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Tropical forests are the world’s largest terrestrial storehouses of carbon and are recognized as rich, diverse and highly productive ecosystems. The present study was conducted to characterize the land use, diversity and biomass of tropical forest in Western Ghat of Maharashtra State in India through satellite remote sensing and GIS. The study has been designed and implemented to promote analysis on Western Ghat biodiversity resources including trees, shrubs and herbs based on inventorying, monitoring and mapping. Field measured biomass is integrated with spectral responses of various bands and indices of the Landsat TM satellite image for estimation of above-ground biomass in a 36,046 km2 area of relic forest in the Central Western Ghat. The above-ground biomass from field-based inventory varied from 30.2 to 151.1 ton/ha in moist deciduous forest, 9.2–99.1 ton/ha in dry deciduous forest, 42.1–158.6 ton/ha in semi-evergreen forest, and 160.9–271 ton/ha in evergreen forest. The total above-ground biomass of the study area was estimated to be 95.2 M tons. A regression equation between field above-ground biomass and a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index was used for spectral modeling to estimate and prepare the above-ground biomass map in the region. A total 120 plant species in 81 genera and 31 families were identified in the study area. This study emphasizes the importance of relic forests for their biodiversity, carbon sequestration and total biomass.  相似文献   

We estimated forest biomass carbon storage and carbon density from 1949 to 2008 based on nine consecutive forest inventories in Henan Province,China.According to the definitions of the forest inventory,Henan forests were categorized into five groups: forest stands,economic forests,bamboo forests,open forests,and shrub forests.We estimated biomass carbon in forest stands for each inventory period by using the continuous biomass expansion factor method.We used the mean biomass density method to estimate carbon stocks in economic,bamboo,open and shrub forests.Over the 60-year period,total forest vegetation carbon storage increased from34.6 Tg(1 Tg = 1×10~(12)g) in 1949 to 80.4 Tg in 2008,a net vegetation carbon increase of 45.8 Tg.By stand type,increases were 39.8 Tg in forest stands,5.5 Tg in economic forests,0.6 Tg in bamboo forests,and-0.1 Tg in open forests combine shrub forests.Carbon storageincreased at an average annual rate of 0.8 Tg carbon over the study period.Carbon was mainly stored in young and middle-aged forests,which together accounted for 70–88%of the total forest carbon storage in different inventory periods.Broad-leaved forest was the main contributor to forest carbon sequestration.From 1998 to 2008,during implementation of national afforestation and reforestation programs,the carbon storage of planted forest increased sharply from 3.9 to 37.9 Tg.Our results show that with the growth of young planted forest,Henan Province forests realized large gains in carbon sequestration over a 60-year period that was characterized in part by a nation-wide tree planting program.  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle as both a source and sink of carbon. The carbon stock in a forest is affected by climate, tree species and forest management. The community forestry program of Nepal has been successful in reviving degraded forest patches in the Mid-hills but there is a lack of information whether mixed or pine plantations store more carbon. This study estimated and compared carbon stocks in mixed and pine-dominated forest stands within the Gwalinidaha Community Forest of Lalitpur District, Central Nepal. Carbon components considered include tree biomass carbon, root biomass carbon, litter biomass carbon and soil organic carbon. Total carbon stock of the forest is estimated to be 2,250.24 tons with average carbon stock of 166.68 tons/ha. Total carbon stock per hectare was found to be higher in the pine-dominated forest as compared to mixed forest due to the larger tree biomass although the litter carbon and soil organic carbon estimates are higher in the latter. The Community Forestry of Nepal has a huge potential for carbon storage and the pine-dominated forest has a greater carbon stock than mixed forest.  相似文献   

Biomass plays a vital role in the energy supply of many developing countries. It is the major energy source for the rural population of Nepal, where 70 % of the total energy is derived from woody plant biomass in the form of fuelwood. The main aim of this study is to describe the fuelwood consumption pattern and the role of community forests and trees on private farmland in biomass supply to rural households in Nepal. The study investigates whether demography and socioeconomic attributes of households affect fuelwood consumption. A household survey was conducted, along with measurements of fuelwood mass for six community forest user groups in Dolakha district of Nepal. Average daily household fuelwood consumption was estimated to be 8.4 kg, giving a mean annual consumption of 3060 kg per household. Per capita fuelwood consumption per day was found to be 1.7 kg. Total fuelwood consumption of households is significantly correlated with household size, ownership of cultivated irrigated terraces and number of livestock per household, and negatively significantly correlated with ownership of cultivated rain-fed terraces. Fuelwood consumption varies significantly between seasons. Among various sources of biomass energy, fuelwood from community forests contributes 23 % and trees on private farmland contribute 12 %. The rest is provided from other biomass sources, including the remains of fodder collected from private farmland vegetation, wood previously used for fences and trellises in private farmland, crop residues, and purchased fuelwood.  相似文献   

通过建立不同优势树种生物量与蓄积量之间的回归模型,以树种含碳率作为生物量转换为碳储量的系数,利用2007年河南省森林资源规划设计调查资料,对南阳市南水北调中线工程渠首水源地乔木林生物量和碳储量进行推算。结果表明:水源区总生物量为2 212.25万t,总碳储量为1 103.35万t;阔叶林碳储量占乔木林碳储量的96.5%,其中栎类最多占82.1%;幼龄林碳储量占用材树种的90.9%;研究区乔木林平均碳密度为22.08t/hm2。研究可为当地生态环境改造提供借鉴参考依据。  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass and carbon stock in the largest sacred grove of Manipur was estimated for trees with diameter [10 cm at 1.37 m height.The aboveground biomass,carbon stock,tree density and basal area of the sacred grove ranged from 962.94 to 1130.79 Mg ha~(-1),481.47 to 565.40 Mg ha~(-1) C,1240 to 1320 stem ha~(-1) and79.43 to 90.64 m~2 ha~(-1),respectively.Trees in diameter class of 30–40 cm contributed the highest proportion of aboveground biomass(22.50–33.73%).The aboveground biomass and carbon stock in research area were higher than reported for many tropical and temperate forests,suggesting a role of spiritual forest conservation for carbon sink management.  相似文献   

This study estimates the carbon stock of Banja Forest which is natural and dry Afromontane forest type in Banja District, northwest of Ethiopia. A systematic sampling method was used to identify each sampling point through the Global Positioning System. A total of 63 plots measuring 20 × 20 m were employed to collect tree species and soil data. Losses on ignition and the Walkley–Black method were used to estimate biomass and soil carbon stock, respectively. The carbon stock of trees was estimated using an allometric equation. The results revealed that the total carbon stock of the forest was 639.87 t/ha whereas trees store 406.47 t/ha, litter, herbs, and grasses (LHGs) 2.58 t/ha and soil 230.82 t/ha (up to 30 cm depth). The carbon pools’ carbon stock variation with altitude and slope gradients were not significant (p > 0.05) which was similar to other previous studies. The Banja Forest is a reservoir of high carbon and thus acts as a great sink of the atmospheric carbon. It can be concluded that the Forest plays a role in climate change mitigation. Hence, it should be integrated with reduced emission from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) and the clean development mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol to catch monetary benefits.  相似文献   

Forest biomass pools are the major reservoirs of atmospheric carbon in both coniferous and broad-leaved forest ecosystems and thus play an important role in regulating the regional and global carbon cycle. In this study, we measured the biomass of trees, understorey, and detritus in temperate (coniferous and broad-leaved) forests of Kashmir Himalaya. Total ecosystem dry biomass averaged 234.2 t/ha (ranging from 99.5 to 305.2 t/ha) across all the forest stands, of which 223 t/ha (91.9–283.2 t/ha) were stored in above- and below-ground biomass of trees, 1.3 t/ha (0.18–3.3 t/ha) in understorey vegetation (shrubs and herbaceous), and 9.9 t/ha (4.8–20.9 t/ha) in detritus (including standing and fallen dead trees, and forest floor litter). Among all the forests, the highest tree, understorey, and detritus biomass were observed in mid-altitude Abies pindrow and Pinus wallichiana coniferous forests, whereas the lowest were observed in high-altitude Betula utilis broad-leaved forests. Basal area has showed significant positive relationship with biomass (R2 = 0.84–0.97, P < 0.001) and density (R2 = 0.49–0.87). The present study will improve our understanding of distribution of biomass (trees, understorey, and detritus) in coniferous and broad-leaved forests and can be used in forest management activities to enhance C sequestration.  相似文献   



Prediction of the effect of harvests and climate change (CC) on the changes in carbon stock of forests is necessary both for CC mitigation and adaptation purposes.


We assessed the impact of roundwood and fuelwood removals and climate change (CC) on the changes in carbon stock of Finnish forests during 2007–2042. We considered three harvest scenarios: two based on the recent projections of roundwood and fuelwood demand, and the third reflecting the maximum sustainable cutting level. We applied two climate scenarios: the climate was in the state that prevailed around year 2006, or it changed according to the IPCC SRES A1B scenario.


We combined the large-scale forestry model MELA with the soil carbon model Yasso07 for mineral soils. For soils of drained, forested peatlands, we used a method based on emission factors.


The stock change of trees accounted for approximately 80 % of the total stock change. Trees and mineral soils acted as carbon sinks and the drained peatland soils as a carbon source. The forest carbon sink increased clearly in both of the demand-based scenarios, reaching the level of 13–20 Tg C/year (without CC). The planned increase in the use of bioenergy reduced the forest sink by 2.6 Tg C/year. CC increased the forest carbon sink in 2042 by 38 %–58 % depending on the scenario. CC decreased the sink of mineral soils in the initial years of the simulations; after 2030, the effect was slightly positive. CC increased the emissions from the drained peatland soils.


It is likely that forest land in Finland acts as a carbon sink in the future. The changes in carbon stocks of trees, mineral soils, and peatland soils respond differently to CC and fuelwood and roundwood harvests.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and ecosystem services play key roles in future economic strategies seeking to promote development and prosperity. This study assesses the status of biodiversity and flow of ecosystem services from selected forest types in the Western Ghats. At the sampling sites, the number of tree species ranged from 16 to 79 per hectare depending on the forest type. The estimates for Shannon–Wiener index for trees in the evergreen, moist deciduous and dry deciduous forest plots were 3.02, 2.9 and 1.54, respectively. The total biomass carbon stocks in evergreen, moist deciduous and dry deciduous forests in the study area was 229, 221 and 189 t C/ha, respectively.Analysis of dependency patterns of local communities on forest resources indicated a high dependency on provisional services such as fuelwood, manure and fodder. The study records the highest dependency rates for fuelwood,ranging between 72 and 100% for the three forest types and indicates that forest ecosystems underpin the well-being of the population dependent directly and indirectly on them.  相似文献   

Integrated analysis of forest dynamics under both anthropogenic influence and climatic change is crucial to indicating emergent patterns and meeting objectives of climate change mitigation. In this study, a long-term forest inventory data (1960s-2010s) in Alabama, USA were analyzed for patterns in relation to human activities and climate fluctuation. The results indicated that the species (or species groups) composition in Alabama’s forests was significantly different between all reported times, except for 2012–2015 based on Simpson’s index. Eastern hemlock trees declined dramatically. The overall forest communities became less homogeneous. Positive or negative correlation existed in the abundance of many species. The distribution of tree abundance along diameters for tree species followed exponential models. Both annual tree mortality and net growth rate increased from the 1960s. The total volume of growing stock increased from 14.4 million cubic feet in 1963 to 39.5 million cubic feet in 2016. The average volume of growing stock per acre also increased linearly with annual average air temperature, but not with annual precipitation. Based on the patterns of Alabama’s forests under climate fluctuation and human activities, some suggestions on developing strategies for the sustainability of Alabama forest were discussed.  相似文献   

The African tulip tree, Spathodea campanulata, the most common tree in Puerto Rico, forms novel forest types with mixtures of native and other introduced tree species. Novel forests increase in area in response to human activity and there is no information about their biomass accumulation and nutrient cycling. We established allometric relationships and chemically analyzed plant parts of African tulip trees to determine the concentration and standing stock of chemical elements (C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Al, Fe, Na), and ash. Trees ranged in diameter at breast height from 8 to 85 cm and in height from 8.8 to 28 m. The concentrations of N, P, K, and Ca in leaves of the African tulip tree were similar to those of the native pioneer Cecropia schreberiana and higher than those of mature forest tree species in Puerto Rico. The over bark wood volume of African tulip trees in nine forest stands where it was dominant ranged from 163 to 849 m3/ha. Aboveground biomass ranged from 60 to 296 Mg/ha, and N and P stocks ranged from 190 to 988 and 32 to 137 kg/ha, respectively. Novel forests on abandoned agricultural lands can store more biomass and elements than native and plantation forest stands of similar age.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in five forest types of subtropical zone in the Northwestern Himalaya, India. Three forest stands of 0.1 ha were laid down in each forest type to study the variation in vegetation carbon pool, stem density, and ecosystem carbon density. The stem density in the present study ranged from (483 to 417 trees ha?1) and stem biomass from (262.40 to 39.97 tha?1). Highest carbon storage (209.95 t ha?1) was recorded in dry Shiwalik sal forest followed by Himalayan chir forest > chir pine plantation > lower Shiwalik pine forest > northern mixed dry deciduous forest. Maximum tree above ground biomass is observed in dry Shiwalik sal forests (301.78 t ha?1), followed by upper Himalayan chir pine forests (194 t ha?1) and lower in Shiwalik pine forests (138.73 t ha?1). The relationship with stem volume showed the maximum adjusted r2 (0.873), followed by total density (0.55) and average DBH (0.528). The regression equation of different parameters with shrub biomass showed highest r2 (0.812) and relationship between ecosystem carbon with other parameters of different forest types, where cubic function with stem volume showed highest r2 value of 0.873 through cubic functions. Our results suggest that biomass and carbon stocks in these subtropical forests vary greatly with forest type and species density. This variation among forests can be used as a tool for carbon credit claims under ongoing international conventions and protocols.  相似文献   

Despite the low timber productivity of Mediterranean Pinus halepensis Mill. forests in south-eastern Spain, they are a valuable carbon sequestration source which could be extended if young stands and understories were considered. We monitored changes in biomass storage of young Aleppo pine stands naturally regenerated after wildfires, with a diachronic approach from 5 to 16 years old, including pine and understory strata, at two different quality sites (dry and semiarid climates). At each site, we set 21 permanent plots and carried out different thinning intensities at two ages, 5 and 10 years after fires. We found similar post-fire regeneration capacity at both sites in terms of total above-ground biomass storage ~6 Mg ha?1 (3 Mg ha?1 of the above-ground pine biomass plus 3 Mg ha?1 of the above-ground understory biomass), but with a contrasting pine layer structure. Generally, across the diachronic study, the earlier thinning reduced biomass stocks at both sites, except for the best quality site (the dry site), where the earliest thinning (applied at post-fire year 5) enlarged carbon storage by 11 % as compared to non-thinned plots. We found root:shoot ratios of an average 0.37 for the pine layer and 0.45 for the understory layer. These results provided new information which not only furthers our understanding of carbon sequestration in low timber productivity Mediterranean forests, but will also help to develop new guidelines for sustainable management adapted to the high-risk terrestrial carbon losses of fire-prone areas.  相似文献   

研究52 个乔木树种纯林的碳储量,分析其固碳能力差异,为碳汇造林选用乔木树种提供参考 依据。以广东省东江林场11 年生的乔木树种试验林为研究对象,测定52 个树种生长量和树干、树枝和 树叶的含碳率。按照平均木法,算出平均木生物量,结合平均含碳率、林分密度与保存率,估算碳储量。 结果表明,不同树种林分碳储量差异极大,最高碳储量(厚荚相思Acacia farnesiana)比最低碳储量(紫 玉兰Magnolia liliiflora)相差约20 倍,年均碳储量在10 t/hm2 以上的树种有含羞草科的厚荚相思、大叶 相思A. auriculiformis 等5 个树种,年均碳储量在5~10 t/hm2 的有灰木莲Manglietia glanca、红荷Schima wallichii 等18 个树种。以保存率和单位面积碳储量2 个主要性状作聚类分析,可将52 个树种按固碳能力 划分成4 种类型的碳汇树种。  相似文献   

The overall objective of this study was to combine national forest inventory data and remotely sensed data to produce pan-European maps on growing stock and above-ground woody biomass for the two species groups “broadleaves” and “conifers”. An automatic up-scaling approach making use of satellite remote sensing data and field measurement data was applied for EU-wide mapping of growing stock and above-ground biomass in forests. The approach is based on sampling and allows the direct combination of data with different measurement units such as forest inventory plot data and satellite remote sensing data. For the classification, data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used. Comprehensive field measurement data from national forest inventories for 98,979 locations from 16 countries were used for which tree species and growing stock estimates were available. The classification results were evaluated by comparison with regional estimates derived independently from the classification from national forest inventories. The validation at the regional level shows a high correlation between the classification results and the field based estimates with correlation coefficient r = 0.96 for coniferous, r = 0.94 for broadleaved and r = 0.97 for total growing stock per hectare. The mean absolute error of the estimations is 25 m3/ha for coniferous, 20 m3/ha for broadleaved and 25 m3/ha for total growing stock per hectare. Biomass conversion and expansion factors were applied to convert the growing stock classification results to carbon stock in above-ground biomass. As results of the classification, coniferous and broadleaved growing stock as well as carbon stock of the above-ground biomass is mapped on a wall-to-wall basis with a spatial resolution of 500 m × 500 m per grid cell. The mapped area is 5 million km2, of which 2 million km2 are forests, and covers the whole European Union, the EFTA countries, the Balkans, Belarus, the Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.  相似文献   

Climate change and carbon mitigation through forest ecosystems are some of the important topics in global perspective. Tropical dry forests are one of the most widely distributed ecosystems in tropics, which remain neglected in research. The soil organic carbon (SOC) stock was quantified on a large scale (30 1-ha plots) in the dry deciduous forest of the Sathanur reserve forest of Eastern Ghats. The SOC stock ranged from 16.92 to 44.65 Mg/ha with a mean value of 28.26 ± 1.35 Mg/ha. SOC exhibited a negative trend with an increase in soil depth. A significant positive correlation was obtained between SOC stocks and vegetation characteristics viz. tree density, shrub basal area, and herb species richness, while a significant negative correlation was observed with bulk density. The variation in SOC stock among the plots obtained in the present study could be due to differences in tree abundance, herb species richness, shrub basal area, soil pH, soil bulk density, soil texture etc. The present study generates a large-scale baseline data of dry deciduous forest SOC stock, which would facilitate SOC stock assessment at the national level as well as to understand its contribution on a global scale.  相似文献   

采用祁连山国家公园青海片区2017年的林地变更数据,乔木林和疏林地采用IPCC法,灌木林采用缺省值法,研究了祁连山国家公园青海片区森林植被的生物量、碳储量和碳汇价值.结果表明:①祁连山国家公园青海片区森林植被总生物量为339.71万t,总碳储量为170.23万t,单位面积生物量为19.73 t·hm-2,碳密度为9.8...  相似文献   

To better promote forest resource management and strengthen the development of forest carbon sink marketization, this paper studied the accounting of forest carbon sinks from 2003 to 2008 based on a system of national accounts(SNA) and data from the latest forest resources inventory in China. The study calculated the value of forest carbon stocks at a total of RMB817.13 × 10~9 yuan in 2003 and RMB 839.93× 109 yuan in 2008, with an average annual increase of 0.55 % from an increase in physical carbon sinks. The total value of forest carbon sinks in 2003 and 2008 was RMB 26.73 × 10~9 yuan and RMB 29.77 × 10~9 yuan, respectively, with an average annual growth of 2.18 %. From 2003 to 2008, both stock and flow value of forest carbon sinks increased, but the total net flow value of carbon sinks decreased. The growth rate for the environmentally adjusted Gross Domestic Product(ea GDP) for China's forest carbon sinks was 17.23 %, outstripping the average growth rate of 9.5 % for the GDP during the same period. The study also indicates that China's forest carbon sinks affects the GDP in the range of 0.25–0.26 %, and its economic potential is not relatively huge.  相似文献   

河南省森林碳储量及动态变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用河南省1949—2003年间8次森林资源清查资料,建立不同优势树种生物量与蓄积量之间的回归方程,对河南省54a来森林的碳储量进行了推算。结果表明:河南省54a间森林的总碳储量虽然存在一定的波动现象,但总体呈上升的趋势。全省森林的总碳储量由1949年的2 863.91万t C增加到2003年的4 673.43万t C,共增加1 809.52万t C,年均增加33.51万t C。阔叶林占全省各时期森林总碳储量的80%以上,栎类和杨树两个树种占主导地位。河南森林幼、中龄林占的比重较大。全省森林平均碳密度为22.86~23.64t C/hm2,远低于全国、世界的平均水平。  相似文献   

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