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大量研究表明,甘露寡糖在动物体内可促进肠道有益菌的增殖,减少肠道病原菌,提高肠道黏膜的完整性,调节动物免疫反应,从而提高动物的生产性能。试验旨在研究甘露寡糖对断奶仔猪肠道菌群的影响,为甘露寡糖在仔猪饲料中的科学应用提供理论依据。1.材料与方法1.1试验动物与分组选取健康的28日龄断奶[杜×(大×长)]三元杂交仔猪96头,按体重相近、公母各半的原则分为4个组,每组3个重复,每个重复8头仔猪。各组初始体重无明显差异,平均体重为(7.46±0.38)kg。1.2试验饲粮及试验设计用的酵母甘露寡糖由北京奥特奇生物公司提供。试验用的基础日粮参照…  相似文献   

甘露寡糖对肉鸡肠道微生物的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取11日龄肉鸡1200只,随机分为6组,每组4个重复,每个重复50只鸡。在肉鸡饲粮中不添加抗生素的情况下,添加适量的甘露寡糖,试验表明甘露寡糖能部分或完全取代抗生素在肉鸡饲粮中应用,其中甘露寡糖添加量以0.5-1.0g,kg效果较好。适量的甘露寡糖能促进盲肠和回肠中双歧杆菌增殖;也能促进回、盲肠中乳酸杆菌增殖;同时抑制大肠杆菌的生长。  相似文献   

为了研究20-50kg生长猪甘露寡糖的适宜添加水平,本研究采用单因子对比试验,选用60日龄“杜长大”三元杂交猪,体重在20kg左右,每组10头,试验设对照组、试验1组、试验2组和试验3组,分别在基础日粮中添加:甘露寡糖(MOS)0mg/kg、160mg/kg、480mg/kg和800mg/kg。结果表明:①在饲粮中添加甘露寡糖,生长猪前期、后期及全程的日增重均比对照组高,并有所提高。在前期,试验2组(MOS480mg/kg)提高最大,提高趋势明显,与对照组(MOS0mg/kg)相比差异极显著(P〈0.01),与试验3组(MOS 800mg/kg)、试验1组(MOS160mg/kg)相比差异显著(P〈0.05)。而在后期,仅试验2组与对照组达到显著水平(P〈0.051;试验各组间差异不显著(P〉0.05),对日增重的提高强度有所下降。全程日增重分析,试验2组与对照组差异极显著(P〈O.01),与试验1组显著(P〈0.05)及与试验3组显著(P〈0.05);但试验1组、试验3组、对照组间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。②试验各组料肉比均比对照组低,有降低趋势;从前期、后期及全程看,试验2组降低明显。③生物学综合评定值,无论前期、后期及全程,由高到低依次为:试验2组〉试验3组〉试验1组〉对照组。④在饲粮中添加MOS可提高生长猪的抗病力,降低腹泻率;在20-30kg前期较30~50kg后期明显,并以试验2组较好,试验3组有轻微诱发腹泻。  相似文献   

许多研究已经证明,功能性寡糖无论在体外还是体内都能刺激乳酸杆菌和双歧杆菌的增殖,是一类效果较好的抗生素替代品.近年来国内外对果寡糖、甘露寡糖、异麦芽寡糖和壳质低聚糖的研究和综述报道较多,但是对半乳甘露寡糖却鲜有报道.现将半乳甘露寡糖在猪生产中应用情况作一介绍,供参考.  相似文献   

甘露寡糖作为一种新型饲料添加剂,可以减少仔猪腹泻,提高仔猪和生长猪的生长性能,提高母猪的泌乳性能,同时可以作为一种霉菌毒素吸附剂。本文综述了甘露寡糖在猪营养中的作用效果,为甘露寡糖在养猪生产中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究甘露寡糖(MOS)对阿司匹林(ASA)诱导大鼠的肠道损伤修复作用.试验采用单因素试验设计,选用36只6周龄150~180 g大鼠,经过1周适应性饲养后随机分为6组,每组6只,单笼饲养.空白组灌胃生理盐水,模型组灌胃2周200 mg/kg ASA后灌胃1周生理盐水,MOS组灌胃1周生理盐水后灌胃2周600 ...  相似文献   

王彬  胡媛  印遇龙 《养猪》2006,(6):1-2
半乳甘露寡糖(Galacto-Mannan-Oligosaccha-rides,GMOS)又称为半乳甘露低聚糖,是由我国科研人员自主开发出的一个寡糖品种。近3年多来,包括笔者在内的多名研究人员已经验证了其在早期断奶仔猪、常规断奶仔猪、生长育肥猪和泌乳母猪的应用效果,现作一综述。1半乳甘露寡糖的原料目前生产和制备GMOS的主要原料为半乳甘露聚糖胶,如田菁胶等。田菁[Sdsbania cnnabina(Retz)Pers]原产于低纬度热带和亚热带沿海地区,为灌木状草本植物,耐盐、耐涝,是优良的改良土壤的绿肥植物。它的适应范围很广,在我国大部分地区都能种植生长,特别是沿海地区…  相似文献   

新型饲料添加剂——甘露寡糖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘露寡糖是从酵母细胞壁中提取的葡糖甘露聚糖蛋白复合体,其广泛存在于多种植物及多种微生物细胞壁内。目前的研究表明:在饲料中添加甘露寡糖可提高动物的免疫机能和生产性能。本文通过对甘露寡糖的作用机制、目前在动物生产中的应用状况及应用前景进行论述,旨在探讨甘露寡糖作为抗生素的替代品的途径和应有效果。  相似文献   

甘露寡糖对水生动物肠道菌群和免疫功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘露寡糖是一种新型的抗生素替代品,近年的研究结果发现甘露寡糖不仅可以提高陆生动物的生产性能,提高动物的免疫功能,同时对水生动物的生产性能、肠道菌群结构及免疫功能均有显著的影响。作者就甘露寡糖对水生动物肠道菌群和免疫功能的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

果聚糖和甘露寡糖对水貂肠道菌群影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为寻找抗生素的安全替代品,研究果聚糖和甘露寡糖对水貂冬毛生长期肠道菌群的影响。选择日龄、体重、性别、胎次相同的冬毛生长期水貂32只,随机分为8组,每组4只,分别为对照组(饲喂基础日粮);在基础日粮的基础上添加0.67%的兽用土霉素组;试验组在基础日粮的基础上分别添加0.25%、0.5%、1%的果聚糖和0.25%、0.5%、1%的甘露寡糖。试验结果表明,添加0.25%、0.5%、1%果聚糖和甘露寡糖均有抑制水貂肠道大肠杆菌,促进乳酸杆菌增殖的作用,效果显著(P<0.05),可以作为抗生素的替代品用于水貂生产。  相似文献   

The intestinal microbiota has gained increased attention from researchers within the swine industry due to its role in promoting intestinal maturation,immune system modulation,and consequently the enhancement of the health and growth performance of the host.This review aimed to provide updated scientific information on the interaction among intestinal microbiota,dietary components,and intestinal health of pigs.The small intestine is a key site to evaluate the interaction of the microbiota,diet,and host because it is the main site for digestion and absorption of nutrients and plays an important role within the immune system.The diet and its associated components such as feed additives are the main factors affecting the microbial composition and is central in stimulating a beneficial population of microbiota.The microbiotaehost interaction modulates the immune system,and,concurrently,the immune system helps to modulate the microbiota composition.The direct interaction between the microbiota and the host is an indication that the mucosa-associated microbiota can be more effective in evaluating its effect on health parameters.It was demonstrated that the mucosa-associated microbiota should be evaluated when analyzing the interaction among diets,microbiota,and health.In addition,supplementation of feed additives aimed to promote the intestinal health of pigs should consider their roles in the modulation of mucosa-associated microbiota as biomarkers to predict the response of growth performance to dietary interventions.  相似文献   

This study explored the hypothesis that mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) acts to reduce systemic inflammation in pigs by evaluating cytokine production of alveolar macrophages (AM) and serum cytokine concentrations. A total of 160 pigs were fed diets containing 0.2 or 0.4% MOS for 2 or 4 wk postweaning compared with control diets without MOS. Dietary MOS did not affect the serum concentration of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and tended (P = 0.081) to increase that of IL-10. These cytokine concentrations also changed over time (P < 0.001). After 2-wk feeding of the control or MOS diets, AM were collected and stimulated ex vivo with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (PLIC) as infection models. The LPS-stimulated AM from MOS-fed pigs (n = 12) secreted less TNF-α (P < 0.001) and more IL-10 (P = 0.026) than those from control-fed pigs (n = 6). However, dietary MOS had less effect on ex vivo TNF-α and IL-10 production by PLIC-stimulated AM (P = 0.091 and P > 0.10, respectively. Further, effects of MOS were examined in 4 in vitro experiments. In Exp. 1 (n = 4 pigs), MOS and mannan-rich fraction (MRF), when added to AM cultures, were able to increase TNF-α production. This direct effect of MOS was not due to endotoxin contamination as verified in Exp. 2 (n = 6 pigs) using polymyxin B, an inhibitor of LPS activation of toll-like receptor 4. Polymyxin B inhibited production of TNF-α by AM after treatment with LPS (P < 0.001), but not after treatment with MOS in the absence of LPS (P > 0.70). In Exp. 3 (n = 6 pigs), when MOS was directly applied in vitro, the pattern of cytokine production by LPS-activated AM was similar to that observed ex vivo, as MOS suppressed LPS-induced TNF-α (P < 0.001) and enhanced LPS-induced IL-10 (P = 0.028). In Exp. 4 (n = 6 pigs), when MRF replaced MOS, AM-produced TNF-α induced by LPS or PLIC was suppressed by MRF (P = 0.015 or P < 0.001, respectively). These data establish that MOS and MRF suppress LPS-induced TNF-α secretions by AM. Generally, the study suggests that MOS may be a potent immunomodulator because it directly activates AM to secrete TNF-α and alters the cytokine responses of bacterial endotoxin-induced AM in both ex vivo and in vitro systems. In particular, feeding MOS to pigs for 2 wk reduces TNF-α and increases IL-10 concentrations after ex vivo treatment of AM with LPS. These immunomodulatory properties of MOS may have important implications for both host defense and avoidance of harmful overstimulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to compare the effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) and a feed-grade antimicrobial (AM) on growth performance of nursery pigs reared on three different farms (A and B were large-scale commercial farms, and C was located at Michigan State University). On all farms, production was continuous flow by building, but all-in/all-out by room. Within each nursery facility, all pigs on the experiment were in one room. Pigs (Farm A, n = 771, weaning age = 18.4 d; Farm B, n = 576, weaning age = 19.0 d; Farm C, n = 96, weaning age = 20.6 d) were blocked (within farm) by BW and sex and allotted randomly to dietary treatments arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial. The two factors were 1) with and without MOS (0.3% in Phase I, 0.2% in Phases II, III, and IV; as-fed basis) and 2) with and without AM (110 mg of tylosin and 110 mg of sulfamethazine/kg of diet in all phases; as-fed basis). The four nursery phases were 4, 7, 14, and 17 d, respectively. With 35, 20, and 4 pigs per pen on Farms A, B, and C, respectively, space allowances per pig were 0.29, 0.26, and 0.56 m2. Across all farms, the addition of AM and MOS plus AM increased (P < 0.05) ADG (368, 406, and 410 g/d for control, AM, and MOS plus AM, respectively and increased ADFI (661, 703, and 710 g/d for control, AM, and MOS plus AM, respectively) for the entire 42-d experiment. The addition of MOS also increased ADG (P < 0.05) from d 0 to 42 of the experiment (394 g/d). Performance differed depending on farm (P < 0.01). Antimicrobial did not affect growth performance on Farm B, but it increased (P < 0.05) ADG on Farms A and C, ADFI on Farm A, and G:F on Farm C. Growth improvements with MOS on Farms A and B were not significant; however, pigs on Farm C fed MOS had greater (P < 0.05) ADG, ADFI, and G:F than controls. The results of this study suggest that MOS may be an alternative to tylosin and sulfa-methazine as a growth promotant in nursery diets.  相似文献   

微生物发酵床养猪模式是近年来我国各地探索的一种新型养猪模式,与常规养猪模式相比,有一些优点。目前,国内有关微生物发酵菌床养猪模式对育肥猪生长发育的效果已有大量研究,而对保育猪生产的影响研究较少。本文就发酵床养猪技术对保育猪生产性能、猪舍环境、抗病力和猪肉品质等方面的影响进行阐述,旨在为发酵床养猪技术在保育猪阶段的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The intestinal immune system is affected by various factors during its development, such as maternal antibodies, host genes, intestinal microbial composition and activity, and various stresses (such as weaning stress). Intestinal microbes may have an important impact on the development of the host immune system. Appropriate interventions such as probiotics may have a positive effect on intestinal immunity by regulating the composition and activity of intestinal microbes. Moreover, probiotics participate in the regulation of host health in many ways; for instance, by improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients, immune response, increasing the content of intestinal-beneficial microorganisms, and inhibiting intestinal-pathogenic bacteria, and they participate in regulating intestinal diseases in various ways. Probiotics are widely used as additives in livestock and the poultry industry and bring health benefits to hosts by improving intestinal microbes and growth performance, which provides more choices for promoting strong and efficient productivity.  相似文献   

The greatest improvement in carbohydrates studies on pig nutrition and health is that carbohydrates are classified more clearly, which is based not only on their chemical structure but also on their physiological characteristics. Besides its primary energy source, different types and structures of carbohydrates are a benefit for nutrition and health functions in pigs, which are involved in promoting growth performance and intestinal functions, regulating the community of gut microbiota, and modulating the lipids and glucose metabolism. The underlying mechanism of carbohydrates regulates the lipids and glucose metabolism through their metabolites (short-chain fatty acids [SCFAs]) and mainly via the SCFAs-GPR43/41-PYY/GLP1, SCFAs-AMP/ATP-AMPK, and SCFAs-AMPK-G6Pase/PEPCK pathways. Emerging research had evaluated an optimal combination in different types and structures of carbohydrates, which could enhance growth performance and nutrient digestibility, promote intestinal functions, and increase the abundances of butyrate-producing bacteria in pigs. Overall, compelling evidence supports the notion that carbohydrates play important roles in both nutrition and health functions in pigs. Moreover, identifying the carbohydrates combinations will be of both theoretical and practical values for developing the technology of carbohydrates balance in pigs.  相似文献   

本研究通过对长×大二元杂交哺乳母猪、皮×杜×长×大四元杂交哺乳仔猪、保育猪分别使用利生菌王、益牧宝、方便菌3种不同微生态制剂进行效果试验,结果表明:利生菌王能显著提高哺乳母猪、哺乳仔猪的生长性能,益牧宝对保育猪的生长性能的提高效益较好。  相似文献   

Dietary fiber is associated with impaired nutrient utilization and reduced net energy values. However, fiber has to be included in the diet to maintain normal physiological functions in the digestive tract. Moreover, the negative impact of dietary fiber will be determined by the fiber properties and may differ considerably between fiber sources. Various techniques can be applied to enhance nutritional value and utilization of available feed resources. In addition, the extent of fiber utilization is affected by the age of the pig and the pig breed. The use of potential prebiotic effects of dietary fiber is an attractive way to stimulate gut health and thereby minimize the use of anti-microbial growth promoters. Inclusion of soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in the diet can stimulate the growth of commensal gut microbes, inclusion of NSP from chicory results in changes in gut micro-environment and gut morphology of pigs, while growth performance remains unaffected and digestibility was only marginally reduced. The fermentation products and pH in digesta responded to diet type and were correlated with shifts in the microbiota. Interestingly, fiber intake will have an impact on the expression of intestinal epithelial heat-shock proteins in the pig. Heat-shock proteins have an important physiological role in the gut and carry out crucial housekeeping functions in order to maintain the mucosal barrier integrity. Thus, there are increasing evidence showing that fiber can have prebiotic effects in pigs due to interactions with the gut micro-environment and the gut associated immune system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dietary δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood parameters and whether ALA improved the immune response of weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Eighty pigs (body weight = 7.21 ± 0.51 kg) were allotted to four dietary treatments, with four pens per treatment and five pigs per pen. Basal diets were supplemented with 0, 5, 10, and 15 mg/kg ALA (as-fed basis) and fed for 35 days. At the end of the feeding period, 10 pigs were selected from both the 0- and 10-mg/kg ALA treatment groups; five were injected i.p. with LPS (50 μg/kg BW) and the other five pigs with an equivalent amount of sterile saline, resulting a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Blood sample and rectal temperature data were collected at 0, 2, 4 and 12 h after challenge. Growth performance was not affected by dietary treatments over the total experimental period. However, dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) digestibility was improved in the 15-mg/kg ALA treatment group at day 35 (P < 0.05). Serum hemoglobin (Hb) and iron levels were also increased, with the 10-mg/kg ALA treatment showing the highest concentration (P < 0.05). On day 35, red (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts were elevated, with the 5- and 10-mg/kg ALA treatments having the highest counts (P < 0.05). During challenge, LPS injection elevated rectal temperature at 2 and 4 h postchallenge (P < 0.05). Plasma cortisol concentration was also increased by LPS injection at 2 and 4 h postchallenge and an ALA-alleviating effect was evident at 2 h postchallenge (P < 0.01). Concentration of plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) was increased in the ALA-supplemented treatments at 2 h postchallenge (P < 0.05). LPS injection increased plasma tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) concentrations at 2, 4 and 12 h (P < 0.01), while an ALA-alleviating effect was observed at 2 and 4 h postchallenge (P < 0.05 and P < 0.10, respectively). Challenge with LPS decreased WBC counts at 2 and 4 h postchallenge (P < 0.01). At 12 h postchallenge, RBC, WBC and lymphocyte counts were affected by LPS challenge, while an ALA effect was only observed on WBC count (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of ALA in weanling pigs can improve DM and N digestibilities, and iron status and have a beneficial effect on the immune response during inflammatory challenge.  相似文献   

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