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LI Jiyan 《干旱区科学》2021,13(12):1215-1229
Underlying terrain strongly influences dune formation. However, the impacts of underlying terrain on the dune formation are poorly studied. In the present research, we focused on dunes that formed in the alluvial fans and dry salt flats in the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China. We quantified the dunes' sediment characteristics on different types of underlying terrain and the terrain's effects on the surface quartz grains by analyzing grain-size distribution, soluble salt contents and grain surface micro-textures. Results showed that barchan dunes were dominated by medium sands with a unimodal frequency distribution, whose peak corresponded to the saltation load. Linear dunes were mainly composed of fine sands with a bimodal frequency distribution, whose main peak represented the saltation load, and whose secondary peak represented the modified saltation or suspension load. Sand was transported from source area by running water (inland rivers) over short distances and by wind over relatively longer distances. Thus, quartz grains had poor roundness and were dominated by sub-angular and angular shapes. Surface micro-textures indicated that dune sands were successively transported by exogenic agents (glaciation, fluviation and wind). Soluble salt contents were low in dunes that developed in the alluvial fans, which represented a low-energy chemical environment, so the grain surface micro-textures mainly resulted from mechanical erosion, with weak micro-textures formed by SiO2 solution and precipitation. However, soluble salt contents were much higher in dunes that developed in the dry salt flats, which indicated a high-energy chemical environment. Therefore, in addition to micro-structures caused by mechanical erosion, micro-textures formed by SiO2 solution and precipitation also well developed. Our results improve understanding of the sediment characteristics of dune sands and the effects of underlying terrain on dune development in the Qaidam Basin, China.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地昆特依盐湖大盐滩矿区潜水含水层的渗透性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究潜水含水层中盐类矿物的固-液转化效应对含水层渗透性的影响,以补水背景下的昆特依干盐湖大盐滩矿区潜水含水层为研究对象,通过抽水试验计算矿区潜水含水层的渗透性,查明含水层渗透性的变化特征;并结合潜卤水水化学数据,分析盐类的固-液转化效应对含水层渗透性变化的影响。结果表明:1补水背景下,大盐滩矿区潜水含水层渗透性受含水层中盐类矿物固-液转化效应的影响,呈现波动性变化。2013年10月,含水层渗透系数最大(376.33 m·d~(-1));2014年3月,含水层渗透系数最小(78.65 m·d~(-1)),2014年6月和9月,渗透系数分别为195.34 m·d~(-1)和348.40 m·d~(-1),呈现逐步上升的趋势。2潜水含水层中芒硝的固-液转化是导致含水层渗透性波动变化的最直接因素。3潜水含水层渗透性变化趋势与SO_4~(2-)-Na+浓度曲线的变化趋势相符。  相似文献   

Determination of the threshold shear velocity is essential for predicting sand transport, dust release and desertification. In this study, a wind tunnel experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of salinity and moisture on the threshold shear velocity of saline sand. Saline sand samples (mean particle size of 164.50-186.08 μm and the total silt, clay and salt content of 0.80%-8.25%) were collected from three saline sand dunes (one barchan dune and two linear dunes) in the Qarhan Desert, Qaidam Basin of China. Original saline sand samples were placed in two experimental trays for wet and dry processing to simulate deliquescence and desiccation, respectively. Surface moisture content ranging from 0.30% to 1.90% was generated by the steam method so that the saline sand can absorb water in a saturated water vapor environment. The motion of sand particles was determined by the observers with a solid laser. The laser sheet (0.80 cm thick), which was emitted by the solid laser, horizontally covered the sand surface and was bound to the sand. Results show that the cohesion of saline sand results from a combination of salt and water. The threshold shear velocity increases exponentially with the increase in crust thickness for the linear sand dunes. There is a positive linear correlation between the original moisture content and relative threshold shear velocity. The threshold shear velocity of dewatered sand is greater than that of wet sand with the same original moisture content. Our results will provide valuable information about the sand transport of highly saline soil in the desert.  相似文献   

黄土高原农田土壤湿度演变及其与气候变化的响应关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用黄土高原及其周边区域91个气象站1961—2010年间年、月气象数据和4个农业气象观测站19 a(1981—1999年)的土壤湿度和20 a(1992—2011年)的土壤相对湿度资料,分析了该地区代表站点农田土壤湿度和主要气象要素的年、月变化以及土壤湿度对气候变化的响应。研究主要利用了线性趋势和相关分析等方法。结果表明:(1)黄土高原近50 a来的降水呈减少趋势,气温呈上升趋势。多年平均年降水量(气温)的地理分布特点是南多(高)北少(低),东多(高)西少(低),由东南向西北递减,受到海拔高度和地形的影响,半干旱区和半湿润区有整体南移的趋势。(2)不同年份气候、环境等条件变化使得西峰、长治、延安、绥德4个站点10~50 cm土壤湿度存在年际间差异。(3)土壤湿度与气温之间存在负反馈关系,与降水之间存在正反馈关系。温度和降水条件的变化是导致黄土高原土壤湿度变化的主要原因。(4)以西峰为例,分析了黄土高原地区水热变化对土壤湿度的影响。就表层土壤而言,各季土壤湿度与本季和前一季度乃至前一年气温均为负相关关系,与降水量呈正相关。就较深层土壤而言,土壤湿度与降水和气温的相关关系因季节而异。从月尺度上看,土壤湿度与气温普遍存在负相关关系,而与降水之间总体响应不明显,但在某些月份两者存在显著相关性。  相似文献   

基于石羊河流域8个气象站点1984—2019年逐日气象资料,分析参考作物蒸散量(ET0)时空变化规律,多种定性与定量分析方法结合,揭示ET0变化与气象因素间的相关关系,确定主导气象要素,探明ET0变化对主导因子敏感程度及贡献.结果表明:石羊河流域ET0上升趋势显著,流域大部分区域达到0.05显著性水平;空间上呈现由南向...  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河下游地区湖泊沉积物的粒度特征与沉积环境   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
根据乌鲁木齐河下游尾癌湖泊东道海子钻孔沉积物^14C年代和粒度分析,表明沉积物的粒度特征随着入湖水量的波动而发生有规律的变化。最近30kaBP以来该钻孔基本上处于比较稳定的湖泊沉积环境,说明东道海子至少有3万年的发育历史,这也说明古尔班通古特沙漠边缘地带的纵向沙垄具有相当程度的稳定性。最后几十年的湖泊变4干、环境退化过程主要是人类活动造成的。  相似文献   

黑河洪峰变化及其对全球气候变暖的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用黑河洪峰及黑河上、中游降水和气温资料,采用线性倾向方法、功率谱分析方法、滑动t-检验法、累计距平法、Cramer's法以及相关统计方法等,分析了黑河年最大洪峰流量及其出现时间的演变特征及其原因.结果表明:黑河年最大洪峰出现时间变化呈现波动性,并且与上游气温变亿趋势基本一致,其突变年在1983年前后,突变前年最大洪峰时间是推迟的,突变后则明显提前,黑河年最大洪峰出现时间与气候变暖关系密切,随着全球气候变暖,黑河年最大洪峰出现时间存在提前的趋势.黑河年最大洪峰流量的时间演变以波动形式为主,存在准3年和准11年的变化周期,其突变在1973年前后;黑河年最大洪峰流量与洪峰出现日前三天黑河上游的降水多少有关;黑河年最大洪峰与年平均流量的历史演变趋势也具有很好的相似性.  相似文献   

Catchments dominated by meltwater runoff are sensitive to climate change as changes in precipitation and temperature inevitably affect the characteristics of glaciermelt/snowmelt, hydrologic circle and water resources. This study simulated the impact of climate change on the runoff generation and streamflow of Chu River Basin(CRB), a glacierized basin in Central Asia using the enhanced Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT). The model was calibrated and validated using the measured monthly streamflow data from three discharge gauge stations in CRB for the period 1961–1985 and was subsequently driven by downscaled future climate projections of five Global Circulation Models(GCMs) in Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) under three radiative forcing scenarios(RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). In this study, the period 1966–1995 was used as the baseline period, while 2016–2045 and 2066–2095 as the near-future and far-future period, respectively. As projected, the climate would become warmer and drier under all scenarios in the future, and the future climate would be characterized by larger seasonal and annual variations under higher RCP. A general decreasing trend was identified in the average annual runoff in glacier(–26.6% to –1.0%), snow(–21.4% to +1.1%) and streamflow(–27.7% to –6.6%) for most of the future scenario periods. The projected maximum streamflow in each of the two future scenarios occurred one month earlier than that in the baseline period because of the reduced streamflow in summer months. Results of this study are expected to arouse the serious concern about water resource availability in the headwater region of CRB under the continuously warming climate. Changes in simulated hydrologic outputs underscored the significance of lowering the uncertainties in temperature and precipitation projection.  相似文献   

陕西农作物生育期热量资源对气候变化的响应研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
收集了50 a(1955~2005)陕西96个气象台站的气温资料,分两个时段(1955-1990和1991-2005)对全省活动积温和有效积温的变化进行了分析,并对冬小麦、水稻、夏玉米、油菜等主要农作物生育期间不同种植适宜区的热量资源的积温两个时段的变化和年际变化特征进行了分析。发现我省主要作物生育期热量资源呈不同程度的增加,但不同作物在不同的种植区其生育期热量资源变化存在差异,特别是在山区和植被较好的地区变化更为复杂,并引起作物生育期长短不均。  相似文献   

利用甘肃省春油菜种植区甘肃民乐县1987—2006年、合作市1987—1999年油菜生育期、产量资料及光温水气象资料,分析了气候变化特征及与油菜生长发育、产量形成之间的相互关系。结果表明:气候变暖背景下,甘肃油菜产区气温呈升高趋势,气温倾向率在0.28~0.31℃·10a-1,河西民乐产区气温增幅大于甘南合作产区。降水基本稳定,两地增(民乐)、减(合作)幅较小。关键生育期——苔花期降水民乐呈减少趋势,合作呈增加趋势;气候变暖使油菜生育进程加快,民乐现蕾—开花、开花—绿熟间隔日数减少趋势明显,1997—2006年平均日数较1986—1996年分别减少13 d和4 d;单位气候要素变化导致气候产量敏感程度不一,民乐产区降水影响以正效应为主,水分不足是产量提高的主要限制因子,最大影响时段出现在苔花期。合作产区光温影响以正效应为主,光温条件不足是主要限制因子,其次是现蕾—开花期降水呈正效应。总体而言,气候变化对高寒阴湿区油菜产量增加和品质形成更为有利,不利于温带草原气候区油菜生产,温带草原气候区应积极采取抗旱保墒、播种期提前等应对措施。  相似文献   

近50年柴达木盆地气候要素分布特征及变化趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用线性估计方法和反距离权重方法对柴达木盆地9个气象站点1958-2007年气温、降水、日照和风速的分布特征和变化趋势进行分析,结果表明:柴达木盆地近50年气温随时间变化呈显著上升趋势,空间分布总体上呈现从南向北递减的趋势,变化趋势为东北部、东南部上升趋势最小,西部、西南部上升幅度最大;多年平均降水量呈微弱上升趋势,空间分布规律从东向西逐渐减少,变化趋势表现为大部分地区降水呈增加趋势,以东部和中部最为明显;年日照时数表现为明显的下降趋势,空间分布从西北向东南少,变化趋势大致从东部向西北方向减少;年平均风速呈明显的下降趋势,空间分布从西向东逐渐降低,变化趋势大部分地区呈减少趋势,大致从中部向东西两侧增加;近50年来柴达木盆地气候总体上呈现暖湿趋势,以东南部最为明显;中部和西部极端干旱地区,由于日照时数和风速的下降,使沙尘暴日数减少,植被有所恢复,生态环境将得到改善。  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake is the largest saline lake in China.The change in the lake volume is an indicator of the variation in water resources and their response to climate change on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(QTP)in China.The present study quantitatively evaluated the effects of climate change and land use/cover change(LUCC)on the lake volume of the Qinghai Lake in China from 1958 to 2018,which is crucial for water resources management in the Qinghai Lake Basin.To explore the effects of climate change and LUCC on the Qinghai Lake volume,we analyzed the lake level observation data and multi-period land use/land cover(LULC)data by using an improved lake volume estimation method and Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs(InVEST)model.Our results showed that the lake level decreased at the rate of 0.08 m/a from 1958 to 2004 and increased at the rate of 0.16 m/a from 2004 to 2018.The lake volume decreased by 105.40×108 m3 from 1958 to 2004,with the rate of 2.24×108 m3/a,whereas it increased by 74.02×108 m3 from 2004 to 2018,with the rate of 4.66×108 m3/a.Further,the climate of the Qinghai Lake Basin changed from warm-dry to warm-humid.From 1958 to 2018,the increase in precipitation and the decrease in evaporation controlled the change of the lake volume,which were the main climatic factors affecting the lake volume change.From 1977 to 2018,the measured water yield showed anincrease-decrease-increasefluctuation in the Qinghai Lake Basin.The effects of climate change and LUCC on the measured water yield were obviously different.From 1977 to 2018,the contribution rate of LUCC was -0.76% and that of climate change was 100.76%;the corresponding rates were 8.57% and 91.43% from 1977 to 2004,respectively,and -4.25% and 104.25% from 2004 to 2018,respectively.Quantitative analysis of the effects and contribution rates of climate change and LUCC on the Qinghai Lake volume revealed the scientific significance of climate change and LUCC,as well as their individual and combined effects in the Qinghai Lake Basin and on the QTP.This study can contribute to the water resources management and regional sustainable development of the Qinghai Lake Basin.  相似文献   

Changing climatic conditions and extensive human activities have influenced the global water cycle. In recent years, significant changes in climate and land use have degraded the watershed ecosystem of the Ebinur Lake Basin in Xinjiang, Northwest China. In this paper, variations of runoff, temperature, precipitation, reference evapotranspiration, lake area, socio-economic water usage, groundwater level and water quality in the Ebinur Lake Basin from 1961 to 2015 were systematically analyzed by the Mann-Kendall test methods(M-K) mutation test, the cumulative levelling method, the climate-sensitive method and land-use change index. In addition, we evaluated the effects of human activities on land use change and water quality. The results reveal that there was a significant increase in temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 2015, despite a decrease in reference evapotranspiration. The Wenquan station was not significantly affected by human activities as it is situated at a higher altitude. Runoff at this station increased significantly with climate warming. In contrast, runoff at the Jinghe station was severely affected by numerous human activities. Runoff decreased without obvious fluctuations. The contributions of climate change to runoff variation at the Jinghe and Wenquan stations were 46.87% and 58.94%, respectively; and the contributions of human activities were 53.13% and 41.06%, respectively. Land-use patterns in the basin have changed significantly between 1990 and 2015: urban and rural constructed lands, saline-alkali land, bare land, cultivated land, and forest land have expanded, while areas under grassland, lake, ice/snow and river/channel have declined. Human activities have dramatically intensified land degradation and desertification. From 1961 to 2015, both the inflow into the Ebinur Lake and the area of the lake have declined year by year; groundwater levels have dropped significantly, and the water quality has deteriorated during the study period. In the oasis irrigation area below the runoff pass, human activities mainly influenced the utilization mode and quantity of water resources. Changes in the hydrology and quantity of water resources were driven primarily by the continuous expansion of cultivated land and oasis, as well as the growth of population and the construction of hydraulic engineering projects. After 2015, the effects of some ecological protection projects were observed. However, there was no obvious sign of ecological improvement in the basin, and some environmental problems continue to persist. On this basis, this study recommends that the expansion of oasis should be limited according to the carrying capacity of the local water bodies. Moreover, in order to ensure the ecological security of the basin, it is necessary to determine the optimal oasis area for sustainable development and improve the efficiency of water resources exploitation and utilization.  相似文献   

Gross primary productivity(GPP) of vegetation is an important constituent of the terrestrial carbon sinks and is significantly influenced by drought. Understanding the impact of droughts on different types of vegetation GPP provides insight into the spatiotemporal variation of terrestrial carbon sinks, aiding efforts to mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change. In this study, we utilized the precipitation and temperature data from the Climatic Research Unit, the standardized precipitat...  相似文献   

甘肃油菜产量时空特征及其对气候变暖的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1981~2000年20 a甘肃省64县区油菜产量和生长期(4~10月)气温资料,主要采用REOF和小波分析等方法,分析油菜产量的地区差异和受气候变暖的影响.结果表明:甘肃油菜产量存在4个特征区,印河西走廊高产不稳定区,河西东部及陇东地区和陇中产量不稳定区,甘南高原等甘肃南部边缘低产稳定区.产量变化以2~4 a左右的年际振荡为主,5 a周期大多对应极值产量.气温异常偏高(低)相应的河西走廊产量异常偏歉(丰),甘南等甘肃南部边缘地区产量随气温的升高(降低)而升高(降低),这些地区油菜产量对气候变暖响应显著;甘肃黄土高原地区对气候变暖响应不太明显.  相似文献   

为研究不同海拔雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)径向生长对气候要素的响应关系,分别在新疆伊犁尼勒克喀什河流域森林低、中、高海拔采集雪岭云杉树芯样本,建立不同海拔雪岭云杉树轮宽度年表.树轮年表与气象资料相关分析结果显示:影响3个采样点树木径向生长的气候因子主要是平均气温和相对湿度,对降水响应微弱.高、低海拔树...  相似文献   

西安城市气候对地表覆盖变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用西安市及周围四个站点1961-2007年的气象观测资料,运用自回归分析方法,分析了西安市的城市气候特征,并在运用相关系数分析法和主成分分析法的基础上建立了回归模型,考察了地表覆盖变化对城市气候的影响。研究表明:1)西安市城市气候具有暖、干的趋势,一定程度上存在"热岛"效应和"干岛"效应;2)地表覆盖变化对西安城市气...  相似文献   

中亚地区是落实我国"一带一路"发展倡议的关键地区,雨养农业区作为中亚重要粮食主产区,对世界和区域粮食安全具有重要意义.本文基于参与耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的7个全球气候模式(GCM),分析了未来30 a(2021—2050年)气候变化情景下中亚雨养农业区降水量的空间分布及其变化趋势;然后根据适宜农作物种植...  相似文献   

应用重要值计算多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势度指数,对艾比湖流域植被分布及物种多样性进行分析。结果表明:① 研究区域内可划分出10个群落,其中多枝柽柳群落(Form.Tamarix ramosissima)分布最为广泛。② 湖岸植被表现出明显的带状分布特点,并且群落物种多样性随地势发生变化,地势高的地方,物种多样性较高,均匀度较好。③ 在南北断面内,影响植物生长的主要因素为土壤含盐量。随着土壤盐分的增加,物种种类趋向单一,群落结构趋向简单。相反物种多样性随着土壤盐分的减少而增大。④ 受风况和土壤含盐量的影响,南北断面植被组成差异较大,且在近湖岸范围内,南断面植物群落物种多样性和植物生长状态明显优于北断面。  相似文献   

近50年石羊河出山口径流对气候变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以石羊河支流杂木河为代表,采用Spearman秩次相关检验法、Mann-Kendall秩次相关检验法,对杂木河出山口近50年(1956-2007)的径流以及石羊河流域乌鞘岭、永昌、武威、古浪、民勤5个气象站近50年的气候要素进行了分析,建立了径流和气候因子之间的多元线性回归模型,并利用灰色关联分析法进一步计算了气候要素和径流之间的关联程度。结果表明:杂木河出山口径流呈下降趋势,与气候要素的相关性明显,受降水影响最大,蒸发的影响次之,受气温的影响较小,关联度分别为0.728,0.667,0.573。  相似文献   

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