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The water dynamics of cropping systems containing mixtures of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp trees with maize (Zea mays L.) and/or pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) were examined during three consecutive cropping seasons. The trees were pruned before and during each cropping season, but were left unpruned after harvesting the maize; prunings were returned to the cropping area in all agroforestry systems to provide green leaf manure. The hypothesis was that regular severe pruning of the trees would minimise competition with crops for soil moisture and enhance their growth by providing additional nutrients. Neutron probe measurements were used to determine spatial and temporal changes in soil moisture content during the 1997/98, 1998/99 and 1999/00 cropping seasons for various cropping systems. These included gliricidia intercropped with maize, with and without pigeonpea, a maize + pigeonpea intercrop, sole maize, sole pigeonpea and sole gliricidia. Soil water content was measured to a depth of 150 cm in all treatments at 4–6 week intervals during the main cropping season and less frequently at other times. Competition for water was apparently not a critical factor in determining crop performance as rainfall exceeded potential evaporation during the cropping season in all years. The distribution of water in the soil profile was generally comparable in all cropping systems, implying there was no spatial complementarity in water abstraction by tree and crop roots. However, available soil water content at the beginning of the cropping season was generally lower in the tree-based systems, suggesting that the trees continued to deplete available soil water during the dry season. The results show that, under rainfall conditions typical of southern Malawi, the soil profile contains sufficient stored water during the dry season (ca. 75–125 mm) to support the growth of gliricidia and pigeonpea, and that gliricidia trees pruned before and during the cropping season did not deleteriously compete for water with associated crops. Water use efficiency also appeared to be higher in the tree-based systems than in the sole maize and maize + pigeonpea treatments, subject to the proviso that the calculations were based on changes in soil water content rather than absolute measurements of water uptake by the trees and crops.  相似文献   

The slash and mulch system of frijol tapado or covered bean is a pre-hispanic system of bean production found throughout much of Central America. However, land use pressures have forced farmers to shorten the traditional fallow period, thus resulting in decreasing productivity. A potential solution is to enrich the fallow by using leguminous nitrogen-fixing trees. The enriched fallow systems evaluated in this study include both single and mixed species treatments: 1) Erythrina poeppigiana; 2) Calliandra colothrysus; 3) Gliricidia sepium; 4) Inga edulis; 5) Inga edulis and Erythrina poeppigiana; 6) Inga edulis and Calliandra calothrysus; and 7) Inga edulis and Gliricidia sepium. Biomass production of the fallow vegetation is shown to be of greater quality and quantity in all fallow enrichment treatments. However, bean yields did not show a significant response to the fallow enrichment treatments.  相似文献   

Maize growing next toErythrina hedgerows had 44% lower biomass (p<0.01) and 35% lower N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. Maize growing next toGliricidia hedgerows had the same biomass but 56% higher N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. However these differences did not develop until 2 months after sowing of the maize.Spatial variability in soil nitrogen mineralization and mulch nitrogen release did not explain any of the differences in growth or N uptake of the maize with respect to distance from the trees. It is hypothesized that the slower growth of the maize next to theErythrina trees after 2 months is due to increasing light and/or nutrient competition from the trees as the trees recover from pollarding. The apparent lack of competition fromGlirigidia may be due to different rates of regrowth or different shoot and root architecture.A theoretical model is described demonstrating that if a crop is to take advantage of the higher nutrient availability under alley cropping it must complete the major part of its growth before the trees recover significantly from pollarding, and start competing strongly with the crop.  相似文献   

In southern Benin, West Africa, two alley cropping systems were studied from 1986 to 1992. Yield development was followed in a maize and cassava crop rotation vs. intercropping system, with alleys of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit and Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. vs. a no-tree control, with and without NPK fertiliser. Without alleys, NPK fertilisation maintained high yield levels of 2–3 t maize dry grain plus 4–6 t ha–1 cassava root DM in intercropping, 3–4 t ha–1 maize and 6–10 t ha–1 cassava in solercropping. Without NPK, final yields seemed to stabilise at about 1 t maize plus 2 t cassava in intercropping and twice as much in each solecrop. Alley cropping induced significant yield increases by about 50% with both tree species in unfertilised, intercropped maize, and with Cajanus in fertilised, solecropped cassava. In monetary terms, the NPK-fertiliser response of stabilised yields was significant for all treatments except the solecropped Leucaena alleys. It is concluded that on Ultisols with low nutrient status in the upper rooting zone, alley cropping with low-competitive tree species may improve food crop yields but the greatest monetary output is achieved by intercropping with mineral fertiliser independent of the presence or absence of an agroforestry component.  相似文献   

Yields under alley cropping might be improved if the most limiting nutrients not adequately supplied or cycled by the leaves could be added as an inorganic fertilizer supplement. Three historic leaf management strategies had been in effect for 3 years ina Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping trial on the Lilongwe Plain of central Malawi : 1) leaves returned; 2) leaves removed; and 3) leaves removed, with 100 kg inorganic N ha−1 added. An initial soil analysis showed P status to be suboptimal under all strategies. A confounded 34 factorial experiment was conducted with the following treatments: leaf management strategy (as above), N fertilizer rate (0, 30, and 60 kg N ha−1), P fertilizer rate (0, 18, and 35 kg P ha−1), and maize population (14,800, 29,600, and 44,400 plants ha−1). Both N and P were yield limiting, and interacted positively to improve yields. The addition of 30 kg N and 18 kg P ha−1 improved yields similarly under all leaf management strategies by an average of 2440 kg ha−1. Increasing the rates to 60 kg N and 35 kg P ha−1 improved yields an additional 1990 kg ha−1 in the ‘leaves returned’ and leaves removed + N’ strategies, but did not improve yields under the ‘leaves removed’ strategy. Lower yields were related to lack of P response at the highest P rate in this treatment, which may have induced Zn deficiency. Plots receiving leaves had higher organic C, total N, pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and S, and lower C/N ratios in the 0–15 cm soil layer than did plots where leaves had been removed. Leaf removal with N addition was similar to leaf removal alone for all soil factors measured except for organic C and total N, which were higher where N had been added. The results show that N and P were the primary yield-limiting nutrients. Historic N application maintained the soil's ability to respond to N and P on par with leaf additions.  相似文献   

The effects of no-tillage and alley cropping withCassia spectabilis hedgerows on soil properties and crop yields in a Typic Kandiudult of the humid forest zone of Central Africa were studied over the period 1990–1992 in southern Cameroon. The experimental treatments were no-tillage and hand tillage, both of which were either alley cropped withC. spectabilis hedgerows at interhedgerow spacings of 6 m or not alley cropped (control). A maize + cassava intercrop was planted in all plots at the commencement of each growing season.No-tillage had no significant effects on soil physical properties except to decrease soil temperature. In comparison to hand tillage, no-tillage increased soil organic C and total N in both years and pH in 1991. Mean organic C and total N with no-tillage were 1.77% and 0.174%, respectively, whereas with hand tillage were 1.35% and 0.145%, respectively. Notillage also resulted in a greater proportion ofC. spectabilis roots occurring in the topsoil. Alley cropping caused significant reductions in dry season soil temperature, surface seal formation and cassava root growth, and increases in exchangeable Ca, effective CEC and water infiltration compared with non-alley cropped controls. Infiltration rate at 2 h after commencing measurements were greater by 75% with alley cropping. Lowest maize cob and cassava tuber yeilds were observed when no-tillage was combined with alley cropping whereas highest yields occurred with no-tillage alone.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that shallow-rooted crops and deep-rooted trees will share the available water in a complementary manner, when grown together, in a field trail in the Turkana district of northern Kenya during 1994 to 1996. Such studies have been few in dryland agroforestry. The effects of two different Acacia saligna (Labill.) H. Wendl. tree planting densities (2500 and 833 trees per ha), tree pruning (no pruning vs. pruning) and annual intercrops (no intercrop vs. intercrop) on total biomass production and their interactions were tested. In 1996 Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench was used during the first vegetation period and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. during the second. We used naturally generated runoff water for irrigation to supplement low rainfall amounts typical for the area. High biomass production (> 13 t ha–1 over a two year period) was observed irrespective of intercropping of pruned trees or sole tree stands. Although the pruning treatment reduced total tree biomass yields by a quarter, the introduction of annual intercrops after the pruning of trees outweighed this loss. The yields of the intercrops in the pruned tree treatments were similar to their yields when grown as monocrops. The calculation of land equivalent ratios showed overyielding for intercropped, pruned systems. The high values for LER (1.36 at low and 1.47 at high density of trees) indicate that there is complementarity in resource use between the different species.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The relay cropping of sesbania (Sesbania sesban) — a N2-fixing legume — with maize (Zea mays) has been proposed as a strategy to increase soil fertility and food production in densely populated areas in southern Africa. We determined the production of relay-cropped maize and sesbania at three landscape positions under researcher-designed and farmer-managed conditions in southern Malawi. Three landscape positions (dambo valley or bottomland, dambo margin with < 12% slope, and steep slopes with > 12% slope) were examined in factorial combination with N sources for maize (no added N, relay-cropped sesbania, and calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer). Relay cropping of sesbania with maize increased maize grain yield, as compared to unfertilized sole maize in two of three years. Split application of 96 kg N ha–1 as N fertilizer, however, was more effective than sesbania in increasing maize yields. Survival of sesbania seedlings and biomass production of sesbania were greater in the dambo valley and dambo margin than on steep slopes. Maize yields tended to be lower on steep slopes than in the dambo valley and dambo margin areas. Biomass production of sesbania and hence the potential benefits of intercropping sesbania with maize appear greater in the dambo valleys and dambo margins than on steep slopes.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that temporal separation of resource use between trees and crops minimises competition for wa ter in agroforestry systems during the cropping period and increases utilisation of annual rainfall was tested at Machakos in semi-arid Kenya. Four popular tree species were chosen to provide a range of leafing phenologies. These included Melia volkensii, which sheds its leaves twice a year, Senna spectabilis and Gliricidia sepium, which shed their leaves during the long dry season, and the evergreen Croton megalocarpus. All four species retained their foliage during the long rains, offering little scope for temporal separation of resource use. Maize (Zea mays) yields were reduced by 50–70% in the agroforestry treatments. Reductions in crop yield were strongly correlated with tree growth (r 2 =0.94) and available soil moisture (r 2 =0.88). G. sepium remained leafless for much of the short rains despite the presence of available soil water, and was least competitive with the bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown at this time. Reductions in crop yield in the agroforestry treatments were closely correlated with tree growth (r 2 =0.99) and available moisture (r 2 =0.79) during the 1996/97 short rains (158 mm), but not during the much wetter 1997/98 season (608 mm). Shading by trees or shade nets reduced crop yield, in contrast to previous studies in the semi-arid tropics. Low off-season rainfall during the study period (9% of annual rainfall compared to the long-term average of 20%) limited the potential for temporal separation of growing periods. Where the prospects for temporal or spatial separation in resource use are limited, shoot and/or root pruning may be necessary to manage competition between trees and crops. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Successful agroforestry systems depend on minimizing tree-cropcompetition. In this study, field experiments and a simulation model were usedto distinguish between tree-crop competition for light and belowgroundcompetition in an alley cropping system. Maize (Zea maysL.) was harvested periodically in three treatments: between vertical barriers ofshade cloth, hedgerows of Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.)Merr., and sole maize. Radiation intercepted by the maize was calculated using asimulation model based on measured values for direct and diffuse light, hedgerowdimensions and leaf area, and solar trajectory. Radiation use efficiency wascalculated as biomass production per unit of intercepted radiation. Maizebiomass and yield in both the alley crop and the shade cloth treatment weregreatest in the center of the alleys. Grain yield between hedgerows was 3.5Mg ha−1 (averaged across the alley), significantlyless than in the shade cloth (7.4 Mg ha−1) or thesole maize (7.7 Mg ha−1) treatments. Lightintercepted by the maize in the alley crop was about half that intercepted bythe maize in the sole crop. The shade cloth intercepted less light than thehedgerows because it did not have an appreciable width. Radiation use efficiencyin the three treatments was 0.75 g mol−1 PAR anddid not differ significantly among treatments. Tree-crop competition wasoverwhelmingly for light. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A study to determine the feasibility of producing forage for grazing livestock under trees was conducted as a step toward evaluating the potential for silvopasture systems in the northern and central Great Plains. The effects of overstory leaf area index (LAI), percentage understory light transmittance (LT), and soil moisture (SM) on yield and crude protein (CP) of big bluestem [Andropogon gerardii Vitman; (BB)], smooth bromegrass [Bromus inermis Leyss.; (SB)], and mixtures with birdsfoot trefoil [Lotus corniculatus L.; (BFT)] were examined. The study was conducted in both Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvancia Marsh.) tree plantations, at the University of Nebraska Agriculture Research and Development Center near Mead, Nebraska. Thirty-six plots representing a wide range of canopy cover were selected at each location and seeded in April 2000 to BB, SB, or mixtures with BFT. Measurements of LAI, LT, and SM were taken throughout the 2001-growing season and plots were harvested in June and September 2001. Soil moisture generally did not explain much of the variability in yield or CP for BB, SB, or BFT. Cumulative LAI or LT averaged over the growing season was the best predictor of yield or CP, particularly under the pine. Yields of BB and SB increased as LAI decreased or LT increased. Conversely, the CP of BB and SB increased as LT decreased for both the June and September harvests. Both BB and SB maintain relatively high productivity under partial shading; however, BFT yields were low at LT levels below 75%. At the time of the research, the senior author was research assistant, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68853-0915.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems involving leaf removal for animal fodder may result in rapid depletion of soil fertility. The purpose of this research was to determine if the effects of leaf removal on soil fertility parameters and maize yield in a Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping system could be reversed. Three leaf management strategies in a Leucaena alley cropping trial that had been in effect from 1987 to 1991 were investigated: 1) leaves returned, 2) leaves removed, and 3) leaves removed, with 100 kg inorganic N ha−1 added. In the 1990/91 season, a 34 confounded factorial design was utilized to investigate the effects of leaf management strategy, N rate (0, 30 and 60 kg N ha−1); maize plant population (14,800, 29,600, and 44,400 plants ha−1); and P rate (0, 18, and 35 kg P ha−1). In the 1991/92 and 1992/93 seasons, leaves were applied equally to all plots, and no P was applied. The N rate and plant population treatments were continued, and the same confounded factorial design was implemented to investigate residual leaf management strategy, residual P rate, n rate, and plant population. The yield gap between the plots where leaves had been returned vs. removed narrowed each season due to uniform leaf application. Application of N improved yields during both seasons. Residual effects of the initial P application decreased to only 10% of the total yield in 1992/93. Plant population affected yields only during the season of very good rainfall. Leaf additions resulted in a relative increase in soil pH, total N,and exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K and a decrease C/N ratio in plots that had not previously received leaves. Leaves supplied more K and Zn to the upper 15 cm of soil than were being extracted by the maize crop, but uniform leaf additions eliminated differences in K and Zn uptake. Plant Zn uptake decreased with increasing P rate and plant population, and increased with increasing N rate and a history of leaf return. The results show that applying leaves equilibrated yields within two seasons, and resulted in a relative improvement of several soil properties. The residual effect from P applications was not adequate to maximize yields.  相似文献   

Pruned triple-row hedges ofGrevillea robusta with 11 rows of maize planted in parallel on either side were grown in 12.5×16.0 m plots on a flat, freely exposed site. There were two replicates of four orientation treatments and crop yield was recorded row-by-row over 9 seasons. After the hedges had become established there were some marked differences in maize yields between sides, especially in the first rainy seasons. The maize on the downside of prevailing winds frequently showed improved growth and yield over the non-sheltered maize, sometimes by as much as 50% over the whole subplot and up to 80% in the tree/crop interface zone. These differences were significant (p0.05) when analyzing the whole experimental period for first and for second rainy seasons separately (prevailing winds more southerly or northerly, respectively), although they varied between seasons and zones. Attributing results to shelter can only be adduced circumstantially because meteorological data were not collected at the plot level. Shading effect were not considered important over the whole sub-plot. Soil water profiles obtained from an array of gypsum resistance blocks in two of the plots (at 000° and 090°) characterized the wetting and drying patterns in this system, but expected asymmetries due to orientation effects were not apparent except, perhaps, fleetingly in the topsoil. At the end of the experiment the distribution of fine roots of both species was examined by means of root trenching. TheG. robusta root system extended almost symmetrically to the edges of the plot in the uncropped part, but only to some 4 m from either side of the hedge where cropped. Part of the upper profile to 1.3 m was shared with the maize roots, butGrevillea rooted further down to at least 2 m. as well as rooting deeper. The possible implications of such niche differentiation for below-ground resource capture are noted.  相似文献   

Three trials investigating the potential of alley cropping to improve the traditional systems of cultivation, chitemene and fundikila, in the Northern Province of Zambia are described. Flemingia congesta, Tephrosia vogelii, and Sesbania sesban, were grown in association with finger millet, groundnut, cowpea, and maize in various traditional cropping sequences. The indigenous species Tephrosia vogelii and Sesbania sesban were not able to withstand repeated pruning and the long following dry season, and were replaced with Calliandra calothyrsus, and Cassia spectabilis.Over a four year period, there was no benefit by alley cropping with any of the tree species on crop yields, and yields in alley crop treatments even dropped significantly below the control treatments in the fourth year, casting doubt on the potential of alley cropping for sustainable production. There was also no consistent effect on soil chemical characteristics in any of the trials. It was suggested that this lack of beneficial response to alley cropping was due to low tree biomass production low quality of prunings, and an inappropriate cropping sequence. There was no evidence that alley cropping contributed to enhanced nutrient recycling, despite substantial localised pools of soil nutrients, particularly in the chitemene, with which recycling could potentially occur.  相似文献   

Interest in planted fallow systems has focused on soil fertility improvement, neglecting other potential benefits of such systems. It is important to quantify other processes responsible for crop yield increases under planted fallows, such as weed control. The suppressive potential on weeds of Flemingia macrophylla [(Willd.) Merrill] and Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth, planted fallows was evaluated in field trials in three villages in southern Cameroon. In each village, experiments were set up in 4–5 year-old bush fallow dominated by Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & H. Rob. and 20 year-old secondary forest. Total aboveground biomass production of P. phaseoloides was 7.45 Mg ha−1, 4.2 times higher than F. macrophylla (1.78 Mg ha−1 ; P < 0.05). The high biomass of P. phaseoloides resulted in a significantly greater reduction in total weed biomass compared to Flemingia macrophylla in both wet and dry seasons. In the wet season (11 and 18 MAP), there were significant fallow system × land use and fallow system × village interactions for total weeds and broadleaf weeds. P. phaseoloides in bush (0.55 Mg ha−1), and P. phaseoloides at Ngoumou (0.09 Mg ha−1) had the lowest total weeds in the wet seasons. After the dry season, the lowest total weed mass was consistently recorded in P. phaseoloides while the highest was in the natural regrowth. The population of grasses was always higher in the F. macrophylla system than in P. phaseoloides system throughout the wet and dry seasons. Grass biomass in the P. phaseoloides-forest LUS was the least (0.01 Mg ha−1), 58 times lower than in F. macrophylla-bush (0.58 Mg ha−1). Biomass production of P. phaseoloides was highly significantly correlated with total weed biomass (r = −0.64; P = 0.004) while no relationship was found between biomass production of F. macrophylla and total weed biomass (r = −0.08, P = 0.747). It was concluded that P. phaseoloides was a suitable leguminous species for weed control. But for F. macrophylla, its low biomass production coupled with a compact plant architecture compromised it as an appropriate species for weed control in a planted fallow system.  相似文献   

Nitrogen deficiency is widespread in southern Africa, but inorganic fertilizers are often unaffordable for smallholder farmers. Short-duration leguminous fallows are one possible means of soil fertility restoration. We monitored preseason topsoil (0 to 20 cm) ammonium and nitrate, fallow biomass production and grain yields for three years in a relay cropping trial with sesbania [Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.] and maize (Zea mays L.). Sesbania seedlings were interplanted with maize during maize sowing at 0, 7400 or 14,800 trees ha–1, in factorial combination with inorganic N fertilizer at 0 or 48 kg N ha–1 (half the recommended rate). After maize harvest, fallows were allowed to grow during the seven-month dry season, and were cleared before sowing the next maize crop. Both sesbania fallows and inorganic N fertilizer resulted in significantly greater (P < 0.01 to 0.05) preseason topsoil nitrate-N than following unfertilized sole maize. In plots receiving no fertilizer N, preseason topsoil inorganic N correlated with maize yield over all three seasons (r 2 = 0.62, P < 0.001). Sesbania fallows gave significantly higher maize yields than unfertilized sole maize in two of three years (P < 0.01 to 0.05). Sesbania biomass yields were extremely variable, were not significantly related to sesbania planting density, and were inconsistently related to soil N fractions and maize yields. Short-duration fallows may offer modest yield increases under conditions where longer duration fallows are not possible. This gain must be considered against the loss of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp) harvest in the similarly structured maize-pigeonpea intercrop common in the region.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for eight cropping seasons from 1988 to 1991 in semiarid Machakos, Kenya, to compare the productivity of shrubs and crops in intercropping (alleycropping) versus block (sole) planting systems. The study, conducted in a split-plot experiment with three replications, consisted of two tree species (Leucaena leucocephala andSenna siamea syn.Cassia siamea) in the main-plots and combinations of two planting systems (alleycropping and block planting of the shrubs and maize) with five different ratios of land allocation for the shrub and crop (1000, 1585, 2080, 2575, and 0100) in sub-plots. Thus, a sole maize and a sole tree were included in the subplot treatments. The spacing between hedgerows of shrubs in intercropping was 6.7, 5, and 4 m, respectively, corresponding to 15, 20, and 25% land allocation to shrubs. The trees were pruned to 0.5 m height four times a year. Intercropped hedgerows of senna and leucaena produced 10% and 24% more biomass than their respective block planting systems. On average, leucaena produced more biomass than senna. Maize alleycropped with leucaena yielded 16% less grain than sole-crop maize, whereas senna intercropping caused hardly any maize-yield reduction. Compared with the respective sole-crop systems, leucaena intercropping did not affect land equivalent ratio (LER), whereas LER increased by 28% with senna intercropping. The different tree:crop land occupancy ratios did not affect the production of either the component species or of the total system, except that LER declined with incrreased spacing between hedgerows. It is concluded that in semiarid highlands of Kenya, leucaena and crops should better be grown in sole blocks, not in alleycropping. In the case of slow-growing species such as senna, intercropping is worthwhile to consider only if the additional labour needed does not pose a serious problem for management, and the species has fodder value.  相似文献   

Theee trials to evaluat the potential of alley cropping in maize production on the low fertility, acidic soils in Northern Zambia are described. Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium, Sesbania sesban, Albizia falcataria, Fleminga congesta, and Cassia spectabilis, were grown in alley crops with hybrid maize and soybean. All trials received recommended rates of P and K fertiliser; N fertiliser was applied at three rates as a subplot treatment. One trial received lime before establishment.Only in the limed trial was there a significant improvement in maize yields through alley cropping; when no N fertiliser was applied, incorporation of Leucaena leucocephala prunings resulted in an increase of up to 95% in yields, with a smaller improvement being produced by Flemingia congesta. There was a significant correlation between the quantity of prunings biomass applied and the proportional increase in maize yields over the control treatment. It is suggested that the lack of effect of most of the tree species on crop yields was due to low biomass production.An economic analysis showed that alley cropping with limed Leucaena was only profitable when fertiliser costs were high in relation to maize prices. However, lime is both expensive and difficult to obtain and transport for most small scale farmers in the region, and is therefore not a practical recommendation. It is suggested that future alley cropping research should focus on screening a wider range of tree species, including other species of Leucaena, for acid tolerance and higher biomass production.  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

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