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近年 ,在盛果期和衰老期的苹果园内 ,腐烂病发生频繁 ,发生面积有增无减 ,严重影响树体的正常生长 ,导致果实品质下降和减产 ,发生严重的果园几乎绝产 ,为此简要介绍腐烂病的防治措施供参考。1 病斑的检查 于 3月中下旬 ,检查腐烂病的发生 ,在树干上有潮湿不干处 ,树皮皮色发暗 ,呈水渍状 ,皮层较软 ,用手一抠有黄褐色的坏死组织 ,且伴有酒糟气味 ,便可确定为腐烂病的病斑。2 病斑的刮治 发现有腐烂病的树要刮除树皮 ,首先在主干周围的地上铺一层塑料布 ,准备接住刮落的病皮 ,防止脱落到地面上 ;然后彻底刮除病皮组织 ,直达黄白色的新鲜…  相似文献   

苹果树腐烂病的土法防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

应用土法防治苹果树腐烂病 ,以生长季节进行为好 ,这时树体生长旺盛 ,愈合组织形成快。首先 ,在发现有伤疤的树下铺一张塑料布 ,用浓碱水消毒过的利刀将病疤刮下 ,再用另一把利刀刮去病疤周围约 0 5cm宽的健皮组织 ,将刮掉的病疤碎木屑集中烧毁 ,而后再选用以下方法处理病疤部位即可。1 牛粪泥涂抹 取园土研细过筛 ,与鲜牛粪混合(7∶3) ,加适量水调成泥浆 ,涂抹在刮净皮的病疤上(贴泥厚 3cm) ,使泥团超过病疤周围 5cm ,再用薄膜包扎好 ,薄膜上下两端不要超过泥团 ,包扎不宜过紧 ,以免影响树干增粗生长。病斑部背面未贴泥部分 ,应在…  相似文献   

腐烂病是苹果树的主要病害之一,危害严重,对苹果树势和产量威胁极大,必须引起高度重视,加强防治,减少危害。一、腐烂病发生时期及其发生因子1、发生时期:苹果树腐烂病为弱寄生菌,病菌分生孢子由早春树液流动开始全年均  相似文献   

为了探索治疗苹果树腐烂病的有效方法,笔者对村里集镇王庄村,大辛店镇民山村、李庄村的16户果树专业户进行了走访,就刮治腐烂病用药进行对比测试,其结果是:用愈合剂和福美砷效果不佳,复发率分别是65%和80%,而用5%安索菌毒清涂刷病疤,效果  相似文献   

苹果树腐烂病在我国苹果主产区普遍发生,为害严重。近年来,其发生、侵染规律和防治技术的研究,取得了明显的进展。1 明确了苹果树腐烂病的发生、侵染规律1.1 病原和症状苹果树腐烂病菌是一个兼性弱寄生菌,属于子囊菌亚门,无性世代属于半知菌亚门,病原菌为Valsa mali miyabe etyamada。侵染树体后一般呈潜伏状态,条件适宜时发病,被侵染部位树皮上表现为溃疡和枝枯两种症状,并以前者为主。  相似文献   

谈谈苹果树腐烂病的综合防治编者按:庄河市王辉等五名同志来信询问关于1994年果树受冻后,腐烂病严重发生,死枝死干的现象巨增,不知怎办才好。现请我所植保专家景学富研究员予以回答。苹果树腐烂病是我省苹果产区的重要枝干病害,各地普遍发生,为害较重,果树受冻...  相似文献   

一、加强栽培管理、增强树势、提高树抗病能力是防治腐病的根本性措施 1、改善树体营养,科学施肥增施有机肥,早施基肥,巧追化肥,多喷叶肥.  相似文献   

AIM: To establish the implanted hepatic cancer models in SD rats, and to observe the effects and mechanism of Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang on implanted hepatoma models. METHODS: Walker256 carcinoma was implanted to the liver of SD rats. The rats were treated with low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang respectively. The vital signs and the survival time were recorded. Arterial blood was collected at time points of 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks after transplantation to measure the levels of lanineamino-transferases (ALT), aspartateamino-transferases (AST), aspartateamino-transferases: alanineamino-transferases (S/L), albumin (ALB), albumin/globulin (A/G), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and alpha-L-fucosidase (AFU). RESULTS: The values of the ALT, AST in high-dose and medium-dose Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang groups were less than those in hepatoma model group (P<0.01), and the values of ALB and A/G were more than those in hepatoma model group (P<0.05) at 3 weeks. The values of ALP, GGT and AFU in high-dose Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang group decreased (P<0.01). The median survival rate of low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang groups increased, which were longer than that in model group. CONCLUSION: Herbal Mixture Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang improves the quality of life and prolongs the survival time of implanted hepatoma rats. Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang protects the liver functions, including the decrement of the ALT and AST, maintenance of the ALB level, and reduction of the hepatoma indicating enzyme like the ALP, GGT and AFU. The results show that the high-dose Fu Zheng Kang Ai Fang is the best mixture.  相似文献   

A summer application of nitrogen was used to induce the production of “ strong ” flowers for comparison with the " normal ” flowers produced on trees of Worcester Pearmain given only a spring application of nitrogen.

The flowers were given various pollination treatments to provide material for an assessment of flower quality. These included the following : auto and alio self-pollination and cross-pollination with diploid apple or pear at anthesis, cross-pollinations and self-pollinations at additional daily intervals subsequent to anthesis.

The stigmas of strong flowers remained receptive for a longer period than those of normal flowers.

After cross-pollination with a diploid apple, fertilization took place in 6-7 days. After self-pollination a typical incompatibility reaction was apparent. Pear pollen tubes showed an intermediate response.

Egg sacs in strong flowers continued to enlarge after those of corresponding normal flowers had ceased to grow. The fertilized ovules and embryo sacs of strong flowers showed a more rapid acceleration in growth rate than those of normal flowers.

Cell division in unfertilized ovules also continued for a longer period in strong flowers and appeared to be correlated with the behaviour of the egg sac.

Ovule longevity provided the most striking difference between the two flower types. The ovules of strong flowers remained capable of fertilization for almost twice as long as those of normal flowers.

Abnormalities of several types were seen in ovules. The most common was the production of secondary egg sacs, a feature of strong flowers which had been self-pollinated. Three types of secondary sac, micropylar, lateral and chalazal are described and illustrated.

The effects of rate of pollen tube growth, ovule longevity and the period of stigma receptivity in limiting the effective pollination period, are discussed. It is suggested that some variations in fruit set may be due to differences in flower quality. The use of summer or early autumn nitrogen is advocated as a method of improving blossom quality in certain varieties.  相似文献   

施用硅钙钾肥对日光温室黄瓜生长与产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间试验,研究施用不同量硅钙钾肥对陕北日光温室黄瓜生长与产量效果。结果表明:不同施用量硅钙钾肥能明显促进日光温室黄瓜株高生长和叶面积增加;黄瓜生长健壮,茎粗增加,黄瓜蔓长增加,促进黄瓜早开花,结果数量增多。在施用量25~100kg/667m2范围内,日光温室黄瓜产量增加104.3%~112.0%。施用硅钙钾肥是提高日光温室黄瓜产量的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

以2a生欧李为试材,利用吉林省常用的土壤封闭式化学除草剂48%阿特拉津胶悬剂、43%甲草胺乳油、50%乙草胺乳油进行杂草防除试验.结果表明:地面喷施43%甲草胺乳油250 mL/667m2不仅对杂草的防除效果好,且对欧李园安全无害.地面喷施48%阿特拉津胶悬剂200 mL/667m2和50%乙草胺乳油150 mL/667m2也具有良好的杂草防除效果,但对欧李植株都存在着不同程度的药害,在欧李生产中不宜使用.  相似文献   

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