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This study investigated self‐reported dog bites in humans in rural and urban households in southern Ontario, Canada. Our objectives were to determine, and compare, the incidence of dog bites in rural and urban households, and to describe the profile of bite victims, biting dogs, and the proportion of biting dogs that respondents self‐reported as being not up to date on rabies vaccination. We conducted a cross‐sectional observational study using an online questionnaire. The 2,006 respondents, each representing one household, included 1,002 rural and 1,004 urban residences. The incidence risk of at least one person in the household being bitten over the previous year in rural households (6.09% per year) was less than in urban households (10.76% per year). In 53.20% of households from which at least one person had been bitten within the past year, only a single person had been bitten. Mostly, victims were 25 to 34 years old (21.67%), male (54.19%), and playing with or interacting with the biting dog at the time of the incident (59.11%). Most biting dogs were 3 to 5 years old (32.02%), males (53.69%), and unleashed (76.85%). Based on self‐reporting by respondents, 83.33% of respondent‐owned biting dogs were vaccinated against rabies at the time of the biting incident. Irrespective of dog ownership, the odds of an individual in a rural household being bitten by a dog were 0.53 (95% CI: 0.38–0.73) the odds for an individual in an urban household. Dog bites constitute a serious, yet preventable, public health concern that requires targeted, community‐specific efforts. Public health organizations could consider findings in developing messaging, particularly as we highlight biting dogs reported by their owners as not up to date on rabies vaccination.  相似文献   

对2009年-2010年陕西洋县收集到的全部狂犬病个例资料进行了流行病学分析,对比分析了发病的主要原因和规律,探讨了针对该病的防控措施,提出了有效遏制疫情发生、蔓延的应对策略,为今后预防控制狂犬病工作积累了经验.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the characteristics of a dog population, including their accessibility to vaccination and health care, in urban and semiurban areas of Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria. Direct street counts and a house‐to‐house survey of city streets were performed. A total of 451 households were surveyed comprising 43.7% urban and 53.3% semiurban areas. A total of 848 owned dogs were identified, along with 3,115 corresponding humans. With a dog‐to‐human ratio of 1:3.7, the dog population in the study area was estimated as 103,758. A total of 396 dogs were counted on the streets with the greater proportion (74%) in semiurban areas. Most dogs in semiurban areas (77.3%) had no certificate confirming vaccination against rabies, compared to 47.2% in urban areas (p = .004). The majority of dogs in the urban (60.9%) and semiurban (82.0%) were free roaming. In the multivariable model, age, presence of a collar, region, sex, use and having ever visited a veterinarian were significantly associated with rabies vaccination. The majority (125/197, 63.5%) of respondents with higher education were willing to pay more for the healthcare needs of their dogs as opposed to those with a lower level of education (93/251, 37.1%, p = .001). The study revealed a high dog population density, vaccination coverage below WHO recommendation of 70% and generally reduced healthcare‐seeking behaviour among dog owners in Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨建立犬药物性急性肾损伤模型。[方法]16只健康成年比格犬每8 h皮下注射20 mg/kg庆大霉素,注射前血肌酐浓度(SCr)作为基线,注射后每6 h采集血液检测SCr浓度,于SCr无明显升高、SCr升高临近正常值上限及SCr升高到基线1.5倍时观察肾组织病理形态学改变,确定犬药物性急性肾损伤模型。[结果]SCr在注射庆大霉素后78 h显著升高(P<0.05),实验犬SCr均在120~132 h达到基线的1.5倍;肾组织在SCr升高到基线1.5倍时肾皮质大面积的肾小管变性、坏死,管腔有较多的细胞碎片和颗粒管型,基底膜裸露明显,髓质损伤较轻;与健康对照组相比,注射后肾损伤评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且肾损伤随用药时间延长评分逐渐增加。[结论]庆大霉素每8 h皮下注射20 mg/kg直至SCr浓度升高到基线1.5倍的方法可成功建立犬药物性急性肾损伤模型。  相似文献   

旨在以昆明犬为主要研究对象探究昆明犬-国内唯一培育并广泛使用的工作犬品种的遗传多样性和群体遗传结构。本试验共采集16头昆明犬(3个品系)、4头马里努阿犬、4头德国牧羊犬血样并提取基因组DNA,用Illumina CanineHD Beadchip芯片对24头3个品种犬进行主成分分析(PCA)、STRUCTURE和邻接(NJ)树分析,检测3个品种警犬的遗传群体结构,并分析昆明犬选育中可能受到选择的候选基因。结果显示,芯片数据根据质控标准最终有86 270个SNPs被筛选出来用于分析。STRUCTURE群体结构分析表明,K=2时德国牧羊犬(DM)和其他品种犬完全区分开来,K=3时马里努阿犬(ML)可以和其他两个品种区分出来,昆明犬中存在部分德国牧羊犬的杂合。PCA和NJ树分析均能将3个品种犬清楚地分开。通过在常染色体上设置500 kb的滑动窗口和将这些区域注释后得到22个在昆明犬品种形成过程中可能受到正选择的基因,主要是参与腺苷酸环化酶活化g蛋白偶联受体信号通路的基因及蛋白和在神经元轴突的生长锥中影响轴突和前导突起生长的基因。本研究探讨了中国昆明犬与其他品种犬的遗传关系,为昆明犬受到强烈的人工选择而产生调节学习、记忆、应激刺激等适应的遗传机制提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

用RT-PCR方法检测重庆地区2009—2010年发生的36份临床疑似狂犬病脑组织样品和969份临床健康犬唾液拭子样品,并利用流行病学调查方法对阳性样品进行疫情溯源。结果从20份临床疑似狂犬病样品中检测出狂犬病毒,流行病学调查显示未免疫的流浪犬是主要的传染源,而农民(55.95%)和儿童(30.95%)是最容易受到狂犬攻击的人群。从969份临床健康犬唾液拭子和犬脑组织样品中未检出阳性样品。因此重庆地区狂犬病防控应加强对犬的免疫及流浪犬的管理,实行强制性疫苗免疫,加强对儿童和农民的狂犬病知识宣传和安全防护工作。  相似文献   

犬皮肤病是宠物临床最常见的疾病之一,严重危害着宠物的健康。论文通过对洛阳地区宠物门诊诊治的144例犬皮肤病的调查分析,总结洛阳地区皮肤病的常见病原、发病原因以及发病规律,为犬皮肤病的防治与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Taiwan had been considered rabies free since 1961. In 2013, Taiwan confirmed the detection of rabies virus in wild Taiwan ferret‐badgers. Up to December 2014, there have been 423 rabies‐confirmed ferret‐badgers and three cases of spillover infection into non‐reservoir hosts. Genetic analysis indicates that TFBV is distinct from all other known rabies virus variants. To date, ferret‐badger rabies is known to occur only in China and Taiwan. The temporal dynamics of rabid ferret‐badgers in Taiwan suggests that the epizootic appears to have subsided to enzootic levels as of December 2014. According to the current epidemiologic data, there is only one TFBV strain in Taiwan. TFBV is still sequestered to the mountainous regions. Humans are at risk mainly through exposure to the virus from infected domestic meso‐carnivores, mainly dogs and cats. Dogs and cats should be vaccinated to establish an immunological barrier to stop the spread of the disease from mountainous regions to domestic meso‐carnivores.  相似文献   

Men’s dominant ally, best defense defendant, therefore, the pre-eminent peril detector, dogs became a threat for the humanity inflicting a fatal disease of rabies. Dog bites and open garbage dumps became additional and apparent and are serious and sometimes underestimated public health dilemma in the Kashmir region. The aesthetic, primarily health care and psycho-sociological consequences of trauma caused by a dog bites repeatedly burden the standard of lifetime pertaining to the affected persons and their family. The present study was carried in Srinagar district. Diverse sampling plan / data collection strategies were formulated to fulfill the set of objectives. To assess the epidemiological pattern, secondary source of information viz. Shri Maharaja Hari Singh hospital, which shouldered the relevant cases, was utilized. Further, people perception of the subject was assessed using a predesigned interview schedule from respondents selected by appropriate methods. West zone had recorded the highest number of cases (28.95 %), then the south zone, followed by the north zone and the east zone. Majority victims were males (74.27 %) followed by females (25.72 %) [χ2 = 4.442, p = 0.219). Most of them belonged to 30−40 (26.88 %) year old groups, followed by 20−30 (22.36 %), 10−20 (16.03 %) and so on. The time of exposure of victims was evening (62.90 %) [χ2 = 30.342, p = 0.001]. The bulk number of cases had bite on legs (56.60 %). Majority had category 3 bites (70.16 %) and the majority had received immunoglobin (82.85 %) [χ2 = 29.56, p = 0.001]. The summer season (29.30 %) had also recorded the highest number of cases followed by autumn season (27.82 %) irrespective of each determinant. The Anti rabies clinic of SMHS has also recorded two rabies deaths during this period. The majority people (72.50 %) were illiterate and belonging to lower sections of society. About all those diseases that attack humans, rabies is an example of the best known in Srinagar. Its notoriety is peculiar when assessed on its influence medially, on humans who are belonging to the susceptible divisions of the society due to lack of discernment. The lack of complete perception might decipher into higher mortality linked to rabies.  相似文献   

Progesterone concentrations in heparinized plasma harvested immediately after blood collection were compared with levels obtained after storage of the corresponding whole blood for 2 h, 4 h, 6 h, 1 day, 2 days and 5 days at room temperature and in a refrigerator. The blood was taken during the luteal phase from 4 dogs, 4 horses, 4 pigs and 8 cows. For 4 cows the storage time was extended to 9 and 20 days. No significant effect of whole blood storage time on plasma progesterone concentrations could be shown for dogs or pigs. For the horse a slight but significant decrease was demonstrated when the blood was kept at room temperature. For the cow, however, a dramatic decrease was observed even when the blood was stored in the refrigerator. Following incubation of cow’s blood at room temperature, progesterone levels were close to zero after 1–2 days. By further extending the storage period, a reappearance of assayable progesterone could be elicited. For all species it was found that the storage of plasma at room temperature for 5–9 days did not change the progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

貉源肺炎克雷伯菌的分离鉴定及药敏试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为确定河北昌黎地区某养殖场貉呼吸道疾病引起死亡的病因,本研究从送检的貉病料肺脏中分离到1株革兰氏阴性短杆菌,并对分离株进行形态学观察、16S rRNA序列测序及全自动细菌生化鉴定仪鉴定,在此基础上完成了分离株的分型、人工感染小鼠试验及药敏试验等。结果显示,该分离株为非K1/K2型肺炎克雷伯菌,并将其命名为CLKp18;该分离株的16S rRNA基因序列与GenBank中登录的多株肺炎克雷伯菌参考株同源性均高达99%。Vitek全自动细菌鉴定仪结果表明,该菌株与肺炎克雷伯菌鉴定标准相似度为99%。人工感染小鼠试验结果显示,试验组小鼠在攻毒后6 h开始出现临床症状。无菌取出死亡小鼠的肺脏、肝脏、脾脏及肾脏,划线涂板,均可分离到该菌,表明该分离株感染小鼠后,能侵入到小鼠体内多个组织器官,引起不同程度的病变,尤以肝脏和肺脏病变较为明显,对小鼠的半数致死量(LD50)为2.17×10~7 CFU。药敏试验结果表明,该菌对单环内酰胺类、氯霉素类、氨基糖苷类、四环素类、磺胺类及大部分头孢类耐药,但对阿米卡星、阿莫西林/克拉维酸、头孢他啶和亚胺培南敏感。本研究结果确定了引起本次貉呼吸道症状疾病的致病菌为非K1/K2型肺炎克雷伯菌,且该分离株有较强的致病性和多重耐药性。本研究为临床治疗由该菌引起的貉肺炎提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

为探明黑貉酪氨酸酶相关蛋白1(tyrosinase-related protein 1,TYRP1)基因CDS序列并对其进行生物信息学分析,试验采集黑貉背部皮肤组织提取RNA后反转录为cDNA,根据GenBank中犬科TYRP1基因mRNA序列(登录号:NM_001194966.1)设计1对特异性引物,通过RT-PCR扩增TYRP1基因CDS区,将其插入到克隆载体中,对阳性菌落经PCR验证和序列测定后进行生物信息学分析。结果显示,黑貉TYRP1基因CDS序列全长为1 614 bp,编码537个氨基酸,所编码蛋白属于不稳定可溶性的亲水蛋白质。TYRP1基因与狐的遗传距离较近,说明该基因在不同物种及进化过程中具有高度保守性。TYRP1蛋白二级结构中,无规则卷曲所占比例最高,为54.0%;α-螺旋次之,为29.8%。TYRP1蛋白三级结构主要由大量无规则卷曲和α-螺旋构成,与二级结构相一致。TYRP1蛋白具有氧化还原酶活性,参与DNA修复和复制、蛋白质合成和降解,可与TYR、DCT、TP53、TRPC1等多种蛋白相互作用。本试验结果为进一步探索TYRP1基因在哺乳动物毛色遗传机制中的功能提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

犬病防治一直是警犬工作的一个重要内容,直接关系到警犬的繁殖、训练和使用.近几年某警犬基地犬大量死亡情况时有发生,临床症状多种多样,死亡年龄大多在出生后2月龄以内,虽然在饲养管理、饲养方式和疾病防治上都采取了多种措施,但效果都不明显.笔者根据以往临床资料和临诊报告,对该基地警犬近几年的死亡情况进行了调查分析.结果表明,从2005年-2008年2月以来,死亡警犬共337头,死亡年龄主要集中在1月龄到2月龄的仔犬,不同年份死亡数量为:2005年59头,2006年73头,2007年165头,2008年仅2月份之前达36头;死亡类别可分为初生死胎114头,先天发育不良死亡47头,因病死亡153头,死因不明23头;引起死亡的主要疾病为犬细小病毒感染性疾病.  相似文献   

为探明黑貉酪氨酸酶相关蛋白1(tyrosinase-related protein 1,TYRP1)基因CDS序列并对其进行生物信息学分析,试验采集黑貉背部皮肤组织提取RNA后反转录为cDNA,根据GenBank中犬科TYRP1基因mRNA序列(登录号:NM_001194966.1)设计1对特异性引物,通过RT-PCR扩增TYRP1基因CDS区,将其插入到克隆载体中,对阳性菌落经PCR验证和序列测定后进行生物信息学分析。结果显示,黑貉TYRP1基因CDS序列全长为1 614 bp,编码537个氨基酸,所编码蛋白属于不稳定可溶性的亲水蛋白质。TYRP1基因与狐的遗传距离较近,说明该基因在不同物种及进化过程中具有高度保守性。TYRP1蛋白二级结构中,无规则卷曲所占比例最高,为54.0%;α-螺旋次之,为29.8%。TYRP1蛋白三级结构主要由大量无规则卷曲和α-螺旋构成,与二级结构相一致。TYRP1蛋白具有氧化还原酶活性,参与DNA修复和复制、蛋白质合成和降解,可与TYR、DCT、TP53、TRPC1等多种蛋白相互作用。本试验结果为进一步探索TYRP1基因在哺乳动物毛色遗传机制中的功能提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本试验旨在对北京1株犬源狂犬病病毒株(BJ2012ZW株)在全基因组水平上进行分子进化研究,比较与全国流行株及疫苗株之间的差异.试验采集犬脑组织以直接免疫荧光技术和内基氏小体检查方法进行检测,以RT-PCR扩增病毒核酸覆盖全基因组,对产物测序后进行遗传学分析.结果显示,BJ2012ZW株狂犬病病毒属于基因1型,与目前中国的主要流行株全序列同源性为83.9%~99.7%.与同样分离自北京的毒株BJ2011E和CNM1101C的核苷酸全序列同源性最高(99.7%),进化关系近.G蛋白主要抗原位点分析结果表明,BJ2012ZW株与国内疫苗株相比有部分抗原位点发生了替换.BJ2012ZW株属于中国目前的流行株,与目前国内所使用的疫苗株存在一定的差异.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索和建立昆明犬胎儿成纤维细胞体外分离、培养的技术方法并观察其生物学特性.试验利用剖腹手术法获得发育30 d的昆明犬胎儿12个,性别鉴定结果为7公5母.公、母胎儿体尺和体重分别为:体长1.90 cm±0.14 cm和2.00 cm±0.05 cm,体宽0.90 cm±0.13 cm和0.90 cm±0.15 cm;体重0.68 g±0.17 g和0.66 g±0.06 g,差异均不显著(P>0.05).以昆明犬胎儿组织为材料,采用胶原酶消化法和细胞冷冻保存技术建立了昆明犬胎儿成纤维细胞系,并对所构建的细胞系进行生物学特性研究.结果表明,分离的胎儿成纤维细胞呈典型的成纤维细胞形态,生长曲线呈S型,倍增时间约为36 h;冻存前和复苏后的存活率分别为96.1%和94.6%;染色体核型分析显示2n=78(XY),并在体外培养多代后仍能保持正常核型.本研究建立的昆明犬胎儿成纤维细胞系可在体外快速贴壁生长、增殖,进行稳定培养,这不仅使昆明犬遗传资源在细胞水平得以保存,且所获成纤维细胞能作为相关研究中所需细胞的来源.  相似文献   

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