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对闽江河口稻田甲烷产生潜力及其对炉渣添加的响应特征进行了初步研究,结果表明,(1)稻田土壤甲烷产生潜力在培养第3天出现峰值,10-20 cm土壤是甲烷产生的主要发生层;(2)甲烷产生潜力的剖面变异性低于时间变异性;(3)炉渣添加对0-40 cm土壤层次甲烷产生潜力具有抑制作用,但不同土壤层次甲烷产生潜力对炉渣添加比例的响应有所不同。  相似文献   

灌溉与绿肥对稻田土壤甲烷释放能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 通过稻田控水可迅速提高土壤Eh值,由-206 mV升至+38 mV,土壤水溶解甲烷含量由平均5.54降至0.25 μg/mL,而且复水后甲烷含量上升极其缓慢。在持续淹灌条件下溶解甲烷含量一直处于较高水平,其峰值达到12.12 μg/mL。稻田耕层各层次进行比较,土壤溶解甲烷含量随深度增加而逐渐上升,土壤0、 5、 10和15 cm的甲烷平均含量分别为1.11、 3.38、 4.53和6.00 μg/mL。  相似文献   

湿地稻田甲烷排放估算模型及减排模式研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅志强  黄璜 《作物研究》2006,20(3):266-271
对稻田甲烷排放模型、估算量以及减排模式进行了综述。稻田甲烷排放机理研究的目的在于:建立甲烷排放量估算模型,准确估算稻田甲烷排放量;探索稻田甲烷减排的最佳模式,达到既减少甲烷排放,又能增加水稻产量的双重目标。现有模型已从经验模型向机理模型转化,模型的外推能力大大加强。全球及我国稻田甲烷排放量估算范围分别是12~200Tg/a,7~41Tg/a。随着基于过程的模拟模型的不断修正,精确度也会进一步提高。目前稻田甲烷减排模式正处于深入研究之中。  相似文献   

全球变暖是当前亟需解决的环境问题之一。甲烷是仅次于二氧化碳的第二大温室气体,其中稻田甲烷排放约占全球甲烷排放的10%~30%。稻田甲烷的产生与氧化是决定稻田甲烷排放的关键,其过程是在相关微生物参与下完成的,受多种环境条件影响。水分管理直接影响稻田土壤的通气状况,并对土壤微生物活动产生影响,从而直接或间接影响稻田甲烷的产生与排放。本文综述了稻田甲烷产生与排放的微生物学机理,并总结了干湿交替灌溉等常用节水栽培方式对稻田甲烷排放的影响。同时提出未来研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

全球变暖是当前亟需解决的环境问题之一。甲烷是仅次于二氧化碳的第二大温室气体,其中稻田甲烷排放约占全球甲烷排放的10%~30%。稻田甲烷的产生与氧化是决定稻田甲烷排放的关键,其过程是在相关微生物参与下完成的,受多种环境条件影响。水分管理直接影响稻田土壤的通气状况,并对土壤微生物活动产生影响,从而直接或间接影响稻田甲烷的产生与排放。本文综述了稻田甲烷产生与排放的微生物学机理,并总结了干湿交替灌溉等常用节水栽培方式对稻田甲烷排放的影响。同时提出未来研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

气温及水肥管理方式对中稻田甲烷排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 采用计算机控制的全自动气相色谱监测系统,对中稻田4个处理进行了130个日夜的甲烷排放量的监测,各处理中以无机肥+绿肥+长期淹灌处理的甲烷排放通量最高,为464.0 mg/m2·d,最低的为无机肥+绿肥+间歇灌溉处理,只有180.5 mg/m2·d。水稻生长前半期是甲烷排放高峰期,除长期淹灌的处理外,其它处理在移栽后65 d的排放量约占总排放量的77%~93%。甲烷排放量与气温呈正相关。搁田可明显减少甲烷的排放量。  相似文献   

利用大田小区试验,采用圆柱体静止箱/气相色谱分析法,测定了不同水肥模式下早晚稻在各生育时期甲烷和氧化亚氮的排放通量,比较了不同水肥组合模式累积排放量差异.结果表明:早晚稻甲烷排放均表现为单峰模式,早稻峰值出现在齐穗期,晚稻在分蘖期;早稻氧化亚氮排放通量随着水稻生长呈递增趋势,晚稻季节变化明显.淹水灌溉甲烷累积排放量高于间歇灌溉;早稻淹水灌溉施高氮甲烷排放量最高,间歇灌溉无氮肥处理甲烷累积排放量最低,极差为8.97 g,/m2;晚稻甲烷累积排放量以淹水灌溉施高氮最高,间歇灌溉施低氮肥最低,极差为13.11 g/m2;早稻氧化亚氮累积排放量以间歇灌溉施高氮最高,淹水灌溉不施氮最低,极差为40.6g/m2;晚稻间歇灌溉普遍高于淹水灌溉,极差为152.5g/m2.甲烷排放与5 cm、10 cm处土壤Eh值呈显著负相关,氧化亚氮与之相关性不显著.因此,间歇灌溉减少甲烷排放,促进了氧化亚氮排放,淹水灌溉有利于甲烷排放,但抑制了氧化亚氮排放;高氮肥施用有利于温室气体排放.  相似文献   

吡虫啉是一种新型高效、广谱、内吸性强和残效期长的杀虫剂 ,对刺吸式口器害虫 ,如稻飞虱、叶蝉、蚜虫具有较好的防治效果。为了明确吡虫啉防治稻飞虱的效果及其对稻田蜘蛛的影响 ,进行了试验 ,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1 1 供试药剂10 %吡虫啉可湿性粉剂 (江苏省吴县农药厂 ) ,2 5%扑虱灵可湿性粉剂 (江苏省江都农药厂 ) ,50 %甲胺灵乳油 (苏州化工厂 ) ,4 0 %毒死蜱乳油(江苏省南通农药厂 )。1 2 田间试验田间设 10 %吡虫啉 10 0 0倍、 150 0倍、 2 0 0 0倍液 ,2 5%扑虱灵 2 0 0 0倍 ,50 %甲胺灵 80 0倍 ,4 0 %毒死蜱 80 0倍 ,…  相似文献   

安乡县冬季农业开发主要以油菜为主 ,由于近几年油菜价格偏低 ,稻田油菜面积呈下降趋势。安乡县安昌乡另辟蹊径 ,1999年冬季从北方引种试种亚麻获得成功 ,2 0 0 0年冬种亚麻面积迅速扩大 ,普遍获得了较高的产量和良好的效益 ,闯出了一条稻田冬季农业开发的新路子。亚麻 (LinumusitatissimumL )为亚麻科亚麻属一年生草本植物 ,有纤维用、油用和油纤兼用 3种类型。在我国 ,纤维用亚麻主要分布在黑龙江和吉林 ;油用亚麻也称胡麻 ,主要分布在内蒙古和西北地区 ;油纤兼用亚麻分布在内蒙古、宁夏、河北等地。亚麻纤维强韧柔细 …  相似文献   

甲烷(CH4)是大气中最主要的温室气体,对全球气候变暖具有重要影响。稻田是农业生态系统中CH4的主要排放源,水稻根系与土壤是影响稻田CH4排放的关键因素。因此,探究水稻根系和土壤性状与稻田CH4排放的关系对于缓解温室效应具有重要的意义。本文综述了稻田CH4产生和排放的机理及其与水稻根系和土壤性状间的内在关系,并展望了进一步探究水稻和土壤性状与稻田CH4排放关系的研究方向,为实现水稻丰产与固碳减排协同提供参考。  相似文献   

采用静态箱一气相色谱法对铁炉渣施用后稻田土壤反硝化作用N2O通量的动态变化进行了测定与分析。结果表明,0,2、4、8t·hm^-2铁炉渣施加样地N20通量分别-0.0035—0.0771、-0.0444-0.2136、-0.0720-0.2095、-0.0700,0.1592mg·m^-2·h^-1,平均值分别为0.0323、0.0879、0.0769、0.0449mg·m^-2·h^-1。施用铁炉渣并未对稻田土壤反硝化作用N20通量造成影响(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

何增明 《作物研究》2002,16(1):26-27
为找出灰黄泥田早稻氮肥最佳施用量 ,降低施肥成本 ,减少水质污染 ,于 1999~ 2 0 0 1年在永州开展了不同施氮量的试验。以无氮肥区为对照 ,在每公顷施用普钙 30 0 kg,氯化钾 15 0 kg为肥底的基础上 ,分别施用尿素态纯氮 6 0 ,12 0 ,180 ,2 40 kg,以金优 40 2为试验材料。结果表明 ,每公顷施纯氮 16 5 kg,可提早分蘖 ,增加有效穗数 ,且可增加株高和穗长 ,施肥量对产量的效应方程为 y =3378.6 30 .97x - 1.15 4x2。  相似文献   

不同花生品种对稻田镉富集及转运的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究湖南湘江流域稻田镉(Cd)污染治理方法,筛选稻田替代种植作物,于长沙县和湘阴市受污染稻田 改种花生,选用5个大果品种,设置2种(露地、覆膜)栽培方式,研究品种与栽培方式组合下对稻田Cd吸收、富集及 转运的影响。结果表明:稻田花生营养器官(根、茎、叶)Cd含量较高,生殖器官(果壳、籽仁)Cd含量较低,且品种间有明显差异。5 个花生品种的组织器官中Cd 含量最高的是茎(5.413~8.859mg·kg-1),果壳和籽仁最少(0.523~ 1.326mg·kg-1),但是籽仁Cd含量超出NY/T 1067-2006标准的规定值,食用安全存在风险。覆膜栽培尽管降低了花生茎、叶、果针、果壳及籽仁等的Cd含量,但提高了植株干物质重和Cd总积累,其中,营养器官(根、茎、叶)Cd富集系数高于2.5,生殖器官(果壳、籽仁)Cd富集系数为0.8~1.7。不同部位间Cd转移系数大小顺序为:根→茎秆>茎秆 →叶>果壳→籽仁>果针→果壳>茎秆→果针。不同品种的花生油中Cd含量范围在0.012~0.074mg·kg-1,符合标准, 因此花生油食用是安全的。以地上部单株干物质积累量及其Cd含量作为高镉积累筛选指标,5个品种中09-3106 的单株可高积累镉元素。建议在湘阴、长沙等地的Cd污染稻田进行覆膜栽培花生。  相似文献   

As soil engineers, earthworms and ants play major roles in soil functioning, especially in modifying soil physical and chemical properties. This study was conducted in a very constraining environment, i.e., paddy fields which have anoxic conditions (approximately four months per year), and which are affected by soil salinisation during the dry period (approximately eight months per year). This study points out that despite those very adverse conditions, soil invertebrates must be taken into account in the dynamic of soil organic and mineral properties in paddy fields. The effects of one earthworm species, Glyphodrillus sp., and an ant species, Epelysidris sp., on soil physical and chemical properties were determined through elemental soil physical and chemical properties (texture, pH, conductivity, C and N contents) and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to evaluate their ability to influence soil organic matter quality. PCA processed with NIRS data clearly showed that biogenic structures (ant sheetings and earthworm casts) were separated from the control surrounding soil. Earthworms and ants affected differently soil properties. Glyphodrillus sp. increased the SOM content and decreased the pH on the surface of the soil. These effects were attributed to an increase in fine particle content (clay). Conversely, Epelysidris sp. only increased the content of coarse particles (sand) and did not influence either soil pH or SOM content. Soil conductivity was found to be very variable but was not significantly affected by soil invertebrates. These results show the potential of soil macro-fauna to create heterogeneity at small spatial scale and to modify the quality of surface soils even under adverse conditions like saline paddy fields.  相似文献   

In order to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous loads flowing out from paddy fields, the effects of no-puddling and coated fertilizer were examined. First, pot examination was performed in order to clarify the influence of puddling on nitrogen and phosphorous concentration in the ponding water on paddy soils. The experiment was conducted three times under the condition of puddling or no-puddling, as the condition of fertilizing or no-fertilizing. By using the result, the storage term of the ponding water after puddling was considered for four soils.Next, a field experiment was conducted to compare the effect of the coated urea division with the conventionally cultivated division and the no-fertilizing division. By using coated urea, it was possible to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to about 60% of the conventionally cultivated division; thus, it showed clearly that coated urea has a great effect on reducing effluent nitrogen. Although there was less yield of hulled rice than that of the conventionally cultivated division, it was proven by the palatability test that the flavor of the rice from the coated urea division was better than that of the conventionally cultivated division rice.  相似文献   

光生态膜无雾滴、透光度好、能提高棚内温度、可将太阳光谱中作物不能吸收的绿光转变为作物可利用的红光和蓝光。对其进行光能利用率试验研究表明:光生态膜在水稻育苗上应用可提高水稻秧苗素质、产量和经济效益,是水稻育苗的一种新型棚膜。  相似文献   

对炉渣调节稻田土壤pH和盐度的有效性进行研究。结果表明,稻田土壤pH和盐度随着炉渣施用量的提高而增大,并表现为炉渣施用后显著提高了稻田土壤的pH(P〈0.01),但对盐度的影响不显著(P〉0.05),不同土壤层次之间pH和盐度的差异性随着施用量的提高而减小。  相似文献   

介绍了东港地区水田旅生稻的发生及危害状况,阐述了旅生稻现有种类及生育特点。同时,分析了旅生稻发生危害的原因,并提出了综合防治技术措施。  相似文献   

Methane emission from two rice fields of Lambhvel village, Anand district, Central Gujarat, India, was measured for whole cultivation period during pre-summer season. Along with the methane emission, soil chemistry of the two rice fields (Organic Carbon, PO4−2 and SO4−2) was determined. The methane emission ranged from 0.10 to 0.56 mg/m2 per h, having maximum emission during noon period (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) of the day at the Rice field-1. Besides, at rice field-2, the methane emission ranged between 0.15 and 0.94 mg/m2 per h, having maximum peak during same period (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) of the day. The results of the current investigation confirm that the methane emission vary substantially between two rice fields, and suggest that soil chemistry and water level might control the methane emission in both the rice fields and suppressed by the phosphate and sulphate concentrations. The greater methane emission was declined with the age of rice plantation. Correlation analysis, ANOVA and F test showed that the methane emission from both the sites has positive correlation with organic carbon and negative correlation with sulfate and phosphate content of the soil and the details of these reasons will be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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