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David Bouras Carole R. Engle 《Aquaculture Economics & Management (Blackwell Science)》2013,17(2):195-210
This article developed a multi-period linear programming model to identify the optimal size of fingerling to understock to maximize multi-period returns on a catfish grow-out farm. Grow-out production alternatives included understocking three different sizes (7.6 cm, 12.7 cm, and 17.8 cm) of fingerlings in multiple-batch production at 15,000 fingerlings per hectare. Fingerlings were produced either with or without thinning at different stocking densities. Results showed that the optimal size of fingerling to understock was 12.7 cm. On-farm production of fingerlings was optimal across all farm sizes but the fingerling production technique selected varied with farm size. Models of larger farm sizes indicated that it is optimal to thin fingerlings, while for smaller farm sizes, producing fingerlings without thinning was optimal. When farm size was treated as an endogenous variable in the farmer's profit-maximizing decisions, the optimal size of a catfish farm was 404 water-ha. Sensitivity analyses suggested that net returns were sensitive to changes in the key parameters of the model (such as interest rates, feed conversion ratios, survival rates, catfish prices, harvesting costs, and the availability of operating capital), whereas the optimal size of fingerlings to understock was robust to variations in the model's parameters. 相似文献
John S. Rubright Jim L. Harrell Hoyt W. Holcomb Jack C. Parker 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1981,12(1):281-299
An experiment was performed to evaluate the responses of naturally occurring populations of plankton and benthos to applications of inorganic fertilizer and commercial marine ration in a shrimp grow-out facility near Angleton, Texas. Ten ponds were stocked with an average of 17,000 post-larval Penaeus stylirostris on July 8, 1980. Three of these ponds received fertilizer 19 days before stocking and again 7 days after stocking. Another 3 ponds were fed daily with Ralston Purina Experimental Marine Ration 20 beginning on the stocking day. Three other ponds received the 2 fertilizer applications and daily feed. One control pond was not given fertilizer or feed. Beginning 19 days before stocking and continuing for 14 weeks, samples were collected and quantitatively analyzed for chlorophyll, zoo-plankton and benthic organisms. Results indicated that fertilizer stimulates the production of chlorophyll and planktonic copepods. Planktonic rotifers varied independently of feed or fertilizer. Densities of planktonic polychaete larvae seemed to be related to changes in the populations of benthic adult polychaetes. The benthic community was dominated by polychaetes, harpacticoid copepods and nematodes. Polychaetes tended to be more abundant when feed was present. Harpacticoids and nematodes did not seem to be affected by experimental treatments. All benthos fell to very low densities after 50 days of the study. The best shrimp production occurred in feed and fertilized ponds, followed by feed only, fertilizer only and the control. Potential linkages between natural production and shrimp growth are discussed. 相似文献
S. B. Ekanem James W. Avault Jerry B. Graves H. Morris 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1981,12(2):373-383
In laboratory studies, acute toxicity tests (96-hour) showed strong main effect on crawfish when Propanil, Ordram, and Furadan were combined; this combination was the most toxic treatment to crawfish. Furthermore, a strong interaction among the three suggests a non-additive response. Ordram alone was the least toxic pesticide. Additive effect was observed when Furadan was combined with Ordram or Propanil, but antagonism was detected in the combination of Propanil with Ordram. Concentrations higher than the recommended rate for use at normal conditions had a significant (P<0.05) lethal effect on crawfish. Soil moderated the toxicity of some pesticides and their combinations. 相似文献
池塘中亚硝酸盐对草鱼种的毒害及防治 总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45
亚硝酸盐对草鱼种有很高的毒性,特别是水温超过30℃以上时。它主要是诱导草鱼血液中的血红蛋白转变为高铁血红蛋白,高铁血红蛋白超过血红蛋白总量的23.0%时,容易诱发草鱼出血病。随着草鱼血液中高铁血红蛋白的增高,红细胞数量和血红蛋白含量逐渐减少。池中亚硝酸盐氮含量到0.099±0.03毫克/升时,草鱼会出现出血病。清除水中亚硝酸盐氮的方法是在池塘中施加次氯酸钠,亚硝酸盐氮超过0.15毫克/升时,最好在池塘中先施加熟石灰,然后施加次氯酸钠,且以分次施用,效果较好。 相似文献
闽南地区灯光围网夏汛渔获量预报的一种新方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以闽南、台湾浅滩渔场中上层鱼类群聚资源的变动趋势为依据,建立了闽南地区灯光围网夏汛(6~9月)单位日渔获量与前三年夏汛(6~9月)单位日渔获量的平均值的一元回归方程,预报复汛单位日渔获量。并以此推算汛总渔获量和单位汛渔获量的预报值。该预报可比1982年和1989年报道的两种预报法提前3~4个月发布。在1992~1995年的现场预报,准确率在76.70~99.85,平均90.85%。 相似文献
对虾养殖池沉积环境中TOC_TP_TN和pH垂直分布 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
1995年冬季,测定了青岛地区四个池龄10年以上的对虾养殖池不同层次沉积物中有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和pH并研究了其垂直分布。结果表明,沉积物中的TOC和TN污染较底层严重,泥质虾池表层污染较泥沙质更严重。沉积物中TP为输出过程而导致缺乏,TP的受扰动层与TOC和TN的污染层基本一致。沉积物的pH无规律性变化。 相似文献
由蓝绿色裸甲藻(Gymnodinium,sp.)形成的蓝绿色水华是无锡渔区高产鱼池典型水质之一。本文对该藻的形态特征、生态、池塘培育和控制以及对鱼类的影响进行了研究。蓝绿裸甲藻水华具喜温、喜光、喜有机氮肥,喜红褐色水色(生物因子),且对外界环境的变化十分敏感等生态特点。蓝绿裸甲藻水华池的理化条件较差,特别是藻体繁殖过度,极易恶化水质,造成鱼类泛池。采用增施有机氮肥、合理使用增氧机、加水等综合措施可促进和控制该藻的繁殖。经鱼类消化道镜检表明,蓝绿裸甲藻能被鲢、鳙鱼及鲤、鲫、罗非鱼鱼种大量摄食,并被鱼类消化。对无锡河埒渔业一队成鱼池三年统计,蓝绿裸甲藻水华池的鲢鳙鱼净产量比无水华池高33.4~37.5%。 相似文献
南沙群岛西南部陆架海区主要经济鱼类渔业生物学的初步研究 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
本文根据1992-1993年南沙群岛西南部陆架海区底拖网渔业资源调查资料,分析了 17种主要经济鱼类的渔业生物学特性,并应用体长方法估计了 von Bertalanffy生长参数(L和K)、总死亡系数、自然死亡系数、捕捞死亡系数和开发率,讨论了资源的开发状况。 相似文献
池养脊尾白虾的繁殖、生长及其最大持续轮捕量的初步探讨 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
池养脊尾白虾经过3个月生长可达性成熟,抱卵亲虾占总虾数比例为3.84%-16.71%,相对抱卵量平均值为512.72粒/克体重。本试验中池养脊尾白虾的体长、体重与月龄关系可用von Bertalanffy生长方程描述。在目前的轮捕条件下,3月龄的个体可供渔具选择,年总死亡率φ=0.6270,轮捕死亡率E=0.2744,自然死亡率D=0.3526。若把首次轮捕月龄从3月龄提高到4月龄,轮捕强度控制在 相似文献
R. W. Hagood G. N. Rothwelly M. Swafford M. Tosaki 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1981,12(1):135-139
First and second generation (F1 and F2), laboratory reared juvenile Coryphaena hippurus were used in preliminary growth studies. Fish were stocked in circular tanks and fed a diet of chopped herring and squid. Initial size and age of fish used in these studies were as follows: 61 mm TL, 1.6 g, and 45 days old for F1 and 87 mm TL, 5.95 g, and 65 days old for F2. Mean size at 130 days of age was 560 mm TL and 1,305 g for F1 and 540 mm TL and 1,150 g for F2. Food conversion ratios were 3.05 and 2.9 4 for F1 and F2 fish, respectively. 相似文献
鱼塭即北方所谓“港”,是一种人工围海筑成的咸水和海水水塘,面积大小不一,广东沿海及河口地带,利用这种水体进行角、虾养殖极普遍。鱼塭养殖方法在我国已有300多年历史,到解放以后有了很大的发展。这种养殖所用的鱼、虾种苗,是依靠在适当时间开放闸门,利用涨潮时塭内外水位差,将塭外海水灌入塭内时引进去的。 相似文献