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This study was carried out in a Mediterranean salt marsh from semiarid Southeastern Spain, to determine the influence of eight halophytes (Asteriscus maritimus (L.) Less., Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris, Frankenia corymbosa Desf., Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aellen, Limonium cossonianum O. Kuntze, Limonium caesium (Girard) O. Kuntze, Lygeum spartum L., and Suaeda vera Forsskål ex J.F. Gmelin growing in a homogeneous area with regard to salt content, on the rhizosphere soil microbiological and biochemical properties (labile C fractions, biomass C, oxidoreductases and hydrolases) and aggregate stabilisation. Rhizosphere soil of H. portulacoides showed the highest values of water-soluble C, water-soluble carbohydrates, microbial biomass C and dehydrogenase, urease, protease-BAA and acid phosphatase activities. S. vera had the lowest microbial activity. The soil under A. maritimus, L. cossonianum, L. spartum and H. portulacoides had the highest percentages of stable aggregates (on average, about 52%) and the soil under S. vera the lowest (about 27% of stable aggregates). There was a good correlation between enzyme activities, the C-biomass, root colonisation of the eight halophytes and the levels of stable aggregates. Our results suggest that soil microbial activity and soil properties related to microbial activity, such as aggregate stability, are determined by the type of the halophytic species.  相似文献   

This research attempted to investigate a part of the United Nations sustainable development goal 15, dealing with preventing land degradation and halting the loss of microorganisms’ diversity. Since soil deterioration and biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean area are occurring because of intensive management, we evaluated some biochemical and microbiological parameters and bacterial biodiversity under long-term conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) practices, in Basilicata, a typical Region of Southern Italy, characterized by a semiarid ecosystem. The highest biological fertility index (BFI) (composed of soil organic matter, microbial biomass C, cumulative microbial respiration during 25 days of incubation, basal respiration, metabolic quotient and mineralization quotient) was determined for the 0–20 cm of NT soil (class V, high biological fertility level). The analysis of the taxonomic composition at the phylum level revealed the higher relative abundance of copiotrophic bacteria such as Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes in the NT soil samples as compared to the CT soil. These copiotrophic phyla, more important decomposers of soil organic matter (SOM) than oligotrophic phyla, are responsible of a higher microbial C use efficiency (CUE) in tilled soil, being microbial community composition, C substrates content and CUE closely linked. The higher Chao1 and Shannon indices, under the NT management, also supported the hypothesis that the bacterial diversity and richness increased in the no-till soils. In conclusion, we can assume that the long-term no-tillage can preserve an agricultural soil in a semiarid ecosystem, enhancing soil biological fertility level and bacterial diversity.  相似文献   

Twenty-one soil profiles were described, analysed and classified in a salt marsh dune system in SE Spain. Sites for sampling were selected according to micro-topographical positions and vegetation types. The pedons showed an A–C type profile. Most of the profiles at summit positions had a microbiotical crust in the upper centimetres, formed by fungal mycelia that contribute to agglutination of sand particles. In two soils, a buried Ab horizon could be identified. Soils at inter-dune depressions showed redoximorphic features with diffuse boundaries, therefore indicating the actual activity of the oxidation–reduction processes. The presence of remains of Posidonia oceanica buried in many of the profiles indicates both a progressive regression of the shoreline and the accretion of the dune system. Sand grains were the most abundant size fraction (generally higher than 65%). Salinity strongly increased at the depressions, with Cl, SO42−, Na+ and Mg2+ being the most abundant ions. The microtopographical position at the dune had more influence on the vegetation cover and the soil type than did the distance to the shoreline. Most of the profiles at summit sites were colonised by trees (Pinus halepensis and Juniperus phoenicea subsp. turbinata), shrubs (Pistacea lentiscus, Rhamnus lycioides), thyme-brushwoods (Crucianella maritima, Teucrium dunense) or grasses (Ammophila arenaria), and they were classified as Arenosols or Torripsammens. The slopes of the depressions were dominated by Schoenus nigricans, living on Gleysols or Halaquepts and Aquisalids, or Limonium cossonianum, living on Solonchaks or Aquisalids. Juncus maritimus occupied footslope or bottom positions of the depressions, growing on Solonchaks or Aquisalids and Gleysols or Halaquepts. The succulent halophytes Arthrocnemum macrostachyum and Sarcocornia fruticosa were typical species at bottom positions, living on Solonchaks and Fluvisols or Aquisalids. In two of the profiles at interdune depressions a petrocalcic horizon appeared.  相似文献   



The present study focuses on a compositional characterization of the humic acid (HA) fraction of several wetland soils using solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. The data were analysed using the molecular mixing model (MMM), based on an empirical approach by Nelson and Baldock. The compositional data from HAs obtained with this model were used to obtain a wider assessment of the process of humification from comparison of total soil wetland organic matter composition and HA composition.

Materials and methods

Twenty samples of humic acids (HAs) isolated from a Mediterranean semiarid wetland (‘Tablas de Daimiel’, central Spain) were studied using elemental analysis and cross polarization magic angle spinning (CPMAS)13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The NMR data were analysed with the molecular mixing model (MMM) considering up to six generic components (carbohydrate, protein, lignin, lipid, char and ‘carbonyl’). HAs are considered a conceptual mixture of these model components, and the MMM determines the proportions of the characteristic biomolecules contributing to HA composition.

Results and discussion

The composition of the HAs under study depends on local factors such as site vegetation and occurrence of fire. Correlations between the proportions of the six generic components and further comparison with those determined for the unfractionated OM (whole sample, WS), gave information on HA origin and humification mechanisms. In particular, the proportions of char and carbohydrate (R 2 0.637) and contents of lignin and protein (R 2 0.471) in the HAs were negatively correlated (P < 0.05). Significant correlations (R 2 0.439) also existed for char contents in whole sample (WS) compared to HA, and for carbohydrates in WS compared to HA (R 2 0.558). Char proportion grew in HA with respect to the WS, and carbohydrates dropped to a half on average in HA compared to WS.


Two different humification mechanisms could be identified for no-fire and fire areas. In the former, HA-char was preserved selectively from char in the sample, whereas in the latter, char was newly formed by fire effect.

This work investigated the effects of land cover and land-use change (LUC) on the ability of a soil to store carbon (C) and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, in a Mediterranean area. Using a paired-site approach, we estimated the effect of land-cover change on the C stock from 1972 to 2008 in a natural reserve (Grotta di Santa Ninfa) in western Sicily. We selected 15 paired sites representative of five LUCs. We studied the effect of land use on soil organic C (SOC) content in bulk soil and in different particle-size fractions (2000-1000 μm, 1000-500 μm, 500-250 μm, 250-63 μm, 63-25 μm, and < 25 μm). Laboratory incubation of the soil samples was conducted to measure CO2 evolution in bulk soil collected at two different depths from each paired site. We found that the conversion of natural vegetation to orchards (vineyards and olive groves) resulted in SOC decreases ranging from 27% to 50%. The conversion from vineyards to arable land led to a 9% decrease in SOC, whereas the opposite caused a 105% gain. When arable land was replaced by Eucalyptus afforestation, a 40% increase in SOC was observed. SOC decline occurred mainly in coarser soil fractions, whereas the finest fractions were not influenced by land use. We calculated an overall SOC reduction of 63% in the study area, corresponding to a 58 Mg ha− 1 SOC loss in less than 30 years. Our results indicate that land-use conversion, vegetation type, and management practices that control the biogeochemical and physical properties of soil could help reduce CO2 emissions and sequester SOC.  相似文献   

Microscopic studies have shown that most microbes exist in soils as dwarf cells that are thought to be an adaptation to nutrient limitation. Most dwarfs are uncultured by current approaches and have not been identified phylogenetically. Only a few dwarf bacteria have been isolated in culture and dwarf archaea have received little study. We selected a semiarid creosotebush shrubland site for studying dwarf microorganisms because arid and semiarid soils are generally nutrient-poor. Soils were collected beneath creosotebush canopies and in open areas between shrubs. Cells were eluted in sodium pyrophosphate and filtered with a 0.45-μm pore-size filter. Filtrate DNA was extracted, PCR-amplified using universal bacterial and archaeal 16S rDNA primers, cloned, RFLP-screened, and sequenced. The eluted cell filtrates were also inoculated into R2B medium. After incubation, cultures were filtered to select against populations of dwarfs that formed large cells in the presence of nutrients (pleomorphic dwarfs) and to select for populations that retained dwarf size (intrinsic dwarfs). Dwarf archaea and bacteria were present in the initial filtrate and in the cultures. A single dwarf archaeon (SevArch-01) that is related to other soil Crenarchaeota sequences was found in the initial filtrates and in subsequent filtrate cultures, indicating an intrinsically dwarf archaeon. Dwarf bacteria fell into four bacterial phyla: Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and the TM-7 group. Intrinsically dwarf bacteria in enrichment cultures were identified as α- and β-Proteobacteria. Dwarf bacteria related to Arthrobacter, Propionibacterium, and other actinobacteria were detected. Several sequences showed no close relationships to any microorganisms that have been grown in culture.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition is a major threat to the semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems. We simulated a gradient of N deposition (0, 10, 20 and 50 kg N ha?1 year?1?+?6.4 kg N ha?1 year?1 ambient deposition) in a Mediterranean shrubland from central Spain. In autumn 2011 (after 4 years of experimental duration), soil cores were taken to extract the soil fauna. Acari (45.54%) and Collembola (44.00%) were the most represented taxonomical groups, and their abundance was negatively related to soil pH. Simulated N deposition had an impact on the total number of individuals in soil as well as on Collembola and Pauropoda abundance. Collembola abundance increased with N loads up to 20 kg N ha-1 year-1 and then decreased. This response was attributed to soil acidification (between 0 and 20 kg N ha-1 year-1) and increased soil ammonium (between 20 and 50 kg N ha-1 year-1). Pauropoda were favoured by additions of 50 kg N ha-1 year-1, and it was the only taxonomical group whose abundance was exclusively related to N deposition, suggesting their potential as bioindicators. Contrary to predictions, there was a negative relationship between soil faunal abundance and plant diversity. In conclusion, soil faunal communities from semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems in central Spain seem to be primarily influenced by soil chemistry (mainly pH) but are also susceptible to increased N deposition. The main drivers of change under increased N deposition scenarios seem to be soil acidification and increased ammonium in soils where nitrate is the dominant mineral N form.  相似文献   

半干旱盐渍化地区果园土壤盐分离子相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
郭全恩  王益权  郭天文  刘军  南丽丽 《土壤》2009,41(4):664-669
以甘肃省秦安县兴国镇郑川村果园土壤为研究对象,利用统计分析的方法对500个土样盐分离子含量的相关性进行了研究.结果表明:该研究区土壤阴离子主要是HCO3-、SO42-,阳离子主要是Na+.CO32- 与HCO3-、Mg2+ 之间存在着显著的负相关,与Na+ 之间存在着极显著的正相关;HCO3- 与Cl- 之间存在着极显著的负相关,与Mg2+ 之间存在着极显著的正相关;Cl- 与SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+ 之间存在着显著的正相关,其中与Ca2+、Na+ 之间存在着极显著的正相关;SO42- 与Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+ 之间存在着极显著的正相关;Ca2+ 与K+ 之间存在着极显著的正相关,与Na+ 之间存在着显著的负相关;Mg2+ 与K+ 之间存在着显著的负相关;K+ 与Na+ 之间存在着极显著的负相关.通过对盐分离子的聚类分析发现,Cl-、Mg2+、CO32-、Ca2+、K+ 和HCO3- 在该区土壤中有着相似或相近的运移特征.对相关分析和偏相关分析这两种分析方法所得结果进行了对比分析,它们之间存在着明显的差异,偏相关分析能进一步消除由于其他变量的影响,因而能够更加准确地刻化多元变量其中的两个变量之间的相关性.  相似文献   

Three semiarid Mediterranean patchy landscapes were investigated to test the existence of a microsite effect (i.e. plant canopy vs. inter-canopy) on soil microbial communities. Surface soil samples were independently taken from both microsites under naturally changing conditions of humidity and temperature through the year. In gypsiferous soils covered with a shrub steppe, improved physical and chemical soil properties were registered underneath the plant canopy, where the densest and most active microbial communities were also detected (e.g. microbial biomass C averaged 531 and 202 mg kg−1 in canopy and inter-canopy areas, respectively). In calcareous perennial tussock grasslands, either growing on soils over limestones or alluvial deposits, the microsite effect was not so marked. Soil humidity, temperature and total organic C were homogeneously distributed over the landscape conditioning their uniform microbial activity under field moisture conditions (ATP content averaged 853 and 885 nmol kg−1 in canopy and intercanopy areas, respectively). However, readily mineralizable C and microbial biomass C were preferentially accumulated in soils underneath the tussocks determining their larger potential microbial activity (e.g. C hydrolysis capacity under optimal conditions). In conclusion, plant clumps either functioned as microbial hotspots where enhanced microbially driven ecosystem processes took place or as microbial banks capable of undergoing a burst of activity under favourable climatic conditions. Our results provide experimental evidence of a non-patchy distribution of certain soil microbial properties in semi-arid Mediterranean patchy ecosystems.  相似文献   


The Mongolian steppe zone constitutes a major part of East Asian grasslands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quantitative dependence of ecosystem respiration (Reco) on the environmental variables of soil water and plant biomass in a semiarid grassland ecosystem. We determined Reco using opaque, closed chambers in a Mongolian grassland dominated by graminaceous perennial grasses during six periods: July 2004, May 2005, July 2005, September 2005, June 2006, and August 2009. Using the data collected when soil water content and aboveground biomass were relatively constant, values of Reco were fitted to an exponential temperature function, and the standardized rate of Reco at 20°C (R20) and temperature sensitivity (Q10) of Reco were calculated for each measurement plot and period. The results indicate that aboveground biomass significantly affected the variation in R20, and the relationship was expressed with a linear model. The R20 residuals of the linear biomass model were highly correlated with soil water content by a quadratic function. The Q10 values showed a weak positive relationship with soil water content. Temporal and spatial variations in Reco were well predicted by the exponential temperature model with R20, which relates to aboveground biomass and soil water content, and with Q10, which relates to soil water content.  相似文献   

Abstract. A two year field experiment was carried out in a semiarid Mediterranean area in order to evaluate, the effect on soil erosion of adding different urban organic wastes: a stabilized municipal waste (compost), an unstabilized municipal waste, and an aerobic sewage sludge. All the treatments significantly reduced soil erosion, compared to the control soil. The soil amended with compost was the most effective treatment, reducing soil loss by 94% and runoff by 54%.  相似文献   

The residual effects of adding 40 t ha–1 sewage sludge (SL) to a degraded soil cropped with barley were investigated after 9 and 36 months in a field experiment under semiarid conditions. The principal soil properties were apparently still affected by SL amendment 9 months after application but the effects disappeared after 36 months. With respect to control soil humic acids (HAs), the SL-HA was characterized by higher contents of S- and N-containing groups, smaller contents of acidic groups, a prevalent aliphaticity, extended molecular heterogeneity, and smaller degrees of aromatic polycondensation and humification. Amendment with SL caused an increase in N, H, S and aliphaticity contents and a decrease in C/N ratios and O and acidic functional group contents in soil HAs isolated 9 months after SL application. These effects tended to decrease after 36 months, most probably because the slightly humified SL-HA was mineralised over time through extended microbial oxidation, while only the most recalcitrant components such as S-containing and aromatic structures were partially accumulated by incorporation into soil HA. Microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic quotient and enzymatic activities increased in soil 9 months after SL application, possibly because of increased soil microbial metabolism and enhanced mineralisation processes. After 36 months these properties returned to values similar to those of the unamended soil, presumably due to the loss of energy sources.  相似文献   

Denitrification was studied using samples of salt marsh soils collected from the New Jersey coast. The pH, organic matter content, NO3? and NO2? concentrations were determined on samples from marshes with and without grasses. Denitrification was measured in laboratory studies over a temperature range from 4° to 60°C and a pH range from 5.0 to 9.0 by monitoring NO3? reduction, NO2? reduction and N2 evolution. Optimum conditions were controlled by a temperature-pH interaction which caused shifts in the pH optima relative to the change in temperature. No3? and NO2? were reduced over a broad range of No3? concentration; whereas, 0.2 mg NO2?-N ml?1 completely inhibited denitrification. The presence of NO3? reverses this inhibition. N2O was produced only at low pH values and low NO3? concentrations. It was concluded that the NO2? reducing system was the most easily disrupted of the three main processes of denitrification.  相似文献   

In semiarid climate soils, the establishment of a plant cover is fundamental to avoid degradation and desertification processes. A better understanding of the ability of plants to promote soil microbial processes in these conditions is necessary for successful soil reclamation. Six different plant species were planted in a semiarid soil, in order to know which species are the most effective for the reclamation of semiarid areas. Six years after planting, the rhizosphere soils were studied by measuring chemical (pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and other carbon fractions), physical (% of saggregates), microbiological (microbial biomass carbon and soil respiration), and biochemical (dehydrogenase, phosphatase, β-glucosidase and urease activities) parameters. In general, in all the soil–plant systems plant nutrients, organic matter and microbial activity increased compared to the control soil. For some species, such as Rhamnus lycioides, the increase in the total organic carbon content (TOC) in the rhizosphere zone was almost 200%. A positive correlation was found between TOC and water-soluble carbon (p<0.001); both parameters were negatively correlated with electrical conductivity. Microbial biomass carbon and soil respiration were highest in the rhizosphere of Stipa tenacissima (98% and 60%, respectively, of increase on soil control values) and Rosmarinus officinalis (94% and 51%, respectively, of increase on soil control values). These microbiological parameters were correlated with the percentage of stable aggregates (p<0.01). Enzyme activities were affected by the rhizosphere, their values depending on the shrub species.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora is a foreign introduced species and has far-reaching effects on salt marsh ecosystems, particularly on the biogeochemical cycle of heavy metals. To ascertain whether the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora Loisel is a source of metals in the environment, we determined the bimonthly concentrations of heavy metals, chromium(Cr), lead(Pb), copper(Cu), zinc(Zn),and manganese(Mn), in the roots, stems, and leaves of S. alterniflora from a typical semidiurnal tidal zone in the coastal area of northern Jiangsu Province, China. Based on the measurements, we calculated annual metal primary accumulation and output. To calculate the annual output of heavy metals from S. alterniflora, a new method that calculates the annual rate of biomass loss and decomposition was developed. The annual primary accumulation of Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Mn was 19.08, 84.19, 63.74, 442.58, and774.66 mg m~(-2), respectively, and the annual output from S. alterniflora to the surrounding environment was 4.01, 18.09, 14.00, 97.11,and 164.28 mg m~(-2), respectively. Spartina alterniflora only provides temporary storage, and its absorption of heavy metals could be used to remediate contaminated soil and for phytomining. The heavy metals released by S. alterniflora to the environment cannot be ignored; thus, S. alterniflora should be considered a source of metal contamination. Therefore, when we evaluate the remarkable ability of certain plant species to concentrate metals in their tissues, the balance between heavy metal accumulation and output should be considered.  相似文献   

Glomalin is a recently discovered glypoproteinaceous substance produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that plays an important role in structuring soil. We quantified soil fungal hyphal length and glomalin content at vegetated and open microsites in Stipa tenacissima steppes of SE Spain. Soils underneath the canopy of S. tenacissima had higher glomalin pools compared to open microsites. We also found significant differences between sites, suggesting the presence of landscape level heterogeneity in glomalin concentration. Soil fungal hyphal length also differed significantly among the sites, but there was no significant effect of microsite. Water-stable aggregates (1-2 mm diameter; WSA1-2 mm), however, while differing among sites, did not vary as a function of microsite. Furthermore, WSA1-2 mm was negatively correlated with glomalin fractions, as well as soil organic C. Carbonates were likely the major binding agents in these carbonate-rich (average carbonate content: 71%) soils, and not organic C (including glomalin). AMF-mediated stabilization of soil aggregates did not contribute to the formation and maintenance of fertile islands underneath the canopy of S. tenacissima.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment is a worldwide phenomenon with implications for desertification and global change. We evaluated its effects on the activities of urease, phosphatase and β-glucosidase in Mediterranean semiarid grasslands dominated by Stipa tenacissima by sampling 12 sites with and without resprouting shrubs along a climatic gradient. The presence of shrubs affected the evaluated enzymes at different spatial scales. Soils under S. tenacissima tussocks and in bare ground areas devoid of vascular plants had higher values of phosphatase and urease when the shrubs were present. For the β-glucosidase, this effect was site-specific. At the scale of whole plots (30 m × 30 m), shrubs increased soil enzyme activities between 2% (β-glucosidase) and 22% (urease), albeit these differences were significant only in the later case. Our results indicate that shrub encroachment does not reduce the activity of extracellular soil enzymes in S. tenacissima grasslands.  相似文献   

Total pollution indexes for measuring heavy metal contamination of industrialized areas may be quickly estimated from selected metal partial indexes for soil (M-SPI) or plants (M-PPI). Partial pollution indexes for plants (or soils) are calculated by the formula M-PPI (or M-SPI) = 100 (I ? I unp)/(I tox ?I unp), where I = c i 1/ni is the ionic impulsion of the selected metal M, with oxidation number n i, for its actual plant (or soil) concentration c i,and I unp and I tox, the ionic impulsions for unpolluted and toxid levels of the M in plants (or soils). The total pollution indexes were proposed by analogous formulae containing the sums of contributions of metals accumulated in roots (Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and also Fe for plants), without participation of macroconstituents (K, Mg, Ca, Na, and also Mn), accumulated in plant tops. Partial pollution indexes may also serve to show (i) deficiency or toxicity levels of plants (or soils) and (ii) associations between pollutants, easily detected by a numerical taxonomy's dendrogram. Using correlation coefficient techniques for the Bilbao (Spain) model zone, the total soil pollution index, SPI, may be calculated from Zn-SPI, Pb-SPI, Cu-SPI or Cu-PPI. The total plant pollution index, PPI, is similarly related to Fe-PPI or Zn-PPI, though some distortion is evident when the sampling point is close to specific industrial factories. The best estimation (without distortion) for monitoring total plant pollution index is based on the sum of contributions of essential elements (Fe, Cu, and Zn). This fact suggests the existence of defense mechanisms of plants for balancing both the uptake of toxic metals and deficiencies of essential constituents. Finally total pollution indexes may be used for the estimation of the number of pollutants with toxic levels in plants or soils.  相似文献   

Fertilization with animal residues together with no-tillage is being widely used in dryland Mediterranean agriculture. The aim of this work is to assess the potential impacts of these combined management practices on oribatid mite species, and to evaluate their potential use as bioindicators of soil disturbances. From an experiment established ten years ago, eight fertilization treatments (including minerals or pig slurries), all combined with minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT), were studied. Four of these combinations were sampled three times during the winter cereal cropping season. The rest, and a neighbouring oak forest, were only sampled close to the end of the season (May). In total, 34 oribatid species and 4140 individuals were recovered. Oribatid abundance responded positively (p < 0.05) to the reduction of tillage intensity (NT) and marginally (p < 0.1) to slurry fertilization at sowing (close to maximum legislation allowed rate: <210 kg N ha−1 yr−1). At this slurry rate, Shannon index of diversity varied through the season, and was higher in May in MT than in NT plots. The Berger–Parker index of abundance signals plots without slurries as the most disturbed (compared with the forest). Nitrogen slurry over-fertilization reduced abundance of Oribatula (Zygoribatula) connexa connexa , but the impact on the most relevant species depended on the tillage system: Epilohmannia cylindrica cylindrica dominated in MT plots; under NT it was balanced by Tectocepheus velatus sarekensis and Passalozetes (Passalozetes) africanus. Scutovertex sculptus is also very negatively affected by tillage. Oribatida are a good target for the biological indication of soil disturbances associated to agricultural management.  相似文献   

The effect of grazing by large herbivores on the microbial community and the ecosystem functions they provide are relatively unknown in grassland systems. In this study, the impact of grazing upon the size, composition and activity of the soil microbial community was measured in field experiments in two coastal ecosystems: one salt marsh and one sand dune grassland. Bacterial, fungal and total microbial biomass were not systematically affected by grazing across ecosystems, although, within an ecosystem, differences could be detected. Fungal-to-bacterial ratio did not differ with grazing for either habitat. Redundancy analysis showed that soil moisture, bulk density and root biomass significantly explained the composition of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) markers, dominated by the distinction between the two grassland habitats, but where the grazing effect could also be resolved. PLFA markers for Gram-positive bacteria were more proportionally abundant in un-grazed, and markers for Gram-negative bacteria in grazed grasslands. Bacterial growth rate (leucine incorporation) was highest in un-grazed salt marsh but did not vary with grazing intensity in the sand dune grassland. We conclude that grazing consistently affects the composition of the soil microbial community in semi-natural grasslands but that its influence is small (7 % of the total variation in PLFA composition), compared with differences between grassland types (89 %). The relatively small effect of grazing translated to small effects on measurements of soil microbial functions, including N and C mineralisation. This study is an early step toward assessing consequences of land-use change for global nutrient cycles driven by the microbial community.  相似文献   

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