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土壤不同形态钾含量与土壤颗粒的关系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
赵斌  李静  马丽  郑耀 《土壤》2002,34(3):164-169
土壤含K矿物同其他矿物颗粒一起均分布在不同粒级的土粒中,这些土粒在不同的土壤中构成了不同的配合比例,形成不同的土壤质地的属性。统计表明,<0.05mm与<0.01mm粒级间呈极显著线性相关(r=0.896**,n=92),相关分析表明,不同粒级的土粒与不同形态K间呈显著线性或曲线显著相关,而全K只与<0.05mm粒径的土粒呈极显著相关(r=0.234**,n=73),全K与速效K的数量关系通过全K、<0.05mm、<0.01mm粒级与速效K系统相关组合的算式以数学的方法计算速效K含量。  相似文献   

不同取样方式下土壤质地空间插值的精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究土壤质地的合理取样方式,进而研究其空间变异情况,为田间施肥及灌溉提供依据,本试验利用地统计学方法和GIS技术,在重庆市彭水县重庆烟草试验站,利用289个表层土样,研究了16 m间距的栅格取样法(对照,253个土样,扣除36个验证样点)、34 m间距的栅格取样法(115个土样)和随机取样法(115个土样)3种取样方式下土壤质地的空间插值精度。3种土壤颗粒指标中粉粒占68.43%,砂粒含量最少,占12.68%,黏粒含量略高于砂粒。砂粒和黏粒具有中等强度的变异性,粉粒具弱变异性,且数据符合正态分布。地统计分析显示,在分析该区域土壤质地时,采用栅格取样方法应适当增大取样间距,而采用随机取样方法可适当缩小取样间距。交叉检验显示,土壤质地成分在3种取样方式下的插值精度均以对照最大,栅格取样次之,随机取样最小。综合考虑插值误差、样品采集和分析成本及时效性等因素,本研究建议在该区域进行土壤质地空间变异规律分析为生产服务时应采用随机取样。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between soil physical characteristics and earthworms in a regional-scale field study in Denmark. The earthworm populations along within-field gradients in soil texture were quantified at five field sites, representing dominant soil types of Denmark. Eleven earthworm species were found, but populations were mainly dominated by Aporrectodea tuberculata and A. longa. Despite considerable variation in soil parameters across the five study sites the results suggest that the biomass of anecic worms (or A. longa as a species) was not causally associated with the soil parameters studied. This indicates that there must be other causal factors associated with the abundance (and composition) of anecic worms that are not among the soil texture and structure parameters studied. On the other hand, soil texture (Coarse sand) was associated with the abundance of the dominant endogeic species, A. tuberculata, but not endogeic worms in general. It was hypothesized that anecic and endogeic earthworms might respond to local soil water characteristics rather than soil texture, but this hypothesis could not be confirmed with the present data.  相似文献   

Soil water-retention characteristics at measurement scales are generally different from those at application scales, and there is scale disparity between them and soil physical properties. The relationships between two water-retention parameters, the scaling parameter related to the inverse of the air-entry pressure (αvG, cm-1) and the curve shape factor related to soil pore-size distribution (n) of the van Genuchten water-retention equation, and soil texture (sand, silt, and clay contents) were examined at multiple scales. One hundred twenty-eight undisturbed soil samples were collected from a 640-m transect located in Fuxin, China. Soil water-retention curves were measured and the van Genuchten parameters were obtained by curve fitting. The relationships between the two parameters and soil texture at the observed scale and at multiple scales were evaluated using Pearson correlation and joint multifractal analyses, respectively. The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the parameter αvG was significantly correlated with sand, silt, and clay contents at the observed scale. Joint multifractal analyses, however, indicated that the parameter αvG was not correlated with silt and sand contents at multiple scales. The parameter n was positively correlated with clay content at multiple scales. Sand content was significantly correlated with the parameter n at the observed scale but not at multiple scales. Clay contents were strongly correlated to both water-retention parameters because clay content was relatively low in the soil studied, indicating that water retention was dominated by clay content in the field of this study at all scales. These suggested that multiple-scale analyses were necessary to fully grasp the spatial variability of soil water-retention characteristics.  相似文献   

江西省旱地土壤质地与土壤化学性状的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过研究江西省旱地土壤质地及其与化学性状的相关性,为江西省旱地土壤质地的改良提供理论依据.采用比重计速测法和常规化学指标分析方法测定了江西省不同地区的159个旱地土壤样品质地和氮、磷、钾、有机质含量、pH值和阳离子交换量指标,着重分析土壤中物理性粘粒含量及其他各级土粒含量与化学性状的相关性.结果表明:(1)江西省旱地土...  相似文献   

葡萄品质的评价及其与土壤质地的关系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以河北省葡萄主产区涿鹿县的葡萄样品与土壤质地为研究对象,运用层次分析法(AHP)和K-均值聚类法对影响葡萄品质的主要指标可溶性固形物、单粒重、固酸比、pH和Vc进行评价,同时测定了相应葡萄采样点土壤的机械组成,并且对葡萄品质指标与土壤机械组成进行相关分析.结果表明:①一般一级葡萄品质的单粒重>6.0 g,二级>5.0 g,四级<5.0 g;一级葡萄可溶性固形物>175 g/kg,二级>160 g/kg,四级<130 g/kg;优良品质葡萄固酸比大都在20 ~ 30之间.②研究区葡萄单粒重与0 ~ 60 cm土层内细砂粒含量都呈显著正相关,与物理性黏粒(<0.01mm)含量呈显著负相关;可溶性固形物与细粉粒含量呈显著负相关,与物理性黏粒含量呈显著或极显著负相关;固酸比与粗砂粒含量呈显著或极显著正相关.③优质葡萄采样区土壤质地在0 ~ 60 cm土层内均为轻壤土,品质差的葡萄采样区土壤质地在0 ~ 60 cm土层内均为重壤土或中壤土.因此,在涿鹿县土壤质地、单粒重、可溶性固形物和固酸比可作为评价葡萄品质的重要指标.  相似文献   

研究了陕北黄绵土,关中土与陕南水稻土土壤剖面中硝酸盐的分布与累积,分析了硝酸盐淋移与土壤剖面粘粒含量的关系。结果表明,黄绵土由于粘粒含量少,土壤疏松,氮肥施入土壤后硝化作用速度快,氮素多以硝态氮存在于土壤中,遇到过量的灌溉或降水,容易引起硝酸盐淋失。在米脂的川道地,施肥2个月后,硝酸盐峰值在50cm左右,4个多月后,峰值下移至100cm左右,6个月后,该峰值下降到130cm左右,一年内,硝酸盐的峰值已经消失,分布在130至350cm之间。因此,在黄绵土地区可以灌溉的川道地,氮素损失的主要途径是硝酸盐淋失。关中土,粘粒含量相对较高,硝化作用速度快,但由于在80120cm有一粘化层,阻碍了水分与硝酸盐的向下淋移,使得大部分硝酸盐累积在0100cm土层,其累积量占到0400cm总累积量的64%~74%,而200400cm仅占到7%~13%。而且淋移到100cm以下的硝酸盐,也通过反硝化损失了。陕南水稻土,由于深层土壤水饱和,硝酸盐难以向下淋移,氮素主要累积在土壤表层。由于下层土壤长期处于厌气条件,即使淋移到下层的硝酸盐也通过反硝化作用而损失掉了。  相似文献   


A number of laboratory methods for determining soil physical fractions have been proposed. The methods being cumbersome and time consuming cannot be adopted for routine analysis in soil testing laboratories. Therefore, a simple method which could provide quantitative estimates of the soil size fractions is required. This study used soil sample density (ratio of mass of soil in a standard scoop to its volume) to estimate soil separates. Regression models were developed for predicting soil separates from sample density. Sand, silt, and silt+clay fractions were best described by second degree polynomials with coefficients of determination ranging from 0.75–0.80. Although the exponential function was statistically equivalent to the second degree polynomial for estimating clay, it was preferable as it yielded a better shape of the fitted curve at sample densities <1.2 g cm‐3. Validation of the models with independent data showed that model‐predicted values of various size fractions matched well with laboratory measurements with coefficients of correlation ranging between 0.95–0.99. The higher correlation coefficients between the measured and estimated clay, silt, and sand fractions both for model development and their validation on independent data suggest that the models could be used for estimating soil separates from sample density measurements.  相似文献   

Soil textural information is an important component underlying other soil health indicators. Soil texture analysis is a common procedure, but it can be labor intensive and expensive. Soil texture data typically are available from the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database, which may be an option for determining soil health texture groups (SHTG). The SSURGO database provides soil texture information in the soil map unit (SMU) name, taxonomic class category (family), and detailed values (≤ 2 mm soil fraction) of percent sand, silt and clay by soil horizon. The objective of this study was to examine the possibility of using SSURGO data for SHTG at the 147-ha Cornell University Willsboro Research Farm in New York state as an alternative for soil texture data determined manually on collected soil core samples. Comparative results revealed that representative values for soil texture from the SSURGO database generally matched measured mean values for all SMUs.  相似文献   

Nitrite dynamics could be highly associated with forest N cycles. However, they have often been overlooked mainly because of the experimental difficulties that occur owing to chemical reactive nature of NO2. We investigated NO2 dynamics in an N-saturated forest soil with a recently developed method using 15N. Soils were aerobically incubated for 145 h after 15NO2 addition, and changes in 14N and 15N concentrations of NO2, NO3, NH4+, and dissolved organic N (DON) were monitored. Simultaneous production and consumption of NO2 were observed. The turnover rate of NO2 was even faster than that of NH4+ and NO3 calculated in other studies. Of the added 15NO2, 28.5% was oxidized to NO3 and 17.8% was incorporated into the DON pool within 4 h. The remainder might be emitted as gas or fixed by insoluble soil organic matter. Our results suggested that rapid NO2 turnover could be a major driving force for N transformations in forest soil.  相似文献   

Information about the soil-forming materials and soil texture shown on pages of the State Soil Map (SSS) on a 1: 1 M scale, the Soil Map of the Russian Federation on a 1: 2.5 M, and several other small-scale soil maps is analyzed. Certain discrepancies exist in the approaches used to display this information, in the names of the soil textural classes and genetic groups of soil-forming materials, and in the degree of detail of their representation on separate pages of the SSS and on other soil maps compiled by different authors. To eliminate these discrepancies, it is suggested that the soil classification should be supplemented with a special section containing systematized information on the soil-forming materials existing in Russia. The manuals on soil mapping on different scales should be supplemented with recommendations on showing the soil texture and the composition of the soil-forming materials on the maps.  相似文献   

Solute transport from the bulk soil to the root surface is, apart from changes in soil moisture and plant nutrient uptake, a prerequisite for changes in soil osmotic potential (Ψo). According to the convection‐diffusion equation, solute transport depends on a number of parameters (soil moisture–release curve, hydraulic conductivity, tortuosity factor) which are functions of soil texture. It was thus hypothesized that soil texture should have an effect on the formation of Ψo gradients between bulk soil and the root surface. The knowledge about such gradients is important to evaluate water availability in the soil‐plant‐atmosphere continuum (SPAC). A linear compartment system with maize grown under controlled conditions in two texture treatments (T1, pure sand; T2, 80% sand, 20% silt) under low and high initial application of salts (S1, S2) was used to measure the development of Ψo gradients between bulk soil and the root surface by microscale soil‐solution sampling and TDR sensors. The differences in soil texture had a strong impact on the formation of Ψo gradients between bulk soil and the root surface at high and low initial salt application rate. At high initial salt application, a maximum osmotic‐potential gradient (ΔΨo) of –340 kPa was observed for the texture treatment T2 compared to ΔΨo of –180 in T1. The steeper gradients in osmotic potential in treatment T2 compared to T1 corresponded to higher cumulative water consumption in this treatment which can partly be explained by higher soil hydraulic conductivity in the range of soil matric potentials covered during the duration of the experiments. Differences between texture treatments in Ψo at the root surface did not result in differences in plant‐water relations measured as gas‐exchange parameters (transpiration rate, water‐use efficiency) and leaf osmotic potential. If soil osmotic and matric potential are regarded as additive in calculating the driving force for water movement from the soil into the root, the observed differences in water flux between treatments cannot be explained.  相似文献   


Soil texture often plays an important role in the interpretation of soil analytical data for fertilizer advisory purposes. A reliable and inexpensive method of clay content estimation is, therefore, a requirement of most advisory laboratories. This note discusses the use of sample density (i.e. the mass of a scooped volume of soil) as an index of clay content. A strong relationship was found to exist between sample density and clay content, and such estimates of clay content were superior to those obtained by experienced pedologists using the “finger test” procedure. The use of this quick and simple procedure is considered to be ideally suited to soil testing laboratories handling large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

烟田土壤质地的空间变异性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解烟田土壤质地的空间变异情况进而为烟草精准施肥提供依据,本研究在地统计学和GIS的支持下,以半方差函数为基本工具,分析了平顶山地区典型烟区耕层土壤质地的空间变异特征,并运用普通克里格(Kriging)进行最优无偏线性插值,制作了黏粒、砂粒和粉粒的空间分布图。结果表明,研究区域内不同土壤颗粒在较大范围内存在空间自相关性,黏粒、砂粒和粉粒的空间自相关距离分别为609m、657m和429m;黏粒和砂粒由结构性因素引起的空间变异达80%。各向异性分析都表明,黏粒和砂粒存在较强烈的各向异性,粉粒各向异性则较小。对试验土壤来说,土壤质地具有较强的空间自相关性和变异性,这可能是影响土壤养分空间变异性的主要原因,因此在设计施肥方案时应考虑土壤质地空间变异性的影响。  相似文献   

土壤质地空间预测方法比较   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
土壤质地作为成分数据(compositional data)的一种,其空间插值需满足非负、定和、误差最小和无偏估计4个条件。采用成分克里格法(compositional Kriging)和基于对数比转换的普通克里格法对土壤质地各颗粒组成进行空间预测,均方根误差(root mean squared errors,RMSE)和标准化克里格方差(mean squared deviation ratio,MSDR)分别被用来衡量不同方法的预测精度及模型拟合效果。研究结果表明:对数比转换的普通克里格法和成分克里格法能够保证插值结果满足成分数据插值的4个条件;成分克里格法预测的各土壤颗粒组成的RMSE最小,预测精度最高,其黏粒RMSE值相对于非对称对数比转换的普通克里格法提高将近17%;成分克里格法的变异函数拟合效果总体上好于其他两种预测方法,预测结果极差更宽,更能反映土壤质地各颗粒组成与高程、母质和水域分布的关系。  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments were conducted in soil to study the influence of the insecticide Baythroid on immobilization-remineralization of added inorganic N, mineralization of organic N, and nitrification of added NH inf4 su+ -N. Baythroid was applied at 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 g g-1 soil (active ingredient basis). The treated soils were incubated at 30°C for different time intervals depending upon the experiment. The immobilization and mineralization of N were significantly increased in the presence of Baythroid, the effect being greater with higher doses of the insecticide. Conversely, nitrification was retarded at lower doses of Baythroid and significantly inhibited at higher doses. The results of these studies suggest that excessive amonts of insecticide residues affect different microbial populations differently, leading to changes in nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Changes in the mineralization of S and in the redistribution of 35S-labelled sulfate among organic matter fractions were followed during incubation of cropped and uncropped soils. Net mineralization was significantly greater in cropped soils compared with uncropped soils. The distribution of 35S was significantly influenced by the addition of sulfate or cellulose or a combination of both and by the presence of plants. When the solution sulfate level was high the majority of 35S incorporated into soil organic matter was found in the Hi-reducible S fraction. When soil solution sulfate concentrations were lowered by plant uptake or through addition of cellulose there was a reduction in the 35S incorporated into the HI-reducible S fraction.  相似文献   

土壤质地对玉米不同生理指标水分有效性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为确定土壤质地对玉米不同生理指标水分有效性的影响,该文利用3种土壤(重壤土、中壤土和砂壤土)的盆栽控水试验和1种土壤(重壤土)的田间小区控水试验,研究了玉米不同生理指标随相对土壤含水率(土壤含水率占田间持水率的比)的动态变化。结果表明:3种土壤中各生理指标相对值在相对土壤含水率降低到土壤水分阈值之前保持不变,低于此阈值时随相对含水率的进一步降低而线性降低,且均可用分段函数来拟合(R2=0.824~0.999)。土壤水分有效性大小排序为:砂壤土>中壤土>重壤土,而且瞬时生理指标的土壤水分阈值低于日变化和整个试验阶段的累积指标。因此土壤质地和不同生理指标的时间尺度都会影响玉米生理指标对土壤水分有效性的响应。  相似文献   

Biochars are,amongst other available amendment materials,considered as an attractive tool in agriculture for carbon sequestration and improvement of soil functions.The latter is widely discussed as a consequence of improved physical quality of the amended soil.However,the mechanisms for this improvement are still poorly understood.This study investigated the effect of woodchip biochar amendment on micro-structural development,micro-and macro-structural stability,and resilience of two differently textured soils,fine sand (FS) and sandy loam (SL).Test substrates were prepared by adding 50 or 100 g kg-1 biochar to FS or SL.Total porosity and plant available water were significantly increased in both soils.Moreover,compressive strength of the aggregates was significantly decreased when biochar amount was doubled.Mechanical resilience of the aggregates at both micro-and macro-scale was improved in the biochar-amended soils,impacting the cohesion and compressive behavior.A combination of these effects will result in an improved pore structure and aeration.Consequently,the physicochemical environment for plants and microbes is improved.Furthermore,the improved stability properties will result in better capacity of the biochar-amended soil to recover from the myriad of mechanical stresses imposed under arable systems,including vehicle traffic,to the weight of overburden soil.However,it was noted that doubling the amendment rate did not in any case offer any remarkable additional improvement in these properties,suggesting a further need to investigate the optimal amendment rate.  相似文献   

土壤质地三角图的规范制作及自动查询   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭彦彪  戴军  冯宏  卢瑛  贾重建  陈冲  熊凡 《土壤学报》2013,50(6):1221-1225
通过分析国内涉及土壤质地三角图的主要参考资料及存在的问题,本文提出了制作规范的土壤质地三角图的基本要求,并新绘制了中文版美国农部制土壤质地三角图。针对人工方式查询土壤质地容易出错以及大批量样品查询效率较低等问题,建立了一种在Excel中通过自定义函数实现土壤质地快速自动的查询方法。  相似文献   

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