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周克清 《蔬菜》2011,(4):6-7
随着农业产业结构的调整,为满足市场淡季需要,天津市武清区大良镇田水铺村及周边村探索出春萝卜—夏糯玉米—秋萝卜种植模式,每667 m2产春萝卜4 000 kg,产值4 000元,产糯玉米500 kg,产值2 000元,产秋萝卜6 000 kg,产值9 000元,每667 m2收入14 000元,效益显著。  相似文献   

地膜大蒜-夏黄瓜-秋萝卜高效栽培模式可实现一年三种三收,种植效益较好.大蒜9月中下旬播种,第2年5月中下旬收获;夏黄瓜5月下旬播种,8月中旬拉秧;秋萝卜8月中旬播种,11月中下旬收获.一般每667 m2可产大蒜750~1 000kg、黄瓜4 000 kg、萝卜5 000 kg.  相似文献   

萝卜的冰冻点是-1.1℃,而长江流域12月~翌年3月经常出现0℃以下的低温,因此这段时间不适宜萝卜露地生产,市场上形成萝卜的淡季.萝卜因其富含碳水化合物、维生素、矿物盐等,对调节人体生理机能,增强身体健康有重要辅助作用.民间有"萝卜上了街,药铺无买卖"一说.萝卜还是南方煨汤的首选品种.近几年,武汉市重要的萝卜生产基地建设乡利用中小棚保护地大面积生产冬春萝卜,填补了2~3月武汉市场无萝卜供应的空白,提高了1月和4月萝卜的新鲜度和品质.经济效益也十分显著,从1998年大面积生产以来,一般667 m2冬春萝卜产量5 000 kg左右,产值4 000元左右.现将其栽培要点介绍如下.  相似文献   

马铃薯、西瓜、夏白菜、萝卜、秋香菜一年五种五收间作套种立体种植模式,配置合理易操作,一般1/15公顷产马铃薯2 000千克、西瓜3 500千克、夏白菜3 500千克、萝卜1 000千克、香菜3 000千克,纯收入达5 000元以上。  相似文献   

天一是以自交不亲和系L116为母本,以自交不亲和系L13为父本选育而成的萝卜杂交一代新品种。中早熟,春秋季均可种植,春季生育期70 d(天)左右,秋季生育期75 d(天)左右。植株直立,羽状裂叶,叶丛小,肉质根长圆柱形,根长20~25 cm,直径6.5~7.5 cm,单根质量500~750 g,表皮绿色光滑,亮泽美观,肉色绿,口感脆甜,适于生食。每667 m~2产量4 000~5 000 kg。田间对病毒病、霜霉病和黑腐病的抗性强于对照沙窝萝卜。适宜天津、河北、山东等省市及周边地区种植。  相似文献   

春长白萝卜为韩国产杂交一代品种,叶色深绿,苗期叶匍地生长,中后期直立,根皮纯白,光滑,长圆柱形.一般根重1kg,耐寒,不易抽薹,商品性好.播后60天左右上市.一般667m2产量3 000 kg以上,高产可达5 000kg.其栽培技术如下.  相似文献   

高远  王斐  裴秀荣  徐鹏  王玉萍  卞颖 《蔬菜》2014,(6):47-48
介绍了承德坝上地区露地樱桃萝卜—乌塌菜—散叶生菜一年三作高效种植模式,并分别介绍了该模式下樱桃萝卜、乌塌菜、散叶生菜的关键栽培技术,以期对广大菜农起到指导作用。该模式每667 m2每年可收获樱桃萝卜2 000 kg,乌塌菜2 500 kg,生菜2 000 kg,明显提高了土地利用率及经济效益。  相似文献   

热抗48夏萝卜是安徽省望江县经济作物研究所培育成功的耐高温、品质优、生育期短、产量高的夏、早秋萝卜新品种。 特征特性 热抗48叶片直立,株高40 cm左右,开展度55 cm左右,板叶,无毛,绿色,叶数15~16张。肉质根长圆柱形,长28 cm左右,粗5.5 cm左右,1/2入土。皮肉白色,光泽好,大小一致。抗热、抗病性强,生长适宜温度20~30 ℃,高温条件下栽培不糠心,不黑心,品质好,纤维少,无辣味。播种后45天左右即可上市,单根重500~800 g。667 m2可产鲜萝卜4 000~5 000 kg。  相似文献   

萝卜新品种红优五号的选育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
红优五号是以春季红萝卜不育系为母本,徐州大红袍萝卜自交系为父本配制而成的秋季萝卜一代杂交种.该品种肉质根长18~21 cm,粗9~12 cm,单根重900~1 600g,皮红肉白,多汁,脆甜,商品性好,生长期60~90天,秋季栽培667 m2产量8 000kg左右,适宜黄淮海地区栽培.  相似文献   

雪单3 号是利用双单倍体育种技术选育的春白萝卜新品种。母本ED0108A 是以梅花春萝卜× 白玉春萝卜进行花药培
养获得的DH 系为轮回父本,与不育系进行多次回交,转育成的雄性不育系。父本ED3128 是由迟花春萝卜× 天鸿春萝卜进行
花药培养获得的DH 系。该品种生育期60 d(天),植株开展度45 cm,裂叶,小叶11 对,叶片数20,叶簇平展,叶色深绿;
肉质根长圆柱形,白皮白肉,根长36 cm,横径7.1 cm,单根质量1.1 kg,高抗黑腐病、芜菁花叶病毒病、黄瓜花叶病毒病和花
椰菜花叶病毒病,抗霜霉病,群体整齐度高。每667 m2 产量4 000~5 000 kg。适宜在湖北、湖南、河南、山东等地区早春栽培。  相似文献   

AIM: Although endovascular radiotherapy inhibits neointimal hyperplasia, the exact alterations induced by β-particles irradiation remain to be elucidated. The objective of this study was to investigate the ability and the cellular mechanism of local β-particles emission from 188Re to inhibit vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). METHODS: The SMCs in vitro were irradiated by 188Re with single doses of 2.6 Gy-25.8 Gy. The effects of β-particles on SMCs, such as effective irradiate doses, the period of inhibition for SMCs proliferation, the changes of cell proliferation rate and DNA synthesis rate, cell cycle progression and related gene expression, were investigated by cell count, [3H]-TdR incorporation, cell cycle progression analysis, cell viability and immunocytochemistry, respectivecy. RESULTS: β-particles irradiation with dose of 5.2 Gy could inhibit significantly SMCs proliferation. At dose of 20.6 Gy DNA synthesis inhibitory rate was 92%, SMCs proliferation rate was only 3%. Renoval of 188Re did not abolish the inhibitory effects of β-particles on SMCs proliferation. The expression of P53 was up regulation and PCNA was down regulation after irradiation. CONCLUSION: β-particles from 188 Re was significantly effective and permanent in inhibiting SMCs proliferation, and inhibitory effect was in dose-dependet manner ED50was 5 Gy, the best dose to inhibit SMCs proliferation was 20 Gy. β-particles irradiation induced SMCs to occur G0/G1 arrest, damaged the ability of SMCs reproliferation and led to cell clonogenic death. P53 and PCNA had regulatiory effects on SMCs proliferation after β-particles irradiation.  相似文献   

AIM:To study the effect of L-Arg on plasma content of endothelin (ET) and the expression of proto-oncogene c-fos mRNA in the left ventricle of rats with renovascular hypertensive hypertrophy. METHODS: The level of c-fos mRNA were measured by in situ hybridization. The ET in plasma were measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS:After eight weeks of treatment with L-Arg, the expression of c-fos decreased markedly (P<0.01). The ET content in plasma also decreased significantly by L-Arg(P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Plasma ET content and the expression of c-fos in the left ventricle of rats with renovascular hypertensive hypertrophy could be decreased by L-Arg administration.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Leistungsprüfungen wurden im Zeitraum 1997 bis 2003 mit den Unterlagen Gisela 4 und 5, den Klonnummern 195/20 und 497/8 aus der Gisela-Serie sowie Weiroot 10, 13, 53, 72 und 158 durchgeführt. Dabei dienten Sämlinge von P1 (bulgarische Selektion aus Prunus mahaleb) als Kontrolle. Alle Unterlagen waren mit der Sorte Stella veredelt und im Dezember 1996 in der Versuchsanlage der Agraruniversität in Plovdiv, Bulgarien, im Abstand von 6 m×4,5 m gepflanzt worden. Dabei erfolgte ein Pflanzschnitt. Nach Abschluss der natürlichen Kronenentwicklung wurde jedes Jahr ein Winterschnitt vorgenommen. Der Boden wurde durch mechanische Bearbeitung offen gehalten und nach dem 4. Standjahr wurden die Baumstreifen mit Herbiziden behandelt. Die Wasserversorgung erfolgte durch eine dem natürlichen Gefälle folgende Überflutung, allerdings nicht immer zum optimalen Zeitpunkt, da keine eigene Wasserquelle zur Verfügung stand.Basierend auf den Ergebnissen bis zum Anfang des 7. Standjahres können die untersuchten Unterlagen in zwei Gruppen differenziert werden: starkwüchsig—Weiroot 10, P1 und Weiroot 13; mittelstarkwachsend bis schwachwüchsig—Gi 497/8, Gisela 4, Weiroot 53, Weiroot 158, Gi 195/20, Weiroot 72 und Gisela 5. Letztere zeichnete sich durch besondere Schwachwüchsigkeit aus. Die meisten Wurzelschosser bildeten Gisela 4, Weiroot 10 und Weiroot 13. Weiroot 53, Weiroot 72 und Weiroot 158 entwickelten deutlich weniger und P1, Gisela 5, Gi 195/20 sowie Gi 497/8 keine Wurzelschosser. Den frühesten Blühbeginn induzierte Gisela 4. Die anderen Unterlagen führten, in Abhängigkeit von den Temperaturbedingungen des jeweiligen Jahres, zu einer Verspätung der Blüte: P1 und Weiroot 10 um 1–2 Tage; Gi 497/8, Weiroot 13 und Weiroot 158 um 2–4 Tage; Weiroot 72 um 2–7 Tage; Gi 195/20 um 3–6 Tage; Weiroot 53 um 3–8 Tage und Gisela 5 um 3–10 Tage. Die Reifezeit der Früchte war bei den Bäumen auf Gisela 5 im Vergleich zu den anderen Varianten um 2–3 Tage verspätet. Gisela 5, Weiroot 72 und Gisela 4 induzierten bei der aufveredelten Sorte die höchsten Ertragsleistungen, P1 die geringsten. Bei den Bäumen auf Gisela 5 war die Fruchtgröße geringer als bei den anderen Unterlagen. Bäume auf Gisela 5 brauchen intensive Pflege. Nur wenn alle Produktionsfaktoren und kulturtechnischen Maßnahmen optimiert werden, kann das hohe Ertragspotenzial dieser Unterlage ausgeschöpft werden.  相似文献   

多效唑对猕猴桃离体试管苗生长及内源激素的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
多效唑(PP333)处理猕猴桃试管苗,降低了其生长强度;植株体内的GA3、IAA和ZT含量下降,ABA的含量上升,乙烯释放率增加;并且能降低外源的GA3和IAA促进生长的作用,而外源的GA3和IAA又能不同程度地逆转多效唑的抑制作用,使植株恢复生长。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate and screen the sensitive proteins in the formation mechanism of pathological scars by comparing the results of differential proteomic analysis between pathological scars and normal skin.METHODS: Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to detect the protein expression profiles in 8 keloid patients, 8 hypertrophic scar patients and 3 matched normal skin patients.The proteins that showed differential expression of over 4-fold change were cut and analyzed by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry.RESULTS: A two-dimensional protein profiling comparison between pathological scars and normal skin was successfully established.On average, 2 978 spots in keloid, 2 975 spots in hypertrophic scar and 3 053 spots in normal skin were identified using gel analysis software.Compared with normal skin, there were totally 36 differentially-expressed proteins in keloid and hypertrophic scar identified from the spots of over 4-fold change, including 16 proteins in both keloid and hypertrophic scar (8 up-regulated and 8 down-regulated), 11 only in keloid (9 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated) and 9 only in hypertrophic scar (4 up-regulated and 5 down-regulated).CONCLUSION: Proteomic analysis can identify the proteins with variance of pathological scars versus normal skin, thus providing probable new clues to reveal the formation mechanism of pathological scars.  相似文献   


Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt., Rosaceae) and blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L., Ericaceae) are substantially equivalent in all characteristics that are important to the consumer, including fruit color, shape, size, nutrition, texture, and uses. In addition, both fruits are native to North America and they have practically identical historical uses and known health benefits. Their composition, processing, nutritional value and metabolism, intended uses, and levels of undesirable substances are compared.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a cryopreservation protocol for hawthorn shoot apices (Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.). Cryopreservation was carried out via encapsulation–dehydration, vitrification, and encapsulation–vitrification on shoot apices excised from in vitro cultures. We began by showing that cold-acclimation enhanced the regrowth of cryopreserved apices from 10.0 to 65.5% in encapsulation–dehydration. We then decided that the encapsulation–dehydration method was an optimal cryopreservation method for hawthorn shoot apices in terms of its high recovery after cryopreservation as well as its ease of use compared with vitrification and encapsulation–vitrification. In encapsulation–dehydration, the protocol leading to optimal regrowth was as follows: after cold-acclimation at 5 °C in the dark for 2 weeks, excised shoot tips were pretreated for 24 h at 25 °C on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog [Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture. Physiol. Plant. 15, 473–497] (MS) basal medium with 0.4 mol/L sucrose, then encapsulated and precultured in liquid MS medium with 0.8 mol/L sucrose for 16 h at 25 °C. Precultured beads were dehydrated for 6 h at 25 °C in the dessicator containing 50 g silica gel to a moisture content of 15.3% (fresh-weight basis) before cryostorage for 1 h. In addition, we examined the effect of adding glycerol to both the alginate beads and loading solution to enhance regrowth after cryopreservation in encapsulation–dehydration. In the present study, it was shown that adding 0.5 mol/L glycerol resulted in high regrowth percentages (82.5–90.0%) in four Crataegus species.  相似文献   

Historic landcover dynamics in a scrubby flatwoods (Tel-4) and scrub landscape (Happy Creek) on John F. Kennedy Space Center were measured using aerial images from 1943, 1951, 1958, 1969, 1979, and 1989. Landcover categories were mapped, digitized, geometrically registered, and overlaid in ARC/INFO. Both study sites have been influenced by various land use histories, including periods of range management, fire suppression, and fire management. Several analyses were performed to help understand the effects of past land management on the amount and spatial distribution of landcover within the study sites. A chi-squared analysis showed a significant difference between the frequency of landcover occurrence and management period. Markov chain models were used to project observed changes over a 100-year period; these showed current management practices being effective at Tel-4 (restoring historic landscape structure) and much less effective at Happy Creek. Documenting impacts of past management regimes on landcover has provided important insight into current landscape composition and will provide the basis for improving land management on Kennedy Space Center and elsewhere.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the effect of metallothionein(MT) on proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) stimulated by homocysteine and its mechanism. METHODS:VSMCs proliferation was measured by [3-H]-TdR incorporation, mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)activity were determined by immunoprecipitation method, the intracellular contents of MT and malondialdehyde (MDA)were assayed by -hemoglobin saturation method and TBA reaction, respectively, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage was measured by NADH oxidation. RESULTS:Hcy(10-6-10-4 mmol/L) stimulated [3-H]-TdR incorporation by the VSMCs in a concentration-dependent manner. Compared with control, [3-H]-TdR incorporation in VSMCs treated with 0.1 mmol/L Hcy was increased by 4.2 fold (P<0.01). Meanwhile, Hcy enhanced MAPK activity, MDA formation and LDH release (P<0.01)in a concentration-dependent manner. Treatment of VSMCs with MT alone did not change above parameters, compared with control. However, MT (10-6-10-4 mol/L)attenuated significantly Hcy-stimulated proliferation of VSMCs (P<0.01)in a concentration-dependent manner. And MT inhibited obviously Hcy-induced activation of MAPK activity, MDA formation and LDH release. Preincubation of VSMCs with 0.5 mmol/L ZnCl2 for 6 h induced an increase cellular MT content by 5.7-fold (P<0.01). The MT-overexpressed VSMCs resisted Hcy-stimulating action on MAPK activity, MDA formation and LDH leakage (P<0.01). CONCLUSION:These results show that MT has an inhibitory effect on Hcy-induced VSMCs proliferation, and that MT could inhibit Hcy-stimulated MAPK activity and lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

AIM: Previous studies performed with XBP-01 in vitro indicated that XBP-01 could inhibit vascular smooth muscle cells from being transformed into foam cell and could eliminate the atherosclerotic plaque in C57BL/6J mouse. This experiment is to investigate its mechanism of eliminating plaques in vitro. METHODS: The cultured porcine artery smooth muscle cells incubated with XBP-01 of 0.1 mg/L for 24 h after preincubated with oxidized low density lipoprotein of 15 mg/L for 72 h in vitro. The samples were analyzed by fluorescence microscope, confocal microscope system and flow cytometry. RESULTS: Apoptosis was triggered by being incubated with oxidized low density lipoprotein and this process was accelerated additionally by being incubated with XBP-01. CONCLUSION: XBP-01 can be effective in eliminating atherosclerotic plaque by accelerating the process in which oxidized low density lipoprotein induced smooth muscle cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

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