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Results are presented from a 3-year investigation into nitrate leaching from grassed monolith lysimeters treated with double (15NH415NO3) or single (15NH4NO3) labelled ammonium nitrate at three rates, 250, 500 and 900 kg N ha?1 a?1. Over the 3 years of the experiment, 0.14%, 3.1% and 18.1% of the applied fertilizer was recovered in the leachate at 250, 500 and 900kg N ha?1 respectively. This represented 9%, 39% and 75% of the overall nitrate leaching at the three application rates. A significant proportion of the fertilizer leached as nitrate at the three application rates was derived, via nitrification, from the fertilizer ammonium. Increasing fertilizer applications caused a rise in the leaching of both soil and fertilizer derived nitrogen, although whether the increase reflected a true priming effect was not clear.  相似文献   

Fate of fertilizer nitrogen.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Results are presented from a three year lysimeter investigation, employing single (15NH4NO3) and double (15NH415NO3) labelled ammonium nitrate to study the uptake of soil and fertilizer nitrogen by cut ryegrass at 250, 500 and 900 kg N ha?1 a?1. Average annual recoveries of nitrogen were equivalent to 99,76 and 50% of the nitrogen added at 250, 500 and 900 kg N ha?1, respectively. At 250 kg N ha?1 the difference between the overall nitrogen recovery and the fertilizer recovery was almost entirely attributable to pool substitution resulting from mineralization/immobilization turnover (MIT). At 900 kg N ha?1 both the low overall recovery of nitrogen and the low fertilizer recovery reflected the large excess of available nitrogen over crop requirements. No evidence of ‘priming’ was obtained. Analysis of the results from single and double labelled lysimeters using simultaneous equations indicated that at 250 kg N ha?1,~70% of the nitrogen in the crop was derived from the ammonium pool. At 500 kg N ha?1 this dropped to 64%, while at 900 kg N ha?1 the figure was 59%. There was a suggestion that at the lower application rates, preferential uptake of ammonium was occurring but that as N supply exceeded crop requirements, nitrate was the major N source. Despite the preferential exploitation of the ammonium pool, at 250 and 500 kg N ha?1 pool substitution resulting from MIT resulted in lower recoveries of fertilizer ammonium compared with fertilizer nitrate.  相似文献   

Two field experiments commencing in winter (December) and spring (April) were conducted to determine the fate of nitrogen (N) in cattle slurry following application to grassland. In each experiment three methods of application were used: surface application, and injection ± the nitrification inhibitor, nitrapyrin. Slurry was applied at 80t ha−1, (≡248 kg total N ha−1 in the winter experiment, and 262 kg N ha−1 in the spring experiment). From slurry applied to the surface, total losses of N through NH3 volatilization, measured using a system of wind tunnels, were 77 and 53 kg N ha−1 respectively for the winter and spring experiments. Injection reduced the total NH3 volatilization loss to ∼2 kg N ha −1. Following surface application, loss by denitrification, measured using an adaptation of the acetylene-inhibition technique, was 30 and 5 kg N ha−1 for the two experiments. Larger denitrification losses were observed for the injected treatments; in the winter experiment the loss from the injected slurry without nitrapyrin was 53 kgN ha −1, and with nitrapyrin 23 kgN ha−1. Total denitrification losses for the corresponding injected treatments in the spring experiment were 18 and 14 kg N ha −1. Apparent recoveries of N in grass herbage in both experiments broadly reflected the differences between treatments in total gaseous loss.  相似文献   

主要农田生态系统氮素行为与氮肥高效利用研究   总被引:43,自引:5,他引:43  
氮肥在我国农业生产中发挥了重要作用 ,但氮肥的不合理施用也带来了一些负面影响 ,氮肥施用不合理、利用率低 ,不仅导致氮素的大量损失、造成了浪费 ,而且还对生态环境产生不良影响 ,使农田氮素成为重要的污染源之一 ,同时过量施用氮肥还严重影响了农产品品质。针对氮肥施用存在的问题 ,国内外已经开展了大量的基础研究。国家自然科学基金委员会多年来也资助了与农田生态系统氮素行为与氮肥高效利用研究相关的一些课题 ,为进一步系统开展本领域的综合研究奠定了基础。 2 0 0 2年 ,国家基金委针对氮肥施用中存在的科学问题设立了题为主要农田生态系统氮素行为与氮肥高效利用的重大项目 ,以期在国内外研究基础上 ,围绕农田生态系统氮素行为与氮肥高效利用 ,对我国主要农田生态系统中氮素的行为、作物高效利用氮肥的生理和遗传机制及调控作物高效利用氮肥的理论与方法等前沿科学问题开展跨学科的系统研究 ,为改变我国氮肥利用率低的局面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Summary Using 15N, the fate of N applied to wetland rice either as Azolla or urea was studied in a field at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). In bigger plots nearby, yield response and N uptake were also determined with unlabelled N sources. Azolla microphylla was labelled by repeated application of labelled ammonium sulfate. Labelled and unlabelled N were used alternately in applications of Azolla or urea 0 and 42 days after transplanting, in order to determine the effect of the time of application on the availability of Azolla N. The quantities of Azolla N incorporated were 23% more than those of urea N (30 kg N ha–1) in the isotope plots or 7% less in the yield response plots. Grain yield and total N uptake by the rice plants in the yield-response plots were higher in the urea-treated plots than in the Azolla-treated plots, but the physiological effect of Azolla N (grain yield response/increase in N uptake) was higher than that of rea. The labelled N balance was studied after the first and second crops of rice. Losses of labelled N after the first crop were higher from urea (30%–32%) than from Azolla (0%–11 %). Losses in N applied as a side dressing 42 days after transplanting were less than those of N applied basally. No further losses of 15N occurred after the first crop. The recovery of Azolla 15N in the first crop of rice was 39% from the basal application and 63% from the side dressing. The recovery of urea 15N was 27% from the basal application and 48% from the side dressing. Recoveries of residual N from both Azolla and urea during the second rice crop were similar. Laboratory incubation of the Azolla used and the changes in labelled exchangeable N in the soil showed that at least 65% of Azolla N (4.7% N content) was mineralized within 10 days.  相似文献   

Maize grown in the mid-hills of Nepal traditionally received inputs of manure. However, N fertilizer is increasingly applied either alone or in combination with manure. This study investigated the effect of these different nutrient sources applied at three rates (0, 45, 90 kg N ha-1) on crop yields in a maize-millet rotation at two locations (Pakhribas and Dordor Gaun) in the mid-hills of Nepal and measured the recovery of 15N-labelled urea applied as a top-dressing to maize at three rates (11.25, 22.5, 45 kg N ha-1). Grain and straw yields of maize were greater following the application of fertilizer either alone or in combination with manure, rather than manure alone. Millet yields were unaffected by the rate or form of N inputs to maize. Little (<25%) of the applied fertilizer was recovered in the maize crop, with only a further 3% recovered by the subsequent millet crop. On average, 58% of the applied fertilizer was recovered in the 0- to 60-cm soil layer at maize harvest, mainly in non-mineral N forms. Transformations and movement of applied fertilizer N were shown to be rapid, occurring within 7 days of application. Approximately one-third of the applied fertilizer was unaccounted for in the crop-soil system at maize harvest. It was concluded that fertilizer was rapidly immobilized and that its subsequent rate of turnover was low so that an application of fertilizer to one crop made no substantial contribution to the nutrition of the next.  相似文献   

控释氮肥在淹水稻田土壤上的去向及利用率   总被引:57,自引:11,他引:57  
通过土壤渗漏装置、微区和田间小区试验,研究了15N标记控释氮肥在淹水稻田土壤上氮素的去向和利用率。结果表明,施用控释氮肥能明显地降低氨挥发、淋失和硝化—反硝化的损失。控释氮肥处理的氨挥发量比尿素降低54.0%,氮淋失量降低32.5%。尿素的硝化—反硝化损失量占施入氮量的34.5%,而控释氮肥的只占2.0%;控释肥料与尿素氮在0—80cm土层中的残留率相近。控释氮肥一次性全量作基肥施入土壤,水稻的氮肥利用率平均为65.6%,比尿素(基肥+追肥)高出32.2个百分点。控释氮肥的农学效率显著地高于尿素。  相似文献   

Abstract. The leaching of spring-applied fertilizer nitrogen was measured by soil sampling on three soils widely used for spring cropping: a loamy sand, a sandy loam and a sandy silt loam. Soils were fallow during the experiment. Results were compared with simulations obtained with a computer leaching model. The model differentiated well between soil types, and predicted mineral nitrogen remaining in the top 30, 60 or 90 cm with reasonable precision. It tended to over-estimate the rate of nitrification of ammonium from ammonium nitrate fertilizers. The causes of occasional large discrepancies between sampling and measurement are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of straw disposal by burning and incorporation on soil and crop nitrogen (N) supply, were investigated on two light textured soils in central (ADAS Gleadthorpe) and eastern England (Morley Research Centre) over the period 1984 to 1995. Nitrogen balance calculations showed that after 11 years of contrasting straw incorporation versus burn treatments, the cumulative N returns in straw were c . 570kg/ha at Gleadthorpe and c . 330 kg/ha at Morley However, these N returns via straw incorporation were not reflected in increased total soil N levels in autumn 1994. There were no differences ( P > 0.05) between straw disposal treatments in autumn soil mineral N supply, readily mineralizable N or organic carbon. Similarly, there were no consistent differences between the treatments in terms of crop yield, crop N uptake or optimum fertilizer N rates. Fertilizer N applications of 200 kg N/ha/y increased topsoil organic carbon from 1.18 to 1.28% and total N content from 0.091 to 0.102% on the loamy sand textured soil at ADAS Gleadthorpe, but not at Morley. Previous fertilizer N applications increased the quantity of nitrate-N leached in drainage water by c . 20 kg/ha at Gleadthorpe and c . 60 kg/ha at Morley overwinter 1994/95, and by 10–20 kg/ha at both sites overwinter 1995/96. There was some indication overwinter 1994/95 that straw incorporation reduced nitrate-N leaching by 10–25 kg/ha, but there were no differences between treatments overwinter 1995/96.  相似文献   

Renovation of grassland may increase the mineralization of organic material and leads to a high amount of mineral N in soil which can be leached in the winter period. Soil mineral N (SMN) in autumn and calculated nitrate leaching during winter were measured after the renewal of 8 y–old cut grassland on a sandy soil in NW Germany in 1999 to 2002. Several factors, which may influence the intensity of N mineralization, were investigated in the 2 years following renewal: the season of renovation (spring or late summer/early autumn), the technique (rotary cultivator or direct drilling), and the amount of N fertilization (0 or 320 kg N ha–1 y–1 in the 7 years before the renovation). Calculated nitrate‐N leaching losses during winter were significantly higher following renewal in early autumn (36–64 kg N ha–1) compared to renewal in spring (1–7 kg N ha–1). This effect was only significant in the first, not in the second winter after renovation. The renovation technique had a significant effect on the nitrate‐N leaching losses only in the first year after the renovation. Direct drilling led to higher leaching losses (35 kg N ha–1) than the use of a rotary cultivator (30 kg N ha–1) in the same year. Calculated nitrate losses (on average over 60 kg N ha–1) were highest after renewal of N‐fertilized grassland in late summer/early autumn. To minimize N leaching losses, it would be more effective to plan grassland renewal in spring rather than in late summer/autumn. Another, however, less effective option is to reduce N fertilization before a renovation in autumn.  相似文献   

【目的】 施用氮肥是禾本科牧草种子高产的关键管理措施之一。为提高羊草种子产量,在人工羊草地上探讨施用氮肥对羊草种子产量及其构成因子的影响,以期为羊草种子生产提供理论和实践依据。 【方法】 试验于 2013~2015 年进行,以中科 2 号羊草 [Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel ‘Zhongke No.2’] 为材料,设置 5 个氮肥处理水平,分别为 N 0、60、120、180、240 kg/hm2,氮肥在返青期 (4 月上旬) 和种子完熟后 (7 月下旬) 施入,两个时期各施 1/2,羊草种子完熟时测定种子产量和产量构成因子。 【结果】 施氮量和年际对种子产量影响显著。随生长年限延长,羊草种子产量逐年增加。2013 年和 2014 年种子产量随施氮量增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,2013 年施用氮肥 104.9 kg/hm2 时羊草产量最高,为 395.2 kg/hm2,但氮肥对种子产量影响不显著,2014 年施用氮肥 173.5 kg/hm2 时产量最高,为 857.8 kg/hm2,较不施氮肥显著增加 56.0%。2015 年种子产量随施氮量增加而增加,施用氮肥 180 kg/hm2 时种子产量达较高水平为 1865.0 kg/hm2,与施用氮肥 240 kg/hm2 差异不显著,较不施氮肥显著增加 206.5%。通径分析结果表明,种子产量与抽穗数呈极显著正相关 ( r = 0.883, P < 0.01),抽穗数对种子产量的直接作用最大为 0.717,分蘖数对种子产量的间接作用最大为 0.689,且主要是通过抽穗数产生,抽穗数对种子产量的贡献最大。2013 年施用氮肥羊草抽穗数差异不显著,其后两年随氮肥施用量增加抽穗数的变化趋势与产量相同。三年连续施用氮肥使 2014 年和 2015 年抽穗数显著增加,对种子生产有利。施用氮肥显著增加羊草植株穗长、小穗花数、结实粒数/穗和结实率,而对千粒重和小穗数影响不显著。抽穗数与穗长、千粒重和小花数/小穗呈显著负相关。 【结论】 随生长年限增加,羊草种子高产所需施氮量增大,羊草适宜施氮量为 104.9~180.0 kg/hm2,2013 年以施氮 104.9 kg/hm2 为宜,而 2014 年和 2015 年则以 180 kg/hm2 左右为宜。抽穗数是影响种子产量的最关键因子,不受当年施用氮肥的影响,而与前一年种子完熟后施氮量和 8~10 月降雨量相关。抽穗数增加导致的穗长、千粒重和每小穗花数减少,可以通过添加氮素来给予补偿。   相似文献   

Little information is available on the response of grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] genotypes differing in nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) (g DM g N‐1) to added N fertilizer. Such knowledge is important for reducing the reliance upon fertilizer N. A dryland field experiment was conducted in 1993 and 1994 at Mead, NE evaluating the agronomic responsiveness of 13 sorghum genotypes differing in NUE to three N rates (0, 50 and 100 kg N ha‐1) and also to determine physiological factors that contribute to improved NUE. The experiment was conducted on a fine montmorillonitic, mesic, Typic Argiudoll soil. Total N at maturity, dry matter, and grain yield were used to calculate NUE terms. Genotype differences were found for all measured variables both years, but no N rate by genotype effects were significant. Nitrogen fertilizer enhanced plant N contents and grain yield, but decreased NUE for total biomass and grain production. An early freeze in 1993 markedly reduced the later maturing genotype grain yields which, in turn, influenced NUE group comparisons. All genotypes in the study attained their full yield potential in 1994. The linear response to N rate of the N non‐responsive group was significantly less than the moderately responsive or N responsive group. High NUE sorghums had greater yields than low NUE types averaged over N levels only in 1994 since Naga White, a high NUE type, did not reach maturity in 1993. There was no difference in the linear response to N between these two groups. A linear increase in grain yield with increasing N rate was significantly greater for hybrids than lines. The results suggest that specific selection for high NUE sorghums will not diminish responsiveness to applied N.  相似文献   

Fei  Chao  Zhang  Shirong  Wei  Wenliang  Liang  Bin  Li  Junliang  Ding  Xiaodong 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(3):1199-1207

Phosphorus (P) mobility in soil is controlled by its forms and soil sorption capacity. The P forms and soil sorption capacity are both affected by nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) addition. This paper aimed to (i) analyze effects of N and straw application on the different forms and content of P in the soil and its leachates in greenhouse soil, and (ii) explain variations in soil P transformation and transport in terms of contributing soil factors.

Material and methods

In this study, the impacts of N and straw application on the transformation and transport of soil P were investigated after 17 years in a greenhouse. Four fertilization regimes were implemented: farmer standard fertilization practice (CK), straw incorporation treatment (SC), optimized N fertilizer application (ON), and combined straw and optimized N fertilizer application (SN). P forms and its contents were determined in the selected leached water and its related soil samples.

Results and discussion

Compared with CK, ON treatment significantly (p < 0.05) decreased total phosphorus (Pt) and the proportion of organic phosphorus (Po) in soil, while straw amendment did not affect soil Pt content. SC, ON, and SN all decreased soil available phosphorus (Pa) but enhanced P transformation, as evidenced by the increase in the ratio of Pa to Pt and microbial phosphorus (MBP) and alkaline phosphatases (ALP) in soil. After SN implementation, soil P adsorption capacity increased significantly and was associated with higher soil organic matter (SOM) and CaCO3. ON showed lower Pt in the leachate than CK, but SC did not lead to significantly different. Under the SN regime, Pt loss by leaching decreased by 29.4% compared with CK and significantly reduced proportion of total dissolve P (DPt) in leachate.


Our study highlights that straw and optimized N fertilizer in SN treatment not only generates lower P loss by leaching but also promotes the transformation of soil P, which were attributed to higher soil Pa in greenhouse soil. This finding further indicates that P transformation and transport in the different fertilizer regimes was primarily linked to pH and SOM in greenhouse soil.


降低设施菜田的氮素淋溶对于缓解菜区农业面源污染具有重要意义.通过有机肥替代氮肥及节水研究了设施番茄和辣椒农田氮素淋溶变化特征.试验设置:化肥(HF)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%(TDN)处理、有机肥替代化学氮肥40%+节水30%(TDN+JS)处理.研究结果表明:两个监测年度不同蔬菜季所有处理淋溶液硝态氮平均浓度为7...  相似文献   

高寒牧区禾本科牧草施肥研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
连续8年的施肥试验结果表明,在青海草地施用磷肥和氮肥的效应随不同草地生态类型而变化,也随不同禾本科牧草种类而变化;禾草增产量(yi)与施氮水平(x)的数量关系符合yi=x/(a+bx)或yi=x/(a+bxc)方程;单施氮和单施磷对牧草品质具有不同的影响;磷作种肥在播种时一次施入,氮作追肥在分蘖期施入土层6cm时肥效最高.  相似文献   


With increasing manure production per unit cropland available for its disposal, greater recovery and recycling of manure nitrogen (N) through crop uptake is needed on dairy farms to minimize environmental problems. This study was conducted in 1990 and 1991 on a sandy loam soil with the objective of quantifyin forage yield and N recovery by orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) in response to dairy manure applied in spring with or without fertilizer N. Manure N, either as liquid or as solid with bedding, was surface applied annually to supply 150 kg total N/ha/yr with four rates of fertilizer N (0, 75, 150, and 300 kg N/ha in 1990 and 0, 150, 300, and 600 kg N/ha in 1991) factorially superimposed over the manure treatments. Averaged over years, orchardgrass recovered 40% of the liquid manure N and 26% of the solid manure N applied each year. On an annual basis, the crop recovered 430 kg soil N/ha/yr from plots receiving liquid manure in combination with 600 kg fertilizer N/ha. This study demonstrates that intensively managed orchardgrass has the potential to absorb large quantities of manure N.  相似文献   

施氮肥对新疆荒漠草原生物量和土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究了施肥对荒漠草原生物量和土壤酶活性的影响,采用野外试验方法了解施氮肥对新疆石河子3个不同降水量荒漠草原地上生物量和土壤中脲酶、蛋白酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性的变化情况。结果表明:与对照处理相比,施氮肥可以明显增加荒漠草原地区地上部分的生物量和6种土壤酶活性。施氮肥在高、中、低降水量地区的生物量增加比例分别为21.8%~31.2%,21.7%~39.3%,26.3%~31.4%。随着施肥后时间延长,施氮肥处理土壤脲酶、蛋白酶、蔗糖酶和碱性磷酸酶活性呈先增加后降低的趋势,多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性呈逐渐增加趋势。多酚氧化酶活性随土壤深度的增加呈现先增加后降低趋势,而其他5种酶随土壤深度的增加而降低。脲酶、蛋白酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶随降水量的降低而下降,多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性在降水量中等地区最大。  相似文献   

Intensive use of synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers for sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) production presents environmental challenges for water and air quality as well as impacts profitability for producers. Central to these concerns is a widespread reliance on yield-based recommendations that invoke generic models of crop N response but lack any means to account for variations in soil N-supplying power, a critical determinant of fertilizer N need for cereal, fiber, and tuber crops. The work reported herein was designed to ascertain the impact of soil N mineralization on sugarcane response to N fertilization and was carried out in conjunction with eight N-response trials conducted between 2006 and 2010 at field sites in the largest sugarcane-cultivated area in Brazil. Soil samples were utilized in categorizing the sites as highly responsive, moderately responsive, or nonresponsive to fertilizer N, based on two chemical indices of soil N availability, the Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test (ISNT) and direct steam distillation (DSD), and assessments of (1) net mineralization during aerobic incubation for 12 weeks and (2) incubation-induced changes in soil N fractions obtained by acid (total hydrolyzable N, hydrolyzable NH4 +-N, amino sugar N, and amino acid N) or alkaline (ISNT-N) hydrolysis. Sugarcane varied widely in response to N fertilization, indicating that yield-based recommendations would often under- or overestimate N requirement and thus adversely impact sustainability of sugarcane-based ethanol production. In studies to evaluate feasibility of soil N testing to improve fertilizer N recommendations, mineral N production upon aerobic incubation was accompanied by significant decreases in hydrolyzable NH4 +-N and ISNT-N, indicating that both fractions were liberating mineralizable forms of soil N. Test values by the ISNT and DSD were highly correlated, and both showed promise for differentiating soil responsiveness to fertilizer N.  相似文献   

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