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A crop of cocksfoot and lucerne in alternate rows was subjected to various autumn treatments for winter pasture. The yield of grass in winter, and the effect of autumn and winter treatments upon yield and composition in the following spring, are reported and discussed.
Maximum yield of winter grass was achieved by resting from an early date and applying nitrogenous fertilizer. The response to fertilizer applied in August and mid-September for winter grass production was as good as that obtained on ordinary swards at other times of the year. To ensure an adequate yield in any year the crop would need to be rested from early August and to receive about 70 lb N per acre.
The spring growth of cocksfoot was distinctly retarded by cutting twice in winter, i.e. in November and February. Cutting once only had no such adverse effect.
Both cocksfoot and lucerne persisted satisfactorily. The use of nitrogenous fertilizer to promote autumn growth of grass did not greatly reduce the overall productivity of the lucerne.
The two species were complementary in the sense that, in combination, they maintained a high aggregate yield of herbage under a range of weather conditions in midsummer and in winter.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which cocksfoot, grown for production of seed, was cut annually for 3 years in either autumn, winter or spring. No significant increases in yield of seed/ac were obtained from any treatment compared with an uncut control, and a cut in late April in one year seriously reduced the yield of seed. Additional N applied after a defoliation in October did not increase the yield of seed compared with that from plots which were cut at the same time but not fertilized. The production of tillers was not affected by cutting on any date. The percentage fertility of tillers was increased by cutting in the first year, when the number of tillers was smallest; the fertility was less consistently affected in the second year, and was generally unaffected in the third year. The weight of seed produced per ear was usually reduced by the cutting treatments. In the third year of the experiment it was shown that the penetration of light to the base of the shoots was increased substantially by defoliation, but it is deduced that maximum interception of light by the whole plant is more important for the production of seed than increasing by cutting that proportion which penetrates to the base of the plant.  相似文献   

Three leafy grass varieties, S215 meadow fescue, S37 cocksfoot and S51 timothy. were subjected to four dril spacings of 6, 15, 24 and 36 in. under two levels of nitrogen application. Over three harvest years, meadow fescue gave better seed yields with 6- and 15-in, drill spacings. Cocksfoot gave very similar yields from 1.5, 24- and 36-in, drills but a signincantly reduced yield from 6-in, spaced drills. Timothy produced significantly higher yields at the 24 in spacing.
The three varieties showed a significant response to nitrogen application.
Aphids seriously affected the vegetative growth of meadow fescue and timothy at the wider spacings, but the 6-in. drills m boths species remained relatively free of aphid attack, as also did the cocksfoot block.  相似文献   

An experiment to determine the effect of applying high levels of N on the seed yield of S37 cocksfoot is described. Increasing the rate of application in the range 174–1044 Ib N/ac/annum did not substantially increase yield, except where 1044 Ib N was applied in monthly lots in 1960–1; in some instances yield was significantly reduced by increased N application, apparently as a result of increased frost susceptibility. It is concluded that an application of about 174 lb N/ac/annum is the maximum desirable if there is a danger of frost.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which nitrogen was applied in relation to the physiological stage of development in cocksfoot grown for seed. All applications of N increased the yield of seed, but applying all the N during the phase of autumnal tillering was less effective than applying it at stages of development in spring (beginning of vernal growth, initiation of inflorescences, complete differentiation of inflorescences), or in autumn and spring, because of a decrease in the number of tillers which survived to flower in the following year. Differences due to the stage of development at which N was applied in spring were small. Primary effects of N were to increase the number of tillers and ears per plant, and to accelerate the rate of development of inflorescences; in addition, N advanced the date of initiation of inflorescences without similarly advancing the date of complete differentiation of inflorescences. It is concluded that a long period between the initiation and complete differentiation of the inflorescence is conducive to high yields of seed.  相似文献   

试验结果表明,长度大于2.5cm的大芽比长度小于1.5cm的小芽生育期显著提前,使地上同化系统和地下吸收系统得以迅速建立,生长势和生理活性较强,从而产量明显提高.秋薯栽培期间,播前种薯催大、中、小芽的产量分别比不催芽的对照增加89.4%,77.4%和25.9%.秋播前种薯的芽长以2.5cm左右为好.  相似文献   

After uniform defoliation in February, spaced plants of S.48 timothy were cut on one of 12 fortnightly dates, starting at the end of March.
Analysis of the herbage removed at each cut showed an increase in plant and unit tiller weight throughout the season, but a decline in the number of tillers, especially before the beginning of shooting.
The date of ear emergence was not affected by cutting up to 5 May and only slightly delayed in plants cut on 19 May. Plants treated subsequently flowered much later but after a fairly constant interval following defoliation.
Cutting on and after 7 April depressed fertile tiller formation with increasing severity, until only vegetative tillers appeared in the recovery growth following treatment at the beginning of August.
Seed yield per plant declined with the decrease in fertile tiller numbers, but after the early cuts some compensation by production of slightly more seed per ear was recorded.
The results are discussed in terms of the physiological transition of the plant towards flowering.  相似文献   

Leafy strains of five grasses were grown for seed and subjected to various cattle grazing treatments between October and April for three harvest years. The grasses were: S.143 cocksfoot, S.215 meadow fescue, S.170 tall fescue, S.59 red fescue and S.23 perennial ryegrass. All but S.59 red fescue (row crop) were studied as row and broadcast crops. The plots were sown under an arable silage crop and received top dressings of nitrogenous fertiliser every year. Yield of seed, and also quantity of herbage in winter, were measured.
October grazing in the seeding year reduced the first crop of seed in all species except ryegrass. Grazing in December improved the yield of meadow fescue throughout the experiment, and of cocksfoot, tall fescue and red fescue after the first year. Several factors might operate to bring about this effect; suggestions are made for further investigation. Repeated grazing from December to March tended to reduce vigour, and so to offset the advantage of removing autumn-grown herbage. Grazing at intervals from December to late April seriously reduced yield in all species. Tall fescue and red fescue, early flowering species, were most seriously affected, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass least. Cocksfoot and tall fescue yielded more seed when grown in 2-ft. rows than when broadcast. Meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass did not. The yield of meadow fescue was less affected by adverse conditions than cocksfoot.  相似文献   

The digestibilities of 22 herbages, and of the silages made from them, were measured with sheep: in two experiments batches of the same herbage were ensiled by several different methods. In every case the digestibilities of herbage and of the corresponding silages were found to be very similar, and no significant effect of method of ensilage on digestibility was found. The importance of using the true dry-matter content of silages (i.e. corrected for losses of volatile constituents during drying) is emphasized; a depression in the digestibility of herbage during ensilage is likely to be estimated unless this correction is made. These experiments have shown that silage of high digestibility (>80%) can be made from highly digestible herbage; however the intakes, both of dry matter and of digestible dry matter, from such silages were found to be much lower than expected. If the potential for animal production of high digestibility in silage is to be exploited, intakes must be in-creased; two possible measures, viz. the wilting of herbage before ensilage, and the use of high-digestibility forages of high soluble carbohydrate contents, are discussed.  相似文献   

我国于1975年已利用马铃薯茎尖组织培养获得无病种薯.相继在马铃薯主要产区的许多省份内均取得显著的增产就地留种的效应.但获得的无病毒种薯并不是一劳永逸的,因此必须采用综合措施防止无病毒种薯再侵染病毒和其它病原。例如,应用蚜虫飞迁资料控制传播病毒以及将微型薯和小薯种植在防虫温室和防虫网棚内.在种薯检验过程中应利用酶联免疫和往返凝胶电泳跟踪检测,以便在防虫网棚群内采取局部控制,对脱毒小薯进行无性繁系选择.  相似文献   

采用马铃薯脱毒小薯不同粒级、不同密度、不同品种熟性三因子三水平正交试验,研究了原原种对一级原种的产量、单株平均结薯数及<25g小薯所占比率的影响。结果表明:当早熟、结薯少、薯块均匀的品种原原种播种密度在1.2万株/亩以上,晚熟和中晚熟、结薯较多薯块不均匀的品种在1.0~1.2万株/亩之间,且播种粒级大于0.5g/粒时,一级原种繁殖方可收到既高产又具较高的繁殖系数和较低用种量的效果。  相似文献   

Pure stands of S24 ryegrass and S37 cocksfoot were grazed by groups of 6–8 cows for 5 periods spread over 3 years. Three periods were in the spring and two in the summer. The ryegrass was 4–5 percentage units more digestible than the cocksfoot and generally contained more soluble carbohydrate. In the spring periods, the organic-matter intakes and milk yields of the cows were much the same for the two herbage species, but in the summer they were both higher for the ryegrass. There were no important differences in milk composition due to herbage species, or in the liveweight changes of the cows.  相似文献   

The effects of sowing from 10 to 50 lb/acre of tall-fescue seed on plant establishment and on the annual and seasonal distribution of DM yield of tall fescue and its companion grasses were measured through two growing seasons. Increasing the seed rate increased plant numbers per unit area and decreased per cent establishment. Adding Scots timothy as a companion grass depressed both plant number and per cent establishment. S37 cocksfoot and New Zealand perennial ryegrass reduced both still further. Total annual dry-matter production was relatively unaffected by varying either the seed rate or the companion grass. The contribution of tall fescue to total production was highest when sown alone and was successively reduced by timothy, perennial ryegrass and cocksfoot. When sown alone there were only slight differences in contribution of tall fescue due to seed rate. With any companion grass the contribution from tall fescue increased with increasing seed rate. Early growth was not reduced by modifying seed rate but was reduced by all the companion grasses. It is concluded that increasing the seed rate of tall fescue above 30 lb is not justified, that Scots timothy can be sown at 3 lb/acre with tall fescue without affecting total production or early growth of the mixture, with the advantages of control of unsown species and improved palatability of the herbage.  相似文献   

Methods used by growers to establish seed crops of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue have been examined. While satisfactory establishments were obtained by sowing perennial ryegrass broadcast, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue should be sown in rows, especially if they are to be sown under a cover crop.  相似文献   

Data from an experiment already reported (2) are used to examine a statistical method proposed by Walker et al . (8) for apportioning the nitrogen harvested in grass in a grass/ legume sward to legume, fertilizer and soil. Multiple regressions of the yield of N in the grass (Gn) upon N harvested in the associated legume (Cn) and N applied in fertilizer (Fn) were highly significant; but they were very variable, mainly because of the strong (negative) correlation between Cn and Fn. In some cases the coefficient for clover N was negative, in some cases the coefficient for fertilizer N exceeded unity; and the residual constant varied widely among 4 sets of plots on the same soil. The interpretation of such equations in physical terms is criticized on these grounds. The use of pure grass swards in conjunction with mixed swards gave estimates of the recovery of fertilizer N, and of the transfer of N from clover to grass, which agreed better with other published data than did the coefficients in a multiple regression. A simple regression of the estimate of transferred N in the grass upon the N harvested in the clover yielded a second constant. This constant, which varied considerably from one series of plots to another, is thought to indicate interactions between the various sources of N, which would be attributed to a direct effect of soil N if the multiple regressions were interpreted as Walker et al . suggest.  相似文献   

Three-year leys of cocksfoot/white clover and cocksfoot alone were dressed with 0, 35, 105 and 210 lb. N per acre every year to provide information on the effect of clover and N on annual production.
White clover contributed 40% of the dry-matter yield but its presence was responsible for 77% of this yield where no N was used: it was responsible for less than 8%, and contributed 5%, where 210 lb. N per acre was applied annually, lt was estimated that grass alone receiving 160 lb. N per acre would yield as much dry matter as a mixed sward receiving none.
Clover had the indirect effect of raising yield of nitrogen in the companion grass by 60 lb. per acre per year. A maximum of l06 lb. was recorded in 1958.
The response of the tnixed sward averaged 10 lb. of dry matter per lb. N. Prevailing economic circumstances will determine if this level is satisfactory in practice.
The recovery of N by grass alone varied from 54% at the lowest level of N to 80% at the highest. On mixed swards apparent recovery was negative or low: N was to a large extent only replacing the effect of clover which was suppressed by its use.
Factors influencing response and the difference between that obtained under experimental and practical conditions are discussed.
The use of N to produce out-of-season grass may give good response, but may cause a reduction in clover contribution.  相似文献   

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