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Wheat landraces have abundant genetic variation at the Glu-1 loci, which is desirable germplasms for genetic enhancement of modern wheat varieties, especially for quality improvement. In the current study, we analyzed the allelic variations of the Glu-1 loci of 597 landraces and 926 commercial wheat varieties from the four major wheat-growing regions in China using SDS-PAGE. As results, alleles Null, 7+8, and 2+12 were the dominant HMW-GSs in wheat landraces. Compared to landraces, the commercial varieties contain higher frequencies of high-quality alleles, including 1, 7+9, 14+15 and 5+10. The genetic diversity of the four commercial wheat populations (alleles per locus (A) = 7.33, percent polymorphic loci (P) = 1.00, effective number of alleles per locus (Ae) = 2.347 and expected heterozygosity (He) = 0.563) was significantly higher than that of the landraces population, with the highest genetic diversity found in the Southwestern Winter Wheat Region population. The genetic diversity of HMW-GS is mainly present within the landraces and commercial wheat populations instead of between populations. The landraces were rich in rare subunits or alleles may provide germplasm resources for improving the quality of modern wheat.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight (HMW) and B‐zone low molecular weight (B‐LMW) glutenin subunit composition of 45 Algerian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) landraces and old cultivars were examined by sodium‐dodecyl‐sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE). Nine accessions were heterogeneous and presented two or three genotypes. All together, 33 glutenin patterns were detected, including 12 for HMW and 15 for B‐LMW glutenin subunits. Twenty‐four different alleles were identified for the five glutenin loci studied, Glu‐A1 (3), Glu‐B1 (6), Glu‐A3 (8), Glu‐B3 (5) and Glu‐B2 (2). Five new alleles were found, three at Glu‐A3 and two at Glu‐B3. At the Glu‐1 loci, the Glu‐A1c‐Glu‐B1e allelic composition was predominant (31%). For the B‐LMW glutenins, the most common allelic composition was Glu‐A3a‐Glu‐B3a‐Glu‐B2a (36%). The collection analysed shows a high percentage of glutenin alleles and allele combinations related to high gluten strength, together with some others that have not been tested so far. This information could be useful to select local varieties with improved quality and also as a source of genes to develop new lines when breeding for quality.  相似文献   

Hiro Nakamura 《Euphytica》2001,120(2):227-234
The high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition of seed storage protein of 174 Japanese hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) landraces have been examined by using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. Twenty four different, major glutenin HMW subunits were identified, and each of the landraces contained three to five subunits and 17 different glutenin subunit patterns were observed for 13 alleles in the landraces. On the basis of HMW glutenin subunits composition, Japanese landraces showed a specific allelic variation, close to Japanese commercial wheats in HMW glutenin subunits, different from those in alien hexaploid wheats. Further, it could be concluded that all common glutenin alleles can be found in the 174 landraces originated from Japan. The variation detected in the glutenin subunits is useful for variety identification, has a bearing on our understanding of hexaploid wheat genetic resource evolution in Japan, and raises questions concerning the nature of this genetic variation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

马艳明  娄鸿耀  陈朝燕  肖菁  徐麟  倪中福  刘杰 《作物学报》2020,46(10):1539-1556
新疆是我国西北重要的小麦优势产区和消费区。解析新疆冬小麦地方品种与育成品种之间的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,对新疆冬小麦育种中杂交组合的合理选配以及后代选择具有重要的指导意义。本研究利用小麦55K SNP(single nucleotide polymorphism)芯片对134份新疆冬小麦地方品种及54份育成品种进行全基因组扫描,估算其品种间的遗传距离,揭示其遗传多样性。结果表明,所有SNP位点的多态性比率达到95.62%(50,743/53,063)。每条染色体分布1068~2616个多态性位点,多态性标记在基因组间分布呈现A>B>D。188个品种间的两两遗传距离在0.002~0.723之间,平均为0.378。其中134个地方品种两两之间的遗传距离在0.002~0.400之间,平均为0.070; 54个育成品种两两之间的遗传距离在0.004~0.337之间,平均为0.114; 134个地方品种与54个育成品种之间的遗传距离在0.605~0.723之间,平均为0.699。聚类结果显示可将所有材料分为10个不同类群。综合SNP和系谱分析,育成品种与地方品种之间的遗传差异最大,其次...  相似文献   

Summary Sixty tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) landrace agrotypes collected from the central highlands of Ethiopia and one commercial check cultivar (Boohai) were evaluated at Akaki experimental station for grain yield and 11 other component traits. The objectives were to estimate phenotypic (PCV) and genetic (GCV) coefficients of variation, broad-sense heritability (H) and genetic advance (GA), and to determine the interrelationships among the various traits. Genotypic differences among the agrotypes were highly significant for all the traits considered. Compared to Boohai, the landrace agrotypes were later in days-to-heading (DTH) and maturity (DTM), and had shorter grain filling period (GFP), lower fertility (KS) and lower 1000-kernel weight (TKW). By contrast, they were superior to Boohai in tiller number (TN), biological yield (BY) and grain yield plant-1 (GYP). Intermediate to high order estimate combinations of GCV, H and GA (as % of the mean) were observed for TN, GYP, number of kernels spike-1 (NKS), harvest index (HI) and TKW. GYP showed a moderate heritability which was higher than GFP, BY and Plant height (PHt). DTH and DTM were strongly correlated, but both were negatively associated with the rest of the traits except PHt. The negative correlation of DTM with GYP was largely indirect via other characters. PHt had either a weak or negative association with the other traits. TN and TKW were positively correlated with GYP, and had high and intermediate direct effects, respectively. These two traits, however, were negatively correlated and showed a substantial counter-balance effect via one another. It appears that, for the short-term, improvement of the Ethiopian wheat landraces may be possible through indirect selection for TN and TKW or direct selection for grain yield per se. In the long-run, crossing programmes between indigenous and introduced germplasm may be necessary.  相似文献   

Summary Durum wheat is historically an important crop in Turkey. Diverse durum wheat germplasm has been recorded many times in Turkish collections. 812 single plant genotypes from 190 durum wheat populations of 23 provinces in Turkey have been studied for number of days to germination, tillering, shooting, heading, maturity, and yield per plant. Variation in samples for traits studied was large enough and subsamples with different characteristics were identified. Grouping samples into provinces and altitudes of origin have revealed that variation in samples existed for some traits depending on province and altitude of origin. Yield per plant were not correlated with any of the developmental stages: but developmental stages were correlated with each other in varying magnitudes. Variation in yield per plant was not explained as well by developmental stages studied under a dry-cold environment. Further studies on samples needed to explore genetic variation more for other traits of economic importance.  相似文献   

A set of 20 accessions of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L., durum group), which mostly included exotic landraces from various Mediterranean countries, and four Italian improved varieties were evaluated for grain yield in five environments and for quality traits in two environments of Sicily. Glutenin composition was also assessed electro-phoretically on six seeds per entry. The cultivars differed (P ≤ 0.01) for yield, protein content and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS-sed) sedimentation volume, in the presence of significant (P ≥ 0.001) genotype-environment interaction effects. These effects were large for yield and moderately large for protein content relative to genotype main effects following estimation of variance components. Most exotic cultivars yielded comparably with, and some of them showed greater stability than, the best yielding Italian variety 'Simeto. Some exotic cultivars combined outstanding yield, protein content and SDS-sedimentation values and represent therefore extremely valuable germplasm sources to broaden the local genetic base. The glutenin composition LMW-2 and HMW 7 + 8 was positively associated with gluten quality. Six entries showed heterogeneous electrophoretic patterns, suggesting the presence of different genotypes within the cultivar.  相似文献   

Summary The evaluation aimed at identifying landrace genotypes adapted to the rather unfavourable growing conditions of durum wheat in Sicily, to be used as parental material in a breeding programme. The trial was carried out in three seasons experiencing varying climatic conditions, and included 75 landraces, 25 of which were selected under severe drought in Syria. Wide differences were observed for most traits among genotypes and seasons of evaluation. Yields of the best performing entries identified in each season never significantly differed from that of the best check variety. The top-yielding landraces were consistently better than the remaining entries for the three yield components, viz. number of spikes per plant, number of kernels per spike and mean kernel weight. In the driest season they were also significantly earlier in heading, confirming the importance of earliness under drought. An analytical breeding approach relying on an array of morpho-physiological traits as selection criteria did not seem appropriate for the given environment, as the variable stress level enhanced the importance of specific traits under specific situations. The genotypic response was largely season-specific. Nonetheless, five landraces were in the best group in all seasons. The selection made in Syria also appeared somewhat effective in Sicily, particularly in the less favourable seasons.  相似文献   

A PCR assay has been developed for selecting low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin genes, located on chromosome 1B, and related to durum wheat quality characteristics. Most durum wheat lines possessing good technological properties can be identified on the basis of the presence of specific 1B LMW glutenin components that have been designated LMW-2 glutenin subunits. On the basis of nucleotide sequences corresponding to LMW glutenin genes, a series of specific oligonucleotide primers were prepared and used in PCR analysis. A pair of these primers gave a single amplification product which can distinguish between durum wheat lines possessing LMW-2 glutenin subunits and lines possessing other 1B-LMW allelic variants. Because the proposed PCR analysis can be carried out using part of the endosperm of a single seed, it represents a helpful approach for speeding up the selection of genotypes possessing LMW-2 glutenin subunits. This part of primers could also be very useful in genome mapping analysis and for testing the purity of wheat flour stock.  相似文献   

Summary Single-head progenies derived from barley landraces collected along the Fertile Crescent in Syria and Jordan were evaluated for agronomic, morphological, and quality traits in a typical barley growing area in Northern Syria. A large diversity was observed both between and within collection sites, and in most cases the variation was useful for breeding purposes. Single plant progenies were identified with larger yields and more desirable expressions of agronomic characters than the original landraces. The utilization of this material in a breeding program for dry areas is discussed.  相似文献   

The Ethiopian peasant farms are characterized by highly varied micro-environments differing in characteristics such as topography, soil type, water, temperature and fertility. The bulk of the durum wheat planting material currently in use on these farms is largely represented by traditional farmers' varieties/landraces. These traditional farmers' varieties/landraces generally, are stable but low yielding, and often fail to adequately meet the level of productivity essential for production beyond subsistence level, unless they are enhanced to improve their competitiveness with modern varieties in respect to yield. Improving the productivity of landraces, while maintaining an appreciable level of genetic diversity is crucial to yield stability. This could be achieved by developing composites that are formed by bulking together three or more potentially high yielding spikes (agrotypes) that vary for various morphologic and agronomic characteristics, but due to their similarity in plant height, maturity, glume color and seed color give the composite a uniform field appearance like a modern variety. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The HMW and B‐LMW glutenin subunits composition of 120 durum wheat germplasm grown in Algeria was examined using SDS‐PAGE. All together, 39 glutenin patterns were detected, including eight for HMW and 21 for B‐LMW glutenin subunits. Twenty‐six different alleles were identified for the five glutenin loci studied, that is, Glu‐A1 (3), Glu‐B1 (7), Glu‐A3 (5), Glu‐B3 (9) and Glu‐B2 (2). Two new alleles were found at Glu‐B3 locus: Glu‐B3new1 encodes for five subunits (7 + 8 + 14 + 16 + 18) and Glu‐B3new2 codes for five subunits (4 + 6* + 12 + 15 + 15*), of which subunit 15* with mobility between bands 15–16 was not described previously. At the Glu‐1 loci, the Glu‐A1c/Glu‐B1e allelic composition was predominant. For the B‐LMW glutenins, the most common allelic composition was Glu‐A3a/Glu‐B3a/Glu‐B2a. The collection analysed shows glutenin alleles and allele combinations related to high gluten strength. This information could be useful to select varieties with improved quality and also as a source of genes to develop new lines when breeding for quality.  相似文献   

Summary Variation for high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits is reported in Afghan hexaploid wheat landraces from different locations in the country ranging in altitude from 395 to 3170 metres. The variation appeared to be independent of the altitude and geographical location of the landraces. Studies of a number of samples from each of five sites revealed that at some sites there was allelic variation at theGlu-A1 andGlu-B1 loci coding from HMW glutenin subunits, but there was no variation at theGlu-D1 locus within and between sites.  相似文献   

Summary In a field experiment, plant (excluding roots) and grain nitrogen at harvest were estimated in 15 durum wheat cultivars varying in their grain protein concentration. They showed significant variation in grain yield, grain protein concentration, biological yield, total plant nitrogen at harvest and residual nitrogen in straw. Harvest index and nitrogen harvest index were calculated from this primary data. Nitrogen harvest index varied from 57 to 83%. Plant nitrogen showed significant positive correlation with biological yield, grain yield and grain protein yield, but the correlations with grain protein concentration, harvest index and nitrogen harvest index were not significant. Nitrogen harvest index was positively correlated with harvest index indicating that the distribution of N between straw and grain to a large extent, but not entirely, depends upon the partitioning of dry matter between the two. Grain protein concentration was neither correlated significantly to plant nitrogen nor to nitrogen harvest index.  相似文献   

The yellow-green leaf mutant has a non-lethal chlorophyll-deficient mutation that can be exploited in photosynthesis and plant development research. A novel yellow-green mutant derived from Triticum durum var. Cappelli displays a yellow-green leaf color from the seedling stage to the mature stage. Examination of the mutant chloroplasts with transmission electron microscopy revealed that the shape of chloroplast changed, grana stacks in the stroma were highly variable in size and disorganized. The pigment content, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotene, was decreased in the mutant. In contrast, the chla/chlb ratio of the mutants was increased in comparison with the normal green leaves. We also found a reduction in the photosynthetic rate, fluorescence kinetic parameters and yield-related agronomic traits of the mutant. A genetic analysis revealed that two nuclear recessive genes controlled the expression of this trait. The genes were designated ygld1 and ygld2. Two molecular markers co-segregated with these genes. ygld 1 co-segregated with the SSR marker wmc110 on chromosome 5AL and ygld 2 co-segregated with the SSR marker wmc28 on chromosome 5BL. These results will contribute to the gene cloning and the understanding of the mechanisms underlying chlorophyll metabolism and chloroplast development in wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Sixteen durum wheat landraces. i.e. 6 from Algeria, 5 from Ethiopia and 5 from Italy were analysed in order to ascertain the amount of variation for all 11 spike characters. For each population the differences among spike progenies were significant for all the observed characters. Principal component analysis showed that 4 factors accounted for 80% of the total variation. Component 1 accounted for 32% of the total variation and was associated with spike width, spike density, number of kernels per spikelet and kernel weight. Component 2 accounted for 24% of the total variation and was associated with number of fertile spikelets, total number of spikelets and spike length. In a scatter diagram of all 1127 spike progenies for the first two principal components, the material from Ethiopia and Italy clustered at two opposite sides, while the material from Algeria had the largest swarm and overlapped the other two groups of material. Differences among populations from the same origin were found. The ecological and anthropological causes that may have played a role in the creation of the observed variation in the examined populations, are discussed.  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in wheat landraces as important sources of genetic variation for agronomic characters. Fifty-three pure lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) derived from seven landraces collected from southeastern Iran were used to estimate genetic variation and heritability for 13 developmental and quantitative characters. Path-analysis was used to partition the genetic correlations between grain yield and six grain yield-related traits. Mean values of landraces were also compared with three improved cultivars from California and Iran. Genotypic differences among the landraces and among the pure lines collected from the landraces were highly significant for all characters considered. Compared with the modern cultivars, the landrace genotypes were, on average, later in days to heading and taller than the cultivars but had lower values for number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and harvest index. Some landrace genotypes were similar to the modern cultivars for grain yield. Moderate to high genetic variation was displayed by number of grains per spike, number of spikes per plant, 1000-grain weight, and harvest index. The heritability estimates ranged from 59% for grain yield to 99% for days to anthesis. Expected genetic advance (as % of the mean) was ≈34% for number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, and 1000-grain weight. Days to heading and to anthesis correlated positively with number of spikes per plant, shoot biomass, and straw biomass but negatively with number of grains per spike and harvest index. The strong direct effect of number of spikes per plant on grain yield was completely counterbalanced by its indirect negative effects via number of grains per spike and 1000-grain weight. Number of grains per spike and 1000-grain weight were positively correlated with grain yield, and they had large direct effects. These two characters, however, were negatively correlated and exhibited a substantial counterbalance effect via one another and via number of spikes per plant. The landraces could be improved by intercrossing the promising genotypes identified in this study, with simultaneous selection for earliness, fewer number of spikes per plant, greater number of grains per spike and heavier grains. For further improvement, crossing programs between the landraces and introduced germplasm may be necessary. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

T. Yifru    K. Hammer    X. Q. Huang    M. S. Röder 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(2):125-130
This study was conducted to assess regional patterns of diversity of Ethiopian tetraploid wheat accessions and to identify areas of diversity that can be used as source of new germplasm for developing high yielding and stable varieties. A collection of 133 Ethiopian tetraploid wheat accessions and eight introduced cultivars was analysed using 29 wheat microsatellite markers. A total of 383 alleles were detected with an average value of 13.14 alleles per locus. Relatively more alleles were observed in the B genome than in the A genome. Gene diversity indices ranged from 0.08 to 0.95, with a mean value of 0.72. Accessions collected from the same region were pooled and the number of alleles and gene diversity were calculated over the 29 simple sequence repeats for each region. Higher numbers of alleles were detected in the Shewa region (8.72), followed by Tigray (5.86) and Hararghe (5.76). The highest average gene diversity value was found in Shewa (0.65), followed by Gondar (0.64). No significant correlation was observed between geographic distance and genetic distance. Out of 383 different alleles detected, 93 (24.4%) were observed to be region‐specific. Region‐specific alleles were found across all chromosomes except for Xgwm752, Xgwm155 and Xgwm148. Genetic similarity coefficients were estimated for all the possible 55 pairs of regional comparisons and they ranged from 0.16 to 0.52, with a mean value of 0.50. All provinces were differentiated in the UPGMA cluster diagram.  相似文献   

Summary One durum wheat line (Triticum durum), cv. 82PCD476, with useful BYDV tolerance or resistance, was singled out of 5 152 lines evaluated between 1979 and 1986. A few other lines such as cv. Boohai and cv. 12th IDSN 227, slightly inferior to cv. 82PCD476, also showed some value. With an hybrid of cv. 12th IDSN227 with the susceptible cv. 84PCY-S531, broad-sense heritability values of 0.37–0.41 were obtained for symptoms and a heritability value of 0.55 was obtained for the total weight of spikes. The weight of spikes was considered as a good indicator of wheat tolerance to BYDV. Although BYDV resistance or tolerance genes are not very common in durum wheat, sources of heritable resistance could be found. However, the resistance ofT. aestivum to BYDV was superior to the one found inT. durum.Cintribution no. 323  相似文献   

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