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The contamination of heavy loamy chernozem by iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and hydrogen chlorides (2% of soil mass) decreases soil moisture content (W, percent of soil mass) in the interval of the soil moisture pressure (Р) from 0.0 to–0.6 atm, which indicate soil degradation. In a range of P from–0.2 to–0.6 atm, there is a close correlation between the logarithm of Р module (log|P|) and W and, therefore, a regression relationship log|P W | = |P 0|–kW, where |P 0| and k are empirically determined parameters. This relationship is similar to the Landau–Deryagin law. The parameters |P 0| and k are also in a close correlation, which is described by the regression equation |P 0| = 29.3k–0.557. At chernozem contamination by chlorides, the |P 0| and k parameters become smaller, and so they may be used for the evaluation of degradation of chloride-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Grass–legume mixtures are suitable for crop rotations under organic farming. Little attention has been paid to seasonal development of mixtures with alfalfa under field conditions. We investigated the effects of site and cut on herbage and belowground biomass yields of grass–legume mixture and on above- and belowground traits of Medicago sativa. Six sites in southern Germany were monitored during 2011. Dry matter herbage yield ranged from 9 to 16 t ha?1. The total herbage yield of three cuts per year decreased from 45% to 36% and 19%. The belowground biomass in the upper 30 cm soil layer ranged from 1.7 to 3.8 t ha?1.There was no seasonal trend. Diameter of the root neck and maximum order of branching of alfalfa increased during the season. The number of nodules per plant decreased from 9.5–17.0 in May to 7.5–13.0 in August. By the last cut, roots with larger diameter created smaller nodules. More branched roots created more nodules independent of their shape. Thinner roots have more active nodules. Plant height, number of stems and inflorescences per plant were higher in July and August than in May. In conclusion, a holistic analysis including above- and belowground traits should be used for the evaluation of fodder crops.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate what kind changes in the soil fertility parameters occur depending on different farming methods. The field experiment was performed on sandy loam Luvisol during 2008–2014. The following treatments were carried out: organic (ORG), organic with farmyard cattle manure (ORGFYM) and conventional with farmyard cattle manure and mineral fertilizers (CONFYM). Soil samples were collected yearly in September and analyzed for P, K, Mg and Ca by the Mehlich III method. In parallel, ammonium lactate extractable P and K (AL method), and ammonium acetate extractable Mg and Ca (NH4OAc-method) were determined. The Pearson correlation coefficients between the analysis results achieved by the Mehlich III method and alternative methods were calculated. In all the treatments, no significant changes in soil Corg content were established over seven years. A significant (p?AL in the soil but considerable decrease in the soil KAL content was revealed. The application of cattle manure (60?t?ha?1 for the 5-year crop rotation) in both organic and conventional treatments sustained the status of available nutrients in the soil. The Pearson correlation coefficients between Mehlich III and AL methods for P (r?=?0.770, p?r?=?0.922, p?4OAc-methods was found in the case of Mg (r?=?0.951, p?r?=?0.841, p?Mehlich III/PAL quotient was inversely proportional with the CaMehlich III values.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - This work presents for the first time the development of a method for the analysis of cinnamaldehyde and diallyl disulfide in soil by ultrasound assisted extraction...  相似文献   

15NO3? was immobilized in a calcareous clay and a calcareous sandy soil during incubation of each soil with glucose and wheat straw. Changes in the distribution of immobilized 15N amongst soil extracts and soil fractions of different particle size and density were determined during periods of net N immobilization.The nature of the organic-C amendment, but not soil type, significantly influenced both the distribution of the immobilized 15N and the pattern of changes of the organic-15N of soil fractions with time. In straw-amended soils, approx. 20% of the organic-15N became associated with a light fraction, sp. gr. < 1.59, the remainder becoming distributed mainly amongst the silt and clay fractions. In glucoseamended soils, very little (< 1.2%) of the 15N was immobilized in the light fraction, sp. gr. < 1.59, most being rapidly distributed amongst the silt and clay fractions. During a period of complete immobilization, organic-15N was transferred from the fine clay to the silt and coarse clay fractions.Silt, coarse clay and fine clay components from glucose-amended soils sampled at the end of the net immobilization phase were further fractionated densimetrically into light (sp. gr. < 2.06) and heavy (sp. gr. > 2.06) subfractions. The organic-15N of respective light subfractions accounted for 43–64% of the total organic-15N of the silt, 1–9% of that of the coarse clay and 19–21% of that of the fine clay fractions.  相似文献   

15NO?3 was immobilized in a calcareous sandy soil and a calcareous clay soil each incubated with glucose and wheat straw. Net mineralization of organic-15N was more rapid in the sandy soil, irrespective of C amendment, and in soils amended with glucose. Intermittent drying and wetting of soils during incubation stimulated mineralization of 15N-labelled and native soil organic-N in all treatments. The availability (percentage mineralization) of recently-immobilized 15N consistently exceeded that of the native soil N. Ratios of the availability of labelled and unlabelled N were similar in the sandy and clay soils but varied according to C amendment, drying and wetting cycle and incubation period.Changes in the distribution of immobilized N amongst soil extracts and soil fractions of different particle size and density were determined during periods of net N mineralization. In straw-amended soils, the organic-15N of a light fraction, sp.gr. < 1.59, decomposed relatively rapidly during the late mineralization period. Decreases of organic 15N of the fine clay fraction were also recorded. In glucose-amended soils, net N mineralization was accompanied by significant decreases in the concentrations of organic-15N of the silt and fine clay fractions.Drying and rewetting of soils hastened or magnified changes occurring in the organic-15N of soil fractions, but qualitatively, the pattern of change was similar to that observed with soils incubated under uniformly-moist conditions.The percentage distribution of labelled and unlabelled N suggested that in the long term, the silt fraction will accumulate an increasing proportion of the more stable nitrogenous residues.  相似文献   

The origin of red clayey soils developed on limestones has been largely questioned. We have analyzed thick red soils on Eocene-Pliocene limestones of the Yucatán peninsula (with detail in the Kantunil Kin area). The morphological, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics were interpreted as a record of pedogenesis and geomorphic dynamics during the Quaternary. Sand fraction mineralogy, the Zr/Ti ratio and ternary diagrams of Trace elements (Ti-Y-Zr, La-Th-Sc and Zr-Th-Sc) indicated a mixed origin of the soil parent material; volcanic and granitic/metamorphic components, redeposited by eolian transport. Within the soil matrix, primary minerals were transformed by weathering and caused desilication with the accumulation of kaolinitic clay. Reworked pedofeatures were originated from different soil bodies eroded. In the lower part of the profiles, we described the zone of carbonate leaching front, were the clay translocation in suspensions and posterior coagulation is more probable than the migration of elements in solutions and posterior synthesis.  相似文献   

Contact angles at the water–air interface have been measured for triturated preparations of clays and soils in order to assess changes in their hydrophobic properties under the effect of oil hydrocarbons. Tasks have been to determine the dynamics of contact angle under soil wetting conditions and to reveal the effect of chemical removal of organic matter from soils on the hydrophilicity of preparations. The potentialities of static and dynamic drop tests for assessing the hydrophilic–hydrophobic properties of soils have been estimated. Clays (kaolinite, gumbrine, and argillite) have been investigated, as well as plow horizons of soils from the Republic of Tatarstan: heavy loamy leached chernozem, medium loamy dark gray forest soil, and light loamy soddy-calcareous soil. The soils have been contaminated with raw oil and kerosene at rates of 0.1–3 wt %. In the uncontaminated and contaminated chernozem, capillary water capacity has been maintained for 250 days. The contact angles have been found to depend on the degree of dispersion of powdered preparation, the main type of clay minerals in the soil, the presence and amount of oxidation-resistant soil organic matter, and the soil–water contact time. Characteristic parameters of mathematical models for drop behavior on triturated preparations have been calculated. Contamination with hydrocarbons has resulted in a reliable increase in the contact angles of soil preparations. The hydrophobization of soil surface in chernozem is more active than in soils poorer in organic matter. The complete restoration of the hydrophilic properties of soils after hydrocarbon contamination is due to the oxidation of easily oxidizable organic matter at the low content of humus, or to wetting during several months in the absence of the mazut fraction.  相似文献   

The aim was to evaluate eight methods of boron (B) extraction in different soils from Córdoba and Sucre, Colombia. 37 samples were collected at a depth of 0–20 cm and carried to Soil and Water Laboratory of University of Córdoba for its chemical characterization. The available boron was extracted with the following methods: modified hot water, calcium chloride (CaCl2) 0.05, hydrochloric acid (HCl) 0.05, barium chloride (BaCl2) 0.006, manitol 0.05 + CaCl2 0.01, Ca(H2PO4)2H2O 0.008 in mol L?1, mehlich-1 and ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (1.0 mol L?1, pH = 7.0). The major quantity of boron was extracted with mehlich-1, HCl 0.05 mol L?1 and hot water, extracting 0.36, 0.29 and 0.26 mg kg?1, respectively. The extracting solution that correlated with the hot water method was HCl 0.05 mol L?1 (r = 0.81); followed by Ca(H2PO4)2H2O 0.008 mol L?1 (r = 0.62) and mehlich-1 (r = 0.54). According to characteristic and heterogeneity of soils, we recommend HCl method to extract available boron.  相似文献   


Investigations have examined the effects of extraction period and soil:solution ratio on the extraction of zinc from some New Zealand soils by EDTA, DTPA, HCl, Ca(NO3)2 and CH3COONH4. A high proportion of the zinc extracted by EDTA, DTPA, HCl, and Ca(NO3)2 was extracted rapidly, within the first 0.5 h, followed by small increases over the next 15 h. An exception occurred with a soil containing iron/manganese concretionary material. In this soil, with both EDTA and DTPA, there were significant increases in the amount of zinc extracted between 1 and 8 h. The amounts of zinc extracted by CH3COONH4 increased gradually with the time of extraction up to approximately 4 h.

Substantial increases in the amounts of zinc extracted with HCl, Ca(NO3)2 and CH3COONH4 were obtained by increasing the soil:solution ratio from 1:2.5 to 1:10. However, soil:solution ratio has little effect on the amounts of zinc extracted by EDTA or DTPA.  相似文献   

Freezing and thawing of soils may affect the turnover of soil organic matter and thus the losses of C and N from soils. Here we review the literature with special focus on: (i) the mechanisms involved, (ii) the effects of freezing temperature and frequency, (iii) the differences between arable soils and soils under natural vegetation, and (iv) the hypothesis that freeze‐thaw events lead to significant C and N losses from soils at the annual scale. Changes in microbial biomass and populations, root turnover and soil structure might explain increased gaseous and solute fluxes of C and N following freeze‐thaw events, but these mechanisms have seldom been addressed in detail. Effects of freeze‐thaw events appear to increase with colder frost temperatures below 0°C, but a threshold value for specific soils and processes cannot be defined. The pool of C and N susceptible to freeze‐thaw events is rather limited, as indicated by decreasing losses with short‐term repeated events. Elevated nitrate losses from soils under alpine and/or arctic and forest vegetation occurred only in the year following exceptional soil frost, with greatest reported losses of about 13 kg N ha?1. Nitrate losses are more likely caused by reduced root uptake rather than by increased N net mineralization. N2O emissions from forest soils often increased after thawing, but this lasted only for a relatively short time (days to 1–2 months), with the greatest reported cumulative N2O emissions of about 2 kg N2O‐N ha?1. The emissions of N2O after freeze‐thaw events were in some cases substantially greater from arable soils than from forest soils. Thus, freeze‐thaw events might induce gaseous and/or solute losses of N from soils that are relevant at the annual time scale. While a burst of CO2 after thawing of frozen soils is often found, there is strong evidence that, at the annual time scale, freeze‐thaw cycles either have little effect or will even reduce soil C losses as compared with unfrozen conditions. On the contrary, a milder winter climate with fewer periods of soil frost may result in greater losses of C from soils that are presently influenced by extended frost periods.  相似文献   



The present study was carried out in Roro region, Chaibasa, Jharkhand, India, to assess the impact of chromite–asbestos mine waste (CMW) on a nearby agroecosystem. The role of metal-accumulating grass–legume association in facilitating phytoremediation was investigated.

Materials and methods

Soil and plant samples were collected from (i) chromite–asbestos mine waste (CMW) with Cynodon dactylon, Sorghastrum nutans, and Acacia concinna; (ii) contaminated agricultural soil-1 (CAS1) from a foothill with Cajanus cajan; (iii) contaminated agricultural soil-2 (CAS2) distantly located from the hill, cultivated with Oryza sativa and Zea mays; and (iv) unpolluted control soil (CS). Total metal concentrations were quantified in both soils and plants by digesting the samples using HNO3, HF, HClO4 (5:1:1; v/v/v), and HNO3 and HClO4 (5:1; v/v), respectively, and analyzed under flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Metal grouping and site grouping cluster analysis was executed to group the metals and sampling sites. Translocation factor (TF) and bioconcentration factor (BCF) were calculated to determine the phytoremediation efficiency of grasses and legumes.

Results and discussion

Results indicate that total metal concentrations in the CMW were in the order of Cr?>?Ni?>?Mn?>?Cu?>?Pb?>?Co?>?Zn?>?Cd. High concentrations of Cr (1983 mg kg?1) and Ni (1293 mg kg?1) with a very strong contamination factor were found in the CAS, which exceeds the soil threshold limits. Further, metal and site grouping cluster analysis also revealed that Cr and Ni were closely linked with each other and the CMW was the main source of contamination. Among all the metals, Cr and Ni were mainly accumulated in grasses (C. dactylon and S. nutans) and legumes (A. concinna and C. cajan) as compared to cereals (Z. mays and O. sativa). The TF of Cr was >1 for grasses. Except for Zn, the BCF for all the metals were <1 in roots and shoots of all the plants and cereals.


The present study revealed that abandoned CMW is the source of contamination for agriculture lands. Phytoremediation relies on suitable plants with metal-scavenging properties. Grass–legume cover (C. dactylon, S. nutans, A. concinna, and C. cajan) has the ability to accumulate metals and act as a potential barrier for metal transport, which facilitate the phytoremediation of the CMW. Possibilities for enhancing the barrier function of the grass–legume cover need to be explored with other low-cost agronomic amendments and the role of rhizospheric organisms.


Biochar has attracted significant attention due to the long-lasting nature, and prominent influence on soil characteristics. This study was conducted to evaluate changes in the activity of β-glucosidase enzyme (BG) in loamy and sandy loam texture soils following two winter wheat growing seasons. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replicates and four treatments. The treatments were two soils, three biochars (rice husk, corn cob and bean harvest residue), five biochar rates (BR) and five levels of mineral fertilizers (FR) or dairy effluent (DE). The fertilizers were applied at the beginning of each season, while biochars were applied only at the beginning of experiment. Soil samples were collected following the second season and analyzed for the BG activity. Addition of biochars reduced the BG activity and the decline was higher in sandy loam compared to loamy soils. Negative effect of biochar to BG activity was greater at the highest BR (3.0%) than the lower BR. Fertilizer additions along with DE biochar had significant effect on BG activity that increased with higher FR. Given the importance of BG activity in soil organic matter decomposition, biochar application can be considered a sustainable way of increase in carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The results of four-year monitoring of natural waters in forest ecosystems of the Zvenigorod Biological Station (Moscow State University, Moscow oblast) show regular changes in the concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) within the atmospheric precipitation–throughfall–soil waters system. Precipitation passing through the tree canopy is enriched with DOC (2–3 and 9–24 mg/L). The average carbon concentration in soil waters reaches 100–110 mg/L in complex spruce and pine–spruce forests and does not exceed 40–60 mg/L in spruce–birch forests.  相似文献   



Adsorption and desorption are important processes that influence the transport, transformation, and bioavailability of atrazine in soils. Equilibrium batch experiments were carried out to investigate the adsorption–desorption characteristics of atrazine. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine and quantify the main soil parameters governing atrazine adsorption and desorption phenomena; (2) find the correlativity between the identified soil parameters; and (3) investigate the universal desorption hysteresis traits.

Materials and methods

Fifteen soils with contrasting physico-chemical characteristics were collected from 11 provinces in eastern China. The equilibrium time was 24 h both for adsorption and desorption experiments. Atrazine was detected by Waters 2695/UV HPLC.

Results and discussion

Adsorption isotherms of atrazine could be well described by the Freundlich equation (r?≥?0.994, p?<?0.01). The total organic carbon (TOC) was the first independent variable that described 53.0 % of the total variability of K f, followed by the pH (9.9 %), and the clay (4.0 %) and silt (1.2 %) contents, separately; while the primary soil properties that affect desorption parameters included the TOC, pH, free Fe2O3 (Fed) and the sand content, with the biggest contribution achieved by the TOC (ranged from 48.5–78.1 %). The results showed that when the content ratio of clay to TOC (RCO) was less than 40, the atrazine adsorption was largely influenced by the organic matrix, while when the RCO was greater than 40, they were vital affected by the clay content.


Adsorption–desorption isotherms of atrazine in soils were nonlinear. The content of TOC, clay, and iron oxides, as well as the pH value were the key soil parameters affecting the adsorption–desorption of atrazine in soil, among which the RCO especially exhibited relevance. Additionally, the desorption hysteresis existed for atrazine retention in all 15 tested soils, and the hysteretic effect enhanced with the increasing time for desorption. This would be ascribed to the heterogeneity physical–chemical properties of these soils.  相似文献   

Zinc sorption–desorption by sand, silt and clay fractions of six representative calcareous soils of Iran were measured. Sand, silt and clay particles were fractionated after dispersion of soils with an ultrasonic probe. Zinc sorption analysis was performed by adding eight rates of Zn from 6 to 120 μmol g?1. For the desorption experiment, samples retained after the measurement of Zn sorption were resuspended sequentially in 0.01 M NaNO3 solution and shaken for 24 h. Results indicated that Zn sorption by soil fractions increased in the order clay > silt > sand, and correlated negatively with CaCO3 content and positively with cation exchange capacity (CEC) and smectite content. Results indicated that for all fractions, the Langmuir equation described the sorption rates fairly well. In contrast to sorption, Zn desorption from soil fractions increased in the order sand > silt > clay, and correlated positively with CaCO3 content, CEC and smectite content. Results showed that parabolic diffusion and two constant equations adequately described the reaction rates of Zn desorption. In general, for all soils studied, the coarser the particle size, the less Zn sorption and more Zn desorption, and this reflects much higher risk of Zn leaching into groundwater or plant uptake in contaminated soils.  相似文献   

This study addressed if long-term combined application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers could improve the synchrony between nitrogen (N) supply and crop demand. 15?N-labeled urea was applied to micro-plots within three different fertilized treatments (no fertilizer, No-F soil; inorganic NPK fertilizers, NPK soil; and manure plus inorganic NPK fertilizers, MNPK soil) of a long-term field trial (1990–2009) in a dryland wheat field in the south Loess Plateau, China. After one season of wheat harvest, 15?N use efficiency was 20, 58, and 65 % in the No-F, NPK, and MNPK soil, respectively. During the early wheat growth stage, microbial immobilization of applied 15?N was significantly (P?<?0.05) highest in the MNPK soil (15.3 %), higher in the NPK soil (12.6 %), and lowest in the No-F soil (7.4 %). Of the 15?N immobilized by the soil microbial biomass, 69 % (NPK soil) to 83 % (MNPK soil) was released between the stem elongation and flowering of wheat. Compared with the NPK soil, the MNPK soil had significantly (P?<?0.05) higher grain yield. Our findings highlight that long-term application of organic manure with inorganic fertilizers cannot only improve the synchrony of N supply for crop demand but also increase N use efficiency and grain yield.  相似文献   

Experimental studies and the analysis of published data have shown that carbon reserves in soils generally increase upon soil exclusion from agricultural use. The rate of carbon accumulation in the abandoned soils depends on the soil type, the time elapsed since the soil abandoning (the restoration period), and the thickness of the layer for which the rate of carbon accumulation is determined. For the upper 20-cm-thick layer, it varies from 66 to 175 g C/m2 per year in dependence on the type of soil and averages 111 g C/m2 per year. The highest rate is typical of the first 10–15 years of soil restoration. According to our calculations, the carbon sequestration in the upper 20-cm-thick layer of Russian soils due to changes in land use was 184–673 Mt C in 1990–2005 and may reach 282–1030 Mt C by 2020.  相似文献   

Ion exchange preferences for NH4+ and K+ by soil exchanger surface can greatly affect the NO3? leaching into groundwater and nitrogen-use efficiency in agricultural production. Since NH4+ and K+ salts are usually applied together as fertilizers, the binary K→NH4 exchange of two benchmark Botswana soils, Pellustert and a Haplustalf, was studied to determine the selectivity coefficients and the thermodynamic exchange constant with special reference to N economy. The Vanselow and the Gaines and Thomas coefficients indicated preference for NH4+ by the Pellustert and K by the Haplustalf across the exchanger phase composition. The equilibrium constant (Kex) was 1.807 for the Pellustert and 0.174 for the Haplustalf. The exchange free energy (ΔGex0) was ?1.467 kJ mol?1 for the Pellustert and 4.334 kJ mol?1 for the Haplustalf. Negative ΔGex0 for the Pellustert is consistent with preference for NH4+ to K+ in contrast to positive ΔGex0 for the Haplustalf. The greater stability of NH4X than KX complex in the Pellustert, and KX than NH4X in the Haplustalf, would mean increased residence time of NH4+ in the Pellustert than the Haplustalf. The implication of short residence time of NH4+ in soil is rapid nitrification, thereby leading to NO3??N leaching losses and possible groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

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