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Nematode trophic groups were studied in litterbags in a Pinus silvestris forest using sampling periods of 8 weeks during 2.5 years. Temperature, moisture relationships and annual periodicity of nematodes were analyzed in the litter (L), fragmentation (F) and humus (H) horizons. Litterbags containing L, F and H material were placed in stacks and buried in the organic layer. Undisturbed core samples were used to compare the nematode abundance under normal field conditions with that in the litterbags. Time dependence of population growth and colonization was also studied in separate litterbags that were replaced every 8 weeks. During the first 4 to 6 months of the experiment, nematodes in the litterbag stacks grew rapidly to circa 5×106m–2. After that period, abundance gradually decreased to about 2.5×106m–2. These abundances were similar to those found in undisturbed cores. Nematode abundance during the first year was most pronounced in the top (L) litterbags; subsequently densities were more or less the same in the three organic horizons, reflecting the gradual change of L to F material. On average, during 2.5 years, bacterial feeding nematodes were the dominant group in the organic horizons (73%), with 17% hyphal feeders and 9% plant feeders. There were dissimilarities between layers and in the course of time. The number of hyphal feeding nematodes differed significantly between layers. In the first 2 to 4 months, hyphal feeding nematodes equalled the bacterial feeders in the L layer. Later bacterial feeders became dominant. The highest number of plant feeding nematodes was found in the F litterbags. Significant effects of temperature and moisture were mainly found on bacterial feeding nematodes. Regression coefficients for trophic group abundances and moisture were generally positive. Temperature was negatively correlated with the three functional groups in the L horizon only. Bacterial and hyphal feeding nematodes showed a significant decrease with time in the L layer, reflecting diminishing substrate quality (and food availability) during decomposition. A significant annual periodicity could be demonstrated for bacterial feeders in L litterbags and plant feeding nematodes in the H material. Received: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

In a Dutch Scots pine forest an experiment was conducted to quantify the role of soil biota in the functioning of the soil ecosystem, and the effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition. For this, the site was sampled at 8-week intervals during 2.5 years. This paper reports on the population dynamics of enchytraeids in the field and in stratified litterbags. Mean yearly abundance of the enchytraeid community in the field was 47 600 m–2, or 0.70 g (dry weight) m–2. The community consisted mainly of three species: Cognettia sphagnetorum, Marionina clavata and Achaeta eiseni, of which C. sphagnetorum was dominant. The enchytraeid populations showed a marked stratification in the same sequence. Freshly fallen pine needles were colonized by C. sphagnetorum, while other species followed much later. It was found that data from the litterbags were reasonably comparable with field data, when expressed per gram of dry substrate, but less so when expressed per square metre. Multiple regression analysis of the data showed that the population dynamics in the litter layer could largely be explained by temperature and moisture fluctuations; in deeper layers other factors, such as the stage of decomposition, were probably more important. Received: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

This paper addresses the abundance, biomass and microstratification of functional groups of micro- and mesoarthropods inhabiting the organic layers of a Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.). An experiment using stratified litterbags, containing organic material of four degradation stages, i.e., freshly fallen litter, litter, fragmented litter and humus, was performed over a period of 2.5 years. Statistical data analysis revealed that each organic layer had a different, characteristic species composition that changed with time following successive degradation stages. Species of Acari, Araneae and Collembola were assigned to different functional groups based on taxonomy, microstratification, food type or feeding mode. The abundance and biomass carbon of functional groups were dependent on the organic layer and most functional groups showed a particular preference for one of the upper organic layers. Temporal and spatial differences in density and biomass carbon of functional groups could partly be related to fluctuations in the soil climate, although effects of trophic interactions could not be ruled out. A general decline in abundance and biomass, especially in populations of fungal feeders, during the last year of the study could not be explained by a reduction in litterbag volume, changed litter chemistry or soil climate, but was attributed to an indirect effect of a remarkable increase in soil coverage by wavy hair grass, Deschampsia flexuosa (L.). The analysis demonstrated that species diversity, microhabitat specification, soil fauna succession, and degradation stages of organic material are interrelated. The results obtained indicate that both the chemistry of organic matter and decomposition rates have an important effect on trophic relationships and community structure. Received: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

We adapted a direct count method for obtaining counts of active protozoa that was not overly time consuming. Soil samples from an agricultural field were examined at 1- to 3-day intervals three times through the year. The three sampling periods represented different weather conditions. At each sampling event, fresh soil samples were extracted upon return to the laboratory for protozoa. These were enumerated at the microscope without prior culture, in soil–water suspension dilutions. We describe a procedure that allowed all samples to be processed in a few hours. Our results suggest there is good reproducibility and agreement between samples collected on the same day. Our data resolve differences between days as soil conditions changed slowly with drying or wetting. This procedure is suitable for describing species active at the time of sampling. Unlike the ‘most probable number’ procedure that relies on cultivable species, it is less prone to enumerating excysting individuals, and it provides better resolution between sampling dates, with a relatively low number of samples.  相似文献   

Samples from an old Scots pine forest at Ivantjärnsheden in the middle of Sweden were used to study predictability and patterns of variation of soil nematode communities. There were two annual sampling series (1974–75 and 1977–78) and one long-term series sampled in September ten times over a period of 25 years. The abundance and the composition of the fauna fluctuated rather considerably in both the annual and long-term series. In the annual series abundance and species composition varied in a way which can partly be explained by changes in temperature and moisture. Total nematode abundance was influenced by soil water contents as indicated by co-variations with precipitation. Although the variations in abundance and fauna composition were large no systematic changes could be detected during 25 years. The differences in faunal structure between the two annual series were greater than between the annual and the long-term series.In all series there was a distinct vertical stratification of the fauna. In the superficial moss and litter layers species belonging to Adenophorea (Plectus) dominated. In deeper layers members of Rhabditida (Acrobeloides) contributed a greater proportion of the fauna. Variations of the annual series indicate that coexistence of different nematode species is facilitated by differences in response to temperature and moisture. The abundance of fungal and bacterial feeders changed in a regular way. During the summer the proportions of fungal and bacterial feeders were almost equal, but during the wet and cold winter the proportion of bacterial feeders increased. Rapidly growing bacterial feeding species belonging to Rhabditida were common in late summer and early autumn, whereas the more slowly growing bacterial feeders belonging to Adenophorea were most abundant during the winter. Although the community fluctuated rather much the average values indicated a rather high degree of predictability and also a high similarity with nematode faunas of other pine forest soils.  相似文献   

The abundance and micro-stratification of bacteria and fungi inhabiting the organic layers of a Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.) were investigated. An experiment using stratified litterbags, containing organic material of four degradation stages (fresh litter, litter, fragmented litter and humus) was performed over a period of 2.5 years. Dynamics and stratification of fluorescent stained bacteria and fungi, ratios between bacterial and fungal biomass, and relationships with moisture and temperature are described. Average bacterial counts in litter and fragmented litter were similar, i.e., approximately 5×109 bacteriag–1 (dry weight) organic matter, and significantly exceeded those in humus. The mean bacterial biomass ranged from 0.338 to 0.252mg carbon (C) g–1 (dry weight) organic matter. Lengths of mycelia were significantly below the usually recorded amounts for comparable temperate coniferous forests. The highest average hyphal length, 53mg–1 (dry weight) organic matter, was recorded in litter and decreased significantly with depth. The corresponding mean fungal biomass ranged from 0.050 to 0.009mg Cg–1 (dry weight). The abundance of bacteria and fungi was influenced by water content, that of fungi also by temperature. A litterbag series with freshly fallen litter of standard quality, renewed bimonthly, revealed a clear seasonal pattern with microbial biomass peaks in winter. The mean hyphal length was 104mg–1 (dry weight) and mean number of bacteria, 2.40×109 bacteria g–1 (dry weight). Comparable bacterial and fungal biomass C were found in the freshly fallen litter [0.154 and 0.132mgCg–1 (dry weight) organic material, respectively]. The ratio of bacterial-to-fungal biomass C increased from 1.2 in fresh litter to 28.0 in humus. The results indicate the existence of an environmental stress factor affecting the abundance of fungi in the second phase of decomposition. High atmospheric nitrogen deposition is discussed as a prime factor to explain low fungal biomass and the relatively short lengths of fungal hyphae in some of the forest soil layers under study. Received: 26 June 1997  相似文献   

Decomposition occurs in the surface litter and soil to support temperate rainforests, but little is known about the protozoa that stimulate bacterial activity and turnover. I examined surface litter and top soils, fallen logs, and epiphytes within 2 m from the soil surface in Olympic National Park, USA, of the Pacific Northwest Temperate Coniferous Rain Forest. Ciliates in surface litter numbered 180-580 g−1 dry weight, but were reduced by 20-60% in the underlying soils. Testate amoebae numbered 18,000-77,000 g−1 dry weight in both litter and soil although they were often more abundant in underlying soils. Rotting logs, essential for tree regeneration, supported similar numbers of ciliates, but twice the numbers of testate amoebae. In three epiphytic soils, ciliates numbered 350-550, and testate amoebae 35,000-195,000 g−1 dry weight of soil. In these soils, 26 species of gymnamoebae, 64 species of ciliates, and 113 species of testate amoebae were found. About 65% of the individuals in ciliate and 45% in testate amoebae populations were small, r-selected taxa. Rain forest soil protozoa have distinct testate amoebae populations, and are characterized by enormous biodiversity, the dominance of acrostome species, the proliferation of Euglypha and Nebela species, and the appearance of aquatic taxa. Ecological succession of ciliates and testate amoebae follows an additive (non-replacement) pattern according to a neutral model. The large numbers of persistent r-selected species respond to ecosystem disturbances by mobilizing quickly to resume the bacterivory necessary to help restore the recovering above-ground plant community.  相似文献   

We studied the reactions of humus layer (F/H) microbial respiratory activity, microbial biomass C, and the fungal biomass, measured as the soil ergosterol content, to the application of three levels of wood ash (1000, 2500, and 5000 kg ha-1) and to fire treatment in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand. Physicochemical measurements (pH, organic matter content, extractable and total C content, NH 4 + and total N content, cation-exchange capacity, base saturation) showed similarity between the fire-treated plots and those treated with the lowest dose of wood ash (1000 kg ha-1). The ash application did not change the level of microbial biomass C or fungal ergosterol when compared to the control, being around 7500 and 350 g g-1 organic matter for the biomass C and ergosterol, respectively. The fire treatment lowered the values of both biomass measurements to about half that of the control values. The fire treatment caused a sevenfold fall in the respiration rate of fieldmoist soil to 1.8 l h-1 g-1 organic matter compared to the values of the control or ash treatments. However, in the same soils adjusted to a water-holding capacity of 60%, the differences between the fire treatment and the control were diminished, and the ash-fertilized plots were characterized by a higher respiration rate compared to the control plots. The glucose-induced respiration reacted in the same way as the water-adjusted soil respiration. The metabolic quotient, qCO2, gradually increased from the control level with increasing applications of ash, reaching a maximum in the fire treatment. Nitrification was not observed in the treatment plots.  相似文献   

Efforts to increase our understanding of the terrestrial carbon balance have resulted in a dense global network of eddy covariance towers, which are able to measure the net ecosystem exchange of CO2, H2O and energy between ecosystems and the atmosphere. However, the typical set-up on an eddy covariance tower does not monitor lateral CO2- and carbon fluxes such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). By ignoring DOC fluxes eddy covariance-based CO2 balances overestimate the carbon sink of ecosystems as part of the DOC drains into the inland waters and get respired outside the footprint of the eddy covariance tower. In this study we quantify 7 years (2000-2006) of DOC fluxes from a temperate Scots pine forest in Belgium and analyse its inter-annual variability. On average, 10 gC m−2 year−1 is leached from the pine forest as DOC. If the DOC fluxes are considered relative to the gross ecosystem carbon fluxes we see that DOC fluxes are small: 0.8 ± 0.2% relative to gross primary productivity, 1.0 ± 0.3% relative to ecosystem respiration, and (2.4 ± 0.4%) relative to soil respiration. However, when compared to net fluxes such as net ecosystem productivity and net biome productivity the DOC flux is no longer negligible (11 ± 7% and 17%, respectively), especially because the DOC losses constitute a systematic bias and not a random error. The inter-annual variability of the DOC fluxes followed that of annual water drainage. Hence, drainage drives DOC leaching at both short and long time scales. Finally, it is noted that part of the carbon that is leached from the ecosystem as DOC is respired or sequestered elsewhere, so the physical boundaries of accounting should always be reported together with the carbon budget.  相似文献   

The distribution of heterotrophic flagellates, naked amoebae, testate amoebae and ciliates was investigated in habitats created by Scots pine-Paxillus involutus and -Suillus bovinus ectomycorrhizospheres. The protozoa living on plant and fungal surfaces preferred the non-mycorrhizal pine roots over mycorrhizal roots or external mycelium. The testate amoebae were more abundant on external mycelium than on mycorrhizae regardless of the mycorrhizal fungal species. Numbers of protozoa were higher in the different habitats provided by S. bovinus mycorrhizospheres when compared with P. involutus mycorrhizospheres. Interestingly, the quality of the bacterial flora as food for the protozoa was affected by the mycorrhizal fungi even in the soils adjacent to non-mycorrhizal root tips of pine. These results demonstrate that mycorrhizal fungi create habitats differently suitable for protozoa living in boreal forest soil.  相似文献   

Dynamics of soil biomass C,N, and P in a dry tropical forest in India   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Three dry tropical forest soils along a topographic sequence were examined to determine the seasonal dynamics of microbial C, N, and P. The lowest microbial biomass was found in forest soils at the foot of the hill followed by midslope forest soils. The hilltop soil, which had the most fine particles, water-holding capacity, organic C, and total N, reflected the presence of greater amounts of microbial C, N, and P. Mean annual microbial C, N, and P ranges were 466–662, 48–72 to 21–30 g g-1, respectively. The seasonal pattern of microbial biomass, C, N, and P was similar at all sites, the values being greatest during the dry season and lowest during the wet season. The seasonal values for microbial biomass C, N, and P were positively correlated with each other and a negative correlation was found between microbial biomass and the fine root mass in these forest soils.  相似文献   

A novel approach allowing on-site high throughput enzyme activity measurements by fluorogenic model substrates was applied to study the functioning of enzymes involved in biochemical cycling of nutrients in boreal forest soil ecosystems. The examined enzymes comprised α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, β-xylosidase, β-cellobiosidase, N-acetyl-glucosamidase, acetate-esterase, butyrate-esterase, phosphomonoesterase, sulphatase and aminopeptidase, whereby spatial and seasonal variation of their activity was investigated over nine seasons in 2 years. The studied sites of boreal podzolized soil of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies forest were located in central Finland. Activity of all enzymes except sulphatase was highest in the humus layer in all seasons. Maximum sulphatase activity was located below the humus layer in the soil column. Annual activities of acetate-esterase, butyrate-esterase, β-glucosidase and phosphomonosterase calculated to in situ temperature during the year were 480-700, 690-950, 110-190 and 110-200 mol m−2 year−1, respectively. They were up to 100 fold higher than the other six measured activities. The overall turnover capacity of the enzymes was >1000 mol of ester linked carbon, >700 mols carbon from different carbohydrates, 100-200 mol of ester linked phosphate, 10-40 mol of ester linked sulphate m−2 year−1. Winter time (November-April) contributed from 7 to 32% to the annual turnover capacity indicating important enzyme activities also during a cold period of the year. Clear-cutting of the tree stand did not adversely affect enzyme activities related to the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus during the year. The pH optimum for hemicellulose and cellulose hydrolysing enzymes was pH 3-4 and the pH optimum of phosphomonoesterase, sulphatase, aminopeptidase and N-acetyl-glucosamidase was 4-5. This shows that the hydrolytic activities were adapted to the acid pH-values of the soils. The soil hydrolytic potential was many fold higher as compared to the actual amount of litter it received in the P. sylvestris and P. abies forests.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the main terms of the water cycle in a Scots pine stand (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on a sandy soil and to estimate the contribution of the shallow water table (0.80 m deep in spring) to the forest water use. Continuous monitoring was organized in 2005 to measure climate, throughfall, soil moisture, tree transpiration and water table variations at a half-hourly basis. Leaf area index seasonal dynamic was measured and roots were counted down to the bottom of the soil profile. Forest floor evapotranspiration was modelled with Granier et al. [Granier, A., Bréda, N., Biron, P., Villette, S., 1999. A lumped water balance model to evaluate duration and intensity of drought constraints in forest stands. Ecol. Model. 116, 269–283]. From May to November, pine transpiration never exceeded 1.85 mm d−1 and reached a total of 176.4 mm, which corresponded to 25% of potential evapotranspiration, whereas the understorey evapotranspiration was 130 mm (i.e. 18–20% of the stand water use). The maximum soil water reserve measured over the soil rooted zone was 250 mm, in which 145 mm was extractable water. A 3.5-week period with no rain was observed in June, which induced a regulation of pine transpiration when the soil extractable water reached 0.25 of its maximum value.We applied the water table fluctuation (WTF) method [White, W., 1932. A method for estimating groundwater supplies based on discharge by plants and evaporation from soil. US Geol. Survey Water Supply Paper 659-A. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC] to estimate the water table daily loss of water. A relationship was established with potential evapotranspiration and the actual transpiration fluxes of the stand. Yet, it was not possible to extract from the WTF results the part that was effectively contributing to actual transpiration. We applied then the WTF methodology on longer time intervals, with a focus on periods with no rains. From May to November, the contribution of the water table to forest transpiration reached 61%. During the drought period in June, the water table contributed to 98.5% of the water uptake by vegetation, through its contribution to the capillary rise above the water table. The presence of a groundwater table with a floor down to 180–200 cm allowed this stand to rely upon water that otherwise would have drained deeper.  相似文献   

Short‐term (<7 years) effects of prescribed litter‐raking on forest‐floor nutrient pools, stand nutrition, and seepage water chemistry were studied in an N‐saturated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest in Southern Germany subject to high atmospheric‐nitrogen deposition. The study was based on a comparison of plots with and without annual prescribed litter raking at three sites with different N‐deposition levels. Prescribed litter‐raking resulted in a considerable reduction of forest‐floor thickness and mass, as well as of forest‐floor C, N, P, K, Mg, and Ca pools. Furthermore, it induced a significant decrease of the foliar N content in current‐year needles of the pines and a more balanced nutritional status of the stand. Particularly on the site subject to the highest N deposition, but to a lesser degree also at the other sites, the mean NO concentration in the subsoil seepage water and the N export into the groundwater were substantially reduced on the litter‐raked plots. The results show that in N‐saturated Scots pine ecosystems prescribed litter‐raking on areas of limited size, which are used as sources of groundwater‐derived drinking water and/or serve as habitat for endangered plant species, is a quick and effective method to achieve a more balanced nutritional status of the trees and to reduce seepage‐water NO concentrations and N export into the groundwater. In terms of sustainable ecosystem nutrient management, the conversion of conifer monocultures into broadleaf‐rich mixed stands is the better, yet less immediately effective method to reduce the seepage‐water N export from conifer forests subject to high atmospheric‐N deposition.  相似文献   

不同森林植被下土壤活性有机碳含量及其季节变化   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
通过对湖南省会同县地区不同季节地带性常绿阔叶林、杉木纯林、火力楠纯林以及杉木火力楠混交林土壤各活性有机碳的含量测定,分析了森林植被对土壤活性碳库及其季节变化的影响.结果表明,常绿阔叶林转变为人工林后,土壤活性有机碳含量明显降低;与杉木纯林相比,火力楠与杉木混交可提高土壤活性有机碳含量,但只有土壤水溶性有机碳含量显著提高;各林地土壤活性有机碳具有明显的季节变化,一年中土壤水溶性有机碳含量的大小始终为常绿阔叶林>杉木火力楠混交林>火力楠纯林>杉木纯林,土壤微生物量碳、热水浸提有机碳和碳水化合物则表现为常绿阔叶林>火力楠纯林>杉木火力楠混交林>杉木纯林.与杉木纯林相比,杉木火力楠混交林可提高林地质量,但不同林地活性有机碳的季节变化规律表现不尽一致,表明土壤活性有机碳的季节差异不仅与温度、降雨等气候因素有关,还受到植被类型的影响.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in environmental conditions and biotic interactions are often ignored when using stable isotope analysis for reconstructing the trophic structure of soil communities in temperate ecosystems. In this study, we estimated seasonal and age-related changes in δ13C and δ15N values in three epigeic species of collembolans (Pogonognathellus longicornis, Orchesella flavescens and Isotoma viridis) and two litter-dwelling species of millipedes (Polydesmus denticulatus and Leptoiulus proximus) in deciduous and coniferous forest stands in central Russia. Age-related changes in δ13C or δ15N values were either absent or negligible (within 1‰) in L. proximus, but adult and subadult specimens of P. denticulatus were enriched in 15N compared to early larval stages. Since the adults of P. denticulatus were generally more enriched in 15N than adults of L. proximus, they presumably occupy more distinct trophic niches than juveniles do. Age-related changes in isotopic composition were small or absent in collembolans studied. Neither δ13C nor δ15N values of millipedes changed significantly during the vegetation season. In contrast, consistent seasonal changes in δ13C and δ15N values were found in collembolans. Increased δ13C values coincided with the period of minimum soil moisture and correlated with a decreased C/N ratio in collembolan tissues. These changes can largely be attributed to the depletion of lipid-rich storage tissues. Seasonal changes in δ15N values were similar among collembolan species, yet slightly varied between habitats. A general trend of increasing δ15N values from June to September–October may indicate either a reduced importance of non-vascular plants (algae and lichen) in collembolan diet or variation in the isotopic composition of these plants. Overall, our data show that seasonal variations should be taken into account when estimating the isotopic composition of epigeic collembolans in forest soils.  相似文献   

Soil microbial activity drives carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil microbial biomass is commonly limited by environmental factors and soil carbon availability. We employed plant litter removal, root trenching and stem-girdling treatments to examine the effects of environmental factors, above- and belowground carbon inputs on soil microbial C in a subtropical monsoon forest in southwest China. During the experimental period from July 2006 through April 2007, 2 years after initiation of the treatments, microbial biomass C in the humus layer did not vary with seasonal changes in soil temperature or water content. Mineral soil microbial C decreased throughout the experimental period and varied with soil temperature and water content. Litter removal reduced mineral soil microbial C by 19.0% in the ungirdled plots, but only 4.0% in girdled plots. Root trenching, stem girdling and their interactions influenced microbial C in humus layer. Neither root trenching nor girdling significantly influenced mineral soil microbial C. Mineral soil microbial C correlated with following-month plant litterfall in control plots, but these correlations were not observed in root-trenching plots or girdling plots. Our results suggest that belowground carbon retranslocated from shoots and present in soil organic matter, rather than aboveground fresh plant litter inputs, determines seasonal fluctuation of mineral soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Stuart S. Bamforth   《Pedobiologia》2007,50(6):515-525
Decomposition occurs in the aboveground and ground litter and soils of tropical rain forests, but little is known about the protozoa that stimulate bacterial activity and turnover. I examined litter and ground soils, epiphytic bryophyte soils on tree trunks and branches, and adventitious roots of lianas attached to tree trunks, within 2 m above ground in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, within the Caribbean National Forest, Puerto Rico. Amoebae numbered 69,000–170,000, ciliates 1000–25,000, and testate amoebae 58,000–190,000 g−1 dry wt. of litter, but were reduced by 0.25–0.5 of these abundances in the underlying soils. In the aboveground soils, amoebae numbered 64,000–145,000, ciliates 1000–8000, and testate amoebae 84,000–367,000 g−1 dry wt. of soil. Eighty species of ciliates and 104 species of testate amoebae were found. About 50% of the individuals in ciliate and 33% in testate amoebae populations were small r-selected species, illustrating that functional differences between species determine community composition. Although protozoan numbers are best described as “protozoan potential” because many individuals may be dormant, the high moisture content of tropical rain forest litter and soils suggest almost continually connected soil water films (necessary for protozoan transport), and together with the large numbers and biodiversity of protozoa, suggest that a major proportion of these protozoa contribute to the bacterial decomposition channel of organic matter.  相似文献   


A study of sulphur movement through a Scots pine forest involved the analysis of S and 35S in rainfall, throughfall and stem flow solutions, and aqueous extracts of needles and soil, together with measurement of total levels in soil and needles. Solution preparation procedures were developed so that the solutions could be used for liquid scintillation counting, ion chromatography and ICP/OES instrumental methods, ie., it was possible to analyse stable and radioactive sulphur fractions on the same sample solutions. Counting efficiency of the beta radiation from 35S in the study solutions ranged from 10 to 80%, with the greatest quenching occurring in soil nitric acid digestion solutions. A single non‐linear mathematical relationship was applied to correct the beta counts for energy quenching in all solutions with minimal bias when compared to the values derived from using separate factors for each solution type.  相似文献   

Summary In December 1988, litter bags (mesh size: 45 and 1000 m) were exposed in the organic layer of unlimed and limed moder soil under beech forest in the Solling area of Germany. Bags were retrieved on three sampling dates (May, September, and November 1989) and amounts (g m-2) of glucosamine and galactosamine were determined. Horizon-specific differences generally explained by far the largest part of the treatment variance. In the substrate sampled in December 1988 from the unlimed area glucosamine increased by a factor of 11.8 from the L 1 layer to the H layer and galactosamine by a factor of 15.9. With the exception of the F2 layer, the hexosamine amounts found in the limed substrate sampled in December 1988 were higher in all horizons than in the corresponding horizons sampled from the unlimed area. Exclusion of mesofauna from the 45-m litter bags generally reduced the level of amino sugars at both sites. The difference between the two mesh sizes was most pronounced in the lowermost horizons (F2 and H) and quite small in the upper horizons. The exclusion of mesofauna significantly increased the glucosamine: galactosamine ratio in the two L layers of the unlimed soil on all sampling dates. Seasonal fluctuations suggested that the actual amino sugar content of the organic layer was essentially the function of two components, the first reflecting long-term accumulation of microbial metabo-lites, and the second reflecting short term fluctuations in the microbial colonization of various C sources together with spatial and temporal differences in the ability of the microflora to produce and to decompose hexosamines. The results of this study show that the mesofauna in the beech forest soils investigated significantly affected both the amino sugar components measured, and thus stimulated the accumulation of one of the most important N pools in forest soils.  相似文献   

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