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Egg drop syndrome 76.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Egg drop syndrome '76 in poultry and other avian species in Nigeria.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sero-epidemiological survey of EDS '76 antibodies was carried out in chickens, guinea fowls, ducks and pigeons in various locations in Nigeria with the haemagglutination-inhibition test. Infection rates of 67.43, 79.68, 73.91 and 86.66% were obtained for chickens, guinea fowls, ducks and pigeons respectively. The high prevalence rates observed in these non-chicken species suggest that they should be considered as important in the epidemiology of EDS '76 in poultry in Nigeria. An extensive survey is recommended together with vaccination.  相似文献   

Vaccine for the control of egg drop syndrome '76   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Egg transmission of egg drop syndrome 1976 virus (BC14 virus) in fowl was demonstrated in the second and third week after experimental infection. Eggs of BC14 virus infected hens were incubated weekly after disinfection with formaline gas. After 18 days of incubation, eggs with live embryos were homogenized. This egg material was fed to adult hens, housed in isolators.

Seroconversion in these birds demonstrated egg transmission.

It is suggested that egg transmission occurs as a result of viremia.  相似文献   

Summary Egg transmission of egg drop syndrome 1976 virus (BC14 virus) in fowl was demonstrated in the second and third week after experimental infection. Eggs of BC14 virus infected hens were incubated weekly after disinfection with formaline gas. After 18 days of incubation, eggs with live embryos were homogenized. This egg material was fed to adult hens, housed in isolators. Seroconversion in these birds demonstrated egg transmission. It is suggested that egg transmission occurs as a result of viremia.  相似文献   

There is a legal requirement to provide analgesia for velvet antler removal in New Zealand. Currently, this is achieved using local anaesthetic blockade, with or without systemically administered sedative/analgesic agents, or by compression in 1-year-old stags. Lignocaine hydrochloride 2% is most commonly used and is most effective when administered as a high-dose ring block. Combinations of various amino-amide local anaesthetic agents can achieve rapid onset and prolonged duration of analgesia, though concerns about drug residues and carcinogenic potential of a lignocaine metabolite have led to consideration of the amino-ester family of local anaesthetics as alternatives.

Systemically administered analgesics, including opioids, α2-adrenergic agents and ketamine provide dose-dependent sedation and analgesia. However, none are sufficient, alone or in combination, to produce surgical analgesia at currently recommended dose rates and when reversal agents are given, analgesic effects are usually reversed as well as sedation. Thus, local anaesthetic blockade is still indicated, though the potential for drug or drug-metabolite residues in velvet antler remains a concern.

The need for and effectiveness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for post-operative analgesia requires investigation. Amitriptyline, locally administered K-opioid agonists, tramadol and other systemically administered agents may warrant future investigation for surgical and post-operative analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

减蛋综合征-1976(Egg Drop Syndrome1976,EDS 76)是一种感染产蛋母鸡的传染性疾病,主要表现为母鸡产蛋量快速下降,无法达到产蛋高峰,蛋形状不规则,软壳或无壳蛋和蛋壳褪色(图1和图2).其病原体为腺病毒3型.在层架式饲养系统中,水平传播发生缓慢,但在地面平养系统中传播迅速.  相似文献   

产蛋下降综合征(EDS-76)病毒DNA酶切图谱分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用EcoRI、PstⅠ、PvuⅡ、HindⅢ、BglⅠ和BglⅡ6种限制性内切酶,对国内4株EDS-76病毒鸡源分离株和国外标准株AV-127及1株鹅源腺病毒的DNA进行酶切图谱的比较,结果发现4种鸡源分离株与AV-127株用上述6种酶切的片段数分别为4、8、10、10、6和7条。各酶切图形、片段大小亦十分相似,表明均为EDS-76病毒。EcoRI-HindⅢ和PstI-EcoRI的双酶切也得到同样结果。鹅源分离株的酶切片段数分别为6、7、9、7、4和10条,酶切图形和片段大小均与AV-127有很大不同,表明该分离株可能为1株血清型相同而基因组不同的EDS-76鹅腺病毒。  相似文献   

Two outbreaks of the egg drop syndrome were observed in quail flocks maintained on a farm together with chickens. The decrease in egg production ranged from 10.6 per cent to 50.6 per cent, and the number of soft-shelled eggs increased with the decline in egg production. In both the outbreaks haemagglutination inhibiting antibodies to EDS-76 virus were detected. Fluorescent viral antigen specific to EDS-76 virus was also detected in the lining epithelial and glandular cells of the uterus.  相似文献   

After a more general mention of Egg drop Syndrome 76 (EDS 76) an account is given of 3 cases of EDS 76 in broiler parent flocks. In all cases the animals involved originated from Ireland and were imported as day-olds, either directly from Ireland or via Sweden. Serological examinations indicate that the infectious agent has not previously been present in Danish hen flocks, but that it is presumably stationary in Danish flocks of ducks. In 2 of the 3 cases of EDS 76 animals from 2 different foreign firms were involved, and everything indicates that the infection has been carried by chickens from one of the firms and spread horizontally to the other. In the first case 12 weeks lapsed from the first to the last of 6 flocks in the same locality were attacked by SDS 76. An example is also given of trans-ovarial spread of EDS 76-virus to broiler flocks which at the age of 10--20 days were attacked by a disease similar to gangrenous dermatitis. In the course of the following few weeks an intensive rise took in the frequency of positive reaction to EDS 76. It is assumed that the EDS 76-virus has been of importance to the development of the said disease in these broiler flocks.  相似文献   

To determine if egg drop syndrome 76 virus infection is among the causes of lowered egg productivity in commercial poultry farms in South Eastern Part of Nigeria and to know the prevalence of the infection, ten farms with history of lowered egg production in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State were randomly selected. Sera from ten hens in each of the selected farms were assayed for antibodies against EDS 76 virus by the haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. The mean HI titre of the ten hens in each of the farms was recorded as EDS - 76 antibody titre for the farm. Nine out of the 10 farms tested were positive for EDS - 76 antibodies with HI titres ranging between 16 and 256. Out of 10 flocks with production of 65% and above 9 were EDS-76 HI negative.  相似文献   

An isolate of egg drop syndrome-76 virus replicated best in primary chicken embryo liver cells and less well in duck embryo liver cells, duck embryo fibroblast cells and chicken embryo kidney cells. The cytopathic effect in chicken embryo liver cells was marked by the presence of round and refractile cells and detachment of cells from the glass surface. The intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were observed by 24 to 48 hours after infection. No virus multiplication was observed in primary quail embryo fibroblast cells, chicken embryo fibroblast cells or mammalian cells like Vero, BHK-21 and MDBK. Duck embryos supported the maximum growth of the virus, with allantoic fluid having the highest haemagglutinin titre, followed in order by chorioallantoic membrane, skin and internal organs. Chicken and quail embryos did not support the growth of the virus.  相似文献   

利用鸭胚从吉林省某鸡场表现产蛋量下降,产畸形蛋,血凝抑制试验诊断为产蛋下降综合征(EDS_(76))的病鸡输卵管、子宫中分离到两株病毒(CH—1和CH—2),经血凝试验、血凝抑制试验及电镜观察,证实为鸡产蛋下降综合征病毒.  相似文献   

为研制鸡产蛋下降综合症病毒( EDS-76)检测用标准抗原及标准多抗血清,以EDS-76国际通用毒株AV-127株为抗原,进行了EDS-76病毒抗原纯化及多抗血清制备。研究表明,经氯仿抽提,并经PEG浓缩处理病毒的尿囊液可获得良好的纯化效果,纯化病毒背景干净,血凝效价达19Log2。以此研制出的鸡抗 EDS-76多抗血清血凝抑制效价达13Log2,间接免疫荧光效价达1∶2000,Western-blot试验分析表明该多抗血清可以识别两个分子大小在50 kD至85 kD之间的蛋白抗原,HI及IFA 试验发现所制备的特异性,多抗血清与12种常见禽病病原( NDV、AIV-A、ALV-J、ALV、GPV、REV、MDV、IBV、CAV、IBDV、TMUV、REOV)均不反应。本研究建立的快速简便的EDS-76病毒纯化方法以及获得的抗EDS-76多抗血清,为进一步研制EDS-76标准抗原以及标准多抗血清提供了有效的方法与材料。  相似文献   

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