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介绍了澳大利亚国家健康与医药研究和药物管理局的前农药与农用化学品专家委员会推荐使用的农用化学品和兽药的ADI值.  相似文献   

Cantharidin toxicosis in horses has become an increasing problem in certain regions of the United States. Toxicosis occurs when horses ingest alfalfa hay or products that are contaminated with "blister" beetles. Clinical signs may vary from depression to severe shock and death, depending upon the amount of toxin ingested. The most frequently observed signs include varying degrees of abdominal pain, anorexia, depression, and signs suggestive of oral irritation. Many horses make frequent attempts to void urine. Less commonly observed signs include synchronous diaphragmatic flutter and erosions of the oral mucosal surfaces. Clinical laboratory abnormalities suggestive of cantharidin toxicosis include persistent hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia, development of hypoproteinemia, microscopic hematuria, and mild azotemia with inappropriate urine specific gravity. Chemical analysis for cantharidin is accomplished by evaluation of urine or stomach contents. Treatment of cantharidin toxicosis is symptomatic, but must include removal of toxin source. Gastrointestinal protectants, laxative, intravenous fluids, analgesics, diuretics, calcium gluconate, and magnesium are all included in the treatment regimen. Early and vigorous therapy is imperative if it is to be successful. In horses that remain alive for several days, persistence of elevated heart and respiratory rates and increasing serum creatine kinase concentration are associated with a deteriorating condition. Prevention is aimed at timely harvesting of alfalfa hay. Hay fields should be inspected for the presence of beetle clusters before harvesting. Involved areas of the field should not be harvested.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen Toxicosis In 17 Cats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seventeen cases of acetamninophen intoxication in cats were identified over a 12-year period. Information obtained from the medical records included the signalment, amount acetaminophen ingested, time from ingestion until treatment was initiated, clinical signs, physical examination, clinical pathology, treatment and outcome. The most common cause intoxication was owner administration. In cats that died or were euthanized the dose administered ranged from 10mg/kg to 17Omg/kg, while in cats that survived the dosage ranged from 10mg/kg to 400mg/kg. The most common clinical signs were depression, increased respiratory rate, respiratory distress, pale/muddy mucous membranes, and hypothermia. Twelve cats survived. Ten of these cats had treatment initiated within 14 hours after ingestion. One cat that survived had treatment initiated 24 hours after ingestion, and a second cat that survived had treatment initiated 48 hours after ingestion. Time between ingestion and initiation treatment may be as important if not more important than the actual dosage acetaminophen administered.  相似文献   

Organophosphate compounds are widely employed for control of external parasites in cats and for control of insects in homes and yards. Chlorpyrifos is a long-acting organophosphate (OP) available for use as a systemically and topically acting parasiticide and insecticide in cattle. Its use on cats is not recommended, and no previous clinical cases of toxicosis have been described. Two cases of chronic chlorpyrifos toxicosis in cats are presented and pathophysiology as well as treatment are discussed. The cats had been showing signs of chronic organophosphate toxicosis before diazepam administration. Signs of acute organophosphate toxicosis were precipitated after diazepam was given. Treatment with pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM) and atropine was attempted. Response to treatment was dramatic and complete recovery was achieved with six injections of pralidoxime and atropine administration.  相似文献   

Copper toxicosis of Bedlington Terriers (Chronic progressive hepatitis) is a genetically transmitted disease. The typical feature of this disease is accumulation of copper in the liver tissue. The changes vary from mild hepatitis to chronic progressive hepatitis and cirrhosis.The material of this study consists of 2 cases of copper toxicosis examined at the Department of Pathology in Helsinki in the years 1980–82. Moreover a re-examination of tissue samples was made of all Bedlington Terriers examined during the years 1969–1982 at the same department. Six of the 14 examined dogs showed a positive reaction for copper in their liver tissues. The possible relationship of the examined dogs is not yet known.  相似文献   

柑橘的无公害病虫防治技术越来越得到推广普及,但目前化学防治仍占有举足轻重的位置,如果不能规范使用,将对果品质量带来安全隐患。本文总结分析了化学农药在使用环节、销售环节和生产环节中存在的问题,着重针对使用环节提出农药的科学合理使用方法,为生产无公害果品奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Twenty-six cases of accidental 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) ingestions by dogs were reviewed from phone calls to the Illinois Animal Poison Information Center. Cases were collected from January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1988. Of the 26 calls involving 5-FU exposures, 12 were classified as "toxicosis," 13 as "suspected toxicosis," and one as "exposure." Dogs were the only species involved in 5-FU cases received during this time. Accurate estimates of the amount of 5-FU ingested by dogs could be made in 17 cases. Ingestion of more than 20 mg/kg of 5-FU was associated with the development of toxicosis. None of the 12 dogs that ingested oral doses in excess of 43 mg/kg (estimated) survived. Clinical signs associated with 5-FU poisoning in the dog were death, seizures, vomiting (with and without blood), tremors, diarrhea (with and without blood), ataxia, and depression. Clinical signs generally developed within 45 to 60 minutes after exposure, and deaths occurred 6 to 16 hours after ingestion.  相似文献   

A series of case reports detailing observations on toxicity episodes in birds caused by a variety of agricultural chemicals and other substances is presented. These problems arose as a result of ignorance, accident and malicious intent. The episodes involved maldison, monocrotophos, fenitrothion, trichlorofon, dieldrin, chlordane, endrin, metaldehyde, bromadiolone, arsenic, lead and zinc. An unresolved episode where toxicity was implicated is also included.  相似文献   

2010年春季以来,在辽西部分养羊户中的断奶羔羊及育成羊群中出现不明原因的死亡现象,经抗生素等药物进行常规治疗无效,死亡率达12%.临床症状为可视黏膜及皮肤重度黄染并排血红蛋白尿,最后因肝肾功能衰竭死亡;病理剖检变化为肝、肾变性坏死及实质性器官出血性变化为主.通过流行病学调查,并对病死羊进行病理剖检及对饲料真菌毒素的检...  相似文献   

家畜伊维菌素中毒的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
作者综述了伊维菌素的杀虫及中毒机理,临床应用的安全性及犬、猫、羊、兔、牛的中毒剂量、临床症状、病理变化、预防、治疗措施,并说明了阿维菌素、伊维菌素和多拉菌素的应用。认为家畜中毒的原因是超量使用该药物;除敏感犬种外,伊维菌素是当前防治畜禽寄生虫病的最佳药物之一,同时指出对发生中毒和过敏的动物,早期发现,治疗得当,则治愈率高。  相似文献   

肉用种鸡乳酸环丙沙星中毒1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年1月,我站禽病咨询门诊处置了1例乳酸环丙沙星原粉使用过量导致艾维茵父母代肉种鸡中毒的病例,现将有关情况介绍如下.  相似文献   

猪赤霉烯酮中毒的初步调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对四川省农村养猪发生的临床上以阴户肿胀、乳腺增大、子宫增生为特征的流行性疾病的调查,初步确定为饲料原料感染赤霉菌,并产生类雌激素物质赤霉烯酮(RAL,F-2)而导致猪生殖器官机能和形态学变化。  相似文献   

Toxicosis in horses after ingestion of hoary alyssum.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fever, limb edema, and laminitis were observed in horses 18 to 36 hours after they consumed hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana) under field and experimental conditions. Clinical signs were not observed in all horses that had ingested the plant. Diagnosis in the field cases was limited to observation of clinical signs and evidence of plant ingestion in hay or on pasture. In most cases, clinical remission was observed 2 to 4 days after empirical treatment, removal of the plant source, or both.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺在选矿和钻探上应用较为广泛,因其具有咸味,易被放牧的耕牛采食,造成耕牛发病和死亡。现介绍22头耕牛中毒病例的诊治情况,供参考。1发病情况2004年8月11日,我县浞水镇畜牧站技术干部电话报告,该镇长江村群力组集中在大青口草山放养的29头耕牛可能误食了勘探队钻井用的聚丙烯酰胺,有7头耕牛已经死亡,现还有22头耕牛处于发病状态。接到报告后,我站迅速赶到耕牛发病地进行调查,该地确有一支勘探队,因搬迁而遗弃了钻井使用过的聚丙烯酰胺,29头耕牛也确在该地放牧过。2临床症状病牛食欲减退或废绝,腹围膨大,反刍停止,鼻镜干燥,精神不振…  相似文献   

The hematologic toxicity of doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2 body surface area (BSA) every 21 days to a cumulative dose of 300 mg/m2, was evaluated in six cats. Complete blood and platelet counts were performed daily during the first treatment cycle. They were monitored before treatment for all remaining cycles, and at the average neutrophil nadir (day 8) starting with cycle 4. Significant poikilocytosis developed after the first treatment and remained throughout the study, although anemia did not occur. No other red blood cell abnormalities were seen. Platelet counts remained within the reference range throughout the first treatment cycle, but mild thrombocytopenia (88,000-288,000/uL) was found in 11.3% of subsequent complete blood counts (CBCs). Thrombocytosis was seen in 30.9% of CBCs. Neutropenia did not occur during the first treatment cycle although neutrophil counts did decrease, with the nadir occurring between days 8 and 11. All neutrophil counts returned to pretreatment values by day 14. Neutropenia was documented after 14 of 46 (30.4%) doxorubicin treatments, and was associated with fever in 5 cats (10.9%). All fevers responded to oral antibiotic therapy. Neutropenia that lasted more than 14 days developed in two cats, necessitating dosage reduction to 25 mg/m2 BSA. At the dose used in this study, doxorubicin administration was associated with acceptable hematologic toxicosis in most cats.  相似文献   

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