivers were lower than those of the unstocked rivers. Density and biomass of hatchery fish in a non‐natural reproducing river were similar with those of all fish in natural reproducing rivers. These results indicate that hatchery stocking does not have positive effects on population density or biomass but replaces wild fish with hatchery fish and that non‐natural reproducing areas are more suitable as stocking sites.  相似文献   

张靳  姚仕喜 《河北渔业》2016,(11):46-51
渔业资源可持续利用是渔业经济发展的基础,是维持渔业资源动态平衡的条件。通过建立渔业生态足迹模型,对广东海洋渔业生态足迹及生态承载力定量分析,结果显示,近十年来,广东海洋渔业生态足迹和渔业生态承载力都呈下降趋势,渔业生态足迹值均高于渔业资源生态承载力,广东海洋渔业资源处于生态超载状态。针对生态超载累积效应所引起的渔业资源衰退问题,本文结合广东海洋渔业资源利用现状及补偿实践,提出实现海洋渔业生态可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文主要根据1996~2004年福建海区历次渔业资源专题调查和渔业资源动态监测资料,以及1990~2003年福建省渔业统计年鉴数据资料,分析研究福建海区拖网、张网、流剌网、灯光围网等主要作业对渔业资源的开发利用状况和存在问题。结果表明拖网、张网等作业对近海渔业资源利用强度尚未有效遏制,资源结构朝着越来越不利于人们利用的方向发展。并提出控制海区捕捞强度、调整捕捞作业结构、加强福建海区主要作业生产动态监测力度、加快人工鱼礁建设和增殖放流的步伐等渔业资源管理、养护和增殖措施。  相似文献   

胶州湾中部海域秋、冬季鱼类群落结构及其多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
根据2008年9月2009年2月在胶州湾中部海域进行的逐月定点底拖网调查数据,分析了该海域秋、冬季鱼类群落结构特征和多样性变化。结果表明,该海域秋、冬季共捕获鱼类50种,隶属8目,28科,42属;秋、冬季鱼类的相对资源量存在明显的月间变化,平均网获质量为每网865.29~5173.71g,平均网获尾数为每网111~717ind。秋、冬季优势种组成有明显的季节更替现象,主要由暖温性和暖水性的季节洄游种变为地域性的暖温性和冷温性种,仅六丝钝尾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)为秋、冬季的共有优势种。种类丰富度指数(R)变化范围为2.08~3.25,多样性指数(H′)变化范围为1.50~2.44,均匀度指数J′为0.52~0.76;秋、冬两季间鱼类群落物种多样性指数差异均不显著(P0.05)。聚类分析和多维标度法(MDS)分析表明,6个月的样本可分为秋季组(9~11月)和冬季组(12~2月)2个组分;单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)表明,秋、冬季组分间鱼类群落结构无显著性差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

In this study, we describe what we term a Blue Transition, defined as the passage from fish biomass reduction to recovery in exploited aquatic resources, enabled by aquaculture. A Blue Transition is a key component of emergent “blue” discourses which support that the expansion of aquaculture would relieve pressure on declining capture fisheries, thus contributing to global food security, particularly of the poorest populations. Based on global secondary data and the case of Chile, we explore the evidence of such claim and the implications of a Blue Transition for fisheries and aquaculture development. In 2012, worldwide aquaculture production surpassed wild captures; nevertheless, such turnaround would have not taken place without China's contribution. In Chile, this turnaround occurred in 2014, concurrently with the lowest industrial landings registered since the 1960s (1,227,359 tons). Chile's aquaculture is not relieving wild fisheries or satisfying food demands of the lower income population, in the country or elsewhere. Salmon, the main aquaculture product, is destined mainly to Japan, Russia and United States where, due to its high prices, it is consumed mostly by wealthy consumers. For the case at hand, evidence suggests that a blue transition may be underway but is going in the wrong direction: from what may have been sustainable fisheries management before the 1970s to the overexploited wild fisheries of today.  相似文献   

基于ISM法的三沙湾资源开发累积生态效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林法玲 《福建水产》2012,34(5):354-361
通过分析三沙湾中主要用海开发活动,从用海类型出发,在地形地貌、水动力、水质和沉积物质量、生物生态等方面的累积效应以及自然灾害诱发效应等指示因子中筛选出27个要素。利用解释结构模型(Interpretative Structural Modeling,ISM)分析了各要素之间的关系,建立了三沙湾资源开发累积生态效应的解释结构模型。从该模型的各个阶层,直观地反映出海湾资源开发各用海类型的累积生态效应发生过程,为海湾资源开发利用、规划和管理提供具有一定借鉴意义的理论基础和技术手段。  相似文献   

灯笼鱼属于中深海鱼类,广泛分布于全球各大洋中,资源量巨大。灯笼鱼通常被用于加工饲料鱼粉和鱼油,市场价值较低,因此被称为低值鱼类,长期不被人们重视。近年来,随着海洋渔业资源日趋紧张,人们开始重新关注全球的灯笼鱼资源,在灯笼鱼的资源调查、探捕和产品加工方面进行了大量的研究和实践,开发出了可供人类消费的灯笼鱼食品。尽管在灯笼鱼的研究和开发利用方面还有许多问题尚待解决,但是越来越多的渔业专家对灯笼鱼资源开发利用的前景抱有信心。  相似文献   

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