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目前 ,果树保护地栽培发展比较迅速。保护地栽培的目的在于人工创造适宜果树生长发育的可控小区环境。由于保护地棚室基本上是一个密闭的系统 ,环境因子的调节是其栽培果树的首要内容和能否成功的关键。1 温度调节果树保护地栽培是以冬春为主的 ,温度条件是影响果树生长发育的  相似文献   



The repeated weekly subculture of plant cell suspension is labour intensive and increases the risk of variation from parental cells lines. Most of the procedures to preserve cultures are based on controlled freezing/thawing and storage in liquid nitrogen. However, cells viability after unfreezing is uncertain. The long-term storage and regeneration of plant cell cultures remains a priority.  相似文献   

以黔产南沙参(轮叶沙参)为试材,应用随机试验与统计学方法,对不同采收时期的南沙参种子形态、产量、千粒质量、发芽率、发芽势与生理生化指标进行测定分析,以期探明南沙参种子采收适宜期,为南沙参种子质量标准的建立、良种选育、优良种苗的培育等研究奠定基础。结果表明:花凋谢后的15~25 d,南沙参种子大小增长最为迅速,之后种子大小的增长速度减缓;花凋谢后的10~20 d,种子发芽率变化不大,25~35 d迅速升高;千粒质量从花凋谢后25~30 d较高;35 d采收果实过程中种子极容易从果实开口脱落,平均果实种子数量显著降低;南沙参种子发育过程中含水量在花凋谢后30~35 d后变化幅度较小;种子可溶性糖含量在花凋谢后10~15 d变化不大,15~20 d后迅速上升,20~35 d维持不变;南沙参种子发育过程中超氧化物歧化酶活性在花凋谢后的第30天达最高。  相似文献   

目前,延庆地区大棚栽培条件下的葡萄品种较少,为了筛选适宜延庆地区大棚栽植的葡萄品种,为果农提供更多的品种选择机会,作者开展了适宜大棚栽植的葡萄品种筛选研究。通过对‘夏黑’‘状元红’与‘兴华一号’3个品种在大棚栽培模式下的物候期观测,以及对果实品质和经济效益等的测定分析,认为‘夏黑’‘状元红’与‘兴华一号’均适宜在大棚栽植,果农可根据自己的需求进行品种的选择。  相似文献   

春季大棚栽培厚皮甜瓜品种的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选适于胶东地区设施土基质栽培的春种厚皮甜瓜品种,对7个较新的厚皮甜瓜品种进行了栽培比较试验。结果表明:品种“天蜜”具有抗病、生长势强、果形圆正、品质好的优点,可作为本地区设施无土栽培的推广的品种;“绿宝石”果形、果色佳、叶片大、膨果快、耐弱光,仅抗病性较“天蜜”差,  相似文献   



The investigation of protein-protein interactions is important for characterizing protein function. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) has recently gained interest as a relatively easy and inexpensive method to visualize protein-protein interactions in living cells. BiFC uses "split YFP" tags on proteins to detect interactions: If the tagged proteins interact, they may bring the two split fluorophore components together such that they can fold and reconstitute fluorescence. The sites of interaction can be monitored using epifluorescence or confocal microscopy. However, "conventional" BiFC can investigate interactions only between two proteins at a time. There are instances when one may wish to offer a particular "bait" protein to several "prey" proteins simultaneously. Preferential interaction of the bait protein with one of the prey proteins, or different sites of interaction between the bait protein and multiple prey proteins, may thus be observed.  相似文献   

Determining adequate sample size (ASS) and minimum plot size (MPS) are two fundamental issues in urban vegetation investigations. To estimate the ASS and MPS of urban plants, we introduced sampling completeness to the MPS calculation based on 54 samples in the urban area of Chongqing, China. Then, we examined the performance of the species-area curve method and CVJack1 (coefficient of variation (CV) for the first-order jackknife estimator (Jack1)) curve extrapolation method. We also tested the effectiveness and error distribution of extrapolating the ASS from CVJack1 curves using 180 samples from the urban area of Chongqing, China, and 222 samples from the urban area of Xiamen, China. The results of the urban plant analyses showed that (1) the constructed species-area accumulation curves fit a logistic function (R2 > 0.990); (2) the MPS increased with sampling completeness, whereas unrecorded species exhibited the opposite trend; (3) the CVJack1 curves fit the allometric1 function (R2 > 0.960) but might fail to reach a CV value of 0.05 for the calculation of ASS if the sample size was too small; and (4) the relative error values were below 5% when the error curves of extrapolation (by CVJack1 curve) approached a horizontal asymptote. The species-area accumulation curve with sampling completeness and the CVJack1 curve extrapolation method were promising approaches for determining the MPS and ASS of urban plants. The results and methods in this study provide a reference for determining the appropriate plot size and sample size for urban plant species richness investigations.  相似文献   

鸡腿菇(Coprinus comatus)又名鸡腿蘑,学名毛头鬼伞,属于真菌门,担子菌亚门,层菌纲,伞菌目,鬼伞科,鬼伞属。鸡腿菇肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、低热能的健康食品,深受消费者青睐。但由于我国南方常年气温偏高,鸡腿菇采后不到一天(25℃以上10h以内)子实体  相似文献   

YAN Liang  CAI Qun 《园艺学报》2000,16(4):304-307
AIM and METHOD: Human endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene was transfected into human phagocytic cell U937 and the effects of gene transfer on cytokines and cAMP production were observed. RESULTS: A functional eNOS was stably expressed in transfected U937 cells, but NO release was undetectable in intact transfectants. However, eNOS gene expression upregulated tumor necrosis factor-α release and downregulated interleukin-10 and cAMP production in either presence or absence of NOS inhibitor Nω-monomethyl-L-arginine. CONCLUSION: The function of tranfected eNOS gene product showed cellular speciality. The effector molecule that changed the produced pattern of cytokines and cAMP in phagocytic cells seems not likely the nitric oxide.  相似文献   

油桃温室栽培自20世纪90年代在辽宁省率先试栽成功以来,以其提早成熟、商品价值高、经济栽培区域广等优势在全国得到大面积推广.由于我国油桃育种工作起步较晚,在发展温室油桃生产之初供选品种不多,只能以国外品种为主.目前温室生产所栽品种主要以早红宝石、艳光、早红2号等果实发育期在62~90 d左右的品种为主,上市时间较为集中,价格较低,加之大部分桃树已超过经济栽培年限,产量和经济效益逐年下降,许多栽培者面临着品种的重新选择与更新.随着我国油桃育种工作的开展,北京农林科学院、中国农科院郑州果树研究所等科研单位相继推出了许多油桃新品种,增加了栽培者选择品种的机会.笔者就温室油桃的品种选择、目前推出的油桃新品种的果实性状与品种更新技术谈点意见,以供温室油桃栽培者参考.  相似文献   

为了不断推进草莓产业发展,提升日光温室草莓种植经济效益,丰富可与草莓套种的厚皮甜瓜品种,选取5个优质厚皮甜瓜品种作为试验材料与草莓进行套种栽培,通过比较田间长势、果实外观、果实品质等指标,筛选出适合与草莓进行套种栽培的厚皮甜瓜品种.结果表明:雅州蜜与草莓进行套种时,心糖含量达到16.50%,坐果率达到98.67%,具有...  相似文献   

采用钩悬法和弹射法进行单孢子收集、菌丝体融合、酯酶同工酶分析的杂交育种方法,将光滑型(S型)和粗糙型(R型)杏鲍菇的优良性状集中表达,获得性状优良的杂交子。结果表明:利用单核菌丝进行杏鲍菇种间杂交育种的方法是可行的;杂交子S6×R84表现出优于父本的良好生产性状,经过生产适应性驯化,极可能成为性状优良的工厂化生产品种新资源。  相似文献   

AIM: To implore the effects of recombinant angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) gene transfection on the expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) induced by angiotensin (Ang) II in cultured human endothelial cells. METHODS: A recombinant plasmid encompassing human ACE2 gene (pACE2) was constructed and transfected into human endothelial cells. Endothelial cells were stimulated with Ang II or Ang IV in the presence and absence of pACE2 gene transfer. The mRNA and protein levels of MIF in endothelial cells were determined by real-time PCR and Western blotting, respectively. RESULTS: The mRNA and protein expressions of MIF were strikingly enhanced after exposures of endothelial cells to 100 nmol/L Ang Ⅱ and 100 nmol/L Ang Ⅳ (P<0.01, respectively). However, significant downregulations of MIF mRNA and protein expression were observed in endothelial cells pretreated with pACE2 gene transfer (P<0.05, respectively). CONCLUSION: ACE2 gene overexpression contributes to diminishments of inflammation mediator MIF expression in endothelial cells, suggesting that ACE2 gene has anti-inflammatory properties to some extent and may provide novel therapeutic strategies for the inflammation-related diseases such as atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

AIM: To select an efficient way of promoting induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) to differentiate into neural stem cells (NSC) by comparing 2 methods. METHODS: The culture system in method A contained SB431542 (5 mmol/L) and drosomophorin (5 mmol/L) with 100% initial cell density, while that in method B contained SB431542 (5 mmol/L) and drosomophorin (1 mmol/L) with 30%~50% initial cell density. For comparison and identification of the 2 methods, the growth state was observed under microscope, and the expression of Pax6, nestin, Sox1 and Sox2 was quantitatively detected by real-time PCR and flow cytometry. The related protein expression and the ability of spontaneous differentiation were determined by immunofluorescence analysis. RESULTS: The cells derived from method A with 5 mmol/L of SB431542 and drosomophorin and 100% initial cell density achieved the higher expression of Pax6, nestin, Sox1 and Sox2. The growth state was better and the cells differentiated into neurons and astrocytes normally. CONCLUSION: The method A was superior to method B, and we recommend the method A with 5 mmol/L of SB431542 and drosomophorin and 100% initial cell density as the method for differentiating NSC.  相似文献   

刘义满 《长江蔬菜》2013,(18):140-143
从经济价值、对水深的适应性及植株扩展度3个方面对长江流域适宜种植的23种水生植物进行了筛选.认为菜用睡莲(咖n加aeaspp.)、蕹菜(昂0埘0eaaquatiea)、菱角(Trapaspp.)及芡实(Euryaleferox)4种水生经济植物比较适合于网箱养蟮水体种植,并提出了相应的栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

AIM: To obtain shRNA sequences that can stably block the expression of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP and construct the lentivirus vector. METHODS: According to genetic information, we design siRNA1, siRNA2 and siRNA3 of PSMA, the three siRNA sequences targeting the cds area of PSMA gene and then forming the corresponding four pairs of complementary single strand DNA of shRNA, including the sense strand and the antisense strand. The sequence of sense strand from 5 to 3 was: enzyme digestion site (BamHⅠ), interference sequence (19 bp), the loop-stem structure (TTCAAGAGA), the reverse complementary sequence of interference sequence (19 bp), the ending signal (TTTTT) and enzyme digestion site (EcoRⅠ). The synthetic shRNA sequence was inserted into the empty pSIH1-H1-copGFP shRNA vector, and transfected into the prostate cancer cells. The inhibitory effect of PSMA mRNA expression by transfecting different sequences was detected through real-time PCR, and the inhibitory effect of P65 protein expression was also detected by Western blotting. RESULTS: The second shRNA sequence, located in PSMA (NM_004476) 1207-1226 and its stem-loop sequence was 5-GATCC GTCTCAAAGTGCCCTACAA TTCAAGAGA TTGTAGGGCACTTTGAGAC TTTTT G-3, showing the best inhibitory effect on PSMA mRNA expression in prostate cancer cell line was 60% and the protein expression was 86%. After the transfection, the prostate cancer cell line expreesed the low level of PSMA stably. CONCLUSION: It is successful to obtain shRNA sequences that can stably block the expression of PSMA in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP and obtain the high inhibitory rates for expression of mRNA and protein of PSMA. The construction of the lentivirus vector pSIH-PSMA-siRNA2 provides solid foundation for further experimental studies on the function of PSMA.  相似文献   

薹干是一种高档珍稀蔬菜,由于其营养丰富,风味独特而畅销海内外,其主产地在江苏省睢宁县及安徽省涡阳县。长期以来,由于缺乏合理的肥水管理和品种退化等因素,薹干品质及产量近年来呈下降趋势。为此,根据薹干的生育特性及睢宁地区土壤的供肥特点,研究了不同氮肥用量对薹干生长发育及产量的影响,计算出薹干适宜的氮肥推荐用量,为该地区薹干合理施用氮肥提供理论依据。1 材料与方法 试验在江苏省农科院睢宁王集试验站进行。试验地土壤理化形状:有机质8.94g/kg、全氮0.78g/kg、碱解氮 42.6 mg/kg、速效磷 …  相似文献   



The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plant is both an economically important food crop and an ideal dicot model to investigate various physiological phenomena not possible in Arabidopsis thaliana. Due to the great diversity of tomato cultivars used by the research community, it is often difficult to reliably compare phenotypes. The lack of tomato developmental mutants in a single genetic background prevents the stacking of mutations to facilitate analysis of double and multiple mutants, often required for elucidating developmental pathways.


We took advantage of the small size and rapid life cycle of the tomato cultivar Micro-Tom (MT) to create near-isogenic lines (NILs) by introgressing a suite of hormonal and photomorphogenetic mutations (altered sensitivity or endogenous levels of auxin, ethylene, abscisic acid, gibberellin, brassinosteroid, and light response) into this genetic background. To demonstrate the usefulness of this collection, we compared developmental traits between the produced NILs. All expected mutant phenotypes were expressed in the NILs. We also created NILs harboring the wild type alleles for dwarf, self-pruning and uniform fruit, which are mutations characteristic of MT. This amplified both the applications of the mutant collection presented here and of MT as a genetic model system.


The community resource presented here is a useful toolkit for plant research, particularly for future studies in plant development, which will require the simultaneous observation of the effect of various hormones, signaling pathways and crosstalk.  相似文献   

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