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内蒙古主要湖泊水资源及其变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析内蒙古地区主要淡水和微咸水湖泊的水量、水质状况,对近50 a来不同类型湖泊变化特征及其原因进行了分析。研究表明:呼伦湖的水量最大,达52.1×108m3;哈素海水量最小,仅0.18×108m3。哈素海为淡水湖,矿化度仅0.6 g·L-1,其余湖泊均为微咸水湖,其中达里诺尔湖矿化度最高,达6.1 g·L-1,水化学类型主要为Cl--Na+,与乌梁素海、岱海和红碱淖相同。哈素海的水化学类型主要为Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO-3-SO2-4;而呼伦湖为HCO-3-Na+。内蒙古地区湖泊总体上呈现出水位下降、面积收缩小、水量减少、水体咸化的特征。湖泊水质变化与湖泊水量变化具有明显的对应关系,湖泊水量增加水体淡化,反之咸化。淡水湖泊哈素海水质基本稳定;呼伦湖、岱海、达里诺尔湖和红碱淖水体矿化度升高较快;而乌梁素海由于受水利工程与农业灌溉等的影响,湖泊水量较为稳定,但水体矿化度呈明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   

近50年岱海生态与环境变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岱海是我国北方地区的一个内陆湖,历史时期受构造运动和气候变化的影响,湖泊经历多次扩张和收缩,最大水域面积曾达到760 km2。近50年来,随着全球气候变暖及湖区农业活动的加强,岱海的补给水量急剧减少,自20世纪70年代以来,岱海水位持续下降,且下降速度呈现出明显的加快趋势;与此同时,湖水的矿化度不断升高,咸化现象已十分明显;受农业活动和城镇生活的影响,岱海水体的富营养问题也日益突出;其原始的自然环境发生了巨大变化。通过对各影响因素进行分析,结果表明,近50年来岱海环境恶化主要是由人类对流域水土资源的过度开发利用和对污废水的不合理排放造成的,气候变化只是起到了加速强化的作用。  相似文献   

岱海水盐变化原因及影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从湖泊水文要素变化出发,基于湖泊和流域的关系,利用相关分析方法,对近50 a来岱海水位、矿化度等水文要素变化序列进行了分析.并对变化原因进行了探讨,结果表明:相对封闭及较小尺度的流域面积等自身特性,决定了其水资源系统自我调节能力的脆弱性;而近年来流域上的人类活动,增大了降水径流滞留时间和蒸发作用,蒸发的水汽随环流流出流域,最终导致汇入流域的持水量和汇入湖泊的水量不断减少,矿化度在湖水量不断减少的情况下浓缩升高.最后就变化趋势及影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

内蒙古岱海水质现状分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
岱海是我国北方的一个典型内陆湖,由于流域工农业发展和人口增多,入湖的污染物质增加,根据2004年水质监测结果,岱海全湖属于劣Ⅴ类水质,其中湖水中氯化物、矿化度超标严重,已接近咸水湖标准,此外,湖水中的总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数也有不同程度的超标,与90年代相比,湖泊水质呈现出明显的恶化趋势。  相似文献   

内蒙古岱海水质环境演变及对渔业资源的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岱海是内蒙古渔业的重要生产基地。本文分析了岱海的水质现状与环境演变,并与近四十年来水质状况进行比较研究,得出岱海水中总含盐量不断不升,现已达4.31%,属半咸水性湖泊,特别是氯离子增长率较大,其含量己威胁到湖中鱼类的繁殖,另外岱海水质营养盐匮乏,限制了水中初级生产力,对渔业资源影响较大。  相似文献   

近40年来内蒙古岱海水位下降的主要原因   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
内蒙古岱海为地处东南季风区边缘的内陆封闭湖泊,近40多年来湖泊水位持续下降,湖泊面积持续萎缩。结合历史文献,本文回顾近代岱海湖面涨、水位波动的历史,进而对近40年的岱海水量平衡要素,以及气候资料进行了定量分析。结果显示岱海湖面波动气候变化的反应敏感,气候变化仍是近40年来岱海湖泊水面萎缩、水位波动的根本原因;现代人类活动的强烈干预是岱海萎缩的强化因素。  相似文献   

草原湖泊水位变化预示着草原生态环境的变化,是草原生态变化的重要指标。利用2018年11月—2022年1月ICESat-2卫星的ATL13全球内陆水体数据,构建呼伦湖高精度水位变化序列。使用DAHITI、Hydroweb和GREALM水位数据进行结果验证。依据湖泊面积与水位变化关系,构建水位面积关系模型,分析湖泊水位季节性变化特征及外界因素对湖泊水位的影响。研究结果表明:2018年11月—2022年1月,呼伦湖水位整体呈现上升趋势,年均水位上涨率为0.49 m·a-1;湖泊每年3—6月水位下降,7—10月水位上涨,11月—次年2月水位稳定。通过与DAHITI、Hydroweb和G-REALM水位数据对比验证可知,ICESat-2卫星监测水位数据稳定,水位序列精度高,均方根误差为9.7 cm,结果可靠。ICESat-2卫星水位监测成果结合湖泊水位面积模型,可实现多时段、高精度湖泊水位监测,并计算水位季节性变化时间序列,结果显示,呼伦湖水位季节性特征明显,且年际变化趋势基本稳定,春季至夏季水位下降,夏季至冬季水位上升。湖泊水位变化受外界因素的影响较大,气温升高引起的蒸发量增大是湖泊水位下降的...  相似文献   

以乌鲁木齐柴窝堡湖为例,根据Corona和Landsat遥感数据,提取近50 a湖泊水面变化的时间序列,利用激光测高卫星ICEsat/GLAS数据,提取2003—2009年水位变化信息,进而分析湖泊在气候变化和人类活动条件下的年、月空间变化特征。结果表明:柴窝堡湖水面变化分3个阶段:1964—2004年、2005—2010年和2011—2014年,其面积变化率分别为0.012 km2·a-1、-0.256 km2·a-1和-4.798 km2·a-1。水面变化由缓到急,并在2014年9月25日首现干涸,湖泊水体生态功能正在逐步丧失。湖泊水面的月变化在2005年以后逐渐明显,春季处于水面峰值,秋季处于低谷,多年的月变化曲线直观地反映了水面面积加速减退的趋势。湖面边界的空间变化与湖面水位的变化过程体现了"陡岸平底"的湖泊形态特征。2005年以前,湖水面积变化较小,而湖水水位变化相对明显;2005年以后,湖水面积显示有规律的加速缩减;2012年湖水边界退缩到湖盆底部后,湖水面积与地下水位变化呈现明显的相关性。驱动因素分析结果表明,1993年以后的地下水开采是湖泊水位与面积变化的主要动因,1999—2004年显著增加的降水减缓了湖泊水面的萎缩速度;而2004年以后,由于持续高强度地开采湖区地下水,湖泊的水量平衡被打破,导致了柴窝堡湖干涸的生态灾难。  相似文献   

本文基于水文观测和遥感监测数据,获取近60 a巴尔喀什湖面积、水位变化信息,重建湖泊水量变化时间序列,探明巴尔喀什湖水量变化特征;依据湖泊水量收入(入湖径流、降水)支出(湖面蒸发)建立巴尔喀什湖水量平衡模型,分析巴尔喀什湖水量平衡要素变化特征,定量解析气候变化和人类活动对巴湖水量变化的影响.结果表明:(1)1961—2...  相似文献   

新疆博斯腾湖水生态环境变化分析   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:15  
博斯腾湖曾是我国最大的内陆淡水湖 ,也是新疆境内迄今为止最大的湖泊。 195 8年前湖泊水位持续保持在 10 4 8.0m左右 ,此时湖体东西长约 5 5km ,南北宽约 2 0~ 2 5km ,湖水水面积为 116 0km2 ,湖泊容积 84 .1×10 8m3 ,水深变化在 8~ 15m之间 ,平均水深 8.1m。博斯腾湖的原始自然生态环境已发生巨大变化 ,其湿地面积已由 95 0km2 缩减到 12 0km2 ,沼泽面积亦由 6 0 0km2 缩减至 4 0 0km2 ,矿化度则由 0 .5 5mg/L上升至 1.2mg/L ,土著鱼种濒于绝迹。通过对博斯腾湖的形成与演变及湖泊水系的原始生态环境的探讨 ,分析近 5 0a来该湖水环境的变化及其主要影响因素。  相似文献   

近20年博斯腾湖与岱海水位变化比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
岱海和博斯腾湖是分布在我国西部干旱半干旱地区的两个典型湖泊,在过去的几十年中受气候和人类活动影响,湖泊水位都发生了比较显著的变化,但在表现上却很不一样,尤其是80年代中期之后,水位一涨一落。本文从水盐平衡出发,通过对两处湖区气候、人类活动、湖泊水量和盐平衡的分析认为,岱海水位下降主要是流域上人类活动加剧的结果;而博斯腾湖水位上升则主要体现了水文对区域气候变化的响应,尤其是近年干旱区西部暖湿化作用下上游山区降水增加和冰川消融发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

博斯腾湖的咸化与淡化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
博斯腾湖的功能是多方面的,在南疆经济建设中很重要。本文对该湖概况、湖体效应、水质演变、水盐平衡、生态环境等作了介绍和分析,提出了治理建议,对湖水淡化作了预测。  相似文献   

Lakes play important roles in sustaining the ecosystem and economic development in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, but the spatial patterns and driving mechanisms of water quality in lakes so far remain unclear. This study aimed to identify the spatial changes in water quality and the driving factors of seven lakes (Juyanhai Lake, Ulansuhai Lake, Hongjiannao Lake, Daihai Lake, Chagannaoer Lake, Hulun Lake, and Wulannuoer Lake) across the longitudinal axis (from the west to the east) of Inner Mongolia. Large-scale research was conducted using the comprehensive trophic level index (TLI (Σ)), multivariate statistics, and spatial analysis methods. The results showed that most lakes in Inner Mongolia were weakly alkaline. Total dissolved solids and salinity of lake water showed obvious zonation characteristics. Nitrogen and phosphorus were identified as the main pollutants in lakes, with high average concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus being of 4.05 and 0.21 mg/L, respectively. The values of TLI (Σ) ranged from 49.14 to 71.77, indicating varying degrees of lake eutrophication, and phosphorus was the main driver of lake eutrophication. The lakes of Inner Mongolia could be categorized into lakes to the west of Daihai Lake and lakes to the east of Daihai Lake in terms of salinity and TLI (Σ). The salinity levels of lakes to the west of Daihai Lake exceeded those of lakes to the east of Daihai Lake, whereas the opposite trend was observed for lake trophic level. The intensity and mode of anthropogenic activities were the driving factors of the spatial patterns of lake water quality. It is recommended to control the impact of anthropogenic activities on the water quality of lakes in Inner Mongolia to improve lake ecological environment. These findings provide a more thorough understanding of the driving mechanism of the spatial patterns of water quality in lakes of Inner Mongolia, which can be used to develop strategies for lake ecosystem protection and water resources management in this region.  相似文献   

Kei SAITOH 《干旱区科学》2021,13(12):1260-1273
This study aimed to elucidate the influence of inflow water on the salinity concentration process of a saline lake and the mass balance of Lake Issyk-Kul, a tectonic saltwater lake in Kyrgyzstan. Based on the survey results and meteorological data from 2012 to 2015, we analyzed the dissolved chemical composition loads due to water inflow. Then, we discussed the relationship between the increase in salinity and water inflow into the lake. Through the water quality analysis data, we used the tank model to estimate the river inflow and analyze the loads by the L-Q curve. The groundwater loads were then estimated from the average annual increase in salinity of the lake over a period of 30 a. The results suggest that Lake Issyk-Kul was temporarily freshened between about AD 1500 and 1800 when an outflowing river existed, and thereafter, it became a closed lake in AD 1800 and continued to remain a saline lake until present. The chemical components that cause salinization are supplied from the rivers and groundwater in the catchment area, and when they flow into the lake, Ca2+, HCO3- and Mg2+ precipitate as CaCO3 and MgCO3. These compounds were confirmed to have been left on the lakeshore as evaporite. The model analysis showed that 1.67 mg/L of Ca2+ and Mg2+ supplied from rivers and groundwater are precipitated as evaporite and in other forms per year. On the other hand, salinity continues to remain in the lake water at a rate of 27.5 mg/L per year. These are the main causes of increased salinity in Lake Issyk-Kul. Since Na+ and Cl- are considered to be derived from geothermal water, they will continue to flow in regardless of the effects of human activities. Therefore, as long as these components are accumulated in Lake Issyk-Kul as a closed lake, the salinity will continue to increase in the future.  相似文献   

Jizzakh Province in Uzbekistan is one of the largest irrigated areas in Central Asia without natural drainage.In combination with aridity,climate change and extensive irrigation practices,this has led to the widespread salinization of agricultural land.The aim of this study was to identify opportunities to improve the reclamation status of the irrigated area and how best to effectively use the water resources in Jizzakh Province based on investigations conducted between 1995 and 2016.A database of field measurements of groundwater levels,mineralization and soil salinity conducted by the provincial Hydro-Geological Reclamation Expeditions was used in the study.The total groundwater mineralization was determined using a portable electric conductometer(Progress 1T)and the chloride concentration was determined using the Mohr method.The soil salinity analyses were conducted by applying two different methods:(1)the extraction and assessment of the soluble salt content,and(2)using an SM-138 conductivity sensor applied to a 1:1 mixture of soil sample and water.The analyses of the monitoring results and the salt balance in the"irrigation water–soil–drainage water"system clearly demonstrated that the condition of the irrigated land in the province was not significantly improved.Under these conditions,the stability of crop yields is achieved mainly through the use of large volumes of fertilizer.However,excess amounts of mineral fertilizers can also cause the salinization of soils.The average groundwater salinization value in most of the irrigated land(75.3%)fluctuated between 1.1 and 5.0 g/L,while the values were less than 1.0 g/L in 13.1%of the land and in the range of 5.1–10.0 g/L in 10.5%of the land.During the period of 1995–2016 the salinization level of the irrigated land in Jizzakh Province increased slightly and the area could be divided into the following classes:no salinity(17.7%of the total area),low salinity(51.3%),moderate salinity(29.0%),and high salinity(2.0%).Detailed studies of the salt balance in irrigated land,the impact of climate change,increased fertilizer use,and repeated remediation leaching on the groundwater level and mineralization should be conducted in the future,due to the possibility of accelerated salinization,fertility decline,and reduced yields of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

本文对新疆30多个主要湖泊的pH、矿化度及水化学类型作了研究,并按湖水的盐分含量和矿化度划分为淡水湖、咸水湖及盐湖三种类型。新疆由于是内陆干旱地区,淡水湖的面积很小,主要是咸水湖和盐湖。  相似文献   

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