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The three soybean cultivars, Custer, Pickett 71 and Forrest, which derived their resistance to race 3 of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) from the variety Peking, were tested for their level of resistance. Similarly, Bedford, Nathan, D75-10710 and Bradley cultivars which are resistant to race 4 were compared against their donor parent PI 88788. Each soybean line was inoculated with eggs and larvae of known cyst-nematode cultures. Custer, Pickett 71, Forrest and Peking had equal levels of resistance to race 3 and all were equally susceptible to the culture developed on Forrest; however, Peking and Custer had fewer white females against PI 88788 culture than did those on Pickett 71 and Forrest. Among cultivars resistant to race 4, Nathan had a greater number of white females than PI 88788 against cultures developed on Essex, Bedford and Peking. In general, the derived cultivars had a greater number of white females per plant than their donor parents.  相似文献   

A survey of the incidence of cereal cyst nematode (CCN) in Scottish cereal-producing land showed that 69% of fields contained CCN cysts and of these 54% contained eggs. CCN infestations were more frequent in SE and NE areas. Populations were small despite intensive cereal cropping, 71% having less than 1 egg/g soil and only 3% having more than 6 eggs/g soil. Soil type and cropping frequency were important in influencing the infestation of fields with CCN. Infested fields occurred most frequently in freely draining loamy-drift soils and populations were larger when these infested soils were cropped more frequently with cereals. In the soils that were less well draining, fewer infestations occurred and cropping frequency was less important, although cropping with oats in these soils was associated with larger CCN populations. A survey of seed-potato-producing land showed that 55% of fields known to contain CCN had viable populations but that population densities were smaller than in the more intensively cereal-cropped fields.  相似文献   

Previous clarification of the relationships between insect populations and damage by cereal pests has enabled the effect of combined pest infestation on the yield of winter wheat to be analysed more thoroughly. The cereal aphids Macrosiphum avenae (Fabr.) (Sitobion avenae) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), each in combination with the cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus (L.), were investigated in pot trials which enabled interactions between the combined pest populations to be studied also. Although intraspecific competition was observed for each pest population, there was no interspecific adverse effect of density on population increase. With increasing population densities of the pests in combination, the relative contribution of each species to the combined yield losses decreased. Consequently, there was no summation of individual losses, but a reduction of up to 24·3%. The ability of the cereal plant to compensate for losses may be responsible for this ‘buffering effect’, which apparently is attributable to increased dry-matter production in the presence of large combined pest populations. These results suggest that the existing economic thresholds relating to the effects of cereal aphids and cereal leaf beetle on yields of winter wheat require modification.  相似文献   

In this laboratory study the effect of liquid swine manure (LSM) on Globodera rostochiensis was evaluated. The LSM was applied to 500 g nematode-infested soil at 0.4, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0% (v/w), equivalent to 31, 155, 310 and 465 kg of N ha−1, in closed and open containers (microcosms sealed (S) and open (O)). The results showed that LSM in closed containers enriched the volatile fatty acids (VFAs) through partial anaerobic incubation process. Bacterial- and fungal-feeding nematodes predominated, while the least opportunistic groups had a very low occurrence. The LSM in (S) significantly decreased cyst nematode populations and percent egg hatching in contrast with opened ones (O), increasing some chemical parameters related to soil fertility. Hatching tests showed that individual VFA vary in their lethality to G. rostochiensis. Acetic and propionic acids were the most toxic, reducing hatching most effectively and irreversibly. Results suggest that soil disinfestation on laboratory tests with LSM, is an efficient way for the reduction of G. rostochiensis populations in acidic soils, due to the VFAs nematicidal action. To address management alternatives, field studies would be needed that compared these materials to the current management practices, and demonstrated that they are competitive in the field.  相似文献   

Paradox (Juglans hindsii × J. regia), the dominant rootstock used in the California walnut industry, is susceptible to crown gall caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. In practice, soil fumigation has been a common pre-plant management strategy for crown gall, but even the industry standard, methyl bromide (MeBr), results in inconsistent disease control. To examine MeBr efficacy and identify potential alternatives, combinations of 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D), chloropicrin, iodomethane, dazomet, and metam-sodium were examined. Except for 1,3-D alone, all treatments reduced A. tumefaciens and Phytophthora cactorum populations below detection limits. MeBr eliminated A. tumefaciens populations in buried gall tissue, but a combination of 1,3-D and chloropicrin (TC35) did not. An additional 280 kg/ha of chloropicrin in addition to TC35 eliminated A. tumefaciens populations in buried gall tissue. Of the treatments tested, TC35 was the best alternative to MeBr given its efficacy on soil populations of A. tumefaciens and P. cactorum and potential suppressiveness to soil recolonization by A. tumefaciens. MeBr reduced general aerobic bacterial populations below detection limits producing a temporary biological vacuum. A. tumefaciens reintroduced in soils treated with MeBr and TC35 reached significantly higher populations than in non-fumigated soil. However, A. tumefaciens populations in TC35-treated soil were 100-fold lower than MeBr-treated soil 110 d after reintroduction. Increased recolonization rates resulting in higher subsequent soil populations could be a mechanism underlying the observed inconsistent crown gall control after MeBr application.  相似文献   

Application of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai aggr. after soil fumigation with methyl bromide improved the control of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. and Rhizoctonia solani Kühn in a peanut field. Although soil fumigation controlled the diseases caused by these pathogens, it was followed by rapid reinfestation by S. rolfsii and R. solani. The biological control agent T. harzianum prevented reinfestation of the fumigated soil by the pathogens (88% reduction) both in a controlled environment and in field conditions. In soil treated with T. harzianum, survival of sclerotia was considerably less than in the untreated control. The combined treatment, of fumigation and T. harzianum applications, caused almost total mortality of sclerotia in soil in the laboratory and in the field. Application of T. harzianum to the root zone of tomatoes effectively controlled S. rolfsii in a field naturally infested with S. rolfsii and R. solani. Transplanting plants treated with T. harzianum into soil fumigated with methyl bromide reduced disease incidence by 93% and increased yield by 160%.  相似文献   

Grass and clover production and nitrogen cycling were compared in 1983 and 1984 at three sites: an upland peaty gley and upland and lowland brown earths. The clover varieties Olwen and S184 were compared in 1983 and S100 and S184 in 1984. Ammonium and nitrate sources of 15N were used to measure nitrogen recovery from fertilizer and soil, nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer from clover to grass. Acetylene reduction was measured once, in 1983, but isotope dilution was used in both years.
Olwen clover produced more dry matter and took up more 15N than S184. Olwen fixed more nitrogen than S184 over the whole season, as measured by 15N isotope dilution. Companion grass took up more soil nitrogen when growing with S184 than with Olwen. The clover variety S100, tested at the lowland site in 1984, caused no significant variations in dry matter accumulation or N fixation.
In the dry 1984 season, grass dry matter accumulation and 15N uptake were less than in 1983, and plants actually lost total nitrogen from their roots to the soil. Fixation rate varied more in 1984 than in 1983. Nitrogen transfer from clover to grass was detected by isotope ratio differences in 1983, and by total N differences in 1984.
Site differences were dominated by the greater dry matter accumulation of Olwen in the lowland in 1983, but in that year there was also increased dry matter accumulation and increased 15N fertilizer uptake, but less nitrogen fixed on the mineral upland site than on the peat soil.
Whether 15N was given as ammonium or nitrate made little difference in these experiments.  相似文献   

In 1975, 1976 and 1977 counts were made of cereal aphid populations in winter wheat fields in West Sussex and Norfolk. Data were also obtained on the area of cereals treated with insecticides to control aphids in different years, dates of application and the types of insecticide used. Most crops were treated when aphid populations were at their peak or had already started to decline. A model which simulates the damage done by Sitobion avenae (F.) to winter wheat was used to analyse the survey data and revealed a large difference between potential and achieved profits. It also showed how the value of insecticide treatment varies throughout the course of an infestation and how the value of a forecasting system depends on its timing and accuracy, the size of the aphid outbreak and its probability of occurrence.  相似文献   

Tomato debris can be used as the soil amendment to reduce agricultural residue accumulation problems and increase soil fertility. However, pathogens present in the debris may form a risk for subsequent crops. In this study, tomato growth substrate was amended with tomato debris artificially inoculated with Ralstonia solanacearum and the effect of heat treatments on the survival of the pathogen was measured. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and in greenhouses, using peat moss and sand mix in pots as substrates. Pots were enclosed in plastic bags or left open. Then 0, 5, 10 and 15 g of tomato debris were applied to 500 g growing medium, with four replicates per treatment. Treatments at 45 °C lowered tomato wilt indices in tomato cv. Money-Maker and that the pathogen was not eradicated after pot treatments at 25 °C. R. solanacearum remained pathogenic on the assayed growing media after a six-week treatment at 25 °C, but was eradicated after treatments at 45 °C. The lower infectivity of infected debris tomato plants when buried with high doses of organic matter and at temperatures above 45 °C suggests that adverse effects on the soil inoculum would be exerted through increased soil temperatures. This study demonstrates that tomato crop residues, usually considered waste material, could be used as soil amendments to reduce their effect as a source of contamination as they offer additional advantages.  相似文献   

A research programme was initiated to develop biological control methods for the European skipper, Thymelicus lineola Ochs. (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) after its appearance in the Province of Quebec. A baculovirus and Bacillus thuringiensis could both be used to control T. lineola in the field. With B. thuringiensis a dose of 2·5 × 109 International Units/ha resulted in 100% mortality of second- to fourth-instar larvae in 6–15 days; dosages of 5 and 10 × 109 I.U./ha caused 100% mortality within 3–6 days. Field application of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus caused 50, 80 and 100% larval mortality after 15, 19 and 27 days respectively. B. thuringiensis provided a curative method of control, whereas the virus can be used either as a curative or as a preventive method of controlling T. lineola because it is transmitted to the progeny. It is suggested that the best way to control T. lineola is by the combined use of both micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is a thrips-transmitted virus that causes major losses in many crops worldwide. Management of TSWV is complex, requiring multiple preventive measures. Currently, there are few chemical options that control thrips populations before they feed upon and transmit TSWV to crop plants. Cyantraniliprole (Cyazypyr™) is an anthranilic diamide insecticide currently under development that exhibits anti-feedant properties. Transmission of TSWV by Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) to Capsicum annuum L. seedlings was reduced in plants treated with Cyazypyr™ applied to the soil at the rates of 1.45, 2.90 and 4.41 mg ai/plant. Mortality of F. fusca at 3 days post treatment did not differ significantly on excised foliage of Cyazypyr™ treated and control plants, but feeding injury was significantly less on treated foliage. Transmission of TSWV by Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) was not reduced in plants treated with 4.41 mg ai/plant.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbiosis that develops between the roots of host trees and the soil ECM fungi is an important factor towards the survival, health and growth of these trees, as it stimulates their water and nutrient uptake. Ectomycorrhizal colonization can result in the deposition of phenolic compounds in peripheral cortex cells and a similar answer can be recognized as one way of plant defense against pathogenic infections. The aim of the present work was the evaluation of antioxidant potential of the ectomycorrhizal fungi, Paxillus involutus and Pisolithus arhizus, in presence and absence of the symbiont - Pinus pinaster - in response to the symbiotic association, under different contact periods (45 days and 48 h). Phenolic contents in mycelia, culture media and plant leaves, stems and roots were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and their antioxidant properties were evaluated by three in vitro assays: 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition through β-carotene bleaching inhibition. Comparing the response of the symbionts to the host species, P. pinaster benefited most with the association, because it generally decreases the phenolics content and the antioxidant activity values in the presence of both ectomycorrhizal fungi along time. P. arhizus also decreased, in general, its phenolics levels and antioxidant properties, alongside with P. pinaster, unlike P. involutus that did not have the same response as it increases its content of phenolics and some of its values of antioxidant activity. These results can be considered as an hypothetical signal of a symbiotic differential compatibility of mycorrhizal fungi for a host.  相似文献   

The aim of this work (from the FP6 project TRACE) was to develop methods based on the use of geochemical markers for the authentication of the geographical origin of cereal samples in Europe (cf. EC regulations 2081/92 and 1898/06). For the first time, the potential usefulness of combining n(87Sr)/n(86Sr) and δ13C, δ15N, δ18O and δ34S isotopic signatures, alone or with key element concentrations ([Na], [K], [Ca], [Cu] and [Rb], progressively identified out of 31 sets of results), was investigated through multiple step multivariate statistics for more than 500 cereal samples collected over 2 years from 17 sampling sites across Europe representing an extensive range of geographical and environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis, is a serious pest on late season strawberries in the UK. Feeding by the pest on the developing fruits causes severe malformation, and over 50% of fruit may be downgraded as a result of capsid feeding in unsprayed crops. A range of compounds was tested against the pest over two years at East Malling Research. In 2008 experiments were conducted on weed plots with high L. rugulipennis populations, and in 2009 were conducted on an everbearer strawberry planting. The 2008 experiments showed that etoxazole had no effect on L. rugulipennis and that although flonicamid and indoxacarb significantly reduced populations they were not as effective as thiacloprid, either with or without a surfactant, or acetamiprid. In the 2009 experiment on strawberry thiacloprid + surfactant, applied twice, was more effective than this treatment applied once, which in turn was more effective than thiacloprid alone. In both years the most effective treatment was the pyrethroid bifenthrin. There was no suggestion that different developmental stages of the pest were more susceptible to the tested insecticides. Thus there was no evidence to suggest that timing applications against specific life stages would significantly improve pest control.  相似文献   

Exclusion nets aimed at controlling populations of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella are increasingly used in French apple orchards. The secondary effects of these so-called Alt’Carpo nets on other apple pests have not yet been thoroughly determined. This study was carried out to evaluate whether the presence of white nets (mesh size: 3 × 7.4 mm) affects the population dynamics of the rosy apple aphid (RAA), Dysaphis plantaginea and the abundance and composition of associated arthropod communities. We surveyed 50 infested shoots on a weekly basis throughout spring in 2008 and 2009 on apple trees with or without (control) nets in one insecticide-free orchard located in south-eastern France. At three dates in 2009, the RAA infestation rate was also computed by counting the total number of infested shoots per tree. The nets were installed at three different dates during the RAA lifecycle: September (September Netting Plot (SNP)), March (March Netting Plot (MNP)) and mid-April (April Netting Plot (ANP)). The abundance of RAA in the uncovered plot in 2008 was 1.75-fold higher than in the ANP. In 2009, this abundance was 1.39-fold higher than in the ANP and MNP, and slightly lower than in the SNP (1.07-fold). The nets (MNP and SNP) decreased the number of RAA colonies present in early spring. Interestingly, the nets reduced the duration of RAA infestation by 7–10 days. The highest reduction in RAA abundance and infestation rate was observed when nets were closed during the RAA development phase (ANP). The nets significantly reduced the abundance of ants on the marked shoots, especially in the ANP compared to the control. In addition, this study showed that nets have a significant negative influence on the abundance and richness of RAA-natural enemies. There was a significant decrease in the abundance of predators but no effect on the abundance of parasitoids. Syrphidae, Forficulidae and Coccinellidae were the most abundant natural enemy groups in the uncovered plot. Netting the plots led to a pronounced decrease in Coccinellidae abundance, a slight but significant decreased in Syrphids and had no effect on earwigs. Overall, Alt’Carpo exclusion nets had a direct negative impact on RAA population dynamics especially in the presence of at least one active natural enemy per marked shoot. These promising findings suggest that the combination of physical and biological control methods has potential for regulating RAA populations in organic orchards.  相似文献   

The efficacy of 14 selected fungicides against Cylindrocarpon liriodendri and Cylindrocarpon macrodidymum was evaluated in vitro by testing their effect on mycelial growth and conidial germination. Carbendazim, hydroxyquinoline sulphate, imazalil, and prochloraz were the most effective fungicides in reducing mycelial growth in both Cylindrocarpon species. Captan, copper oxicloride, didecyldimethylammonium chloride and thiram were the most effective to inhibit conidial germination of both species. A pot assay was also conducted with captan, carbendazim, copper oxychloride, didecyldimethylammonium chloride, hydroxyquinoline sulphate, imazalil and prochloraz in order to determine their potential to prevent infections caused by C. liriodendri and C. macrodidymum during the rooting phase in the grapevine propagation process. All fungicides significantly decreased the root disease severity values in both species compared with control treatment, with the exception of imazalil in C. macrodidymum. In the case of the percentage of reisolation, all values were lower than those obtained for the control treatment, but only captan, carbendazim and didecyldimethylammonium chloride were significantly different in the case of the cuttings inoculated with C. liriodendri, and prochloraz in the case of those inoculated with C. macrodidymum.  相似文献   

The South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.), is one of the principal pests of fruit crops in Brazil. While organic farms use several compounds to control fruit flies, such as oils, plant extracts and soaps, there is little scientific evidence of their effectiveness. Our main goal was to evaluate the phytosanitary products used in organic orchards on A. fraterculus under laboratory conditions. Four multiples (0.25×, 0.5×, 1× and 2×) of the manufacturer-recommended concentrations of Rotenat CE® (extract of Derris spp. with rotenone 5%) (600 ml 100 l−1), Pironat® (pyroligneous extract) (250 ml 100 l−1), Biopirol 7M® (pyroligneous extract) (200 ml 100 l−1), Organic neem® (neem oil 80%) (500 ml 100 l−1), Natuneem® (neem oil - 1500 ppm of azadirachtin) (500 ml 100 l−1) and lime sulfur (20% S + 9% Ca) (5000 ml 100 l−1) were tested on A. fraterculus via ingestion and direct contact, topical application and residual application. We subsequently tested deterrence effects of the same products on oviposition. Organic Neem®, Natuneem®, lime sulfur, Pironat®, and Biopirol 7M® showed no insecticidal effect on the South American fruit fly. Only Rotenat CE® (1200 ml 100 l−1) showed an effect (71.6% mortality) following ingestion/contact. Lime sulfur, Pironat® and Biopirol 7M® did not prevent oviposition of A. fraterculus on artificial fruits.  相似文献   

Thermal inactivation of resting spores of P. brassicae Woron. in glasshouse soil depended on temperature, duration of treatment, inoculum concentration, and soil moisture. At 42, 44 and 50°C, the relationship between temperature and the time for thermal inactivation plotted on a semi-log scale was linear. Treatment times up to 45 days at 30°C and 37°C did not reduce infectivity. The detection threshold in the system was 100·5 spores/g of soil. At all temperatures tested, inactivation was achieved more rapidly in soil infested with 102 spores/g than with 106 spores/g. Heat treatment was more effective in saturated soil than in half-saturated soil. Soil temperatures in the field in the northern Salinas Valley were increased 11–14°C by tarping with clear, polyethylene plastic. The average weekly maximum temperature and minimum temperature at a 10 cm depth under tarps were 38°C and 29°C respectively. Solarization reduced disease development after a 10-week treatment but not after a 5-week treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of extracts of different parts of the perennial tropical plant Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del., including various solvent extracts of roots, methanol extracts from leaves, fruits, flowers and roots, partially purified saponins obtained from its roots and a standard saponin were studied on the life cycle (adult longevity, number of eggs, crawlers, adults, weight of adults and % wax content) of a laboratory-reared parthenogenic line of the mealy bug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Extracts derived from various parts of B. aegyptiaca (leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots in methanol) affected the life cycle of M. hirsutus with a methanol root extract being the most effective at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1. Partially purified saponin of B. aegyptiaca and the commercial bark saponin extract (Sigma) from Quillaja saponaria at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1 were effective in reducing the longevity of M. hirsutus. Significant reductions in oviposition by M. hirsutus were found for all the extracts at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1. Extracts also affected the number of emerging crawlers, number of adults as well as the weight and wax content of emerging adults. These studies suggest that B. aegyptiaca plant extracts and saponins can be useful botanical insecticides for the protection of crops from mealy bugs.  相似文献   

In North Carolina (NC), USA, Pythium stem rot on tobacco is caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. During the past 10 years, Pythium stem rot incidence has been reported more frequently in tobacco fields than before. Since 1997, tobacco flue-cured cultivars carrying the Ph gene that confers immunity to race 0 of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae (Ppn) have also been deployed in NC. It has been questioned whether the introduction of cultivars carrying this resistance gene contributes to the increased incidence of Pythium stem rot. We used a strain of P. aphanidermatum expressing the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene to investigate the susceptibility of stem and root tissues of four flue-cured tobacco cultivars to Pythium stem rot. Cultivars NC71 (carries the Ph gene) and RJR15 (no Ph gene, but highly resistant to Ppn) were less susceptible (P < 0.05) to P. aphanidermatum than K326 and K346 cultivars that do not carry the Ph gene. Furthermore, different parts of the plant demonstrated significant differences (P < 0.0001) to P. aphanidermatum infection although the significance depended on the cultivar. That is, in K326 and NC71 the highest percent infection was in the adventitious roots, followed by the stems and lastly the true roots, whereas in K346 and RJR15 the highest percent infection was in the adventitious roots, then the true roots and last in the stems. These results do not support the hypothesis that cultivars carrying the Ph gene may be more susceptible to Pythium stem rot than cultivars without the gene. It is likely that other reasons such as the reduction or absence of mefenoxam application in fields where cultivars carrying the Ph gene are planted or reduction in competition for infection cites with Ppn have contributed to the increase of Pythium stem rot incidence in tobacco fields in NC.  相似文献   

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