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In extensive cattle production systems, the composition of grazing areas may significantly influence productivity. In dual-purpose cattle production systems in the lowland tropics, pasture lands with trees, so-called silvopastoral areas, are considered as being important, particularly to facilitate the management of crossbred European native cattle. The aim of the study was to quantify the effects of silvopastoral areas on production at dual-purpose cattle farms in the semi-humid lowlands of central Nicaragua. The relationships between seasonal milk production and herd data, and the proportions of land use types were examined for 74 farms by stepwise regression analysis.  相似文献   

Dairy systems in southern Australia rely on grazed feed from pasture to supply between 50% and 70% of total herd feed requirements on an annual basis. However, the dominant pasture type in the region, which is based on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), commonly results in feed deficits in summer which must be filled with supplements purchased off-farm, and feed surpluses in spring which must be conserved. Both of these strictures impose costs on farm businesses. It is likely, therefore, that additional grazeable feed available to dairy herds in southern Australia may have different economic value when interactions between season, stocking rate, calving date, and locality are taken into account. The analysis reported in this paper aimed to estimate, using the farm systems simulation model UDDER, the effect of these interactions on the efficiency with which extra feed can be converted to extra milk production, and therefore the possible gross economic value of the additional feed.‘Base’ farm simulations for ‘average’ and ‘top 10%’ farms (ranked according to farm profitability) in two localities (Terang: average annual rainfall 796 mm, 8 month growing season; and Ellinbank: average annual rainfall 1085 mm, 9-10 month growing season) were created to mimic the physical production and profitability of these farms as seen in regional farm benchmark datasets. These simulations were then altered to add the equivalent of 10% of the total annual herbage accumulation used in the Base simulation either on a pro-rata basis all year round, or in autumn only, in winter only, in spring only, or in summer only. The additional feed amounted to 620 and 780 kg DM/ha for Terang average and top 10% farms respectively, and 735 and 905 kg DM/ha for Ellinbank average and top 10% farms respectively. The management policies used in the Base simulations were then adjusted to harvest as much of the extra feed as possible, either by direct grazing or through silage conservation, while keeping the key system state indicators of cow condition score and average farm pasture cover within the limits known to result in long-term sustainable production.The efficiency with which extra feed was utilised was greatest in summer in all scenarios (80-100% of the extra feed supplied was harvested, all by direct grazing). This translated into consistently high gross economic returns of between $0.26 and $0.34 per kg DM of extra feed added to the model. Utilisation efficiency was lower in all other seasons and/or required marked increases in silage conservation, both of which resulted in lower gross economic returns per kg DM of additional feed. The impact of interactions between locality, season, stocking rate (higher in top 10% farm simulations than average farm simulations) and calving date (earlier at Terang than at Ellinbank) were clearly captured in the model. These interactions have very large effects on the profitability of growing extra feed at different times of the year. Agronomic research for the southern Australia dairy industry should focus on low-cost ways for supplying additional grazeable feed in summer, since current forage species options for this time of year are limited.  相似文献   

This study analysed trade-offs between short- and long-term objectives of soil use by smallholder teff farmers in Ethiopia. Compared to socially optimal solutions it was found that smallholder farmers discount the future at higher private rates leading to overexploitation of soil nutrients. Current soil conservation efforts, however, are well above static optimization levels suggesting smallholder farmers consider the long-term (dynamic) costs of soil degradation. There is evidence of high social gains from better utilization of soil resources through appropriate policy such as tenure security, to improve incentives for smallholder farmers to adjust input use towards socially desirable dynamic optimization levels.  相似文献   

家畜智能养殖设备是智能农机装备的组成部分之一,是国际农业装备产业技术竞争的焦点。本文重点围绕家畜智能养殖设备与饲喂技术在实践中的应用,进行了系统的性能特点分析。目前家畜智能养殖设备的开发对象主要针对猪和奶牛,主要研发的系统包括妊娠母猪电子饲喂站、哺乳母猪精准饲喂系统、奶牛精准饲喂系统和挤奶机器人等。家畜智能养殖设备的工业化应用必须与养殖模式、畜舍结构布局结合起来,才能发挥设备的使用效率,同时从满足动物的福利出发,与动物生理、生长及行为结合起来,形成设备与动物的互作和相互适应。最后指出了智能设备的研究必须与畜牧业生产的理论、目标产品的功能驱动及养殖方式的创新协调一致,要不断地更新换代,才能助推畜牧业的转型升级。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that (1) the tree Acacia senegal competes for water with associated agricultural crops, and the soil water content would vary spatially with tree density and type of management; (2) the microclimate created by trees would favourably affect the soil water content and improve the growth of associated agricultural crops. Trees were grown at 5 m × 5 m or 10 m × 10 m spacing alone or in mixture with sorghum or sesame. Soil water content was measured using a neutron probe at three depths, 0–25, 25–50 and 50–75 cm; and at different stages of crop development (early, mid, and late). Crop growth and yield and the overall system performance were investigated over a 4-year period (1999–2002). Results showed no significant variation in the soil water content under different agroforestry systems. Intercropping also resulted in a higher land equivalent ratio. No significant variation was found between yields of sorghum and sesame when these crops were grown with or without trees. The averages crop yields were1.54 and 1.54 t ha−1 for sorghum; and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha−1for sesame in intercropping and pure cultivation, respectively. This suggests that at an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal has no detrimental effect on agricultural crop yield. However, the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops can change as the system matures. There was little competition between trees and crops for water suggesting that in A. senegal agroforestry systems with 4-year-old trees the clay soil has enough water to support the crop growth over a whole growing season up to maturation and harvest.  相似文献   

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