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Harvested papaya fruit are perishable due to rapid ripening and softening and susceptibility to biotic or abiotic stresses. Hot water treatment (HWT) can preserve fruit quality by reducing decay. The present study investigated effects of HWT on controlling fungal pathogens of papaya fruit and the possible mechanism by which HWT induced disease resistance. HWT (54 °C, 4 min) of papaya fruit had a pronounced effect on reducing the carrier rate of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (C. gloeosporioides) in fruit peel, significantly inhibited the incidence of anthracnose and stem-end rot, effectively delayed fruit softening, but slightly promoted the rate of fruit coloring. HWT reduced the anthracnose index and fruit ripeness to a certain extent and induced changes in the wax arrangement on the surface of treated fruit, causing the wax to melt. The cracks and most stomata appeared to be partially or completely plugged by the melted wax, thereby providing a mechanical barrier against wound pathogens. HWT induced the expression of CpPGIP and promptly induced the expression of CpNPR1, and then regulated the expression of the CpPR1 gene, which may enhance the resistance of the fruit to anthracnose disease and reduce the decay rate. Together, these results confirm that HWT could reduce disease incidence and induce resistance, and thus maintain postharvest quality during storage and prolong the shelf-life of papaya fruit.  相似文献   

There is increasing public interest in development of edible natural biodegradable coatings to replace the currently used commercial synthetic waxes for maintaining postharvest quality of citrus fruit. We tested the efficacy of a newly developed polysaccharide-based edible bilayer coating comprising carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and chitosan in preserving postharvest quality of various citrus fruit, including ‘Or’ and ‘Mor’ mandarins, ‘Navel’ oranges, and ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit after simulated storage and marketing. In all citrus species, it was found that the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating was equally effective as the commercial polyethylene wax in enhancing fruit gloss. Furthermore, the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating slightly increased fruit firmness, especially of oranges and grapefruit, but was mostly not effective in preventing post-storage weight loss. Both the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating and the commercial wax had no significant effects on juice total soluble solids and acidity levels, and had similar effects on gas permeability, as indicated by only slight increases in internal CO2 levels and in juice ethanol accumulation after storage. Sensory analyses revealed that neither the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating nor the commercial wax coating had any deleterious effects on flavor preference of ‘Navel’ orange and ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit. However, application of the commercial wax, and moreover the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating, resulted in a gradual decrease in flavor acceptability of ‘Or’ and ‘Mor’ mandarins because of increased perception of off-flavors. Overall, we showed that the CMC/chitosan bilayer edible coating sufficiently enhanced fruit gloss, but was not effective in preventing postharvest weight loss. Furthermore, flavor quality was slightly impaired in mandarins but not in oranges and grapefruit.  相似文献   

Recent results on hot water as an alternative treatment open a new perspective in disease incidence reduction. In the present work peach fruit were wounded, inoculated with conidia of Monilinia laxa and 15 min, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after inoculation treated by dipping in hot water (HT) at 60 °C for 20 s. The effect of heat treatment on some cell wall genes involved in ripening such as β-galactosidase (β-GAL), pectin lyase (PL), polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin methyl esterase (PME), was analyzed by qRT-PCR. The expression levels of defense related genes, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and chitinase (CHI), heat stress-related genes such as heat shock proteins 70 and 90 (HSP70, HSP90), and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging genes were also evaluated by qRT-PCR. A 100% disease incidence reduction, as compared to untreated fruit, was obtained by treating 6 and 12 h after inoculation. Moreover, brown rot was inhibited by 85.7% when fruit were heat-treated 48 h after inoculation. The expression levels of cell wall genes (β-GAL, PL, PG and PME) showed a general decrease in HT fruit as compared to the control, whereas PAL, CHI, HSP70 and ROS-scavenging genes increased their expression level in HT samples with respect to the untreated ones. Our results show a curative activity of heat on peach inoculated with M. laxa 48 h before treatment. Each analyzed gene proved to be differentially expressed following heat treatment.  相似文献   

A hot water pressure process (HWP) was evaluated for its effect on conidia of Penicillium expansum and on development of blue mold, gray mold, and mucor rot of d’Anjou pear fruit. Spores were removed from the water system through dilution and also as a result of hot water in the system that was lethal to the spores. When the system was heated, viable spores were not detected after 2–4 h of operation. Reductions in decay in the HWP system were 36, 29, and 13% for Botrytis cinerea, Mucor piriformis, and P. expansum, respectively. The response of P. expansum appeared related to the length of time fruit was in cold storage. Heat injury was observed on fruit treated with 40 and 50 °C water but not on fruit at 30 °C nozzle temperature. The HWP system described in this study should be considered as a component of an integrated decay control strategy.  相似文献   

Brown rot caused by Monilinia spp. is the most important postharvest disease of stone fruit. From preliminary studies, the combination of 0.25% hydrogen peroxide, 0.02% peracetic acid (PAA) and 0.075% acetic acid, corresponding to 300 mg L−1 of PAA, was selected to control Monilinia fructicola. Brown rot control was similarly controlled when the same concentration of PAA was applied with a PAA-based commercial product. In order to reduce PAA concentration, combinations of different concentrations and temperatures were evaluated. A treatment of 200 mg L−1 of PAA at 40 °C for 40 s was selected to control pre-existing and future infections, different inoculum concentrations of M. fructicola and to control brown rot on naturally infected fruit. Brown rot was completely controlled with the selected treatment when peaches and nectarines were inoculated 0 h before the treatment but it was not controlled when infection time was increased to 24, 48 and 72 h. Also, the treatment significantly controlled brown rot at all inoculum concentrations evaluated (103, 104, 105 and 106 conidia mL−1) in both peaches and nectarines, but no protection against future infections was observed. In naturally infected fruit, brown rot incidence was slightly but significantly reduced to 61 and 36% in ‘Roig d’Albesa’ and ‘Placido’ peaches, respectively, but not in nectarines. Immersion for 40 s in 200 mg L−1 of PAA at 40 °C provides an alternative treatment to control only recent infections of Monilinia spp. whatever their concentration without generally affecting fruit quality.  相似文献   

The presence of surface arthropods on commercially processed apples and pears poses a problem when these fruits are exported to countries where there are either limits on the numbers of eggs or a total quarantine restriction against these pests. Removal of mite and other arthropod eggs, such as European red mite (ERM) and codling moth (CM) eggs, may be enhanced by the use of a surface cleaning system, such as a hot water, high-pressure spray. Even if organosilicones, like Silwet L-77, have been used to kill spider mites, it was unclear if these chemicals could also facilitate the removal of arthropod eggs from the surface of fruit. In the present study, high-pressure washing process was highly effective in removing CM and ERM eggs at pressures as low as 400 kPa, resulting in greater than 60% removal of ERM eggs and 90% of CM eggs. High-pressure washing was the most important factor in removal of codling moth and European red mite eggs than organosilicone dips or hot water sprays.  相似文献   

In recent years, safer methods for the control of fruit postharvest pathogens have been investigated and heat treatment could represent an effective and safe approach for managing postharvest decay such as Monilinia rots. In the present study, the effect of hot water treatment (HWT) (60 °C for 30 and 60 s) on brown rot was investigated. More specifically, the influence of HWT was determined in in vitro trials on conidial germination of Monilinia laxa, Monilinia fructicola and Monilinia fructigena and in peach and nectarine fruit, naturally infected. The effect of hot water application on fruit quality was also assessed. M. fructicola showed a greater resistance to heat than M. laxa and M. fructigena, however conidia germination of all three species was completely inhibited by a dipping in hot water for 1 min at 55 °C. The results of a large scale experiment under commercial conditions and several pilot trials showed a good antifungal activity of HWT in naturally infected fruit. After 6 days at 0 °C and 3 days at 20 °C, in both semi-commercial and commercial trials, the inhibition of decay was higher than 78% in four trials out of six. In addition, the treated fruit showed an acceptable commercial quality and no visual damage was observed as a consequence of HWT. The results demonstrated that HWT is a promising method to control Monilinia rots of peach and nectarine, and is safe and readily available for conventional and organic production under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

Four plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) cultivars (“Blackamber”, “Larry Ann”, “Golden Globe” and “Songold”), were treated with 1 or 3% alginate as an edible coating before storage. Analytical determinations were made after 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days at 2 °C and after a 3 day period at 20 °C (shelf-life). Both treatments were effective in inhibiting ethylene production for all cultivars, especially when 3% alginate was used. The changes in fruit quality parameters related to plum postharvest ripening, such as weight and acidity losses, softening and colour changes, were significantly delayed by the use of both edible coatings. The delay of the ripening process was also related to lower anthocyanin and carotenoid accumulation. Overall results suggest that these treatments could increase the plum storage period with optimum quality, 2 weeks for “Larry Ann” and “Songold” and 3 weeks for “Blackamber” and “Golden Globe” more than controls.  相似文献   

乙酰水杨酸处理对鸭梨果实货架期品质特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以鸭梨果实为试材,于0 ℃低温冷藏6个月后,采用1.0 mM ASA处理,与对照(CK)同时转入20℃,并对鸭梨果实货架期的硬度、TSS、失重率、呼吸速率、乙烯释放速率、可滴定酸和腐烂率等进行了研究,结果表明,ASA处理可延缓鸭梨果实的硬度下降,减轻果实的失重,抑制果实的呼吸和乙烯释放速率,维持鸭梨果实较好的外观品质和食用品质,延长其货架寿命。  相似文献   

1-MCP处理对黄瓜冷藏期间保鲜效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以“叶三”黄瓜果实为材料,采用10 ppm1-MCP处理24 h后,与对照(CK)同时转入0℃低温冷藏,并对低温贮藏过程中的黄瓜感官品质、组织相对电导率、可滴定酸(TA)、Vc含量和失重率的变化进行了研究,结果表明,1-MCP处理可抑制低温贮藏中黄瓜相对电导率的上升,减缓黄瓜果实冷害症状的发展,同时延缓Vc和可滴定酸的下降速率,维持黄瓜较好品质。  相似文献   

不同种衣剂对玉米种子活力、苗期素质及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以郑单958为试验材料。探讨了3种种衣剂对玉米种子活力、苗期素质及产量的影响。结果表明,氟·苯种衣剂可使发芽率提高2.7%,发芽指数提高6.2%,活力指数提高9.7%,叶绿素含量提高10.2%,产量提高10%以上。  相似文献   

采用有机-无机肥料不同配比的田间试验,研究绿色食品专用有机肥在香蕉上的应用效果。结果表明,施用绿色食品专用有机肥,能显著促进香蕉的生长发育。在等量氮磷钾养分条件下,绿色有机肥22500kg/hm2+复配肥1860 kg/hm2(50%绿色有机肥+50%复配肥)配合施用,不但显著促进香蕉的生长发育,还提高香蕉产量,并有利 于提高香蕉果实的营养价值和耐贮性。从农业生产实际出发,绿色食品生产用肥应提倡有机无机相结合原则  相似文献   

A manually operated high-pressure hot-water washing system consisting of a boiler, hot-water mixing tank, contact loop, heat exchanger, spray mixing tank, high-pressure hot-water washing manifold, low-pressure fresh water rinse manifold, and pressure pump was constructed and installed in a packingline. The system developed 20–50 °C washing water at pressures up to 980 kPa. ‘d’Anjou’ pears (Pyrus communis L.), shortly after harvest, and after storage for 3 and 4 months in regular air (RA) or for 4, 7 and 8 months in controlled atmosphere (CA) at −1 °C were washed through the packingline with different wetting agents (0.1% Silwet, 0.01 and 0.1% Defoamer, and water), water pressures (regular and high-pressure (210–980 kPa)), water temperatures (control (tap water, 4–22 °C), 40 °C, and 50 °C), and brushes (soft and firm), respectively. The effect of the washing conditions on fruit quality was investigated after 1 month of storage at −1 °C to simulate shipping condition, and then again after 1 week at 20 °C to simulate marketing condition. Hot-water caused severe heat scald. When nozzle temperature was 50 °C, the incidence of heat scald increased to over 50% for the fruit stored in RA for 3 months. Combined with hot-water, 540 kPa high-pressure washing increased the incidence of friction discoloration. There were lower incidences of friction discoloration and heat scald for fruit stored in CA for 7 months, in comparison to that in RA for 3 months. However, those fruit did not ripen properly as indicated by a high extractable juice content. Fruit washed at harvest had minor incidences of friction discoloration regardless of different brushes, water pressures, and wetting agents. Fruit washed after storages in either 4 months RA or 4 or 8 months CA suffered a high incidence of friction discoloration including scuffing symptoms and pressure marking. The firm brushes caused a higher incidence of friction discoloration mainly because of scuffing symptoms. However, no differences were found between different water pressures and wetting agents with respect to friction discoloration. Fruit stored for 4 months RA suffered 26–28% friction discoloration in comparison to 16–18% in CA stored fruit with firm brush washing. Extended CA storage increased friction discoloration even with soft brush washing. The results suggest that a washing system with high-pressure spray, <30 °C warm water, wetting agent Defoamer and rotating soft brushes were significantly effective in removing surface pests and decay control without causing internal or external damage of fruit.  相似文献   

The effects of pollen supplementation in pistachio orchards using an electrostatic pollination device were investigated in a 3‐year study (1996‐98) in San Joaquin Valley, California, USA. Both yield and fruit quality (per cent split fruit) were tested in several experiments. Applying smaller amounts of pollen (1.5 g per tree in early application only in 1996 or 0.5 g in two applications in 1997) resulted in higher yields than with open pollination or supplementary pollination using larger amounts of pollen (1.5 g per tree in four applications in 1996 or 1.0 g in two applications in 1997). Applying 1.0 g pollen in two applications in 1998 resulted in decreased yields compared with open pollination or non‐electrostatic pollination. Pollen germinability on the stigma was greatest for open pollination suggesting that overloading the stigmas with pollen in supplementary pollination may not only reduce yield but also increase competition between pollen grains. The per cent split fruit significantly increased only once in 1996. When pollination is a limiting factor, electrostatic pollination of pistachio can increase yield and may even increase fruit quality. However, when pollination is not a limiting factor, electrostatic pollination may even reduce yield.  相似文献   

Satsuma mandarins (Citrus unshiu Marc., cv. Gungchun) of an early harvesting cultivar were treated by hot water dipping at 52 °C for 2 min, 55 °C for 1 min, and 60 °C for 20 s, and then stored at 5 °C for 3 weeks and subsequently at 18 °C for 1 week (simulated shelf-life) to examine the possible use of hot water treatment (HWT) as an environmentally benign method to maintain mandarin quality characteristics during postharvest storage and sale. The initial respiration rate, just after heat treatment, was significantly higher in the treated fruit than in the untreated controls. During storage, however, the respiration rate was at a similar level in all treatments. HWT also had no adverse effects on quality attributes, including pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids contents, weight loss, firmness and peel color. The development of stem-end rots, mold decay, and black rots was manifestly lower in heat-treated fruit than in untreated controls. Sensory evaluation showed that HWT at 60 °C for 20 s markedly improved fruit appearance, making them cleaner and glossier. The results confirmed that hot water dipping could be applied to satsuma mandarin as an effective pretreatment to maintain postharvest quality during storage and marketing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of tee tree oil (TTO) against the main fungal disease in strawberries and a possible mechanism for the effects. TTO vapor exhibited a higher activity against spore germination and mycelial growth of Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer under in vitro conditions. TTO vapors at 0.9 g/L significantly reduced artificially inoculated gray mold and soft rot in vivo, and treated strawberries maintained a fresher quality than untreated strawberries during storage. In addition, this treatment also enhanced the resistance of strawberries against B. cinerea, which caused a higher hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) level and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POD) and β-1,3-glucanase during the first period of incubation. These results indicate that TTO can reduce fruit decay, possibly by inhibiting pathogen growth directly and inducing disease resistance indirectly, and TTO vapor may provide an alternative means of controlling disease in strawberries.  相似文献   

Fresh-cut banana slices have a short shelf-life due to fast browning and softening after processing. The effects of atmospheric modification, exposure to 1-MCP, and chemical dips on the quality of fresh-cut bananas were determined. Low levels of O2 (2 and 4 kPa) and high levels of CO2 (5 and 10 kPa), alone or in combination, did not prevent browning and softening of fresh-cut banana slices. Softening and respiration rates were decreased in response to 1-MCP treatment (1 μL L−1 for 6 h at 14 °C) of fresh-cut banana slices (after processing), but their ethylene production and browning rates were not influenced. A 2-min dip in a mixture of 1% (w/v) CaCl2 + 1% (w/v) ascorbic acid + 0.5% (w/v) cysteine effectively prevented browning and softening of the slices for 6 days at 5 °C. Dips in less than 0.5% cysteine promoted pinking of fresh-cut banana slices, while concentrations between 0.5 and 1.0% cysteine delayed browning and softening and extended the post-cutting life to 7 days at 5 °C.  相似文献   

An antagonistic isolate Bacillus amyloliquefaciens HF-01, sodium bicarbonate (SBC) and hot water treatment (HW) were investigated individually and in combination against green and blue mold and sour rot caused by Penicillium digitatum, P. italicum and Geotrichum citri-aurantii respectively, in mandarin fruit. Populations of antagonists were stable in the presence of 1% or 2% SBC treatment, and spore germination of pathogens in potato dextrose broth was greatly controlled by the hot water treatment of 45 °C for 2 min. Individual application of sodium bicarbonate at low rates and hot water treatment, although reducing disease incidence after 8 weeks or 4 weeks of storage at 6 °C or 25 °C respectively, was not as effective as the fungicide treatment. The treatment comprising B. amyloliquefaciens combined with 2% SBC or/and HW (45 °C for 2 min) was as effective as the fungicide treatment and reduced decay to less than 80% compared to the control. B. amyloliquefaciens HF-01 alone or in combination with 2% SBC or/and HW significantly reduced postharvest decay without impairing fruit quality after storage at 25 °C for 4 weeks or at 6 °C for 8 weeks. These results suggest that the combination of B. amyloliquefaciens HF-01, SBC and HW could be a promising method for the control of postharvest decay on citrus while maintaining fruit quality after harvest.  相似文献   

水分对作物生长发育和产品质量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物需求的水分包括地下部分的土壤水分和地上部分的空气湿度。自然降水或灌溉贮存于土壤中,提供植物根系吸收,用于生理生态所需的水分。植物一生中需要的大量土壤水分主要依赖于自然降水或灌溉。降水量的多少、降水强度和性质,以及降水时间的分配等都直接影响土壤水分状况,因此.降水或灌溉适时适量是确保稳产、高产、优质的重要条件。空气湿度是影响植物蒸腾和根系吸收的重要因素.由于不同作物空气湿度的大小也同样影响植物的生长发育和产品质量。  相似文献   

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