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【目的】筛选纤维素的降解真菌,探究其对森林地表可燃物的分解效果,以期利用纤维素高效降解真菌促进降解森林地表可燃物,从而降低森林火灾风险。【方法】采集东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场的兴安落叶松、胡桃楸、水曲柳和云杉人工林内的可燃物,采用孟加拉红培养基进行真菌的分离培养,采用刚果红染色法,根据测定菌株的纤维素分解指数筛选高活性纤维素酶菌株,对其进行形态学及分子鉴定;以阔叶、针叶与针阔混交可燃物碎块为分解基质,接入高活性纤维素酶菌株菌液,恒温培养80天,定期取样测定综纤维素含量,分析纤维素分解过程并筛选出对森林地表可燃物中纤维素降解效果最好的菌株;结合扫描电镜超微结构观察结果进行验证。选取筛选出的纤维素高效降解真菌菌株,制取菌饼并接入麦芽浸粉培养基中,恒温振荡培养5天,得到的菌悬液作为单一菌剂,2菌种菌悬液等体积混合为混合菌剂,分低、中、高剂量喷洒到不同样地中装有胡桃楸、兴安落叶松以及胡桃楸-兴安落叶松混交可燃物的凋落物袋内,每月采集凋落物袋测定综纤维素质量分数,分析不同菌剂对可燃物中综纤维素降解效果。【结果】根据孟加拉红氯霉素培养基筛选出的15株真菌在CMC-Na培养基上产生的水解圈大小,筛选出8株高活性纤维素酶菌株,菌株B2(枝细枝孢)的纤维素分解指数最大;根据地表可燃物样品中的纤维素降解结果,菌株A4(紧密帚枝霉)对3种可燃物基质中综纤维素的降解能力最强,其次是菌株A2(肉色隔孢伏革菌);根据扫描电镜观察结果,菌株A4的菌丝可以黏附在叶片表面并侵入叶片组织,通过分泌纤维素酶降解叶片中的综纤维素;不同剂量使可燃物基质综纤维素降解率由大到小呈现大剂量、中剂量、小剂量的规律,且施加菌剂的3种基质综纤维素降解率均高于对照;施加菌剂的3种可燃物基质综纤维素降解率由大到小均表现为:菌剂C(混合菌剂)菌剂B(菌株A4)菌剂A(菌株A2)。【结论】菌株A4为室内降解试验筛选出的高效纤维素降解真菌,在野外对地表可燃物中综纤维素也表现出较强降解能力,且与菌株A2构建的混合菌剂对可燃物中综纤维素降解效果更佳,可在后续研究中摸索其最佳产酶条件,以实现林区地表可燃物更大程度上的降解。  相似文献   

真菌降解木质素的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍木质素结构的基础上,从降解木质素的菌种及主要酶,产酶的条件,分析了真菌降解木质素的研究现状,介绍了真菌降解木质素及其酶的应用,并提出了存在的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

在介绍木质素结构的基础上 ,从降解木质素的菌种及主要酶、产酶的条件 ,分析了真菌降解木质素的研究现状 ,介绍了真菌降解木质素及其酶的应用 ,并提出了存在的问题及发展方向  相似文献   

在确定了可用于制备植物煤的地表可燃物范围的基础上,以我国人工林面积最大的杉木人工林为例,调查测定了其地表可燃物负荷量和生物质潜能,并测算了地表可燃物制备植物煤的产出量,分析了其产业化的前景。结果表明,利用森林地表可燃物制备植物煤是变废为宝,一举多得的森林防火良策。  相似文献   

目的 为获得能够高效降解园林废弃物的真菌并研究其降解能力,从经过堆肥处理的园林废弃物中分离和筛选出1株木质素降解能力较强的真菌。 方法 经过形态分析、ITS分子序列分析,构建系统发育树,鉴定出该株木质素降解真菌种属,并利用该菌株进行固态发酵实验,研究其在固态发酵过程中漆酶、锰过氧化物酶的酶活力变化及其对不同园林废弃物中木质素的降解能力。 结果 从经过堆肥处理的园林废弃物中共挑选出真菌18株,筛选出1株高效的木质素降解真菌,编号为菌株No.11,经鉴定该菌株为构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulans(Eidam)G.Winter)。以冬青卫矛叶、冬青卫矛枝、圆柏叶、圆柏枝、连翘枝叶为底物的模拟固态发酵的漆酶酶活力峰值分别为388.7、326.3、461.4、342.7、588.5 U·L-1,锰过氧化物酶酶活力峰值分别为138.3、121.1、104.6、128.6、73.3 U·L-1。添加菌株No.11使冬青卫矛叶、冬青卫矛枝、圆柏叶、圆柏枝、连翘枝叶40 d后木质素降解率分别提高了20.40%、22.44%、29.90%、25.28%、15.77%。 结论 筛选出的构巢曲霉对北京地区常见园林废弃物冬青卫矛、圆柏和连翘枝叶中的木质素具有较好的降解能力,在降解园林废弃物方面可能更具有优势。  相似文献   

几种真菌产木质素降解酶的比较研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
通过PDA-Bavendamm平板显色反应、PDA-RB亮蓝显色反应、变色圈试验,获得选择性降解稻草木质素的高酶活菌株:糙皮侧耳、彩绒革盖菌和粗毛栓菌。液态产酶活性试验结果表明,粗毛栓菌是供试菌株中Lac、Mnp、Hcel的高产菌株。粗毛栓菌出现2次产Lac酶高峰,分别为第6天和12天,12天产Lac酶达894U/L;产Mnp酶高峰出现在第6天,达185 U/L;在18天时出现产Hcel酶高峰,产酶达62.7U/L。  相似文献   

森林地表死可燃物含水率预测模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林火是影响森林生态系统的重要因子之一,林火蔓延和发展深受森林可燃物含水率的影响,尤其是林火的发生直接受地表死可燃物含水率的影响。因此,准确预测森林地表死可燃物含水率是预报森林火险和火行为的关键,加强森林死可燃物含水率预测模型研究尤为重要。从森林可燃物含水率的研究方法、研究模型及模型精度3方面综述研究现状,并对比评价现有模型。针对目前研究的诸多问题,提出5点展望:1)加强研究重点火险区野外含水率动态。利用已有的森林火险因子采集站和森林火险监测站获取不同环境因子和可燃物含水率及气象因子监测数据,构建重点火险区基于气象参数的森林可燃物含水率预测模型。2)加强森林可燃物的基础数据监测和收集。这可为全面构建森林火险等级系统奠定坚实的数据基础,同时还应建立精准的森林可燃物类型划分体系。3)加强研究可燃物含水率的空间异质性。应考虑不同影响因子下可燃物含水率动态,特别是了解小尺度内森林可燃物含水率的空间异质性,才能更准确进行林火预测预报。4)结合应用增强回归树(BRT)方法来提高模型精度。在可燃物含水率模型精度影响因子的研究中,运用BRT方法多次随机抽取一定量的数据,量化分析不同因子对模型精度的影响程度。5)结合GIS进行大尺度火险预警研究。综合应用RS和GIS技术,建立可燃物含水率的遥感反演模型,在准确模拟森林可燃物含水率空间分布的基础上,建立基于可燃物含水率的不同火险等级的预测模型。  相似文献   

一、试验地的基本情况勃利县属长白山山系完达支脉,坡短而陡,海拔300~600m。山地暗棕壤,土壤深度15cm,年平均气温3℃,最高温度33.7℃,最低温度--37 oc,无霜期125天,_年平均降水量600~700ram。红松阔叶林是该山区的顶极群落,但1952年因遭受横贯黑龙江省东西特大森林火灾的波及,有些地段:t壤裸露,出现原生演替,由于及时进行人工更新造林,目前成了我国最有名的“林、勃、桦”人工林基地之一。试验地就选择在该县通天一林场南丰场,林地位  相似文献   

杉木、马尾松人工林地表可燃物利用潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工纯林及其混交林4m以下树冠上的枝叶、灌木层、草本植物层和枯枝落叶层的负荷量和生物质能进行了调查测定,计算了其林分地表可燃物每公顷可利用的生物质能的产出量,并估算了我国现有杉木、马尾松人工林地表可燃物可利用生物质能的潜力.结果表明,全国现有杉木、马尾松林可利用地表可燃物的生物质潜能高达1 057.31万~1 211.54万t标准煤,产业化前景非常广阔.同时,作为用材林营造的杉木、马尾松人工林,自进入中龄林之前至成熟林阶段,每隔3 a可以重复利用一次,每公顷地表可燃物累计产出生物质能702.64-805.13 kg标准煤.从森林培育和森林防火的角度看,可以把马尾松林作为能源林进行经营,并通过地表可燃物的定期利用来降低森林火险,提高全林分的抗火性.  相似文献   

实现森林可燃物可持续管理是预防森林火灾的重点.应充分利用当地的自然地理环境、森林资源条件和社会经济发展状况,采用计划烧除、营造防火林带等措施达到减少可燃物、控制和降低森林火灾的目的.  相似文献   

Degradation of high-molecular-weight polyethylene membrane by lignin-degrading fungi, IZU-154, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, and Trametes versicolor, was investigated under various nutritional conditions. IZU-154 showed the most significant polyethylene degradation among the three lignin-degrading fungi under nitrogen- or carbon-limited culture conditions. Furthermore, for T. versicolor and P. chrysosporium, the addition of Mn(II) into nitrogen- or carbon-limited culture medium enhanced polyethylene degradation. These results suggest that polyethylene degradation is related to ligninolytic activity of lignin-degrading fungi. Treatment of polyethylene membrane with partially purified manganese peroxidase (MnP) caused significant degradation in the presence of Tween 80, Mn(II), and Mn(III) chelator. This result demonstrates that MnP is the key enzyme in polyethylene degradation by lignin-degrading fungi.This study was presented in part at the 9th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Montreal, Canada, June 9–12, 1997  相似文献   

Deforestation and forest degradation are associated and progressive processes resulting in the conversion of forest area into a mosaic of mature forest fragments, pasture, and degraded habitat. Monitoring of forest landscape spatial structures has been recommended to detect degenerative trends in forest conditions. GIS and remote sensing play an important role in the generation of such data to identify degraded and deforested areas as well as potential areas for conservation. In this study we analyzed forest degradation and deforestation trends in Chitwan district in Nepal, which contains key habitat elements for wildlife in the region. An artificial neural network was used to predict forest canopy density in five classes using Landsat images of the year 2001. Forest canopy density was predicted with 82% overall accuracy. Except riverine forest, forest area of all other forest types was reduced. Terai Shorea robusta forest, which has high commercial value, showed a loss of 23% between 1976 and 1989 and an overall loss of 15% forest covers between the year 1976 and 2001. Deforestation and forest degradation disproportionately reduced the sizes of the different forest types, a finding that has important management implications. The maps presented in this article could be useful to prioritize limited resources for conservation.  相似文献   

To search for marine fungi that have significant lignin-degrading ability in a hypersaline environment, eight strains of marine fungi were selected from 28 strains isolated from mushrooms and driftwood sampled from mangrove stands in Okinawa, Japan. We evaluated the decolorization ability, delignification ability, and biobleaching properties of the strains; then strain MG-60 was screened as a hypersaline-tolerant lignin-degrading fungus. We have summarized its growth, decolorization ability, and biobleaching properties at various sea salt concentrations. The strain has been estimated to belong to thePhlebia family.Part of this paper was presented at the 44th Lignin Symposium. Gifu, Japan, October 1999  相似文献   

遥感估测森林可燃物载量的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
金森 《林业科学》2006,42(12):63-67
对采用遥感图像估测森林可燃物载量的方法进行综述.首先将现有方法根据对像元载量的分配方法,分成直接分配法和间接分配法2种.直接分配法分成聚类分析法和判别分析法;间接分配法分为简单植被特征法、林分模型法和综合因子约束法3种.然后对各方法的优缺点进行评价,指出现有方法整体准确率不高的不足,并分析产生误差的3个来源:1) 从遥感图像判读中间特征所产生的误差;2) 从中间特征到可燃物载量之间的误差;3) 使用可燃物模型所产生的误差.据此提出改进现有方法、提高估测准确率的3个思路:1) 使用新图像,如更高分辨率遥感图像、雷达图像或混合图像;2) 选择更合适的中间特征以及它们与可燃物载量的关系模型;3) 使用连续变量来描述可燃物载量.  相似文献   

Historical forest fire records from Alaska State (1950–2000), California State (1895-2001), USA and Heilongjiang Province (1980–1999), China were used to calculate the longitude and latitude of the annual burned area’s centroids for these regions. Fluctuation phenomena by year were analyzed using spectrum analysis. The results show that centroids of burned areas in these three regions are in a fluctuating condition that encircles the distribution center. The distribution centers are 151.11°W, 64.96°N in Alaska State, 120.02°W, 37.11°N in California State and 127.07°E, 49.59°N in Heilongjiang Province, respectively. The fluctuation of the burned area’s centroids in Alaska State and California State in longitude has obvious periodicity, and the periodicities are 4.2 years, 6.25 years in Alaska State and 6.24 years, 106 years in California State. The fluctuation of the burned area’s centroids in Heilongjiang Province has a periodicity both in longitude and latitude, and the periodicities are both 3.3 years, 6.67 years. Fluctuation of the burned area’s centroids in Alaska State and California State in latitude does not have periodicity, and big forest fires with low frequencies predominate. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(5): 89–103 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

我国林药、林菌的发展现状及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对全国林药、林菌发展资料和数据的收集,以及典型省区的调研,总结了全国林菌、林药的发展概况和存在的问题,并从加强政府引导、建设示范基地、建立和完善市场体系、加强科技建设等方面提出建议,为推动全国林药、林菌的健康、稳定、持续地发展提供参考。  相似文献   

林药林菌产业发展是我国当前林下经济发展中的重点。本文主要就社会、生态和经济效益等方面进行了系统分析,从而说明林药林菌产业发展的必要性。  相似文献   

地被可燃物与林型火险等级划分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用模糊聚类分析方法,以辽宁省各地区常见的主要林型37个为聚类单元,选取各聚类单元中的林火发生频度、地被可燃物载量、可燃物含水率、凋落物层厚度、可燃物燃烧蔓延速度作为聚类因子,进行全省林型火险等级划分。聚类分析结果划分出了不同火险级别(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)林型,并详细列出Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级火险林型在省内分布情况。  相似文献   

The species composition of wood-inhabiting fungi (polypores and corticoids) was investigated on 1138 spruce logs and 992 pine logs in 90 managed and 34 natural or near-natural spruce and pine forests in SE Norway.Altogether, the study included 290 species of wood-inhabiting fungi. Comparisons of logs with similar properties (standardized tree species, decay class, dimension class) in natural and managed forests showed a significant reduction in species number per log in managed spruce forests, but not in managed pine forests. The species number per log in managed spruce forests was 10-55% lower than on logs from natural spruce forests. The reduction was strongest on logs of large dimensions. A comparison of 200-400 spruce logs from natural and managed forests showed a 25% reduction in species richness corresponding to a conservative loss of ca. 40 species on a regional scale.A closer inspection revealed that species confined to medium and very decayed spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests, whereas species on early decay classes and decay generalists were unaffected. Similarly, species preferring large spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests. Forest management had strongest impact on low-frequent species in the spruce forests (more than 50% reduction), whereas common species were modestly affected. Corticoid fungi were more adversely affected than polypore fungi.These results indicate that wood-decaying fungi in pine forests are more adapted to forest disturbances than spruce-associated species. Management measures securing a continuous supply of dead wood are more important in spruce forests than in pine forests.  相似文献   


Climate change effects such as storms and droughts are leading to increased risk of forest damage in central Europe. The aim of this paper was to evaluate forest fuel sourcing models including climate change-induced risks on forest fuel supply. Stochastic risk events, such as storms and bark beetle infestations, were modelled by means of a Monte Carlo simulation, and the economic performance was evaluated for two fuel-sourcing models supplying a single combined heat and power plant (CHP). The first sourcing model depicted a common sourcing model for Austrian CHPs, where only forest chips provided by long- and short-term suppliers were stored. The second sourcing model additionally enabled the storage of salvaged pulpwood to supply forest fuel from the plant's own inventory during shortage periods. Simulation results showed that storing salvage pulpwood as feedstock considerably reduced supply chain risks and resulted in lower procurement costs (1–3% less than normal delivered cost without storing salvaged pulpwood).  相似文献   

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