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The micromorphological data on aridic soils are far from numerous; therefore, the information presented here contributes to the development of pedogenetic ideas and characterization of diagnostic horizons and genetic properties in substantive-genetic classification systems. The diversity, functioning, and resilience of aridic soils are basically determined by the properties of their topsoils, which are regarded as recent dynamic formations as opposed to subsoils that formed under a different paleoclimatic environment; topsoil properties are more important for soil classification. Each of the two upper horizons in the new system of soil classification (the light-humus and xero-humus) has the same micromorphological features in different soils; however, in a sequence of soils, some individual micromorphological properties were revealed that indicate increasing aridity. The micromorphological properties of topsoils make it possible to identify the mechanisms of certain phenomena: aeolian deposition, structural rearrangement, the dynamics of secondary carbonates, and cryptosolonetzic manifestations.  相似文献   

Strengths and weaknesses of the new classification system of Russian soils are discussed. It is argued that the diversity of Russian soils and the ecological conditions of their formation are incompletely represented in this system. In particular, several specific groups of soils in the south of European Russia cannot be adequately classified within the framework of the new classification system. Several important tasks have to be solved before its adoption as an official document. First, it is necessary to compile correlation tables between the soil taxa of the previous classification (1977) and the new classification (2004). Second, a key for the field diagnostics of soils within the framework of the new system has to be developed. Third, the soils that are missing in the new system have to be introduced into it.  相似文献   

The analysis of the taxonomy of the soils and soil-forming rocks of Moscow city was performed in view of the compatibility of the taxonomy proposed with the new classification system of the soils of Russia. The common platform, which determines the possibility to incorporate the taxonomy of urban soils into the new classification system, is the principle of the priority of the diagnostic horizons, which provides the properties-oriented conceptual background of the compared systems. It was shown that the considered classification developments do not have any fundamental differences either in ideology or in concrete manifestations. Some contradictions in place can be eliminated by respective discussions and agreements.  相似文献   

The factors of soil formation are not directly taken into account in the new profile-genetic Russian soil classification system; they are not reflected in the names and diagnostics of the soils. At the same time, as well as in many other modern soil classification systems, including the American Soil Taxonomy and the WRB system, the choice of the diagnostic criteria, the establishment of the relationships between them, and the setting of the quantitative boundaries between the soil taxa are based on our perception of soil geneses with due account for the factors of soil formation. In contrast to the ecological-genetic soil classification system of 1977, information on the factors of soil formation in the new system is encoded in the properties of the soil horizons. In some cases, this is insufficient for the definite geographic localization of soils and complicates the practical application of the new classification system. In this context, information on the ecological niches of soil types was included in the field manual on soil correlation-an abridged version of the soil classification system published in 2008—in the form of special tables developed for native and agrogenic soils. The analysis of these tables made it possible to outline certain geographic regularities in the distribution of soil types belonging to the trunk of postlithogenic soils.  相似文献   

Diagnostics, methods of evaluation, and geography of saline-alkali (soda) soils are discussed. The saline-alkali soils include soils of different genetic types with the following chemical properties: the pH of the water suspensions equal to or higher than 8.5; the total alkalinity exceeding 1.4 meq/100 g of soil and the sum of water-soluble calcium and magnesium; and the presence of soluble “alkaline” salts in the soil profiles, the hydrolysis of which results in the alkaline reaction of the soils. The chemical properties of the saline-alkali soils are largely related to the presence of soda (Na2CO3, NaHCO3) in the soils. According to their morphological properties, saline-alkali soils are divided into two groups: alkaline soils with an undiferentiated profile and without a morphologically pronounced solonetzic (natric) horizon, and alkaline soils with a pronounced natric horizon (solonetzes). Solonetzes, in turn, are divided into (a) alkaline solonetzes (with soda or with soda and neutral salts), (b) solonetzes salinized with neutral salts (saline soils) with increased alkalinity in the solonetzic and lower lying horizons, (c) saline solonetzes throughout the profile, and (d) leached solonetzes containing no soluble salts in the profile and almost no exchangeable sodium in the soil exchange complex (SEC) (“dead” solonetzes). The latter two groups of solonetzes cannot be ranked among the alkaline soils. The alkalinity of the saline-alkali soils under study is due to carbonate and bicarbonate ions (carbonate alkalinity), organic acid anions (organic alkalinity), and borate ions (borate alkalinity). The carbonate alkalinity is due to both soda (Na2CO3, NaHCO3) and CaCO3.  相似文献   

A large-scale soil map of one of the farms in the south of Karelia has been analyzed. This map was initially compiled in 1979 on the basis of the official Classification and Diagnostics of Soils of the Soviet Union (1977). We have corrected it with the use of the new Classification and Diagnostics of Russian Soils. Both the names of the map units and the particular delineations on the map have been changed. These changes are related to differences in the principles of soil diagnostics in the old and new classification systems and to real changes in the soil cover that have taken place after the map’s compilation. In particular, large areas of peat bogs have been drained, and the cultivated peat soils have been subjected to accelerated mineralization. Surface planing works after digging drainage channels have also changed the soil cover pattern. The revised large-scale soil map developed on the basis of the new classification system gives more adequate information about the real soil cover.  相似文献   

This paper considers three topical problems—the definition of peat soils as natural-historical formations and the estimation of their profile thickness, the analysis of the genesis of organic soils, and the principles of the classification of peat soils. Based on the experimental data of long-term studies, it was concluded that peat soils may include the whole peat layer and the upper horizons of the surface mineral soil. The organic and mineral parts of the natural structures were found to be a genetically homogeneous soil profile, which has the same history of development. The upper layer of the peat soils should be considered as the horizon reflecting the contemporary stage of the soil formation. A hierarchy of peat soils is analyzed for developing their classification.  相似文献   

Data on the impact of tree logging in boreal forests of Russia on soils are systematized. Patterns of soil disturbances and transformation of microclimatic parameters within clearcutting areas are discussed. Changes in the conditions of pedogenesis in secondary forests are analyzed. It is suggested that the changes in forest soils upon reforestation of clearcutting areas might be considered as specific post-logging soil successions. Data characterizing changes in the thickness of litter horizons and in the intensity of elementary pedogenic processes, acidity, and the content of exchangeable bases in soils of clearcutting areas in the course of their natural reforestation are considered. The examples of human-disturbed (turbated) soil horizons and newly formed anthropogenic soils on clearcutting areas are described. It is suggested that the soils on mechanically disturbed parts of clearcutting areas can be separated as a specific group of detritus turbozems.  相似文献   

Automorphic loamy soils of the northern taiga and forest-tundra zones in the northeastern part of European Russia are characterized. These soils are diagnosed by the presence of a paragenetic system of the podzolic (often, with gley features) and iron-illuvial horizons combined with a specific cryometamorphic CRM horizon. The podzolic horizon is considerably impoverished in the total and oxalate-extractable iron and slightly impoverished in aluminum and clay in comparison with the iron-illuvial horizon. A distinctive feature of the cryometamorphic horizon is its fine angular blocky, ooidal, or granulated structure in the dry state and curdled cryogenic structure in the wet state. The soil profile is relatively weakly differentiated with respect to the contents of clay and sesquioxides. The genesis of these soils is related to a combination of the gley-Al-Fe-humus mobilization, migration, and illuvial accumulation of substances and the cryogenic structuring. According to the new Classification and Diagnostic System of Russian Soils, these soils fit the criteria of iron-illuvial svetlozems in the order of cryometamorphic soils. In the studied area, these soils are found together with texture-differentiated gley-podzolic soils having the Bt horizon and belonging to the order of texture-differentiated soils.  相似文献   

The selective inhibition technique by specific antibiotics (streptomycin, cycloheximide) applied to substrate-induced respiration (SIR) measurement was used to test the relative contribution of fungi to bacteria (F/B ratio) to the overall microflora-induced activity in soils of European Russia. Investigated soils covered a wide climatic transect and different ecosystem types including managed vs. natural ecosystems. Before direct comparison among sites, the antibiotic inhibition technique was optimized for soil characteristics. Once the optimal concentration was set, the combined effect of the two antibiotics resulted in average 60% inhibition of SIR. The analyzed sites (in total 47) including various biomes (tundra, middle taiga, southern taiga, subtaiga, dark coniferous forests outside the boreal region, steppe, mountain forests and arable sites), were characterized by a wide range of soil pHw (3.95–7.95), soil organic carbon (0.69–24.08%), soil microbial biomass carbon (149–5028 µg C g?1 soil) and soil basal respiration (0.24–8.28 µg CO2-C g?1 soil h?1). In all the analyzed sites, a predominance of fungal over bacteria activity was observed with F/B ratios always higher than one (4.9 on average). Natural sites were characterized by higher F/B ratios (on average 5.6) compared to agricultural ones (on average 3.5).  相似文献   

The work of the Dokuchaev Soil Institute site on soil classification during the last three years is analyzed. The main subject of the discussion is the Classification and Diagnostics of Soils of Russia (2004) as compared to the classification of 1977. The website’s visitors, mainly soil scientists performing survey under contracts or involved in organizing environmental monitoring consult the diagnostics and names of their objects according to the new classification. The principles and structure of the classification system and criteria for distinguishing the basic taxa are accepted by practically everybody; the proposals on the correction of the diagnostics of soil horizons and their characteristics are made for a wide spectrum of soils. Many of the suggestions were taken into account by the authors in the last edition of this classification (2008). The users of the site are especially interested in anthropogenically modified soils, primarily in urban soils and soils disturbed by mining operations. Among the site’s visitors are many students and postgraduates, who are especially active during the examination periods.  相似文献   

草原土壤:分布、分类与演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
龚子同  张之一  张甘霖 《土壤》2009,41(4):505-511
草原土壤系指草原、湿草原和森林草原植被下形成的富含有机质、盐基饱和度高的暗色土壤.世界上此类土壤面积约900万km2,我国约76万km2,是粮食生产的重要基地.本文比较了国际上草原土壤分类.不论俄罗斯或中国,均腐土开垦以后土壤有机质开始下降迅速,而后减缓,逐步达到与当地生物气候相适应的水平.所以至今仍保持一定厚度的黑土层.在均腐土资源的利用和保护上,一方面应保持其有机质平衡,另一方面更重要的是严防水土流失,以保证其生产能力.  相似文献   

Taxonomic distances between pairs of soil orders in the Russian soil classification system have been calculated using a methodology suggested for calculation of taxonomic distances between the Reference Soil Groups in the international soil classification system (WRB). Basing on the data obtained, some proposals for the development of the Russian soil classification system have been formulated. Most of the orders are characterized by considerable taxonomic distances between them, and their identification in the classification system is doubtless. Small taxonomic distances are characteristic of the following pairs of orders: organo-accumulative and structural-metamorphic soils, hydrometamorphic soils and lithozems, and cryometamorphic and eluvial soils. Therefore, criteria for defining some orders, and/or profile formulas for some soil types composing the orders may be revised. The comparison of taxonomic distances between soil orders in the Russian system and between Reference Soil Groups in the international system allows us to suggest their certain similarity.  相似文献   

Variables which correlate with accelerated landslide activity are identifed in a study of two new hill roads at Almora and Nainital, U.P., India. Cumulatively, 32% of the roadcut is affected by rockfall and 27% by the slumping of rock and/or regolith. Correlation and discriminant analyses suggest that rockfalling may be predictable from measures of the frequency of enlarged joints in the roadcut supported by members of an inter-related complex of variables including slope angle, roadcut height, apparent dip, rock strength, and upslope vegetation cover. Direct measures of environmental instability, such as the undermining of the roadbed by erosion, were also shown to have value. However, the study found few useful environmental indicators of slumping. A positive relation between slumping and tree cover upslope may reflect the fact that forest survives as a relict landuse in locations which are undeveloped because of their instability.  相似文献   

The analysis of literature sources and a database on soil physical properties collected by the Department of Soil Physics and Amelioration of Soils of the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University made it possible to compare three major constituents of the particle-size distribution analysis (PSDA): (a) the classification of soil separates with respect to their sizes and the classification of soil textures, (b) the procedures used to prepare soil samples for the PSDA, and (c) the specificity of the determination of the particle-size distribution by different methods. It was shown that there are good physical and statistical grounds for the conversion of data on the particle-size distribution from the Russian classification system into other systems. Much larger problems are related to the pretreatment of soil samples for the PSDA. The diversity of existing methods, classification schemes, and technical devices based on different physical principles (sedimentation and laser diffractometry) should be taken into account in the analysis and quantitative conversion of particle-size distribution data from a given classification system into another system. The Russian classification of soil textures and soil particle-size groups developed by N.A. Kachinskii has certain advantages and can be easily converted into other systems. In the choice of a particular system, it is important to take into account the goals of the study. Agreement between soil scientists concerning the major constituents of the PSDA has to be reached.  相似文献   

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