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Despite numerous studies, viroid elimination from infected plants remains a very challenging task. This study introduces for the first time a novel ‘suspension depletion’ approach for exemption of Solanum jasminoides plants from viroids. The proposed method implies initial establishment of suspension cultures of the infected plant cells. The suspended cells were then physically treated (mild thermotherapy, 33 °C), which presumably delayed the replication of the viroid. The viroid concentration in the treated biomass was monitored weekly using pospiviroid‐specific PCR. After 10–12 weeks of continuous treatment, a sufficient decrease in viroid concentration was observed such that the infection became undetectable by PCR. The treated single cells then gave rise to microcolonies on a solid culture medium and the obtained viroid‐negative clones were further promoted to regenerate into viroid‐free plants. Three years of accumulated experimental data suggests feasibility, broad applicability, and good efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This study assessed the cultural and weed management factors influencing the weed communities of Hungarian rice fields. Hungary is situated at the northern limit of rice production with a history of about 300 years of rice culture. We surveyed the weed flora and 25 background variables in 100 active rice fields. Using a minimal adequate model containing 11 terms, 48.5% of the total variation in weed species data could be explained. The net effects of nine variables on species composition were significant. Crop cover was found to be the most important explanatory variable, which was followed by the herbicides penoxsulam and azimsulfuron, tillage depth, phosphorous and potassium fertilisers, years after last rotation, water depth in May, sowing type, pendimethalin and water conductivity. Filamentous algae, as the most abundant group of weeds, were positively associated with deep tillage, deep water and surface sowing. Echinochloa crus‐galli, one of the most troublesome grass weeds, was associated with low rice cover, shallow water and later years after crop rotation, while weedy rice favoured high crop cover, deep water and soil sowing. These findings can be used to design improved weed management strategies. The occurrence of red list species and charophytes in diverse micro‐mosaic patterns deserves attention from a conservation perspective, as well. The maintenance of these unique charophyte communities can be facilitated by shallow tillage without soil inversion.  相似文献   

Annual grass weeds such as Apera spica‐venti and Vulpia myuros are promoted in non‐inversion tillage systems and winter cereal‐based crop rotations. Unsatisfactory weed control in these conditions is often associated with a poor understanding of the emergence pattern of these weed species. The aim of this study was to investigate, understand and model the cumulative emergence patterns of A. spica‐venti, V. myuros and Poa annua in winter cereals grown in three primary tillage regimes: (i) mouldboard ploughing, (ii) pre‐sowing tine cultivation to 8–10 cm soil depth and (iii) direct drilling. Direct drilling delayed the cumulative emergence of A. spica‐venti and V. myuros (counted together) in contrast with ploughing, while the emergence pattern of P. annua was unaffected by the type of tillage system. The total density of emerged weed seedlings varied between the tillage systems and years with a higher total emergence seen under direct drilling, followed by pre‐sowing tine cultivation and ploughing. The emergence patterns of all species were differently influenced by the tillage systems, suggesting that under direct drilling, in which these species occur simultaneously, management interventions should first and foremost consider that A. spica‐venti and V. myuros emerge over a longer period to avoid control failures.  相似文献   

Potato cyst nematode (PCN) species have different temperature optima for various life cycle stages, therefore a risk assessment of the threat of PCN species under future climates is essential to guide adaptation strategies. Data defining the spatial coverage of potato crops in Great Britain were combined with probabilistic climate change data and a newly developed PCN life cycle model to project the future risk to potato crops from PCN. The model was based on the results of controlled environment experiments to investigate the effect of temperature on survival to female maturity using three PCN populations: Globodera pallida (Lindley) and G. rostochiensis from the James Hutton Institute PCN collection, and a field population of G. pallida (S‐Fife). It was found that projected increases in soil temperature could result in increased survival to female maturity for all three PCN populations, with greater increases expected for Scotland, followed by Wales then England. The largest projected increases in Scotland were for G. pallida, whereas G. rostochiensis showed the largest increases in Wales and England. The potential impact of several agronomic adaptation strategies on projected PCN risk were also investigated. The results from the model suggest that soil infestation levels would have to be reduced by up to 40% in order to negate projected increases in PCN risk, and that advancing the start date of the growing season or modifying planting patterns could be successful strategies to reduce future PCN risk.  相似文献   

Two major weeds in rice in the Philippines, Sphenochlea zeylanica Gaertn. and Echinochloa crus‐galli (L.) Beauv., are controlled with chemical and cultural methods. In the 1980s, after >10 years of continuous use of 2,4‐D, S. zeylanica evolved resistance to the chemical in those rice fields that had been treated with 2,4‐D once or twice every cropping season. In the 1990s, E. crus‐galli evolved resistance to butachlor and propanil in rice monocrop areas where both herbicides were used continuously for 7–9 years. Rice farmers continue to use 2,4‐D, butachlor and propanil extensively and are often unaware of herbicide resistance or the potential for cross‐resistance, its causes or its implications. In order to control herbicide‐resistant E. crus‐galli, farmers are shifting to locally available herbicides with different modes of action, such as bispyribac, an acetolactate synthase inhibitor, and cyhalofop, an acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitor. Follow‐up manual weeding or rotary weeding after herbicide spraying, a common farmers’ practice, removes the susceptible and resistant biotypes and could help to delay or prevent the evolution of resistance. Although the resistance mechanisms of both weeds are not determined yet, they could be related to enhanced degradation that is similar to the mechanisms that are shown by the resistant biotypes in other countries.  相似文献   

How weed communities assemble represents one the key issues of weed science. For a decade, functional approaches have been applied to investigate the processes that govern weed community assembly. In most previous studies, trait values have been generally averaged over multiple populations and habitats. Consequently, conspecifics display similar trait values while neglecting the considerable influence of intraspecific variability to detect changes in functional diversity in response to environmental drivers. However, this influence has been shown to be critical, especially, at local scales. Here, we studied changes in weed functional diversity at the field scale in four crop sequences. We focused on intra‐ and interspecific variability of four key functional traits involved in response to resource acquisition processes, the latter being modified by climate, management and competition. The relative influence of intra‐ and interspecific variability among the crop sequence types was highlighted using a diversity partitioning approach. It provides evidence for substantial amount of intraspecific variability in the weed community and underlines its essential role in response to fine‐scale environmental drivers. In addition, we investigated the response of the three most abundant species to competition with the crop, the growing season and the crop sequence type. We highlighted that these species showed a wide range of combinations of trait values, suggesting the co‐existence of several successful strategies. Based on these results, we emphasise that neglecting intraspecific variability can lead to substantial underestimations of the functional weed response to management and crop‐weed competition at the field scale.  相似文献   

The development of acetolactate synthase (ALS) tolerant sugar beet provides new opportunities for weed control in sugar beet cultivation. The system consists of an ALS?inhibiting herbicide (foramsulfuron + thiencarbazone‐methyl) and a herbicide‐tolerant sugar beet variety. Previously, the use of ALS‐inhibitors in sugar beet was limited due to the susceptibility of the crop to active ingredients from this mode of action. The postulated benefits of cultivation of the ALS‐tolerant sugar beet are associated with potential risks. Up to now, with no relevant proportion of herbicide‐tolerant crops in Germany, ALS‐inhibitors are used in many different crops. An additional use in sugar beet cultivation could increase the selection pressure for ALS‐resistant weeds. To evaluate the impact of varying intensity of ALS‐inhibitor use on two weed species (Alopecurus myosuroides and Tripleurospermum perforatum) in a crop rotation, field trials were conducted in Germany in two locations from 2014 to 2017. Weed densities, genetic resistance background and crop yields were annually assessed. The results indicate that it is possible to control ALS‐resistant weeds with an adapted herbicide strategy in a crop rotation including herbicide‐tolerant sugar beet. According to the weed density and species, the herbicide strategy must be extended to graminicide treatment in sugar beet, and a residual herbicide must be used in winter wheat. The spread of resistant biotypes in our experiments could not be attributed to the integration of herbicide‐tolerant cultivars, although the application of ALS‐inhibitors promoted the development of resistant weed populations. Annual use of ALS‐inhibitors resulted in significant high weed densities and caused seriously yield losses. Genetic analysis of surviving weed plants confirmed the selection of ALS‐resistant biotypes.  相似文献   

A new approach for the simultaneous identification of the viruses and vectors responsible for tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) epidemics is presented. A panel of quantitative multiplexed real‐time PCR assays was developed for the sensitive and reliable detection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus‐Israel (TYLCV‐IL), Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV), Bemisia tabaci Middle East Asia Minor 1 species (MEAM1, B biotype) and B. tabaci Mediterranean species (MED, Q biotype) from either plant or whitefly samples. For quality‐assurance purposes, two internal control assays were included in the assay panel for the co‐amplification of solanaceous plant DNA or B. tabaci DNA. All assays were shown to be specific and reproducible. The multiplexed assays were able to reliably detect as few as 10 plasmid copies of TYLCV‐IL, 100 plasmid copies of ToLCV, 500 fg B. tabaci MEAM1 and 300 fg B. tabaci MED DNA. Evaluated methods for routine testing of field‐collected whiteflies are presented, including protocols for processing B. tabaci captured on yellow sticky traps and for bulking of multiple B. tabaci individuals prior to DNA extraction. This work assembles all of the essential features of a validated and quality‐assured diagnostic method for the identification and discrimination of tomato‐infecting begomovirus and B. tabaci vector species in Australia. This flexible panel of assays will facilitate improved quarantine, biosecurity and disease‐management programmes both in Australia and worldwide.  相似文献   

Rust, caused by Puccinia dracunculina, is the main foliar disease of open‐field tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) crops in Israel. As not much is known about the biology or epidemiology of this pathogen, the long‐term objective of the current study was to accumulate the knowledge needed to develop an effective, environmentally friendly means of adequately managing the disease. Puccinia dracunculina is an autoecious brachy‐form pathogen, but it is not known whether the life cycle is completed under field conditions in Israel. Field observations and greenhouse studies revealed that although the telial stage is produced, the pathogen overwinters in the uredinial stage. In vitro experiments were used to quantify the temperature and wetness requirements for urediniospore germination and to calculate the daily duration of conducive weather (DDCW); DDCW was defined as the number of hours during which temperature ranged between 15 and 25°C and RH was >90%. Cumulative DDCW values (CDDCW) were a good predictor of disease under natural conditions in two growing seasons. Disease onset occurred when CDDCW values reached a level of 10 and the relationship between log CDDCW values and season‐long severity values (in logit) was highly significant, explaining 90·6% of the variation.  相似文献   

T Hyvönen  S Ramula 《Weed Research》2014,54(3):245-255
Climate change is predicted to affect range expansion of harmful C4 weeds into the boreal region, given that they are able to successfully colonise both C3 and C4 crops. We studied the impact of a 3°C elevation in temperature on the establishment and maintenance of populations of two annual C4 weeds (Amaranthus retroflexus and Echinochloa crus‐galli) with and without a competing C3 (barley) or C4 (maize) crop. Data obtained from field and glasshouse experiments were modelled using a periodic matrix population model. Competition of a weed with a crop appeared to be a more important factor for limiting the maintenance of weed populations than elevation in temperature, as neither of the weed species was able to maintain populations in competition with crops. Even an increase in the frequency of warm years did not result in viable weed populations establishing. However, A. retroflexus was able to form persistent populations in competition with maize when released from competition every fifth year. Simulations parameterised from glasshouse data predicted that both weed species would persist without competition in the current climate, whereas simulations parameterised from field data suggested only A. retroflexus to be able to persist. These results demonstrate that competition affects the range expansion of arable weed species more than elevation in temperature, necessitating the inclusion of crop–weed interactions in models of range shifts as a consequence of climate change.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) caused by the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a major disease of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). During infection, large, white/grey lesions form on the stems of the host plant, perturbing seed development and decreasing yield. Due to its ability to produce long‐term storage structures called sclerotia, S. sclerotiorum inoculum can persist for long periods in the soil. Current SSR control relies heavily on cultural practices and fungicide treatments. Cultural control practices aim to reduce the number of sclerotia in the soil or create conditions that are unfavourable for disease development. These methods of control are under increased pressure in some regions, as rotations tighten and inoculum levels increase. Despite their ability to efficiently kill S. sclerotiorum, preventative fungicides remain an expensive gamble for SSR control, as their effectiveness is highly dependent on the ability to predict the establishment of microscopic infections in the crop. Failure to correctly time fungicide applications can result in a substantial cost to the grower. This review describes the scientific literature pertaining to current SSR control practices. Furthermore, it details recent advances in alternative SSR control methods including the generation of resistant varieties through genetic modification and traditional breeding, and biocontrol. The review concludes with a future directive for SSR control on oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ is the causal agent of the European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) disease. This phytoplasma affects wild and cultivated species of Prunus to different degrees, depending on their susceptibility. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ is present in the four regions of Spain surveyed in this study (Aragon, Catalonia, Extremadura and Valencia) with a variable incidence. Results showed that ‘Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum’ was detected in all of the cultivated Prunus species studied, except P. avium and P. dulcis, and was widespread in Spain. The most affected species was P. salicina, with symptoms including early bud break and blooming, leaf curling and yellowing, collapse, and a major decrease in production. In some plots in the Baix Llobregat area of Barcelona province (Catalonia), the incidence of ESFY on P. salicina was as high as 80%. The insect vector, Cacopsylla pruni, was present in all four of the regions studied, with the highest captures in yellow sticky traps in Catalonia on P. mahaleb and in Extremadura in peach orchards. In Baix Llobregat, large populations of C. pruni were present on infected P. mahaleb bushes, and with high infection rates. This was a key factor in the local pathogenic cycle that caused a major ESFY outbreak in the nearby P. salicina orchards. In the Ebro valley (Lleida and Aragon) and Valencia, the surveys showed very low incidences of the disease and low C. pruni populations.  相似文献   

G X Hu  C L Xiang  E D Liu 《Weed Research》2013,53(5):355-361
This study corrected the misidentification of an alien species, Salvia tiliifolia, which had been incorrectly identified as S. dugesii (a synonym of S. melissodora) in China. The distribution of S. tiliifolia in China was surveyed and it was inferred that it was probably introduced into Kunming, Yunnan in the 1990s and then spread to adjacent counties of Yunnan and south‐western Sichuan Province. The Australian weed risk assessment (WRA) was used to evaluate its invasive status. To determine the validity of Australian WRA in China, another 25 exotics representing casual alien plants, naturalised plants and invasive plants were tested. The Australian WRA was validated as a legitimate approach in China. Salvia tiliifolia scored 14, falling into the category of invasive plants. While the distribution of S. tiliifolia is currently restricted to Yunnan and a small part of Sichuan and the species has not displayed an adverse impact on local environments yet, the WRA results indicated that the species was a high risk plant. It was recommended that local land managers should monitor this species and take measures to stop its continuing expansion or eradicate it if possible.  相似文献   

To promote integrated weed management (IWM) implementation in Europe, robust evidence on the sustainability of such tools and strategies is needed to motivate their adoption by stakeholders. This can only be achieved through assessing and validating them at real farm scale and using existing farm equipment, under diverse climatic and soil conditions representative of European agriculture. In 2013 and 2014, 12 on‐farm experiments (i.e. real field conditions on commercial farms, with natural weed flora) were conducted in four important European grain maize‐producing regions comparing the efficacy of herbicide band application integrated with inter‐row mechanical weeding as a potential IWM tool with the conventional broadcast herbicide application (CON) used by the farms. The IWM tools tested were as follows: (i) early post‐emergence herbicide band application combined with hoeing, followed by a second hoeing in southern Germany, (ii) early post‐emergence herbicide band application followed by hoeing in eastern Hungary and central Slovenia and (iii) pre‐emergence herbicide band application followed by hoeing in northern Italy. Herbicide band application integrated with hoeing provided good and partial weed control along and between maize rows respectively. No significant yield differences were detected between IWM and CON. IWM greatly reduced herbicide input and was economically sustainable over the duration of this study with no significant difference in gross margin compared with CON in all cases. This IWM tool could therefore be considered for implementation in European maize systems.  相似文献   

Epidemiological aspects and transmission routes of bois noir (BN), a grapevine yellows disease induced by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’, have been exhaustively studied in the affected vineyards of continental Europe but not in the Mediterranean coastal zone. Because ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ and its principal vector Hyalesthes obsoletus presumably originate from the Mediterranean, gaining knowledge of the epidemiological peculiarities of the disease in this area is essential for understanding its global spread and diversification, as well as for designing local management strategies. In this study, molecular epidemiology was applied to trace transmission pathways of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ in the Mediterranean vineyards of Montenegro, using multilocus sequence typing of tuf, vmp1 and stamp genes of the isolates associated with various hosts. Thus, ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ was tracked from a tentative reservoir plant (inoculum source) through an associated vector population to the infected grapevine. Three pathways of transmission were documented, originating from Urtica dioica, Convolvulus arvensis and Vitex agnus‐castus; however, only the route originating from U. dioica was direct, whereas the latter two were overlapping and could be intermixed. Vitex agnus‐castus is a natural source of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’, representing an important link in disease epidemiology in the Mediterranean and a possible origin of several genotypes occurring in central Europe. Experimental confirmation of the role of Vitex‐associated H. obsoletus in BN transmission in Montenegrin vineyards indicates its tentative role as a vector in the wide area of the Mediterranean, where some of the major wine‐producing regions are located.  相似文献   

Papaya ringspot virus type P (PRSV‐P) systemically infects Carica papaya and species belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. Attempts to recover PRSV‐P from naturally infected cucurbit plants grown near or among diseased papaya trees have shown conflicting results worldwide. This study aimed to evaluate the natural infection of cucurbit species grown among and near papaya trees infected with PRSV‐P in Brazil. Natural infection of cucurbits with PRSV‐P occurred in zucchini squash but not in watermelon and cucumber. However, several attempts to recover PRSV‐P from numerous Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta (zucchini squash) plants grown 5–80 m from diseased papaya trees in the field failed. Mechanical inoculations of Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta, Cucurbita maxima cv. Exposição (pumpkin), Cucumis sativus cv. Primepack Plus (cucumber) and Citrullus lanatus cv. Crimson Sweet (watermelon) with five Brazilian PRSV‐P isolates showed that zucchini squash was the most susceptible species followed by watermelon and cucumber, while pumpkin was not infected. The results confirmed the variable susceptibility of cucurbit species to experimental and natural PRSV‐P infection. Given these facts, the control of the disease through roguing should focus mainly on diseased papaya plants, as has been practised successfully in Brazil for many years, and on those cucurbits particularly known to be susceptible to natural infection with PRSV‐P.  相似文献   

The soilborne fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia solani and the oomycete Pythium ultimum are among the most destructive pathogens for lettuce production. The application of the biocontrol agent Paenibacillus alvei K165 to the transplant soil plug of lettuce resulted in reduced S. sclerotiorum, R. solani and P. ultimum foliar symptoms and incidence compared to untreated controls, despite the suppressive effect of the pathogens on the rhizosphere population of K165. In vitro, K165 inhibited the growth of S. sclerotiorum and R. solani but not P. ultimum. Furthermore, the expression of the pathogenesis‐related (PR) gene PR1, a marker gene of salicylic acid (SA)‐dependent plant defence, and of the Lipoxygenase (LOX) and Ethylene response factor 1 (ERF1) genes, markers of ethylene/jasmonate (ET/JA)‐dependent plant defence was recorded. K165‐treated plants challenged with P. ultimum showed up‐regulation of PR1, whereas challenge with R. solani resulted in up‐regulation of LOX and ERF1, and challenge with S. sclerotiorum resulted in up‐regulation of PR1, LOX and ERF1. This suggests that K165 triggers the SA‐ and the ET/JA‐mediated induced systemic resistance against P. ultimum and R. solani, respectively, while the simultaneous activation of the SA and ET/JA signalling pathways is proposed for S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Light signalling is an important mechanism of plant competition during the early stages of seedling development. Far‐red‐enriched (FR‐E) light reflected from neighbouring weeds has been shown to induce the shade avoidance response leading to changes in plant morphology and increased variability in yields. In this study, the morphological and molecular changes occurring at the hypocotyl arch and primary leaf stage of soya bean development were investigated in response to FR‐E light reflected from neighbouring weeds. A reduction in the root/shoot was identified at the hypocotyl arch stage, and an increase in height was detected at the unifoliate stage of soya bean seedlings. In addition, FR‐E light induced a change in the expression profile of reactive oxygen species (ROS)‐scavenging genes. Early in seedling development, ROS‐scavenging genes were upregulated. However, this trend was reversed at later stages of development with downregulation of several ROS‐scavenging genes. These results demonstrated the rapidity of induction of the shade avoidance response and that gene expression in soya bean seedlings was dependent upon developmental stage and tissue type sampled.  相似文献   

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