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Purified and semipurified diets yielding good growth and survival of lobsters (Homarus americanus) have been developed. Growth of animals fed the semipurified diet for 18 months at 20±1°C indicates that market size (.5 kg) could be attained within 2.5 years. The semipurified diet contains 53% (dry weight) protein using casein, shrimp meal, gluten, and egg white as different protein sources. Substitution of these particular sources of protein with soy protein, shrimp protein, a soy protein-shrimp meal combination, or bacterial cell protein caused significant reductions in growth. Similar growth can be achieved when the protein level of the semipurified diet is reduced to 30.5%. It appears that if specific protein and energy requirements are met, diets containing low protein levels can be nutritionally adequate for optimal growth, thereby increasing the possibility of cost-effective diets for intensive lobster culture.  相似文献   

Larvae and early postlarvae of the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica, were reared under experimental hatchery conditions. Mature eggs were stripped from ripe adults and exposed to a dilute solution of ammonium hydroxide for various lengths of time prior to addition of stripped sperm. The larval clams were reared through settlement and metamorphosis using the Wells-Glancy (centrifuged, incubated seawater) method of algal culture and/or modifications of standard hatchery techniques developed by Loosanoff and Davis. Experimental cultures were maintained at various temperatures ranging from 8.5° to 14.5°C. At temperatures of approximately 13°C, the minimum time to settlement was 32 days, while settlement was not observed in a culture maintained between 8.5° and 10.0°C until approximately 55 days after fertilization. Larval growth rates were significantly lower in the culture maintained at 8.5–10.0°C than in cultures maintained at 11.0–14.5°C. An optical micrograph sequence of larval stages from the straight-hinge stage through metamorphosis is presented to facilitate identification of Arctica islandica specimens isolated from plankton samples. While various workers have reported exceedingly low growth rates of juvenile and adult Arctica, growth rates of larval Arctica appear to be fairly “typical” of rates encountered within the class Bivalvia.  相似文献   

对虾养殖池塘氮磷收支的实验研究   总被引:43,自引:5,他引:43  
齐振雄 《水产学报》1998,22(2):124-128
用六个面积25m^2,不同对虾放养水平,52000,60000,75200尾/hm^2的池塘围隔进行了本实验研究,结果表明,实验中投放的饵料,肥料分别占氮总输入的49.7%~54.5%和47.5%~50.1%,占磷总输入的30.0%~34.7%和65.1%~69.9%。在支出项目中,收获对虾占氮磷总输入百分比分别为9.06%~11.5%和3.02%~3.94%,沉积氮磷量为其主要支出项目,分别占总  相似文献   

本文报道一种快速的鲤促性腺激素放射免疫测定法。用微晶纤维素提纯^125I-促性腺激素和采用聚乙二醇分离游离的和与抗体结合的抗原。  相似文献   

在近岸潮间带建设潜堤,并在堤顶设置拦网是一种新型的对虾人工养殖设施。这种潜堤网拦养殖设施,在涨潮时,海水越堤而过,注入池内;退潮时,利用拦网防逃,潜堤贮水,实现自行换水。该设施投资小,节省能源,管理方便,产量高。本文通过两个已建工程的设计,说明这种养殖设施的可行性,并提出潜堤和拦网设计中的各项参数的确定方法。  相似文献   

净化育苗循环水生物流化床特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
战培荣 《水产学报》1998,22(4):328-333
比较了生物流化床与生物固定床的水净化特性,生物流化床氨氮负荷和硝化率提高3倍。用电子显微镜和营养琼脂培养法观察了流化床中生物粒子表面的细菌分布与生长情况,生物粒子表面生物膜丰富,均匀,生长繁殖快,活性好。在15万尾/m3的密度下,循环水培育鲤苗,15天体重达21.2mg,体长达12.58±0.94mm,成活率90%。  相似文献   

Thirty thousand American lobsters were hatched , stocked at a density of 2,000 per 40-liter planktonkriesel, and exposed to one of three photo-periods (LD 01:23, LD 12:12, LD 23:01) at constant 20°C. Five replicates were completed from March through May. The shortest photoperiods produced the most rapid development and the best survival to Fourth Stage. The longest daily light period produced the largest mean size and greatest size range. At all photoperiods the first larvae to reach Fourth Stage were the largest, and mean size decreased thereafter. Short daily light periods appear to be the most advantageous for larval culture under these conditions because, in addition to producing the best development and survival rates, short light periods reduce algal growth and tank maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

桑沟湾海带养殖容量的研究   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
首次对桑沟湾的海带养殖容量进行了调查研究。采用了无机氮作为估算桑沟湾海带养殖容量的关键因子,通过无机氮的供需平衡估算海带养殖容量。结果显示,海底沉积物中释放的无机氮为该湾无机氮的主要来源,而由海水交换所带入的无机氮次之。海带生长期间海水交换周期为39d,比80年代中期延长了近1倍。桑沟湾在海带生长期间由海水交换、陆地径流、动物排泄和海底沉积物中释放所进入该湾的无机氮总供应量为1228t;而浮游植物  相似文献   

本文研究了铜,锌离子在球等鞭金藻的培养液中最佳存在活度。采用了一种新的海水处理方法,除去海水中的重金属离子,同时,计算了培养液中铜,锌离子活度,结果表明,金藻培养液中,铜,锌离子的最佳活度为10^-13.57-10^-8.80mol/L和0-10^-6.00mol/L;铜离子表现了对金藻生长繁殖的必需性,而锌离子未表现出对金藻生长繁殖的必需性;当铜,锌离子活度分别大于10^-8.80和10^-6.  相似文献   

One of the critical factors in commercial penaeid shrimp culture production is the availability of postlarvae to stock grow-out ponds. This study investigates the economic feasibility of rearing penaeid shrimp from nauplii to postlarvae (hatchery phase). The facility design used is based on the hatchery operated by Texas A&M university at Galveston, Texas. The Generalized Budget Simulation Model for Aquaculture developed at Texas A&M University was used for the analysis. A ten-year planning horizon was used for the analysis. Six different systems ranging in size from 5 ten-metric ton tanks to 60 ten-metric ton tanks were examined. Annual cost and return budgets were developed for the six systems assuming they operated 6 and 12 months per year. Investment costs, break-even prices and quantities, and net present value were estimated for each system. Results show that commercial hatcheries, using 10-metric ton tanks, could be profitable above and including 20 tanks for those operating only six months annually and above and including 10 tanks for those operating 12 months annually.  相似文献   

桑沟湾栉孔扇贝养殖容量的研究   总被引:46,自引:5,他引:46  
通过计算单位面积的初级生产量生产的有机碳供应量、单位面积滤食性附着生物量及其对有机碳的需求量,首次对桑沟湾栉孔扇贝养殖容量进行了估算。结果显示,当栉孔扇贝壳高为3 ̄4cm时,其养殖总容量为110亿粒左右,单位面积养殖容量估算值为90粒/m^2;当壳高为4 ̄5cm时,其养殖总容量降为75亿粒,单位面积养殖容量估算值为60粒/m^2;当壳高为5 ̄6cm时,其养殖总容量仅为40亿粒,单位面积养殖容量为3  相似文献   

浅海筏式养殖系统贝类养殖容量研究进展   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
杨红生 《水产学报》1999,23(1):84-90
据报道,以世界人均耕地计,中国人口以4亿为合适,按人均粮食500kg/年计,中国人口以6亿为适度,按水资源来估算中国适度人口可为7亿。综合起来考虑,中国理想人口数量应在6.5亿左右[刘大椿等1995],而我国实际人口已远远超过此数。很显然,只依靠耕地...  相似文献   

何勤业 《水产学报》1965,2(3):13-24
利用城市污水养鱼,这是随着城市建设和工农业生产发展而提出的一种新的养鱼方法。长沙市有关部门从1957年起就开始进行了试验,几年来,在生产上已取得了比较显著的成效。到目前为止,全部或部分地利用城市污水养鱼的水面已有7,235亩(其中1964年改建或扩建的水面有3,200亩),约占市郊养殖总水面的40%;全市已利用的城市污水量平均每天有  相似文献   

叶奕佐  杜健鹰  熊德聪  朱允中 《水产学报》1991,15(2):161-164,176
随着草食性鱼类养殖的迅速发展,青饲料供不应求和青饲料地十分紧缺等问题日益突出。为寻求解决这些问题,作者于1985—1988年进行了水体表面浮植水蕹菜养鱼的研究工作。现将主要研究结果报道如下。  相似文献   

中国对虾往西北内陆咸水水域移植的生产性试养研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
王慧  田荣庆 《海洋渔业》1997,19(1):9-12
本文介绍了通过采用引进河水、压碱降盐等改良水质的技术措施,使中国对虾首次成功地移植到内陆咸水水域。经过1个月的试养,中国对虾平均体长增长3.82 cm,平均体重为1.82 g。  相似文献   

浙江省三门县位于浙江中部沿海三门湾的西南面,海岸线长227km,海域面积425.6km~2,10m等深线以内浅海49万亩,可供养殖面积10万亩,滩涂面积22万亩,可供养殖的滩涂15万亩。沿海共有大小岛屿122个,海岛总面积4.2万亩。海岛自北向南,星罗棋布,形成天然屏障。故而,沿海水域风平浪静,滩涂广阔,涂质柔软。境内有旗门港、海游港、健跳港、浦坝港等港湾深嵌内陆,沿岸有清溪、珠游溪、亭旁溪、白溪、山场溪等八大溪流,雨季夹带着大量养份入海,致使近海水  相似文献   

近几年,水产科技工作者相继研制出多种结构形式的架子网,试图解决架子网大量损伤幼鱼问题,最典型的有开口式、腹洞式、八片式三种,这些网在增产和释放幼鱼方面各具特色。为了选出一种最佳网型,我们于1991至1992年进行了架子网选型试验。选型以传统架子网为参照,三种典型为参选图,分别进行实网生产对比试验和网模水槽试验,优选出最佳网型。本文着重介绍网模水槽试验方法、内容及结果。  相似文献   

根据对随船引进的大型远洋单船拖网网板的调查、测绘和分析,选择了5种结构上具有代表性的网板,进行网板模型风洞试验。通过对风洞试验结果的分析,筛选出缝翼式大展弦比网板作为选型设计的基础,设计制作了3付实物网板,经生产使用证明,该型网板具有扩张效果好,冲角范围大,曳行稳定和抗弯曲性强的特点。  相似文献   

青蛤养殖技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
一、生态与繁殖习性 1.生态习性 青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)为帘蛤科双壳底栖贝类,广泛分布于我国沿海泥砂质的潮间带,以高潮区的下部为多。埋栖深度与个体大小、季节及底质有关,幼苗在表层0.5cm左右,2~3龄可埋栖6~8cm,大个体甚至深达15cm;炎夏或严冬栖息较深;含砂量大的底质,埋栖较浅。迁移性很小。  相似文献   

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上海水产大学王素娼教授主编的《中国经济海藻超微结构的研究》一书即将由浙江科学技术出版社出版。全书的主体由120版约360幅图片和约12万字的文字论述组成。该书中研究的对象主要分三类:第一类为中国主要的养殖种类如海带、紫莱、裙带菜、江蓠、石花菜;第二类为经济海藻或者是中国特产的种类,如鹿角菜等;第三类为常见种或引进种  相似文献   

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