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在日本北海道高位泥沼池,调查了远东红皮云杉(Piceaglehnii)、库页冷杉(Abies sachalinensis)和日本桤木(Alnusjaponica)树干茎流液的化学性质和泥炭孔隙水的化学性质,包括了横切和纵切面孔隙水化学性质。沼泽森林树干基部茎流对泥炭孔隙水化学性质有明显的作用,而且树基部的泥炭孔隙水化学性质具有物种特异性。远东红皮云杉茎流液和泥炭孔隙水中盐分含量最高,日本桤木则最低;盐分从茎基部向树冠形成浓度梯度。树冠下泥炭孔隙水化学受化学过程控制,孔隙水充沛条件下,控制作用减弱,因地势平缓(1°)茎流移动缓慢。事实上,泥炭孔隙水充足会使茎流化学物质浓度降低。微生物活动、优势树冠的营养再生介导的表面水和茎流对森林沼泽地微生境化学环境的空间异质性有贡献。图2表2参44。  相似文献   

Abies fargesii is an evergreen tree species of the Pinaceae family, one of the most important cultivated timber species,  相似文献   

The effect of local pollen donor density (conspecific) and local total tree density (all species) on pollen pool diversity, outcrossing rate, and filled seed ratio were examined in a natural stand of the sub-boreal conifer Picea jezoensis Carr. Seed cones were collected from 17 mother trees, and the percentage of filled seed were calculated for five cones per tree. In addition, local stand density of pollen donors and total trees were investigated within r<30 m from the focal mother trees. Using four polymorphic microsatellite markers, the average pairwise kinship coefficient FS and multilocus outcrossing rate tm were estimated on germinated seedlings sampled from 14 mother trees. FS showed significant positive correlation to local total tree density (r=0.541, p=0.046). Since FS is inversely proportional to the effective number of pollen donors Nep, genetic diversity of pollen pool was decreased in mother trees with higher local total tree density. Applying a generalized linear mixed model to filled seed ratio and local stand density of pollen donors and total trees, a negative impact of local pollen donors on filled seed ratio was found. We conclude that both local stand density as well as global stand density are important in the management of a natural stand of P. jezoensis.  相似文献   

Analyzing and understanding the structure and growth dynamics of semi-natural plantations is useful for their management. Since 1987, 16 plots with 4 treatments (CT: control; LT: light thinning; MT: medium thinning; and HT: heavy thinning) by 0, 20, 30 and 40% of basal area removal, respectively, and four replications were established in semi-natural larch-spruce-fir forests in northeast China. The structure and growth dynamics of semi-natural larch-spruce-fir stands and the effects of thinning on the growth, structure and diversity were examined. A mixed model repeated measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA) was used to test the effects of treatment and time.

Results showed that differences in periodic annual increment (PAI) of stand basal area and volume and the individual diameter and volume among treatments changed over time in a complex statistical interaction. Thinning, however, had a significant effect on growth at tree and stand levels 12 years after thinning while the PAI of the diameter, basal area and volume was positively correlated with thinning intensity. No significant differences were found in the total stand yield among treatments. Composition of tree species group (larch, other conifers and deciduous trees) during monitoring years did not change significantly. Moreover, no significant differences were observed in tree species and size diversity among treatments in the years following thinning. Both thinning and control plots had similar understory plant diversity after the 12 year period. Univariate point pattern analysis revealed that clumped and random distributions were dominant for tree species groups in this study. The current species composition and regeneration dynamics within these semi-natural plantations suggested a development towards mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Management implications for the transformation from larch plantations towards mixed broad-leaved Korean forests with a more diverse structure, the climax vegetation in this region, were discussed.  相似文献   

新疆天山云杉林群落分布格局及环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 天然林保护工程实施20周年之际,划分新疆天山云杉林群落类型,定量分析天山云杉林群落分布格局与环境及采伐干扰因子之间的关系,为新疆天然林保护工程实施后森林资源恢复评价提供参考依据。 方法 以新疆典型天山云杉森林群落为研究对象,通过野外样方调查,采用双向指示种法(TWINSPAN)对天山云杉林群落进行群落划分,采用冗余分析(Redundancy analysis,RDA)方法对其群落类型进行排序,定量分析森林群落分布格局与环境因子和采伐干扰因子的关系。 结果 (1)TWINSPAN将47个森林群落调查样方划分为14个群落类型;(2)RDA排序结果表明海拔、坡度环境因子及森林采伐干扰因子是影响天山云杉群落格局的主要环境因素;(3)因子分离显示出环境变量对森林群落格局解释率达33.9%,采伐强度对森林群落格局解释率占5%,两者共同解释率为17.9%,未解释的部分占43.2%。未能解释的部分主要包括群落之间的相互影响及其他干扰等因素造成。 结论 新疆典型天山云杉林林区新疆农业大学实习林场有14个森林群落类型,其分布格局受环境因子和采伐干扰因子的共同控制,并且二者的交互作用非常显著。森林采伐干扰的强弱是新疆天山云杉林可持续经营不容忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

Age structure and regeneration dynamics of subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forest were studied across the altitudinal range in both the north and south aspects of the Qinling Mountains, China. Ages of individual fir trees were determined based on the number of rings counted from cores and the number of years to reach coring height estimated using age–height regression. Fir age structure and regeneration dynamics were similar in both the north and south aspects. A unimodal population age structure was found at the low- and mid-elevations in both aspects, indicating that environmental factors might play an important role in shaping A. fargesii age structure and regeneration at those sites. There was a recruitment pulse during the time period 1830–1890 at each altitudinal site, but no stem recruitment occurred at the low- and mid-elevations in the last century, which might be attributed to the intensive cover of understory bamboo. Fir trees were, however, persistently recruited at the upper limits during the last 150 years, and the fir tree density at the upper limits was significantly higher than that at the lower limits in both aspects. The fir population at the upper limits showed a significant increase in recruitment and stem density relative to the fir population at the low- and mid-elevations in the last century. We propose that the differences in recruitment might promote variations in stand structure and regeneration dynamics of the subalpine fir forests along the altitudinal gradient in the Qinling Mountains, China.  相似文献   

于振良  郝占庆 《林业研究》1998,9(3):160-165
lntroductionBroad-leavedKoreanpineforestisacldriaxforestli1tCm-peratezoneofNortheaster11Cl1ina.ltscharacteristichasIligllstabilityandproductivity.Therewerenlanyresearcl1worksfocusedontl1estructure,dynandcsanditsmain-tainingmechanisn1.Researchontheforestregeneratio11wasamali1approaclltoundersta11dtlleforestdynanlicsI;j.ThereweremanyresearcI1eso11tl1erege11erationofh1iskindofforestsincel95ol5~ll].Butfewoftl1emweredoneundertheconsiderationofcanopygapdistUrbance.Sincel99O's,moreandmoreresearch…  相似文献   

The objective was to study the influence of vegetation cover, humus depth, microrelief and distance to seed tree edge on natural regeneration of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in five small clear-cuts on bilberry woodland in southeastern Norway. The impact of the vegetation was considered at tree different scales: at the growing point, in the nearest square decimetre around the seedlings and at a 1 m2 scale. Most of the regeneration (95%) developed in 1996, after a rich seed year in 1995. The microhabitat was of crucial importance to seedling establishment. Litter, Sphagnum spp. and Polytrichum commune were good substrates for establishment, while areas dominated by Deschampsia flexuosa, Dicranum spp. and Pleurozium schreberi had very few seedlings. Seedling survival after five growing seasons was slightly better in litter than in Sphagnum and other mosses, but the differences were not statistically significant. Increasing humus depth had a positive influence on regeneration, probably due to shallow soils at the sites. Even though depressions covered only 4.9% of the ground, 24.1% of the seedlings occurred here. Survival was, however, lower in depressions than in the other microrelief classes. Distance to the seed tree edge had a significant influence on establishment, with more seedlings establishing close to the edge.  相似文献   

间伐对祁连山青海云杉人工林土壤水分的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用EM50土壤水分监测仪,在样地尺度上,测定了祁连山青海云杉天然林、无间伐和间伐强度为20%的人工林地生长季节的土壤水分,对比分析间伐对人工林土壤水分的影响。结果表明:未间伐人工林林地表层(10 cm)土壤含水量显著高于间伐强度为20%的人工林和天然林,间伐导致了人工林林地表层土壤水分下降;而对于深层土壤含水量而言,间伐措施又显著提高了深层60 cm处的土壤含水量。与天然林地土壤含水量相比,无间伐人工林深层60 cm和80 cm处的土壤体积含水量仅为天然林的49.7%和52.1%,深层土壤已经出现旱化现象,间伐措施能够减缓这种旱化现象。  相似文献   

青海云杉自由授粉家系遗传评价与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]通过对青海云杉1代无性系种子园自由授粉家系开展遗传评价,利用遗传测定结果提升青海云杉造林的良种化水平及提高良种使用率。[方法]本文以青海云杉初级种子园自由授粉家系测定林为研究材料,对13年生青海云杉家系树高、新梢长、保存率和11年生的主、侧梢冻害率进行了遗传评价,采用综合指数选择优良家系和最佳线性无偏预测方法预测单株育种值选择二代优树。[结果]研究结果表明:家系13年生的树高、新梢长、保存率和11年生主、侧梢冻害率的表型变异系数是24. 06%84%,遗传变异系数是3. 28%19. 31%。家系、家系和区组互作效应显著影响了13年生青海云杉树高和新梢长。树高和新梢长的家系遗传力分别是42. 5%和34. 2%,而单株遗传力是3. 00%,家系遗传力高于单株遗传力。采用综合指数选择法进行生长和抗性性状的综合选择,根据综合指数基于多样性和遗传增益进行平衡选择,有21个家系入选,入选家系的树高、保存率、主梢冻害率现实遗传增益分别为5. 66%、12. 59%和12. 96%。根据家系内单株13年生的树高育种值从1 103个单株中选择二代优树111个,单株入选率为10. 06%,入选二代优树树高的期望遗传增益是20. 10%。[结论]青海云杉13年生树高和新梢长在家系间存在显著变异,且还受家系与环境互作效应的影响,说明青海云杉家系的生长不仅受遗传的控制,还受遗传和环境的互作影响。根据各家系13年生树高和保存率和11年生主、侧梢冻害率综合指数值按35%的入选率综合选择21个家系,入选的家系不仅生长好,且抗性能力强,可用于回选优良无性系用于改扩建1代种子园或建立1. 5代种子园。  相似文献   

Recently, symptoms of decline have been widely observed in Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis) and Todo fir (Abies sachalinensis) in Hokkaido. In order to clarify the mechanism of decline, the water status of Yezo spruce and Todo fir trees in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido were investigated. The decline is observed mainly in stands damaged by Typhoon XV of 1981 (D-stands), but is not observed in undamaged stands (C-stands). Sampled trees in both types of stands were selected, the severity of their decline estimated, diurnal water potentials measured and water relation parameters such as water potential at turgor-loss point ( ) and osmotic potential at full saturation ( ) were estimated by pressure-volume analysis. The diurnal trends of leaf water potential and midday water potential ( ) of the sample trees were clearly different between the D-stands and the C-stand. Water stress in trees was much more severe in the D-stands than in the C-stand. and of the declining trees were lower in the D-stands than in the C-stand. However, and were not significantly different between declining trees and healthy-looking trees in D-stands. It was concluded that stand-level water stress, induced by the destruction of the canopy by the typhoon, was associated with the decline symptoms. The measurement of water relation parameters proved to be useful for diagnosis and prediction of decline at a stand level in this area.  相似文献   

目的 通过对378个9年生捷克种源欧洲云杉无性系的生长性状遗传变异分析,选育欧洲云杉优良无性系,为本地区造林提供优质遗传材料,加速当地引入云杉人工林高质量发展。 方法 采用随机完全区组设计,建立378个欧洲云杉无性系对比试验林,调查或计算其树高、胸径、材积、冠幅、当年新梢长、第一轮分枝数等指标,并通过EXCEL和R包lme4(Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4)进行数据整理及遗传参数计算,选择优良无性系。 结果 无性系树高、当年新梢长、胸径、分枝数、冠幅在无性系间及与区组交互作用下均差异极显著;遗传变异系数为10.02%~20.38%;表型变异系数为31.36%~48.36%;无性系重复力为0.59~0.71;相关系数中,无性系树高、新梢长、胸径、冠幅表型相关和遗传相关系数较高(0.72~0.95),且都极显著相关。采用BLUP 法计算无性系树高遗传值,从378个无性系中选择30个欧洲云杉无性系,入选率为7.94%,入选无性系树高遗传增益为26.38%。 结论 378个欧洲云杉无性系树高、新梢长、胸径、分枝数和冠幅在无性系间存在显著变异,同时受到无性系与环境互作效应影响,即无性系也存在与立地的明显互作关系,说明在推行无性系林业时,要因立地选择最适宜无性系。根据无性系树高遗传值筛选30个优良无性系,各表型性状生长优良,可为欧洲云杉在本地进行无性系造林推广应用提供优质材料作参考。  相似文献   

青海云杉母树林害虫天敌资源保护利用的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采集同青海云杉母树林害虫的天敌昆虫135种,其中寄生性昆虫54种,捕食性昆虫81种。杳到天敌昆虫省内新记录65例,杳清了主要害虫天敌种类,种实害虫的优势种云彬球果小卷蛾的寄生蜂14种,总寄生率10%-60%,主要为曲姬蜂、马尾姬蜂和球果平胸姬小蜂3种。在结实大气结全采种收集球果,于结实小年释放寄生蜂,可提高害虫的天敌寄生率36.5%-38.2%,降低虫果率55.1%。  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship of the regeneration (seedling and sapling) densities of seven representative tall-tree species to the past partial cutting and current stand structure. We also determined if differences in tree regeneration were associated to establishment substrates (coarse woody debris (CWD) and root throws) and understory inhibitor vegetation (the dwarf bamboo species: Sasa senanensis). The study was conducted in 17 conifer–hardwood mixed stands in a heavy snowfall region in Hokkaido, northern Japan. The results suggest that stand structure, rather than logging intensity, is the primary factor influencing regeneration densities. Total conifer basal area was positively correlated with the regeneration density of individual tree species, including two conifers and three hardwoods. These patterns differ from those observed in old-growth stands in the region. A negative correlation between total conifer basal area and dwarf bamboo coverage suggests that the presence of dense conifer canopies causes an increase in regeneration density of tall-tree species by preventing domination of dwarf bamboo. Picea glehnii, a species that depends for its establishment strongly on CWD, has lower seedling and sapling density in stands with higher logging intensity. This seems to be a result of the decrease in the volume of CWD with increasing logging intensity in these stands. We suggest that both reducing logging intensity and retaining overstory conifers should be considered to develop a sustainable silvicultural system in this region. Providing sufficient CWD and root throws may also be important to ensure natural regeneration of tree species that require these as an establishment substrate.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of selective logging on stand structure and regeneration in selectively logged subboreal forests in Taisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido in northern Japan. The basal area decreased and the size structure of trees altered in the stands studied due to repeated, intense selective logging, in which larger trees were cut down as a priority. Sapling density in the stands was much lower than that in primary forests. In the simple and multiple regression analyses that were used to estimate the effects of selective logging on sapling density, sapling density had a significant positive correlation with tree density and had little correlation with the density of logged stumps or the height ofSasa (dwarf bamboo) growing on the forest floor. These results suggest that the establishment sites around canopy trees influenced the establishment of saplings, rather than the gaps caused by selective logging. However, both the coefficient of determination and the standardized partial regression coefficient of multiple regression analysis were higher for the stand with a dense cover ofSasa than for the stand with a sparse cover ofSasa. Thus, the success of regenerating forests with selective logging depends on both the site of advanced regeneration and the light conditions that regulate growth.  相似文献   

The development of mixed broadleaved-Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) forests in the Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve, located on the border with North Korea, was simulated using the gap model KOPIDE. Forest succession was simulated under three initial conditions from: (1) bare ground after clearcutting; (2) secondary forest; (3) old-growth forest. The simulations from the different initial conditions converged and support earlier successional theory that Korean pine is the climax species on the highlands of northeast China even under disturbed conditions. In addition to clear-cutting, the resilience of the forest to different levels of other human impacts, pine seed harvesting and selective cutting, was examined. These results further demonstrate that these forests possess a relatively stable structure characterized by the dominance of Korean pine. However, the model showed successional processes of the forest to be susceptible to high levels of pine seed harvesting. To predict forest dynamics at landscape scales, KOPIDE was linked with a Geographic Information System containing site and stand data sets. Running this model to simulate a forested area initially comprising several successional stages suggests that, in the absence of disturbance, Korean pine is likely to become increasingly dominant on the area over the next century.  相似文献   

The impact of natural disturbances on the canopy (trees ≥14 m high) and sapling stratum (>0.3 and ≤14 m high) composition was studied in nemoral old-growth forests located within the southern boreal zone in Central Russia (Central Forest Reserve, 32°29′–33°01′E, 56°26′–56°31′N). I hypothesized that the current disturbance regime does not allow the maintenance of current spruce abundance in the canopy, and, as a result, there is a continuous shift in the canopy composition towards a greater abundance of deciduous species. Three 300×20 m2 transects were established to estimate the proportions of stand under non-closed unexpanded canopy gaps. Data on sapling composition of 49 canopy gaps were used to analyze pattern of gap refuting in these forests. Additionally, data from three forest inventories showed changes in canopy composition over a period from 1972 to 1990.

The current status of nemoral forests is characterized by the high proportion of stand area under treefall gaps (71%). The loss of spruce from the canopy caused by treefalls (53% of the total basal area of gap-makers) was slightly greater than its canopy abundance (45%). Canopy gaps of all sizes encouraged spruce regeneration which might be due to a decrease in sapling mortality and/or more active recruitment of spruce seedlings. After a gap was formed, the presence of spruce in sapling strata increased. However, within both small (<200 m2 in size) and large (>200 m2) gaps, tall (>6 m) spruce saplings did not reach the level of its abundance in the tree canopy. In gaps, tall (>6 m) saplings of lime (Tilia cordata) and elm (Ulmus glabra) grew more quickly than those of spruce and maple. These data suggested a decrease in canopy spruce and an increase in deciduous species in the near future which supported the original hypothesis. Analysis of forest inventory records revealed similar changes in the canopy structure over the past two decades. However, the observed high proportion of stand area under gaps implies that for the next few decades large areas of nemoral communities will be occupied by relatively young stands. This may, in turn, decrease the frequency of large-scale treefalls revegetated mainly by deciduous saplings.  相似文献   

Studies on the combined effects of beech–spruce mixtures are very rare. Hence, forest nutrition (soil, foliage) and nutrient fluxes via throughfall and soil solution were measured in adjacent stands of pure spruce, mixed spruce–beech and pure beech on three nutrient rich sites (Flysch) and three nutrient poor sites (Molasse) over a 2-year period. At low deposition rates (highest throughfall fluxes: 17 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 5 kg S ha−1 year−1) there was hardly any linkage between nutrient inputs and outputs. Element outputs were rather driven by internal N (mineralization, nitrification) and S (net mineralization of organic S compounds, desorption of historically deposited S) sources. Nitrate and sulfate seepage losses of spruce–beech mixtures were higher than expected from the corresponding single-species stands due to an unfavorable combination of spruce-similar soil solution concentrations coupled with beech-similar water fluxes on Flysch, while most processes on Molasse showed linear responses. Our data show that nutrient leaching through the soil is not simply a “wash through” but is mediated by a complex set of reactions within the plant–soil system.  相似文献   

迭山北坡云冷杉林火烧迹地灌木树种种间关联性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 揭示青藏高原东北边缘迭山北坡云冷杉林火烧迹地灌木树种种间关联性。 方法 在调查数据的基础上,基于2 × 2列联表采用方差比率法(VR)、χ2检验、联结系数(AC)和Jaccard相似系数(PC)4种方法,研究火烧迹地灌木群落17种灌木的种间关联性。 结果 总体联结性VR值等于0.93;χ2检验显示有9个种对达到极显著正联结,2个种对达到显著联结,125个种对呈不显著联结;联结系数AC值在[0.6,1]的种对共有27对、在[0.2,0.6)的种对共有9对、在[−0.2,0.2)的种对共有40对,在[−0.6,−0.2)的种对共有13对,在[−1,−0.6)的种对共有47对;Jaccard相似系数PC值在[0.57,1]的种对共有17对、在[0.29,0.57)的种对共有12对、在[0,0.29)的种对共有107对,各研究方法得到的结果基本相似,但各检验方法存在一定的差异,结果显示各种对间的关联性不强,达到显著和极显著的种对很少,群落物种间总体联结性呈不显著负联结趋势。 结论 火烧迹地灌木树种种间的关联性不强,群落稳定性不高,灌木树种种间联结性主要受植物生物学特性、生态适应性和人为活动、土壤、气候、竞争以及化感作用等方面影响。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of management history on the availability of decayed downed wood and the use of downed wood as a regeneration substrate in mixed-species stands in the Acadian Forest of Maine. Regeneration of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.), balsam fir (Abies balsamea L. Mill), and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was quantified. Treatments included variants of selection cutting, commercial clearcutting (unregulated harvesting), and no harvesting for >50 years (reference). Area of wood substrate (wood ≥ Decay Class III and ≥10 cm on at least one end) was less in the commercial clearcut than in the reference; other treatments were not differentiated. Spruce and hemlock seedlings were found at higher densities on wood than paired forest floor plots of equal area, regardless of treatment. Conversely, fir and maple were less abundant on wood than forest floor plots in reference and selection treatments, but more or equally abundant on wood than forest floor plots in the commercial clearcut. These findings suggest that silvicultural treatment affects both the availability of decayed downed wood and seedling-substrate relationships, and that forest management in the Acadian Region should consider availability of downed woody material.  相似文献   

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