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Jeffrey L. Thielker 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1981,12(1):77-93
A prototype oyster production system with a 10-bushel design capacity has been operating for 6 months in order to demonstrate and document a number of the research-derived design concepts and operating specifications. This is a technical demonstration project intended to maximize production rates in an intensive, controlled-environment culture system. The unit functions as a working model yielding quantitative information concerning component and biological performance, material flow, and cost-related material, energy and labor efficiencies over the long-term production cycle. The system is comprised of three integrated subsystems: 1) oyster life-support, 2) algal production, and 3) water and waste handling. The design specifications and the degree of control provided are intended to maximize productivity and efficiency in each subsystem. Integration of the three subsystems involves recycling water (?77%) without detriment to performance efficiencies. Operation and evaluation of the system have supported some of the original premises. However, such analyses and concurrent experimentation have led to modifications in the system design, and in process procedures. The changes have reflected trade-off decisions (for example, sacrificing production rates for economic and management considerations) and efforts to enhance productivity. 相似文献
净化育苗循环水生物流化床特性的研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
比较了生物流化床与生物固定床的水净化特性,生物流化床氨氮负荷和硝化率提高3倍。用电子显微镜和营养琼脂培养法观察了流化床中生物粒子表面的细菌分布与生长情况,生物粒子表面生物膜丰富,均匀,生长繁殖快,活性好。在15万尾/m3的密度下,循环水培育鲤苗,15天体重达21.2mg,体长达12.58±0.94mm,成活率90%。 相似文献
Wade L. Griffin Michael A. Johns Jerrell S. Hanson Robert W. Brick 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》1981,12(1):94-103
The results of this study include the incorporation of water quality parameters and a growth function into a bioeconomic model of shrimp culture. Since the level of various parameters is unpredictable for future years (i.e., weather, ponds experiencing low oxygen), randomization of these parameters was introduced into the model. The results consist of a mean and standard deviation of profit determined from 25 replications of the model. The baseline model indicates that a mean profit of $679 per hectare would be achieved with only a 5% chance of a loss. Sensitivity tests of profit in the model, consisting primarily of changes in biological and environmental parameters, illustrate the usefulness of the model in directing future research. 相似文献
中国对虾养殖水体中溶解氧的动态收支平衡模式 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
溶解氧是对虾养殖生态环境中的重要指标之一,它直接或间接的影响着养殖生物的生长[孙耀等1987,李健等1993,胡钦贤和陆建生1990]。我国对虾养殖大部分属于半精养方式,其特点是投饵和有限度的换水,且由于近几年病毒性虾病的频繁爆发,促使养殖向全封闭或半封闭养殖方式转化,从而使养殖水体中的溶解氧平衡管理成为对虾养殖中的焦点问题。目前,有关养殖水体中溶解氧动态和过程方面的研究,已经有人做了许多的工作[林斌等1995,臧维玲等1995,Brune1991,Madenjian1990];尚未见养殖水体中溶解氧收支平衡模式方面的研究和报道。1 实验虾… 相似文献
对虾养殖生态环境的研究现状和展望 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
依据近几年的有关参考文献对有关对虾生态环境的研究成果及存在的问题进行了评述。从生态学方面阐述了对虾养殖生态系统的特点,提出对虾养殖生态环境中理化因子的研究应该更注意与生物及微生物因子的结合。 相似文献
自1993年发生全国性对虾爆发病以来,我国的对虾养殖业在经历了几年的探索、徘徊之后,在各级政府和水产主管部门的支持和有关科技人员及养殖生产单位的努力下,得到了明显的恢复和发展,2000年全国养殖对虾产量20余万t,达到了对虾发病前的最好水平。认真回顾、分析我国对虾养殖业得以重新发展的各种因素,寻求其不足之处,对于这一产业的顺利发展有着十分重要的意义。 相似文献
通过对越冬和非越冬锯缘青蟹、脊尾白虾、弹涂鱼耐生石灰试验,证明青蟹有很强的耐生石灰能力,脊尾白虾有较强的耐生石灰能力。蟹虾围塘养殖在围塘清淤后对越冬青蟹进行生石灰消毒,养殖过程中定期用生石灰泼洒,并与对照塘做对比试验,以及大面积推广应用,结果表明:使用生石灰能使围塘锯缘青蟹、脊尾白虾发病率显著减少,成活率显著提高,生长明显加快,蜕壳时间相对集中,饵料系数明显降低,产量和效益显著提高。生石灰对围塘蟹虾健康生长有很大作用。 相似文献
本文报道了1993年和1994年在山东烟台地区养殖对虾发生严重流行病原因的调查结果,着重从养殖环境和饲养管理技术上分析产生疾病的原因,提出了在养殖过程中增强对虾体质、预防疾病的七项措施。 相似文献
对虾寄生纤毛虫(蟹栖拟阿脑虫)的实验室培养结果与分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
用三种不同的培养基(对虾血淋巴、对虾组织捣碎液以及煮沸冷却海水)、三种不同浓度(1%、2%、5%)的对虾血淋巴以及三种不同温度(8℃、12℃、25℃)培养和研究了一种能侵入对虾体内并引起对虾大批死亡的寄生纤毛虫——蟹栖拟阿脑虫。其结果是,在血淋巴及组织液中,纤毛虫繁殖非常迅速,短时间内即可达高峰(大于10~5个/ml)。其繁殖速度与温度成正比。在8℃时,繁殖到高峰期需5~6天,12℃时,需3~4天,而25℃时仅需1天。纤毛虫的繁殖密度与对虾血淋巴浓度成正相关关系。 相似文献
对虾养殖池沉积环境中TOC_TP_TN和pH垂直分布 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
1995年冬季,测定了青岛地区四个池龄10年以上的对虾养殖池不同层次沉积物中有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和pH并研究了其垂直分布。结果表明,沉积物中的TOC和TN污染较底层严重,泥质虾池表层污染较泥沙质更严重。沉积物中TP为输出过程而导致缺乏,TP的受扰动层与TOC和TN的污染层基本一致。沉积物的pH无规律性变化。 相似文献
对虾养殖池塘氮磷收支的实验研究 总被引:43,自引:5,他引:43
用六个面积25m^2,不同对虾放养水平,52000,60000,75200尾/hm^2的池塘围隔进行了本实验研究,结果表明,实验中投放的饵料,肥料分别占氮总输入的49.7%~54.5%和47.5%~50.1%,占磷总输入的30.0%~34.7%和65.1%~69.9%。在支出项目中,收获对虾占氮磷总输入百分比分别为9.06%~11.5%和3.02%~3.94%,沉积氮磷量为其主要支出项目,分别占总 相似文献
对虾养殖实验围隔中的固氮作用及其氮输入 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1997年6~10月,以乙炔还原法进行了不同放养模式下对虾养殖实验中生物固氮作用的测定。结果表明,各围隔中,对虾单养(Y-4)和对虾+海湾扇贝(Y-5)的固氮作用较高,均值分别为2.62μgN/(L·hr)和2.65μgN/(L·hr);对虾+罗非鱼+缢蛏(T-5)的最低,为1.53μgN/(L·hr),对虾+缢蛏(Y-6)和对虾+罗非鱼(Y-7)的分别为2.30μgN/(L·hr)和1.89μgN/(L·hr)。各围隔中固氮速率较高与水体有效氮含量较低及有效氮磷比值不高有关。水层固氮蓝藻主要为蓝球藻(Chrococus)和念珠藻(Nostoc)。估算各围隔实验期间固氮作用输入分别为Y-4∶17.72g;Y-5∶19.63g;Y-6∶9.05g;Y-7∶10.59g;T-5∶7.99g。 相似文献
Penaeus semisulcatus (bear shrimp) was used for biological and culture studies. A peak of reproductive periodicity was shown in the months of May, June and July. Increase in body weight and in gonad weight coincided with the increase in sea water temperature. This suggested that sexual maturation might be a direct response to increased sea water temperature. Fecundity of mature female shrimp was estimated as 415,000 to 479,000 ova. In most cases, half-spent spawnings led to the production of poor eggs, characterized by irregular cytoplasmic formation and final autolysis. The embryonic and larval development of P. semisulcatus proceeded satisfactorily in a slightly alkaline medium (pH range from 7.5–8.5), and in water of salinity ranging from 28 to 35 ppt for egg and nauplius stages, and thereafter 25–35 ppt for zoea and mysis stages. The shrimps exhibited faster increase in body length than body weight in early growth. Later, after the shrimps had reached a body length of about 7.0 cm, the growth rate of body weight increased more markedly than body length. The rate of daily increase in weight was 1.01% in 7.0 cm shrimp. The feed efficiency of the formulated shrimp pellets was found to be 31.4%. During the nutritional study of P. semisulcatus, it was found that the combination of high dietary protein (about 40%) and low dietary lipid produced best growth and survival of bear shrimp. High increase of biomass of the shrimp fed with clam meat and high quality fish meal demonstrated the favorable response of shrimp to these diets. The use of cages for culturing bear shrimp was found to be practicable, but not efficient. 相似文献