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Assessment of ecological flow or water level for water bodies is important for the protection of degraded or degrading ecosystems caused by water shortage in arid regions, and it has become a key issue in water resources planning. In the past several decades, many methods have been proposed to assess ecological flow for rivers and ecological water level for lakes or wetlands. To balance water uses by human and ecosystems, we proposed a general multi-objective programming model to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for inland water bodies, where two objectives are water index for human and habitat index for ecosystems, respectively. Using the weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization, minimum ecological flow or water level can be determined from the breakpoint in the water index–habitat index curve, which is similar to the slope method to determine minimum ecological flow from wetted perimeter–discharge curve. However, the general multi-objective programming model is superior to the slope method in its physical meaning and calculation method. This model provides a general analysis method for ecological water uses of different inland water bodies, and can be used to define minimum ecological flow or water level by choosing appropriate water and habitat indices. Several commonly used flow or water level assessment methods were found to be special cases of the general model, including the wetted perimeter method and the multi-objective physical habitat simulation method for ecological river flow, the inundated forest width method for regeneration flow of floodplain forest and the lake surface area method for ecological lake level. These methods were applied to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for two representative rivers and a lake in northern Xinjiang of China, including minimum ecological flow for the Ertix River, minimum regeneration flow for floodplain forest along the midstream of Kaxgar River, and minimum ecological lake level for the Ebinur Lake. The results illustrated the versatility of the general model, and can provide references for water resources planning and ecosystem protection for these rivers and lake.  相似文献   

A large-scale afforestation project has been carried out since 1999 in the Loess Plateau of China. However, vegetation-induced changes in land surface temperature (LST) through the changing land surface energy balance have not been well documented. Using satellite measurements, this study quantified the contribution of vegetation restoration to the changes in summer LST and analyzed the effects of different vegetation restoration patterns on LST during both daytime and nighttime. The results show that the average daytime LST decreased by 4.3°C in the vegetation restoration area while the average nighttime LST increased by 1.4°C. The contributions of the vegetation restoration project to the changes in daytime LST and nighttime LST are 58% and 60%, respectively, which are far greater than the impact of climate change. The vegetation restoration pattern of cropland (CR) converting into artificial forest (AF) has a cooling effect during daytime and a warming effect at nighttime, while the conversion of CR to grassland has an opposite effect compared with the conversion of CR to AF. Our results indicate that increasing evapotranspiration caused by the vegetation restoration on the Loess Plateau is the controlling factor of daytime LST change, while the nighttime LST change is affected by soil humidity and air humidity.  相似文献   

As an important parameter in the soil erosion model, soil surface roughness(SSR) is used to quantitatively describe the micro-relief on agricultural land. SSR has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically; however, no studies have focused on understanding SSR on the Loess Plateau of China. This study investigated changes in SSR for three different tillage practices on the Loess Plateau of China and the effects of SSR on runoff and erosion yield during simulated rainfall. The tillage practices used were zero tillage(ZT), shallow hoeing(SH) and contour ploughing(CP). Two rainfall intensities were applied, and three stages of water erosion processes(splash erosion(I), sheet erosion(II) and rill erosion(III)) were analyzed for each rainfall intensity. The chain method was used to measure changes in SSR both initially and after each stage of rainfall. A splash board was used to measure the splash erosion at stage I. Runoff and sediment data were collected continuously at 2-min intervals during rainfall erosion stages II and III. We found that SSR of the tilled surfaces ranged from 1.0% to 21.9% under the three tillage practices, and the order of the initial SSR for the three treatments was ZT〈SH〈CP. For the ZT treatment, SSR increased slightly from stage I to III, whereas for the SH and CP treatments, SSR decreased by 44.5% and 61.5% after the three water erosion stages, respectively, and the greatest reduction in SSR occurred in stage I. Regression analysis showed that the changes in SSR with increasing cumulative rainfall could be described by a power function(R2〉0.49) for the ZT, SH and CP treatments. The runoff initiation time was longer in the SH and CP treatments than in the ZT treatment. There were no significant differences in the total runoff yields among the ZT, SH and CP treatments. Sediment loss was significantly smaller(P〈0.05) in the SH and CP treatments than in the ZT treatment.  相似文献   

Soil erosion on the Loess Plateau of China is effectively controlled due to the implementation of several ecological restoration projects that improve soil properties and reduce soil erodibility. However, few studies have examined the effects of vegetation restoration on soil properties and erodibility of gully head in the gully regions of the Loess Plateau. The objectives of this study were to quantify the effects of vegetation restoration on soil properties and erodibility in this region. Specifically, a control site in a slope cropland and 9 sites in 3 restored land-use types(5 sites in grassland, 3 in woodland and 1 in shrubland) in the Nanxiaohegou watershed of a typical gully region on the Loess Plateau were selected, and soil and root samples were collected to assess soil properties and root characteristics. Soil erodibility factor was calculated by the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator method. Our results revealed that vegetation restoration increased soil sand content, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, organic matter content and mean weight diameter of water-stable aggregate but decreased soil silt and clay contents and soil disintegration rate. A significant difference in soil erodibility was observed among different vegetation restoration patterns or land-use types. Compared with cropland, soil erodibility decreased in the restored lands by 3.99% to 21.43%. The restoration patterns of Cleistogenes caespitosa K. and Artemisia sacrorum L. in the grassland showed the lowest soil erodibility and can be considered as the optimal vegetation restoration pattern for improving soil anti-erodibility of the gully heads. Additionally, the negative linear change in soil erodibility for grassland with restoration time was faster than those of woodland and shrubland. Soil erodibility was significantly correlated with soil particle size distribution, soil disintegration rate, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, water-stable aggregate stability, organic matter content and root characteristics(including root average diameter, root length density, root surface density and root biomass density), but it showed no association with soil bulk density and soil total porosity. These findings indicate that although vegetation destruction is a short-term process, returning the soil erodibility of cropland to the level of grassland, woodland and shrubland is a long-term process(8–50 years).  相似文献   

以黄土高原典型丘陵沟壑区—吴旗县为例,研究了退耕地不同植被恢复年限、不同植被类型和不同恢复方式下的土壤水稳性团聚体含量的变化。结果表明,>0.25mm土壤水稳性团聚体含量,在0~60cm土层随着退耕地恢复年限的延长而不断增加,乔木地相对较高,草地相对较低,灌木地介于两者之间。自然恢复方式>自然 人工恢复方式>人工恢复方式,坡耕地的团粒含量最低;在0~20cm土层,恢复前期土壤水稳性团聚体含量增幅较大,后期增幅较小,而40~60cm土层的变化规律则相反。对同一种植被类型,>5mm的土壤水稳性团聚体含量从0~20cm到40~60cm土层均呈下降趋势,并且在较浅土层灌木地的降幅相对较大,在较深土层乔木地的降幅相对较大。人为干预使得土壤水稳性团聚体从大粒径向小粒径转化,这种转化在较深土层表现的较明显。可见,在退耕地植被恢复中,具有较长恢复年限的乔木地,土壤的抗蚀性较强;自然 人工的恢复方式既缩短了植被恢复时间,也提高了土壤水稳性团聚体含量,从而改善了土壤结构。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖湖面动态变化及其影响研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
艾比湖是新疆典型的平原区湖泊,随着近50年来流域气候和人类扰动双重影响下,艾比湖湖面相应呈现出动态变化的态势。由于其地理区位独特,艾比湖湖面变化所引发的区域性生态环境问题,已成为关系到新疆社会经济可持续发展全局的紧迫问题。本文以艾比湖为研究靶区,从年内与年际尺度对湖面变化进行研究,并在剖析湖面动态变化原因的基础上,系统地分析了湖面动态变化的生态环境效应及其影响[1,2]。指出要维护艾比湖地区良好的生态环境,必须对艾比湖最优运行水位加以研究,通过最优运行水位模型的构建来确定具体优化管理方案,以确保艾比湖流域生态环境与社会经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Xiaona Yu 《干旱区科学》2017,9(2):188-199
The arid and semi-arid northwestern China has been undergoing ecological degradation and the efforts to reverse the ecological degradation have been undertaken for many years. Some shifting dunes have been fixed and the vegetation has been partially recovered in certain areas and the Mu Us Sandy Land in the Ordos Plateau is an example of the success. The present study attempts to reveal the relationships between the vegetation restoration and ecohydrology in the Mu Us Sandy Land. We continuously measured soil water content at 10-min intervals under three vegetation types(i.e., shifting dune, shrub-dominated community, and herb-dominated community) in the Mu Us Sandy Land from April 2012 to October 2013. The results show the infiltration coefficient increased with increased rainfall amount and eventually reached a stable value. Infiltration coefficients were 0.91, 0.64, and 0.74 in the shifting dune, in the shrub-dominated community, and in the herb-dominated community, respectively. Cumulative infiltration and soil texture are two vital factors affecting the depths of rainfall penetration. Only rainfall events larger than 35.0 mm could recharge soil water at the 60–80 cm layer in the herb-dominated community. Our results imply that the expected forward succession of restored vegetation may be destined to deterioration after reaching the climax simply because of following two facts:(1) soil water is mainly retained at shallower layer and(2) plant fine roots mainly distribute in deeper layer in the herb-dominated community.  相似文献   

陇东黄土高原地表粗糙度对耕作土壤径流的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用人工模拟降雨器,对陇东黄土高原不同地表粗糙度(RR)条件下翻耕土壤的径流和蓄水能力进行研究.以兰州大学庆阳黄土高原试验站为试验点,设3个处理:轻度(LR,RR=7.6 mm),中度(MR,RR=10.1 mm)和重度(HR,RR=21.0 mm)处理.结果表明:在66mm/h的降雨强度下,降雨开始的20min内,LR...  相似文献   

JIAO Lei  LU Nan 《干旱区科学》2016,8(4):604-617
Black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia)is widely planted throughout the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China.The spatial distribution of this species at different ages is highly heterogeneous due to restoration and management practices.In this study,we aimed to compare the transpiration levels between different aged black locusts at the tree and stand scales,clarifying the physiological status of this species with different ages.Black locust trees with two representative age classes(12 and 28 years)were selected in the Yangjuangou catchment on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.Sap flux density(F_d)and environmental variables(solar radiation,air temperature,relative humidity and soil water content)were simultaneously monitored throughout the growing season of 2014.Tree transpiration(E_t)was the product of Fd and sapwood area(A_S),and stand transpiration(E_c)was calculated basing on the stand sap flux density(J_s)and stand total sapwood area(A_(ST)).Stomatal conductance(g_s)was measured in a controlled environment and hydraulic conductance was estimated using the relationship between transpiration rate and vapor pressure deficit(VPD).Our results showed that Et and Ec were higher in the 28-year-old stand than in the 12-year-old stand.The gs and hydraulic conductance of 28-year-old trees were also higher than those of 12-year-old trees,and the two parameters were thus the causes of variations in transpiration between different age classes.After rainfall,mean Fd increased by 9% in 28-year-old trees and by 5% in 12-year-old trees.This study thus suggests that stand age should be considered for estimating transpiration at the catchment and region scales in this area.These results provide ecophysiological evidences that the older black locust trees had more active physiological status than the younger ones in this area.These findings also provide basic information for the management of water resources and forests on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau in China to identify an alternative material for use instead of plastic film under maize crops. Plastic film (PMW), straw (SMW), and biodegradable film (BMW) were used for mulching throughout the whole season (fallow and growth periods), in addition to straw for mulching (SMF) only during the fallow period. The results showed that PMW and BMW treatments retained 17 mm and 11 mm more water, respectively, than the mean value of both SMW and SMF treatments, and 53 mm and 38 mm more water than nonmulching (NM) treatment during the fallow period. PMW and BMW treatments increased the soil water and temperature during the early growth stage of maize and significantly improved the dry matter accumulation. Under PMW and BMW treatments, the yield improved by 4.6–6.4 Mg ha?1 and 2.3–2.8 Mg ha?1, and the net income increased by 1166 USD ha?1 and 372 USD ha?1 compared with NM treatment, respectively. SMW treatment led to poor growth and yield reductions of 3.7 Mg ha?1 due to the lower temperature, whereas SMF treatment had no significant effects on the yield (P > 0.05). High water consumption with PMW treatment reduced the water supply capacity at the end of the season, and resulted in soil water deficit during 2015, indicating that high yields might not be sustained in the long-term. Therefore, BMW treatment is recommended as an effective method for increasing the maize yield and maintaining the balance of soil water in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of soil aggregate sizes and concentrations of aggregate-associated organic carbon(OC) and nitrogen(N) in response to the fertilization of grasslands are not well understood. Understanding these changes is essential to the sustainable development of artificial grasslands. For understanding these changes, we collected soil samples at 0–20 and 20–40 cm depths from a semi-arid artificial alfalfa grassland after 27 years of applications of phosphorus(P) and nitrogen+phosphorus+manure(NPM) fertilizers on the Loess Plateau of China. The distribution of aggregate sizes and the concentrations and stocks of OC and N in total soils were determined. The results showed that NPM treatment significantly increased the proportions of 2.0 mm and 2.0–0.25 mm size fractions, the mean geometric diameter(MGD) and the mean weight diameter(MWD) in the 0–20 cm layer. Phosphorous fertilizer significantly increased the proportion of 2.0 mm size fractions, the MGD and the MWD in the 0–20 cm layer. Long-term application of fertilization(P and NPM) resulted in the accumulation of OC and N in soil aggregates. The largest changes in aggregate-associated OC and N in the 0–20 cm layer were found at the NPM treatment, whereas the largest changes in the 20–40 cm layer were found at the P treatment. The results suggest that long-term fertilization in the grassland leads to the accumulation of OC and N in the coarse size fractions and the redistribution of OC and N from fine size fractions to coarse size fractions.  相似文献   

WANG Kun 《干旱区科学》2022,14(5):561-575
Robinia pseudoacacia L. (RP) restoration has increased vegetation cover in semi-arid regions on the Loess Plateau of China, but ecological problems have also occurred due to RP restoration, such as reduced soil moisture. Further, it is still uncertain how microbial diversity, composition and assembly processes change with RP restoration in semi-arid regions. Therefore, amplicon sequencing of small subunit ribosomal ribonucleic acid (16S rRNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genes was performed to study soil bacterial and fungal diversity, composition and assembly processes at four study sites with different stand ages of RP plantations (Y10, RP plantation with stand ages less than 10 a; Y15, RP plantation with stand ages approximately 15 a; Y25, RP plantation with stand ages approximately 25 a; and Y40, RP plantation with stand ages approximately 40 a) along a 40-a chronosequence on the Loess Plateau. The diversity of soil bacteria and fungi increased significantly during the restoration period from 10 to 15 a (P<0.05). However, compared with Y15, bacterial diversity was lower at Y25 and Y40, and fungal diversity remained stable during the restoration period between 25 and 40 a. The relative abundances of Proteobacteria and Ascomycota increased during the restoration period from 10 to 15 a. Conversely, after 15 a of restoration, they both decreased, whereas the relative abundances of Actinomycetes, Acidobacteria and Basidiomycota gradually increased. The variations in soil bacterial communities were mainly related to changes in soil total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and moisture contents, while soil fungal communities were mainly shaped by soil organic carbon and nitrate nitrogen contents. Bacterial communities were structured by the heterogeneous selection and stochastic process, while fungal communities were structured primarily by the stochastic process. The RP restoration induced an increase in the relative importance of heterogeneous selection on bacterial communities. Overall, this study reveals the changes in microbial diversity, community composition and assembly processes with RP restoration on the Loess Plateau and provides a new perspective on the effects of vegetation restoration on soil microbial communities in semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

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