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本文统计分析了我国豇豆生产中主要病虫害、豇豆上农药登记情况及目前豇豆上禁止使用农药。针对当前豇豆用药登记、豇豆病虫害防控存在问题进行了分析,并提出相关建议,旨在推动豇豆产业绿色高效发展。 相似文献
三亚市冬季瓜菜豇豆蓟马预测方法和绿色防控技术初探 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据对2011年至2012年三亚市冬季瓜菜豇豆上蓟马的发生为害调查与分析,采取类推法预测,明确了豇豆种植全生育期均可受到蓟马的为害。蓟马发生为害高峰期在豇豆种植后的当年12月至翌年3月初。若遇高温、干旱气候蓟马发生程度将偏重,而遇多雨季节则较轻。可利用五点取样挂蓝板(每点挂5片,规格为25 cm×30 cm)进行监测。当蓝板上诱导的蓟马数量平均达到10头/片时即为田间豇豆蓟马的防治适期,并根据蓟马发生规律总结出豇豆不同生育期绿色防控措施。 相似文献
60g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂防治豇豆蓟马田间药效试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以25g/L多杀菌素SC和45%吡虫啉ME作为对照药剂,进行60g/L乙基多杀菌素SC防治豇豆蓟马田间药效试验。结果表明,60g/L乙基多杀菌素SC1000倍液、1500倍液、2000倍药后3d对豇豆蓟马的防效分别为97.3%、95.1%和90.2%,药后7d对豇豆蓟马的防效分别为95.6%、92.1%和86.9%,显著优于25g/L多杀菌素SC和45%吡虫啉ME,且对豇豆安全。 相似文献
缨翅目Thysanoptera昆虫,俗称蓟马,其种类繁多、数量庞大,主要通过取食和传播植物病毒病进行为害.蓟马害虫已经发展成为我国热带地区最重要的农业害虫类群之一,对农作物和园艺植物造成了巨大的经济损失.天敌作为其重要的生物防治资源,在蓟马害虫防治中尤为关键.据此,本文结合国内外研究对西花蓟马和我国热带地区主要蓟马害虫... 相似文献
Insecticide resistance continues to be one of the most important issues facing agricultural production. The challenges in insecticide resistance and its management are exemplified by the situation with the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). This highly invasive pest has a great propensity for developing insecticide resistance because of its biological attributes, and cases of resistance to most classes of insecticides used for its management have been detected. To combat insecticide resistance in the western flower thrips, several insecticide resistance management (IRM) programs have been developed around the world, and these are discussed. Successful programs rely on non-insecticidal tactics, such as biological and cultural controls and host plant resistance, to reduce population pressures, rotations among insecticides of different mode of action classes to conserve insecticide efficacy, resistance monitoring, sampling to determine the need for insecticide applications and education to assure proper implementation. More judicious insecticide use is possible with the development of well-founded economic thresholds for more cropping systems. While growers will continue to rely on insecticides as part of western-flower-thrips- and thrips-transmitted virus management, more effective management of these pests will be achieved by considering their management in the context of overall integrated pest management, with IRM being a key component of those comprehensive programs. 相似文献
我国马铃薯疮痂病及其防治研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马铃薯疮痂病(potato common scab)是由放线菌目链霉菌属的链霉菌Streptomyces spp.引起的土传兼种传病害,广泛分布于世界各马铃薯种植区,不仅影响马铃薯的外观品质和销售价格,严重时还会导致马铃薯出苗延迟甚至引起幼苗死亡,造成产量下降,给马铃薯产业带来巨大的经济损失,已经成为全球危害马铃薯生产的第四大病害。2015年我国确立马铃薯主粮化战略,推动了马铃薯产业的发展。近年来,随着种植区域和规模不断扩大,马铃薯疮痂病在我国很多省(自治区)有不同程度的发生,并有逐年扩大和加重的趋势,严重影响商品薯、加工原料薯和种薯的生产,成为制约我国马铃薯生产的主要病害。本文对马铃薯疮痂病症状、发病因素、传播规律、致病机理、分类方法以及我国马铃薯疮痂病发生情况、种类及分布进行归纳,并对马铃薯疮痂病防治措施进行总结,以期为我国马铃薯疮痂病的研究和防治奠定理论基础。 相似文献
为明确花生-玉米间作种植模式对蓟马类害虫的控制效果,通过3年田间试验系统调查花生单作、玉米单作和花生-玉米间作3种种植模式下蓟马及其主要捕食性天敌东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri的种群数量动态特征及不同种植模式下东亚小花蝽和蓟马的益害比。结果显示,花生-玉米间作种植模式下东亚小花蝽种群密度显著高于花生单作种植模式,花生-玉米间作种植模式下82.94%以上的东亚小花蝽来源于玉米斑块;与2种单作种植模式相比,花生-玉米间作种植模式未显著减少蓟马的种群密度;东亚小花蝽种群密度与蓟马种群密度呈显著线性关系;花生-玉米间作种植模式下东亚小花蝽与蓟马的益害比均显著低于其他2种单作种植模式。表明花生-玉米间作种植模式在局域农田小范围空间尺度下能显著提高捕食性天敌的种群密度,但并不能显著减少蓟马类害虫种群数量。 相似文献
Field trials were carried out to assess the efficacy of a 4% azadirachtin (aza)-containing neem seed extract EC, against damage
by western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)] on nectarine crops in the Similkameen Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Several trials
were conducted during the years 1993 to 1995 to assess the repellent and larvicidal properties of aza, specifically: whether
it was effective against adult or larval thrips; how the effects differed with concentration of aza; and whether female WFT
avoided aza-treated flowers. Our results showed that aza has only limited effectiveness as a control agent against WFT on
nectarines and the current formulation does not appear to limit larval development sufficiently to be deemed a possible control
agent in this field situation. 相似文献
In field trials conducted at the Experiment Station and in a farmer’s field at Mbita near the shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya,
applications of 2% or 3% neem seed extract (NSE) @ 200 l/ha with a knapsack sprayer at 38, 47 and 51 days after emergence
(DE) of the cowpea crop or 5%, 10% or 20% NSE sprayed @ 10 l/ha with an ultra-low-volume applicator at 31, 39 and 49 DE often
significantly reduced the number of larvae of the flower thrips,Megalumthrips sjostedti (Trybom), in cowpea flowers recorded 2 days after each treatment. Also fewer adults occurred in flowers at 51 DE in plots
sprayed with 5%, 10% or 20% NSE. Cowpea grain yield was significantly higher in plots sprayed with 20% NSE than in untreated
control plots and was comparable to the grain yield obtained in plots sprayed thrice with cypermethrin. Because of the low
cost of NSE treatment, the net gain was often more when the crop was sprayed with NSE than with cypermethin. Also, grain quality
was superior in neem-treated plots than in untreated or cypermethrin-treated plots. 相似文献
云南德宏柠檬花期蓟马种类调查及药剂防治 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
蓟马在柠檬开花初期、盛花期和末花期均可对柠檬花造成严重危害.本研究进行了德宏柠檬花期蓟马为害观察、标本采集、种类鉴定,以及大田防治药剂的筛选试验.结果表明,为害柠檬花的蓟马有9种,分别为黄胸蓟马(Thrips hawaiiensis)、杜鹃蓟马(T.andrewsi)、色蓟马(T.coloratus)、棕榈蓟马(T.palmi)、黄蓟马(T.flavus)、西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)、花蓟马(F.intonsa)、端大蓟马(Megalurothri ps distalis)和蓟马属一种(Thrips sp.),其中以黄胸蓟马为柠檬花期蓟马的优势种.供试的7种药剂中,以25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂3 500倍液、24%灭多威水剂2 000倍液和20%丁硫克百威乳油1 000倍液的防治效果较好,其施药后3d的虫口减退率分别为93.07%、90.90%和81.57%,校正防效分别为95.36%、93.91%和87.64%;施药后5d的虫口减退率分别为97.90%、95.32%和92.75%,校正防效分别为98.75%、97.21%和95.68%.药剂筛选试验为柠檬花期蓟马的大田防治提供了重要的参考. 相似文献
为了筛选对石榴蓟马有效的防治药剂, 同时评价添加喷雾助剂对药剂的减量增效作用,本研究开展了12种杀虫剂对石榴蓟马的田间防效试验, 同时将450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂常规用量减量10%、20% 后添加0.05%的有机硅Silwet 408、矿物油、芦荟精油助剂, 测定其对药液物理性能的影响及对石榴蓟马的田间防效, 评价喷雾助剂的减量增效作用。结果表明:12种杀虫剂对石榴蓟马具有较好的田间防效, 按照667 m2用量, 450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂10 mL、60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂30 mL、10%多杀霉素悬浮剂20 mL、240 g/L虫螨腈悬浮剂40 mL、25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂30 mL对石榴蓟马防效较高, 可作为防治石榴蓟马的临时推荐药剂。添加3种喷雾助剂均能显著降低药液的表面张力、增大扩展直径并提高药液持留量, 提高药剂对石榴蓟马的防效。相对常规用量, 通过添加有机硅Silwet 408、矿物油助剂可使450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂用量减量20%, 添加芦荟精油可使药剂减量10%。生产上可通过向450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂中添加3种喷雾助剂来达到对石榴蓟马减量增效的作用。 相似文献
植物源药剂混配防治西花蓟马的药效研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对9种植物源药剂进行药剂混配并与1种化学药剂(2.5%溴氰菊酯)对苜蓿上西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)进行防治比较试验,筛选出针对西花蓟马具有较好防效的复合植物源药剂。结果表明,10%柠檬草乳油250倍液与0.3%印楝素乳油800倍液以及0.3%印楝素乳油800倍液与2.5%鱼藤酮乳油800倍液两种组合具有显著效果,防效分别为76.5%~92.5%和79.9%~88.7%,具有见效快、持效期长的特点。 相似文献