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[本刊讯]燕赵大地,一派春光。在春耕播种即将全面展开之际,为深入开展农资打假专项治理行动,营造打假护农保春耕良好社会氛围,保障抗旱促春管和春耕备耕生产顺利进行,农业部继续组织开展了以放心农资下乡,保障春耕生产为主题的2011年放心农资下乡进村宣传周活动。3月16日,农业部第七届放心农资下乡进村现  相似文献   

燕赵大地,春意盎然。3月15日,根据《2009年全国农资打假专项治理行动实施方案》的部署,由农业部主办,河北省农业厅、唐山市人民政府承办的农业部放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动暨第三届唐山农业生产资料展示交流大会在河北省唐山市玉田县隆重举行,  相似文献   

在春耕生产即将全面展开的关键时刻,在“3.15”消费者权益日即将到来之际,农业部在全国范围组织开展了以“放心农资下乡.保障春耕生产”为主题的“放心农资下乡进村宣传周”活动.并于3月14日在唐山市玉田县召开“农业部放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动暨第四届唐山农业生产资料农产品产销对接大会”。  相似文献   

<正>[本刊讯]在春耕生产即将全面展开的关键时刻,在"3·15"消费者权益日即将到来之际,农业部在全国范围组织开展了以"放心农资下乡,保障春耕生产"为主题的"放心农资下乡进村宣传周"活动,并于3月14日在唐山市玉田县召开"农业部放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动暨第四届唐山农业生产资料农产品产销对接大会"。  相似文献   

【本刊讯】为贯彻落实国务院3月27日召开的全国农业和粮食生产工作电视电话会议精神,确保广大农民用上放心农资,促进农业和粮食生产迅速健康发展,3月28日,农业部会同河北省政府在定兴县举办“放心农资下乡进村现场培训咨询活动”。  相似文献   

3月15日.农业部在北京市顺义区举办第8届放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动.传授农资识假辨假常识.普及法律法规知识.送放心农资进村入户.指导农民规范合理使用农资,保障春耕生产顺利开展.为夺取全年农业丰收保驾护航。农业部党组成员张玉香出席活动并讲话。  相似文献   

"怎么还不开始呀?""什么时候开始呀……?" 3月15日,农业部2009年放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动在河北省唐山市玉田县举办.由谷继承站长、何新天书记带队的全国畜牧总站、中国饲料工业协会(以下简称总站)专家队伍,来到现场,为养殖户释疑解惑.  相似文献   

一边是畜牧图书、宣传资料的紧张发放,一边是专家和业务骨干为养殖户们送上的科技大餐……3月16日,农业部第七届放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动暨CCTV-7春耕行动在河北省玉田县举行,为了维护养殖户的合法权益,保障畜牧业生产的顺利进行,按照农业部的部署,全国畜  相似文献   

[本刊讯]燕赵大地,春意盎然.3月15日,根据<2009年全国农资打假专项治理行动实施方案>的部署,由农业部主办,河北省农业厅、唐山市人民政府承办的农业部放心农资下乡进村现场咨询活动暨第三届唐山农业生产资料展示交流大会在河北省唐山市玉田县隆重举行,拉开了农业部"放心农资下乡进村宣传周"活动的序幕,为唐山市广大养殖户献上了一餐丰富的科技盛宴.  相似文献   

[本刊讯]为贯彻落实国务院3月27日召开的全国农业和粮食生产工作电视电话会议精神,确保广大农民用上放心农资,促进农业和粮食生产迅速健康发展,3月28日,农业部放心农资下乡进村现场培训咨询活动在定兴县举行.  相似文献   

红豆草黑斑病病菌生物学特性及产毒与侵染条件研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了红豆草黑班病病菌生长和产毒的影响因子以及病菌对温度、湿度的适应性和侵染方式。结果表明:该病原菌在5~40℃均能生长、繁殖,菌丝生长的最适温度为25℃,最佳培养时间为15d,最佳培养液为Fries培养液。黑斑病菌主要通过气孔侵入红豆草,在10-35℃下均能侵染红豆草,最适温度为20-30℃。且病原菌侵染速率与保湿时间关系密切,保湿8h以上,持续时间越长,发病愈严重。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the national incidence of, operation-level risk factors for, and annual economic impact of colic among horses in the United States during 1998 and 1999. DESIGN: Epidemiologic survey. ANIMALS: 21,820 horses on 1,026 horse operations in 28 states. PROCEDURES: Horses were monitored for colic for 1 year, and results were recorded in a log that was collected quarterly. Operation-level data were collected via 4 on-site personal interviews. Associations between colic and independent variables adjusted for size of operation were determined. RESULTS: Annual national incidence of colic in the US horse population was estimated to be 4.2 colic events/100 horses per year. Case fatality rate was 11%, and 1.4% of colic events resulted in surgery. Annual cost of colic in the United States was estimated to be $115,300,000. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The national impact of equine colic is substantial because of the high case fatality rate.  相似文献   

畜牧业应为农业农村经济平稳较快发展做出更大贡献   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>2008年,我国畜牧业经受住了各种难以预料、历史罕见的特大自然灾害和重大食品安全事件的考验,取得了生产持续发展和质量同步提升的好成绩,有效地保障了城乡居民"菜篮子"产品的供给。  相似文献   

Five deer species occupy North America: caribou (3.6 x 10(6) individuals), moose (1.1 x 10(6)), white-tailed deer (28.5 x 10(6)), mule deer (5.0 x 10(6)) and wapiti (1.1 x 10(6)). Caribou characterise the north of the boreal forest and the tundra, whereas moose dominate in coniferous and mixed forests growing further south. White-tailed deer are typical of the deciduous forests of the east while mule deer replace them in the mountainous terrain of the west. Wapiti possess the smallest range, mostly adjacent to the prairies to the west. The two large obligate carnivores preying on deer show a reduced distribution: wolves are almost restricted to Canada, and cougar to the mule deer range. We determined the current status of each species with the help of a questionnaire mailed to all jurisdictions harbouring deer. Most reports of threatened populations concerned caribou whereas many jurisdictions declared overabundance of white-tailed deer and wapiti. Hunting was allowed for all species when they abounded in a jurisdiction. Hunters harvested annually 7.0 x 10(6) deer on the continent, 87% being white-tailed deer. The two species that caused most conflicts with humans had the highest harvest rate: 16-17%. In terms of biomass, white-tailed deer and wapiti yielded the highest harvests, with 55 and 39 kg x km-2 of range, respectively. The average standing biomass of deer in winter ranged between 28 kg x km-2 in Nevada to 901 kg x km-2 in Indiana. The lowest standing biomasses occurred in the boreal forest (predators), in the prairies (agriculture) and in the south-west (aridity), and the highest ones in the south-east, where only white-tailed deer is present. The current abundance of deer in North America parallels, in general, the primary production of the landscape (r2 = 0.38; P < 0.0001), but predators and human activity modify this pattern.  相似文献   

一健全组织机构 县成立动物防检联动领导小组,分管局长任组长,县兽医卫生监督所、县畜牧兽医站主要负责人任副组长,县有关人员为成员,领导全县动物防检联动工作.  相似文献   

The alleviation of pain and prevention of suffering are key aspects of animal welfare. Unfortunately, analgesic drugs are not available for all species. White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum ), representing one of such species, which survive poaching attempts inflicted with severe facial injuries and gunshot wounds, nonetheless require analgesic support. To improve treatment conditions, this study explored the use of carprofen for the treatment of pain and inflammation in white rhinoceros. The pharmacokinetics of 1 mg/kg intramuscular carprofen was evaluated in six healthy white rhinoceros. The half‐life of λz and mean residence time was 105.71 ± 15.67 and 155.01 ± 22.46 hr, respectively. The area under the curve and the maximum carprofen concentration were 904.61 ± 110.78 μg ml?1 hr?1 and 5.77 ± 0.63 μg/ml, respectively. Plasma TXB 2 inhibition demonstrated anti‐inflammatory properties and indicated that carprofen may be effective for a minimum of 48 hr in most animals. With its long half‐life further indicating that a single dose could be effective for several days, we suggest that carprofen may be a useful drug for the treatment of white rhinoceros.  相似文献   

为研究贵州香猪7 ~25 kg生长阶段的氨基酸沉积规律,本试验选取60 ~ 75日龄的贵州香猪34头(公母各占1/2),采用扣除蛋白质等消化能(protein-free equalized digestible energy,DEpf)饲粮设计,通过比较屠宰试验,旨在建立贵州香猪在此生长阶段的氨基酸需要量模型.结果表明...  相似文献   

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