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Acute lung injury was induced in 24 calves by intratracheal inoculation with Pasteurella haemolytica. Calves in groups 1 and 2 were neutrophil depleted, using hydroxyurea given IV. Group 1 calves (n = 7) were inoculated intratracheally with saline solution, and group 2 calves (n = 7) were inoculated with P haemolytica. Group 3 calves (n = 7) had normal numbers of neutrophils and were inoculated with P haemolytica. Group 4 calves (n = 3) were treated acutely with hydroxyurea IV, had normal numbers of neutrophils, and were inoculated with P haemolytica. After inoculation, calves with normal numbers of neutrophils (groups 3 and 4) became hypoxemic 2 hours after inoculation, and hypoxemia persisted until necropsy (6 hours after inoculation). These calves also developed tachypnea, bradycardia, neutropenia, and lymphopenia. Lung lesions consisted of necrosis of the alveolar walls, intra-alveolar hemorrhage, and a severe exudative and necrotizing bronchopneumonia, with accumulation of proteinaceous fluid in alveoli and lymphatics. In neutrophil-depleted calves (groups 1 and 2), blood gas values, heart and respiratory rates, and numbers of circulating leukocytes did not change after inoculation with saline solution or with P haemolytica. At necropsy, the lungs of neutrophil-depleted calves were grossly normal. Therefore, neutrophils were required for the acute lung injury induced by P haemolytica. The protective effect of neutrophil depletion was a specific effect of hydroxyurea because calves with high circulating concentrations of hydroxyurea and calves with normal numbers of neutrophils (group 4) developed lung injury.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the effects of the immune response induced by combined aerosol and parenteral vaccination on the lung lesions induced in calves by Pasteurella haemolytica AI. Twenty-four calves, twelve of which had been vaccinated with killed P. haemolytica by aerosol and subcutaneous injection in Freund's complete and incomplete adjuvant were challenged by intratracheal inoculation of live P. haemolytica. Serological response to vaccination was not marked but was best measured by the whole cell agglutination test or by indirect bacterial agglutination rather than by the passive haemagglutination test. Titres of vaccinates were positively correlated with the degree of pneumonic change following challenge while in nonvaccinated controls, titres were negatively correlated with lung lesions. These findings suggest the occurrence of an immunologically mediated hypersensitivity pneumonitis in the lungs of vaccinates and point to the potential efficacy of live bacterial aerosols for stimulation of protective immunity in pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

Immunity against pneumonic pasteurellosis was studied in calves after recovery from experimental respiratory disease with Pasteurella haemolytica. Nine calves were exposed to aerosols of parainfluenza-3 virus and Pasteurella haemolytica A1 six days apart to produce respiratory disease. After recovery from the disease, these nine principal and four control calves were challenged with aerosols of bovine herpesvirus 1 and P. haemolytica A1 four days apart. With this viral-bacterial challenge, the nine principal animals failed to develop clinical responses to this bacterial challenge and their lungs did not show the growth of P. haemolytica on cultures, whereas two of four control calves had elevated temperatures and developed necropurulent pneumonia with the isolation of P. haemolytica from the lungs. The principal calves had developed high levels of cytotoxin neutralizing antibodies in their sera following parainfluenza-3 virus-P. haemolytica infection. This demonstrated that immunity against pneumonic pasteurellosis can be achieved, with a suggestion that further search for an effective vaccine for P. haemolytica is warranted.  相似文献   

Twenty four (24) healthy male Holstein calves (< 70 kg) were each experimentally infected by intrabronchial inoculation of 4.0 x 10(9) viable cells of Pasteurella haemolytica-AI (B122) at Time = 0 h. At 1 h following inoculation animals received either: 1) Sham treatment with sterile 0.85% saline SC (n = 12); or 2) a single injection of 10 mg tilmicosin per kg body weight (n = 12). Calves that were non-infected and tilmicosin-treated were also included for determining tilmicosin concentrations in serum and lung tissue at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 24, 48, and 72 h (n = 3-per time). In the infected calves, response to therapy was monitored clinically. Serum samples were collected for determination of tilmicosin concentrations using HPLC. Any animal becoming seriously ill was humanely killed. Complete necropsy examinations were performed on all animals and included gross pathologic changes, bacteriologic analysis, histopathology, and determination of pulmonary concentrations of tilmicosin. Tilmicosin treated animals responded significantly better to therapy than saline-treated control calves. Clinical assessment of calves during the study indicated that tilmicosin-treated calves had significantly improved by T = 8 h compared to satine-treated animals (P < 0.05). At necropsy tilmicosin-treated calves had significantly less severe gross and histological lesions (P < 0.05) of the pulmonary tissue. Of the 12 saline-treated calves, 92% (11/12) had Pasteurella haemolytica-A1 in lung tissue, while of the tilmicosin-treated calves 0% (0/12) cultured positive for P. haemolytica. Mean (+/- standard error) serum tilmicosin concentrations in infected calves peaked at 1 h post-injection (1.10 +/- 0.06 micrograms/mL) and rapidly decreased to 0.20 +/- 0.03 microgram/mL, well below the MIC of 0.50 microgram/mL for P. haemolytica-A1 (B122), by 12 h. These serum concentrations were very similar to serum concentrations of tilmicosin in non-infected tilmicosin-treated calves. Lung tissue concentrations of the antibiotic were comparatively high, even at 72 h post-infection (6.50 +/- 0.75 ppm). Lung tissue concentrations at 72 h were significantly higher in experimentally infected calves than in non-infected tilmicosin-treated animals (P < 0.05). These data demonstrate that tilmicosin was effective in treating experimentally-induced pneumonic pasteurellosis as determined by alleviation of clinical signs, pathological findings at post mortem, and presence of viable bacteria from the lung. Concentrations substantially above MIC for P. haemolytica were present in lung tissue even at 72 h following a single subcutaneous injection of 10 mg tilmicosin per kg body weight.  相似文献   

The effects of pneumonia on the pharmacokinetics of erythromycin administered IM and the tissue concentration changes with time were evaluated in 2-month-old calves. Pneumonia was induced by injection of Pasteurella haemolytica cultures through the thoracic wall into each lung. Six days prior to induction of pneumonia, erythromycin (15 mg/kg) was administered in a single IM dose. Erythromycin was administered again 48, 72, and 96 hours after injection of P haemolytica. On the third day of erythromycin administration (96 hours), the calves were serially euthanatized in groups of 4 calves each at 2, 5, 8, 12, 18, and 24 hours after the final dose was given. Tissue concentrations of erythromycin in kidney, liver, lung, muscle, CSF, and serum were determined. Neither the serum concentrations nor the overall pharmacokinetic values were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) changed by pneumonia. The concentrations of erythromycin were maximal at 5 hours for liver, muscle, and serum and at 8 hours for CSF, kidney, and lung. Serum and muscle concentrations were similar, whereas concentrations in CSF were lower than in serum and higher in kidney, liver, and lung. The lung/serum ratios were approximately 2.5 to 3 at 8 through 24 hours after IM administration. The peak concentration in lung was approximately 6 micrograms/g at 8 hours.  相似文献   

The effects of pneumonia on the pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol, lincomycin, and oxytetracycline were evaluated in two-month-old calves. Pneumonia was induced by injection of Pasteurella haemolytica cultures directly through the thoracic wall into each lung. Six days prior to induction of pneumonia, the antibiotics were administered in a single i.v. dose. The antibiotics were administered again 48 (i.v.), 60 and 72 h (i.m.) following injection of P. haemolytica. The pharmacokinetics of chloramphenicol (25 mg/kg) and lincomycin (10 mg/kg) were not significantly different in calves with pneumonia. The hybrid rate constant beta for oxytetracycline was increased in calves with pneumonia from 0.0034 +/- 0.0003/min to 0.0048 +/- 0.0007/min between 2 h and 8 h. Thus the elimination half-life in serum was shortened from 212.4 +/- 20.3 min to 149.3 +/- 19.5 min. In addition, there was an apparent but not statistically significant decrease in K12 with pneumonia. These findings accentuate the need for observance of 12-h dose intervals with oxytetracycline.  相似文献   

Calves were inoculated intranasally with 2 X 10(6.2) tissue culture infective doses of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, followed in 7 days by intratracheal inoculations with 1 of 4 challenge doses of pathogenic Pasteurella haemolytica. Severity and duration of the ensuing clinical signs of respiratory tract disease were correlated with the challenge dose of bacteria. Calves given 1 X 10(6) colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria did not develop reliable clinical evidence of disease, whereas those given 1 X 10(8) CFU or 1 X 10(10) CFU of bacteria developed clinical signs of pneumonic pasteurellosis within 12 to 24 hours of bacterial challenge. Severity of clinical signs was equal at the 10(8) and 10(10) doses of bacteria, but duration of clinical signs was greater in calves given the 10(10) dose. Calves given 1 X 10(12) CFU of bacteria developed relatively severe respiratory tract disease in excess of what was necessary for positive clinical detection. Positive correlations were found between the bacterial challenge dose and the height and duration of increased rectal temperature, amount and duration of increases in ocular and nasal discharges, and the subjective evaluation of depressed attitude and appetite. Correlations were not found between challenge dose and respiratory rate or character, or between challenge dose and complete blood cell count. Convalescent calves were resistant to naturally occurring pneumonic pasteurellosis, which caused severe disease in nontreated calves. Adverse effects of P haemolytica were not observed after the first 4 to 15 days after bacterial administration; however, the bacteria were isolated from nasal secretions of convalescent calves 89 to 116 days after bacterial inoculation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pneumonic pasteurellosis was experimentally induced in calves by inoculation of 5 x 10(8) Pasteurella haemolytica organisms into the right diaphragmatic lung lobe. Blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples were obtained prior to inoculation and at postinoculation hour (PIH) 2, 4, and 6. Calves developed acute lung injury, characteristic of pneumonic pasteurellosis. Lesions were found only in the right diaphragmatic lobe. By PIH 4, significant (P less than 0.01) increases were detected in lavage fluid total cell count, neutrophil count, total protein and albumin concentrations, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactic dehydrogenase (LD) activities. Myeloperoxidase and elastase activities did not increase. Neutrophil depletion ameliorated the lung lesions and prevented the increase in lavage fluid cell count, total protein, and albumin concentrations and ALP and LD activities. Treatment with the iron chelator, deferoxamine mesylatehydroxyethyl starch, attenuated the increase in total protein and albumin concentrations and ALP and LD activities at PID 4, but not PIH 6. Treatment with a neutrophil function inhibitor, pentoxifylline, prevented the increase in lavage fluid neutrophil numbers, but accentuated the increase in total protein and albumin concentrations, and ALP, LD, myeloperoxidase, and elastase activities.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10, specific pathogen free lambs were injected with a long acting oxytetracycline preparation at a dose rate of 20 mg/kg either 24 hours before or 24 hours after exposure to an aerosol of Pasteurella haemolytica. When compared with the response of similarly infected but untreated lambs, the effect of pretreatment was to postpone the appearance of clinical signs of pneumonia for four days and the deaths of five lambs for five to six days post infection, by which time seven untreated lambs had died. Treatment 24 hours after infection caused a rapid clinical recovery which persisted until six days after infection but two treated lambs died seven days after infection. Lung lesions in the group treated after infection were significantly less extensive than those in the untreated lambs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the structural and functional alterations in circulating neutrophils that may lead to sequestration in lung microvasculature and endothelial injury in calves with experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis. ANIMALS: 10 healthy, 2- to 4-week-old male Holstein calves. PROCEDURES: Holstein calves were anesthetized and inoculated intrabronchially with Dulbecco phosphate buffered saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (DPBSS; 5 control calves) or 1 x 10(9) Pasteurella haemolytica organisms (5 infected calves). Blood samples were collected before and 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours after inoculation. Total and differential WBC count, dilute whole blood leukocyte deformability, neutrophil size distribution, and neutrophil surface CD11b expression were measured in blood samples. RESULTS: A progressive decrease in leukocyte deformability and increase in neutrophil size was detected 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours after inoculation of P haemolytica. Neutrophil surface CD11b expression was greater than baseline values at 6 hours after inoculation of P haemolytica. Two populations of neutrophils with an increase in size were detected in P haemolytica-infected calves. Both subpopulations had increased CD11b expression, compared with neutrophils that were typical in size. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Neutrophils circulate in an activated and nondeformable state in calves with experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis. A decrease in neutrophil deformability and neutrophil aggregation may contribute to neutrophil trapping in the lung microvasculature during pneumonic pasteurellosis in calves.  相似文献   

Interleukin-8 (IL-8), an in vitro and in vivo neutrophil chemoattractant, is expressed at high levels in the lesions observed in bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis. Because of the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of pneumonic pasteurellosis, we investigated the relative importance of IL-8 as a neutrophil chemoattractant in this disease. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was harvested from calves experimentally infected with bovine herpesvirus-1 and challenged with Mannheimia haemolytica. Neutrophil chemotactic activity was measured in pneumonic BAL fluid samples treated with a neutralizing monoclonal antibody to ovine IL-8, and compared to the activity in samples treated with an isotype-matched control antibody. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was analyzed at a dilution which induced a half-maximal response, and the concentrations of antibody were optimized in a preliminary experiment. Following incubation of replicate samples of diluted pneumonic bovine BAL fluid with 70 microg/mL of IL-8-neutralizing antibody or control antibody, the neutrophil chemotactic activities of the samples were determined using an in vitro microchemotaxis assay. Overall, pretreatment of BAL fluid samples with neutralizing anti-IL-8 antibody reduced neutrophil chemotactic activity by 15% to 60%, compared to pretreatment with control antibody. This effect was highly significant (P < 0.001), and was present in 5 of 5 samples. These data indicate that IL-8 is an important neutrophil chemoattractant in calves with pneumonic pasteurellosis, but that mediators with actions redundant to those of IL-8 must also be present in the lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether platelet-activating factor (PAF) is involved in acute lung microvascular injury associated with pneumonic pasteurellosis in calves. ANIMALS: 15 healthy 2- to 4-week-old male Holstein calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were anesthetized and inoculated intrabronchially with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (n = 5) or 1x10(9) Pasteurella haemolytica organisms (n = 10). Of the 10 calves inoculated with P haemolytica, 5 also were treated with WEB 2086, a potent inhibitor of PAF, and 5 were treated with vehicle. Blood and bronchoalveolar lavage samples were collected before and 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours after inoculation of P. haemolytica. Blood samples were analyzed to evaluate total number and differential counts of leukocytes, dilute whole-blood leukocyte deformability, size of neutrophils, and neutrophil CD11b expression. Bronchoalveolar lavage samples were analyzed for total number and differential counts of nucleated cells, total protein concentration, and hemoglobin concentration. Size and gross and histologic appearance of lung lesions also was determined. RESULTS: Treatment of calves with WEB 2086 reduced size of lung lesions, attenuated the increase in microvascular permeability, and reduced neutrophil infiltration in the first 4 hours after inoculation. Treatment with WEB 2086 also attenuated a decrease in leukocyte deformability, increase in size of neutrophils, and CD11b expression by circulating neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It appears that PAF is a major mediator for altered lung microvascular permeability and activation of circulating neutrophils in the first 4 hours after onset of pneumonic pasteurellosis in calves.  相似文献   

Ninety-three calves comprising 16 experimental groups were exposed to viral (bovine herpesvirus-1 or parainfluenza-3 virus) and Pasteurella haemolytica aerosols. Serum samples from these calves were tested before and after exposure for antibodies to P haemolytica by a modified direct complement-fixation test. At slaughter of the calves, the extent of pneumonia produced was estimated for each calf and compared with the results of the modified direct complement-fixation tests. The extent of pneumonia was not related (P greater than 0.05) to the amount of anti-P haemolytica antibody produced by either naturally occurring or experimentally induced infection.  相似文献   

The induction of pneumonic pasteurellosis in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) was examined. Specific pathogen free male guinea pigs were anesthetized and a tracheostomy performed to introduce 10(5), 10(4) or 10(3) Pasteurella haemolytica-A1 into the left principal bronchus. The surgical site was closed with tissue adhesive and staples and the animals were monitored for signs of respiratory tract infection. Within 24 hours after inoculation they became depressed, anorectic, pyretic and dyspneic. Fibrinous pleuropneumonia with prominent areas of necrosis and hemorrhage was present. Pericardial effusion was a frequent finding. There was infiltration of the pleura and alveoli with degenerate heterophils and macrophages, a hyperplastic mesothelium and fibrin exudation on the pleura and within alveoli. Hemorrhage, congestion, consolidation, edema and fibrin exudation were prominent in the hilar region of the lungs. Bacterial colonies were evident in all airways. More bacteria were recovered from infected lungs than were inoculated (p less than 0.05) indicating P. haemolytica was actively multiplying in the lungs. Hematological and clinical chemistry data were consistent with fibrinous pneumonia, however, blood cultures were positive for P. haemolytica in 61% (11/18) of animals sampled. Examination of pneumonic pasteurellosis in guinea pigs may be useful in studying pathogenetic and pathological features applicable to bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis (shipping fever pneumonia).  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding protein present in both colostrum and secondary granules of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs). We hypothesized that supplemental LF enhances neutrophil function in neonatal calves. Newborn calves were assigned to receive colostrum (C), colostrum + LF (CLF, 1 g/kg), or milk replacer + LF (MRLF, 1 g/kg). Serum (LF and IgG) and whole blood (neutrophil isolation) samples were obtained prior to treatment (day 0) and at 24 hours and 9 days of age. Serum IgG concentrations (mean +/- SD) in C, CLF, and MRLF calves at 24 hours were 1,911 +/- 994 mg/dL, 2,181 +/- 625 mg/dL, and 0 mg/ dL, respectively. Serum LF concentrations in C, CLF, and MRLF calves on day 0 were 324 +/- 334 ng/mL (range 0-863 ng/mL), 135 +/- 158 ng/mL (range 0-429 ng/mL), and 318 +/- 337 ng/mL (range 0-964 ng/mL), respectively. LF concentrations in C, CLF, and MRLF calves at 24 hours were significantly higher (P < .05), at 1,564 +/- 1,114 ng/mL (range 335-3,628 ng/mL, 2,237 +/- 936 ng/mL (range 31-3,287 ng/mL), and 3,189 +/- 926 ng/mL (range 1,736-4,120 ng/mL), respectively. Cytochrome c reduction in opsonized zymosan-treated or phorbol ester-treated cells was not significantly affected by supplemental LF provided at birth. Oral LF is absorbed in calves but does not alter PMN superoxide production and does not alter IgG absorption.  相似文献   

The effects of severe respiratory disease on the disposition of antibiotics were evaluated using two drugs chosen because of their widely differing solubility characteristics. The experiments were carried out in series, using five calves for each drug. The drugs were given to seven week old calves before and after induction of pneumonia by bilateral intrapulmonary administration of 3 mL of 5 X 10(7) colony forming units of Pasteurella haemolytica. Following inoculation, the calves developed clinical signs of pneumonia and were given gentamicin (5 mg/kg) or tylosin (10 mg/kg) 48, 60 and 72 hours after Pasteurella administration. There was a statistically significant decrease in distribution rate but not elimination rate of gentamicin. For tylosin, there was a significant increase in elimination rate. These results indicate the kinetics of tylosin but not gentamicin are sufficiently altered as to support a need for increased frequency of administration with severe respiratory disease in calves.  相似文献   

The study aimed to establish an experimental model to investigate the pathogenesis of lung infection by Pasteurella multocida, an important cause of bovine respiratory disease. An experimental model is required to assist the development of an effective vaccine. Sixteen 8-week-old calves were challenged intratracheally with 10(9) or 10(10) colony forming units of P. multocida in either 60 or 300 ml saline in a 2 x 2 factorial experiment. All animals became dull within 2-6h post-infection (p.i.) and two calves were killed humanely because of suspected endotoxic shock. Remaining animals showed increased respiratory rates by 15-20 h p.i. and, at 23 h p.i., calves given the high dose, high volume challenge showed higher (P < 0.05) rectal temperatures. From 24 to 36 h p.i., clinical signs decreased in a majority of animals. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations increased (P < 0.05) in calves given the high volume challenge irrespective of the number of bacteria. At post-mortem examination (4d p.i.), lung lesions, mainly in the apical lobes, were found in all calves. Histopathological examination showed areas of purulent pneumonia with a tendency to abscessation and inflamed interlobular septa characterised by accumulation of neutrophils and oedema. The clinical and pathological responses described were typical of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

Thirteen healthy neonatal Holstein calves were cold stressed twice by hosing with cold water for 20 minutes, 12 hours between hosings. Measurements of the pattern of ventilation [tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (f), minute ventilation (VMIN), and functional residual capacity (FRC)], gas exchange properties of the lungs [alveolar ventilation (VA), oxygen uptake (VO2), CO2 production (VCO2), dead space ventilation (VD), dead space/tidal volume ratio (VD/VT), arterial oxygen tension (PaO2), arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) and alveolar-arterial oxygen difference (AaDO2)] and of the mechanical properties of the pulmonary system [dynamic compliance (Cdyn), pulmonary resistance (RL), and total respiratory system resistance (RRS)] were taken. Calves responded to chilling by increasing VO2 and VCO2 necessitating an increase in VA. This was accomplished by increasing VT with reciprocal decreases in f so that VMIN remained constant. There was no change in Cdyn, RL, or AaDO2. Seven of these 13 calves were then exposed to intratracheal inoculation of 2 X 10(9) organisms of Pasteurella haemolytica, the remaining calves serving as controls. Within 1 hour, calves exposed to P haemolytica had increased VMIN, f, VD/VT, and VD. There was a decrease in PaO2 associated with increased AaDO2, but no change in PaCO2, Cdyn or RL. By 3 hours after inoculation, there were pronounced changes in PaO2 and AaDO2, and Cdyn was reduced below base-line values. By 12 hours after inoculation, calves infected with P haemolytica had increased RL and RRS and PaCO2, in addition to the previously mentioned changes. Data from Pasteurella-exposed calves indicate that gas exchange impairment and peripheral lung injury occur rapidly and that increases in airway resistance develop relatively late in the disease.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fifteen three- to six-month old Hereford-cross calves were divided into three groups. The first group was inoculated with bovid herpersvirus 1 (Strain 108), the second with a commercial intranasal vaccine against bovid herpesvirus 1 and the third group acted as controls. At least three weeks after vaccination, all calves were weaned, placed in an environmental chamber at 25.0 degrees C (days) and -13.3 degrees C (nights) and challenged with an aerosol of bovid herpesvirus 1 followed four days later by an aerosol of Pasteurella haemolytica. All surviving calves were sacrificed four days after the second aerosol. None of the calves inoculated with bovid herpesvirus 1 virus or the commercial vaccine developed a generalized pneumonia, although there were one or two nodules (4--8 mm diameter) in two of the calves given the commercial vaccine. Four of the five control calves had extensive lobar pneumonia at necropsy, two of the five died from the disease. Details of the clinical, pathological, bacteriological, virological and some of the serological findings are reported.  相似文献   

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