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The loss of yield resulting from infestation with potato leafhoppers,Empoasca fabae (Harris), was measured in a group of potato selections (Solatium tuberosum subsp.tuberosum). For 6 years in which 300 different clones were tested, the average loss of yield was 39%. The correlation over clones between level of infestation and percent hopperburn equaled 0.56; between level of infestation and loss of yield 0.36; and between percent hopperburn and loss of yield 0.41. Each coefficient is significant at P=0.01. Significant differences were found in levels of infestation and in percent hopperburn among the selections, but even those selections with the most resistant foliage had greatly reduced yields when infested. No selections were found that consistently produced a normal yield when infested with leafhoppers. The low level of infestation on the more resistant clones, however, may make chemical control at lower rates more effective.  相似文献   

Seven named varieties and three numbered selections from the University of Maine potato breeding program were compared for chip color at various conditions and lengths of storage. Although all selections tested were equal to or better than Kennebec in chip color, only Allagash Russet equaled Monona. Storage at 45° F (7.2° C) produced acceptable chip color at all time periods tested. After long term storage at 45° F, reconditioning at 55° F(12.8° C) was ineffective in improving chip color. Following storage at 38° F (3.3° C) acceptable chip color could be produced only by reconditioning at 70° F (21.1° C) for at least two weeks.  相似文献   

Economical and environmental conditions in the south of Italy suggest that the direct utilization of TPS, as propagation material for potatoes, could be worth exploring. Thus, it is important to identify the most appropriate breeding scheme to enhance productivity and uniformity of the progeny. For this purpose 44 TPS families deriving from different breeding schemes and emphasizing different levels of heterozygosity were tested for yield at two locations in the U.S.A. and one in Italy. The results indicate the superiority of the 4x progeny from 4x X 2x crosses as a family group, and in the frequency of high yielding individual families in all locations. The 4x X 2x family group outyielded the OP progeny group by 45%, 79% and 114% at Hancock, Rhinelander (U.S.A.) and in Italy, respectively.  相似文献   

A study was conducted over a three year period in southern Alberta to establish the yield and quality responses of eight potato varieties-Atlantic, Conestoga, Norchip, Niska, Shepody, Ranger Russet (Idaho clone), Ranger Russet (Amisk clone) and Russet Burbank to a single transient moisture stress (-80 kPa) at three growth stages in crop development (early, midseason and late). Early and midseason moisture stress had the greatest negative impact (P<0.05) on tuber yield. Of the eight varieties, Atlantic and Conestoga appear to be particularly sensitive to stress at these two growth stages. Midseason stress also appeared to reduce specific gravity. A year x stress interaction (P<0.05) for fry color suggests that the influence of moisture stress on fry color can be modified by other environmental factors. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of maintaining adequate soil moisture at all stages during crop development.  相似文献   

Due to changes in the pathogen population, late blight of potatoes caused byPhytophthora infestans has become a more difficult disease to manage and there is a need for new potato cultivars with greater and more stable disease resistance. Field studies are required to identify and characterize host resistance to late blight in both foliage and tubers but, as epidemics vary from year to year, combining multi-year results can be difficult. Residual maximum likelihood (REML) was successfully used to analyze data which demonstrated good correlations between foliar and tuber responses to late blight (US-1 genotype). In addition, studies on post-harvest inoculated tubers provided more reliable disease responses than field studies, and the disease resistance with this method correlated well with foliar disease responses. This tuber test would be a useful method of pre-screening selections for disease response prior to testing in the field.  相似文献   

Influence of irrigation and nitrogen management on potato yield and quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of irrigation, water and nitrogen management on yield and quality of the Russet Burbank cultivar are discussed relevant to developmental stages of growth. Recent research on the interactions of irrigation and nitrogen management on total and U.S. No. 1 yields and specific gravity are presented. Total and U.S. No. 1 yields decline with increasing soil moisture stress. Yield of U.S. No. 1 potatoes is particularly sensitive to short periods of irrigation deficit during tuber initiation. Total yield appears most sensitive to short periods of irrigation deficit during tuber bulking. Allocation of longer term irrigation deficits during years of limited water supply should be either a) avoided during mid-season tuber bulking, or b) uniformly distributed over the entire tuber bulking growth period. Yield increases with higher total available soil nitrogen under deficit irrigation, but the yield response diminishes as the amount of total seasonal water decreases. The influence of irrigation and nitrogen availability is also discussed for specific gravity and tuber maturity. Seasonal (split) nitrogen management is proposed as a method to improve yield, quality and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency of indeterminant cultivars.  相似文献   

本文分析了棉花高产与优质育种存在的矛盾,指出克服高产与优质矛盾的几种有效育种方法:随机互交法、修饰回交法、有利基因同步积加法、建立一个保持基因流动性的育种种质库的轮回选择法;以及实现棉花高产优质的两种新的选择模式:衣指为主的选择模式与最宜籽指选择模式。  相似文献   

The use of azoxystrobin (Quadris) for early blight control often results in potato vines remaining greener later in the growing season. This observation has lead to the suggestion that nitrogen (N) fertilizer could be applied at lower rates when azoxystrobin is used in a fungicide program since high N rates are sometimes used to help manage early blight. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of azoxystrobin for control of early blight under various N fertility management regimes and to determine if azoxystrobin affected plant N fertilizer requirements. Plots were established in 1999 and 2000 at Becker, MN, on a Hubbard loamy sand as a complete factorial, split-plot arrangement using a randomized complete block design with four replications. Fungicide treatments were used as the whole plot factor and included an untreated control, chlorothalonil, and azoxystrobin rotated with chlorothalonil. Fertility treatments were used as the sub-plot factor and included N applied at three levels (170, 250, and 340 kg ha?1) and two timings (all prehilling or pre- and post-hilling). Early blight was problematic in 1999 and both early and late blight were severe in 2000. Significant interactions were observed between fungicide and fertility treatments for disease control. Control of diseases with fungicides was generally more effective at higher N rates regardless of N application timing. When azoxystrobin was used in the fungicide program, N rate was not as critical in managing foliar disease. In 1999, an interaction was not observed between N rate and fungicide treatment for yield. Yields increased with increasing N rate regardless of fungicide program. However, a significant interaction did occur between N rate and fungicide treatment in 2000 where yields decreased linearly in the control with increasing N rate, increased linearly with N rate using chlorothalonil, and did not respond significantly to N rate using azoxystrobin/chlorothalonil. Results of this study indicate that interactions between the incidence of early/late blight disease and N requirement for potato may depend on the rate of vine death and conditions affecting tuber maturity. At equivalent N rates, post-hilling N tended to depress yield regardless of fungicide program, suggesting that under the conditions of this study late season N is not an effective practice for managing foliar diseases such as early or late blight.  相似文献   

Ranger Russet, a new full-season potato variety, was jointly released to growers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado on May 14, 1991. Ranger Russet was tested in irrigated performance trials in the Western U.S. since 1979. It produces a large yield of high quality, long, russet-skinned tubers that are well suited for baking and processing into french fries. Ranger Russet is more resistant than Russet Burbank to Verticillium wilt, viruses X and Y, leafroll net necrosis, and Fusarium dry rot. It is highly resistant to hollow heart.  相似文献   

On a Declo loam, rooting density, final yield and quality of potatoes (Solarium tuberosum cv. Russet Burbank) showed no significant differences among conventional planting, ripping along the row, or forced aeration 30 cm below the top of the row. There were significant relationships between oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) and soil moisture tension (matric potential) at the 30 and 40 cm depths, but these relationships were not significantly different among treatments. In a complementary experiment, sprinkler irrigations at negative soil water matric potentials of 30–40 (wet), 40–50 (intermediate) and 50–60 kPa (dry,i.e., 0.5–0.6 bar tension) produced no differences in total yield. However, the wet treatment gave significantly more knobby and undersized tubers < 113 g (4 oz.) and a lower percentage of U.S. #1 tubers than the intermediate and dry treatments. Premium sized tubers > 284 g (10 oz.) were significantly higher in the dry than in the wet treatment. Fertilizer N was applied periodically during the season and petiole NO3-N levels indicated adequate levels with no differences among treatments in either experiment. So much attention has been given to the effects of drought and high temperature stress on the quality of Idaho Russet Burbank potatoes, that some growers may now over-irrigate. Results of this research indicate that attention should also be directed to the effects of excess moisture on the size and quality of tubers.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growers in Ontario, Canada have funded research specifically to develop management profiles for potato cultivars. Such profiles have been developed for Atlantic, Conestoga, Jemseg, Monona, Norchip, Shepody, Superior and Yukon Gold grown under Ontario conditions. The development of management profiles to facilitate the optimum production and storage of different potato cultivars and selections is recognized as a valuable tool in aiding in the technology transfer of potato research and information to growers and processors. Unique differences among cultivars such as herbicide tolerance, time and duration of bulking, fertility requirements, processing quality and other variables may have significant impact on management of a particular cultivar. Some cultivar traits can be modified via management techniques while others cannot. A clarification of such information is critical to the industry.  相似文献   

大豆高产、优质、高效育种材料创新的策略与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要实现我国大豆产量的突破和品质的改良,应注意从五个方面进行研究①高产优质增效基因的累积。②适于高效光能利用的形态基因背景构建。③消除高产限制因子的影响。④基因互作交流的利用(杂种优势)⑤基因与环境互作(高基因表达的条件)。就这五个方面的研究动态及进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Clear and black slit plastic mulches had little effect on tuber yields when compared with unmulched controls during two growing seasons. Mulching films significantly increased the incidence of pinkeye, caused byPseudomonas spp. and varius types of soft rot in 1974 but not in 1975. The incidence of tuber greening was higher than normal both years due to inability to hill with mulch films in place. Under these conditions, black plastic reduced the incidence of greening. Significant yield responses were observed for an increase in nitrogen fertilization rate from 100 (45.36 kg) to 140 (63.5 kg) but not from 140 to 180 1b, (81.65 kg) N/A. Plastic mulches did not affect the nitrogen response. Higher post-harvest inorganic soil nitrogen levels were found under both mulches compared with unmulched controls.  相似文献   

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