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水土保持生态自然修复与生态文明建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水土资源是人类发展与文明的根基,如何整治日趋恶化的生态环境、防止水土流失、恢复和重建受损的生态系统成为生态文明建设的关键.水土保持生态自然修复是一个费省效宏的水土流失综合防治办法,水土保持生态修复是实现资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要途径,也是建设生态文明与美丽中国目标实现的重要载体.在分析水土保持生态自然修复与生态文明建设相互关系的基础上,概括我国水土保持生态自然修复的成效与经验,明确水土保持生态自然修复工作需要亟待加强的几个领域,提出未来实施水土保持生态自然修复工作的若干发展策略.  相似文献   

新时期水土保持监测工作刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
监测是水土保持工作的基础,也是水土保持的一项重要工作.生态文明建设和经济社会的新发展,对水土保持监测工作提出了新的任务和要求.随着社会发展,做好新时期水土保持监测工作,为水土保持和生态文明建设夯实基础、提供支撑,迫在眉睫,责任重大.文章对如何做好与社会发展和需求相匹配的水土保持监测工作,加强供给侧改革,提供高水平的监测成果和服务,进行了分析和思考,提出了政策建议和保障措施.  相似文献   

水土保持工作是社会主义生态文明建设的重要组成部分,我县水土保持部门坚持依法行政、科学引导、扎实推进我县水土保持工作和生态环境建设,为构建社会主义和谐社会,建设现代山水茶乡提供有力支撑和保障.本文引用具体事例着重从五个方面来阐述如何贯彻执行水土保持法,建设生态文明新安溪.  相似文献   

在"五位一体"的总体布局中,生态文明建设要为经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设创造良好环境条件和基础,经济、政治、文化、社会建设要促进和保障生态文明建设。要研究新形势下水土保持的对策与措施,在优化国土空间开发格局中发挥重要作用;要深化生产建设项目管理,在资源节约中发挥重要的调控和监管作用;要加强水土保持生态建设,在生态系统保护中发挥积极推动作用;要建立并实施水土保持政府目标考核制、实施最严格的水土保持生态保护制度、完善水土保持功能补偿制度、建立水土保持危害事件责任追究制度,推动生态文明新机制新体制的建立。  相似文献   

水土保持宣传教育是水土保持事业的重要组成部分和基础性工作,在加强国策教育、促进公众参与、建设生态文明等方面发挥着重要作用。在公众环境权利意识觉醒和建设社会主义生态文明的大背景下,水土保持宣传教育要在内容、形式和渠道方面改革创新,以适应时代发展的要求。要加快水土保持宣传内容的更新,建立从幼儿园到社会的水土保持宣传系统,注重发挥新媒体的宣传作用,建设水土保持宣传教育基地,促进更多公众参水土保持。  相似文献   

从水土流失是生态恶化与贫穷落后的根源、水土保持符合生态文明的内涵要求、水土保持是生态文明建设的重要基础等三个方面,论述了水土保持在生态文明建设中的作用。  相似文献   

水土保持是实现生态文明的重要基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土资源是一切生物繁衍生息的根基,是实现生态文明的重要基础。水土保持通过因地制宜,合理调整人与自然的关系,科学布设各项措施,严格实行预防、修复、治理、保护,防止盲目无序的开发利用水土资源,有力地推动了资源、环境和经济、社会的协调发展,促进了人与自然的和谐共处,它是生态文明建设的重要内容。本文从生态文明的涵义入手,分析了水土流失对生态文明建设的影响、水土保持在生态文明建设中的作用,提出了推进生态文明建设的措施。  相似文献   

水土保持是生态文明建设的重要内容和组成部分,是建设生态文明的基础.河南黄河流域是河南省水土流失较严重的区域,搞好生态文明建设,既是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的需要,亦能使当地人民获得更多的幸福感.经过多年不懈努力,河南黄河流域已建设完成一批国家级及省级水土保持生态文明城市(县)、社会教育基地、科技示范园、生态清洁小流...  相似文献   

通过学习十八大报告第八部分“大力推进生态文明建设”,结合所从事的专业技术工作实际,论述了生态文明提出的社会背景、生态文明的概念与内涵以及生态文明建设的重大意义,提出了山西的生态文明建设必须把水土流失治理放在极为重要的位置,应重点抓好区域水土保持战略实施、在革命老区大力开展以小流域为单元的水土保持生态建设、全面强化水土保持监督管理防治人为水土流失、深入开展水土保持国策宣传教育、着力推进生态自然修复等方面的宏观思路.  相似文献   

论生态文明建设中的水土保持监测与公共服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在生态文明建设的新时代,水土保持监测与公共服务是国家生态环境监测的重要内容,生态环境监测是生态文明建设的重要基础支撑.按照国家印发《关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见》和《生态环境监测网络建设方案》等文件,提出的国家生态环境监测网络建设的指导思想、建设原则和目标任务,结合国务院批复的《全国水土保持规划》,对照国家生态环境监测相关要求,分析水土保持监测的目标,在监测与管理、决策、监督和目标考核等联动机制的基础上,提出在国家生态环境监测网络建设宏观要求下,水土保持监测与公共服务建设思路:加快建设天地一体、上下协同和信息共享的监测网络,按公益事业落实监测机构体制和监测点运行机制,明确各级监测机构职责和事权.建立定期调查与动态监测制度,实施监测与监管、监测与考核联动.完善技术标准,统一监测方法,推进高新技术装备应用,提升自动化水平,加快监测信息化建设,实现互联共享.及时、准确地为生态文明建设、目标责任制考核和责任追究提供依据和支撑,更好地服务于社会及公众.  相似文献   

真菌及混合菌对锯木屑类腐殖质形成和转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用液体摇瓶培养,在接种单一真菌(木霉、黑曲霉或青霉)和混合菌情况下,研究其对锯木屑类腐殖质组成和转化的影响,旨在揭示微生物利用木质素形成腐殖质的可能性,为土壤腐殖质形成提供理论参考和依据。结论如下:(1)在培养体系中,黑曲霉、青霉和混合菌在培养初期的快速繁殖致使代谢液中可溶性碳数量降低,随菌落繁殖渐趋平衡,降解作用增强,残留物中有机碳组分不断向代谢液中释放有机碳小分子,菌球的吸附作用更加速了这一过程,促使代谢液中有机碳数量急剧增加。木霉对残留物的降解作用显著,随后部分微生物量碳随菌体死亡重新进入残留物中,使得代谢液有机碳数量先增加后减少。整个培养过程中,残留物中碳的数量因降解作用而呈减少趋势。(2)WSS表现为先降低后升高的趋势。(3)接种菌悬液可迅速增大HLA和HLu的含碳量。青霉处理HLA组分一直处于降解阶段,而其他3个处理在培养初期均有利于HLA降解,随微生物自身合成和缩合作用的进一步增强,新的HLA形成。(4)培养初期,FLA的形成速度大于HLA,随后FLA逐渐向HLA转化。(5)培养结束后,各处理FLA分子趋于简单,而HLA分子在整个培养过程中先简单化,而后趋于复杂,新形成的HLA分子结构较复杂。(6)培养初期,木霉和黑曲霉的繁殖促使HLu数量增大,后期HLu逐渐向易溶态有机碳转化,青霉在培养中前期对HLu主要表现为降解,后期随菌体数量扩大,HLu数量再次提高,而混合菌处理HLu的数量一直处于递减状态。培养结束后,各处理HLu的数量均有所增加。  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of the clay fraction and microfabrics of the cryogenic soil-loess sequences of the Middle and Late Pleistocene ages have been studied near the northern boundary of loess sediments on the East European Plain. Poorly ordered mixed-layered mica-smectitic minerals with different portions of smectitic layers predominate in the clay fraction; di-and trioctahedral hydromicas occupy the second place. The clay fraction also contains chlorite, clay-size quartz grains, and feldspars. Individual smectite is present in some of the samples. Interstadial chernozem-like paleosols are specified by the higher content of clay, the maximum concentration of smectitic layers in the mixed-layered minerals, and the presence of individual smectite. The clay fraction in the profiles of interglacial paleosols is sharply differentiated: in the eluvial part, it is depleted of smectite and enriched in kaolinite, hydromica, and clay-size quartz. These features allow us to suppose that interglacial paleosols were subjected to podzolization processes. According to the mineralogical indices, Middle Pleistocene paleosols can be differentiated into those subjected to lessivage (the Kamenskii interglacial paleosol) and podzolization (the Inzhavin interglacial paleosol).  相似文献   

Japan has a variety of laws to conserve and manage wildlife and biodiversity. This article reviews Japanese laws from conservation of endangered species to the fish and game code, and indicates the issues and challenges they face. It then discusses the issues and challenges for management in the application of the laws.The Japanese statute for conservation of endangered species corresponds to the US Endangered Species Act in appearance, but is much more limited in application and scope. There is no legal channel, such as lawsuits, to assure citizens’ and experts’ input. With respect to general species, management of fish and animals are divided; the fish code’s scope is limited to fishery purposes. Control of wildlife damage is the biggest emphasis in the wildlife code. Reform to bring principles of scientific management into pest control has begun, but conventional culling is still the norm.Japan’ wildlife and fish management is distinctive in relying upon local resource users, instead of on a strong regulatory agency. This is a consequence of traditional communal management, and is apparent in coastal fisheries. The depopulation and exhaustion of rural communities, however, makes it difficult to rely on the community for management. In particular, wildlife management, which relies on aging hunters, is facing a turning point. To address these changes, agencies must be strengthened and lawmakers must enact a mechanism to assure sound science in wildlife policy, while working to revitalize rural communities.  相似文献   

本文论述了IPV6产生的社会原因,阐述了国外发达国家下一代Internet的发展状况和中国下一代Internet的发展状况及最新进展。  相似文献   

The properties, hydrological features, and genesis of the solods occurring in the Baraba Lowland and Priobskoe Plateau were studied. Methods for determining the hydromorphism degree are considered; the features of the similarity and differences between the solods and other soils with textural profile differentiation are shown. Depending on the reasons for the waterlogging, the solods should be divided into two groups: the solods of groundwater waterlogging and the solods of surface waterlogging. Criteria for their discrimination are suggested: the ratio between the contents of the clay fraction in the parent rock (or in the B2 horizon) and that in the A2 horizon, the changes in the pH values along the soil profiles, and the content of nonsilicate iron compounds. The solods studied are shown to be formed under the conditions of a stagnant-percolative regime and gleying. This circumstance is an obligatory and sufficient reason for the formation of the light-colored acid eluvial (A2) horizons. According to some basic properties of the soil solid phase (the acidity, the total chemical composition, and the clay pattern in the eluvial part), the gleyed solods are close or identical to the gleyed soddy-podzolic and gleyed chernozem-like podzolic soils. At the same time, the solods differ from the gleyed chernozem-like podzolic soils by their thicker A1 (or Ap) horizon and their higher humus content (5–7%).  相似文献   

通过分析损害图书的各种自然因素,阐明优化书库环境、加强图书保护的重要性。  相似文献   

水氮耦合对苹果光合特性和果实品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过不同灌水量和施氮处理,研究水氮耦合对红富士苹果光合特性及品质的影响。结果表明:红富士苹果的光合特性在不同水肥组合下的变化不同,其光合作用存在明显的“午休”现象。中水高肥和高水高肥的肥水组合对光合速率的保持有一定的作用。低水中肥的肥水组合的蒸腾速率最低,保水效果最好。中度水分供应条件下,施用较多的氮肥可以提高气孔导度利于光合的进行。肥水管理以灌溉量5250m3/hm2、氮肥施用量600kg/hm2方案能获得较高的品质效益。  相似文献   

临汾地区的陶寺遗址是黄河中游地区发现的夏代之前的都邑性古城。通过对临汾地区和陶寺遗址区域自然环境条件的研究和分析,结合区域考古学文化的发展,探讨了陶寺古城的形成原因以及选址影响因素。研究表明:全新世中期至陶寺文化时期,临汾盆地由于较为暖湿的气候条件、良好的土地资源和水资源条件,区域内的新石器文化获得了持续发展。仰韶文化中晚期,我国中原地区及北方地区的新石器文化均获得了快速发展。临汾地区不仅处于这一文化发达区域的中心位置,而且地处我国中原核心地区同北方和东北地区文化交流的重要通道上,同时也是我国东西向文化交流的通道之一,由于这种优越的地理位置,临汾地区的区域文化优势地位逐渐显露出来。相当于龙山文化晚期的陶寺文化时期,相较其他中原核心地区,临汾地区受水患影响较小,区域文化的强势地位进一步凸显,因而成为都邑性古城兴起之地。陶寺文化时期,古城所在的黄土台地冲沟尚未下切,南河和宋村沟均为宽浅的沟谷型河流,高于平原地面的黄土台地既有利于设防又能有效规避水患,在塔儿山上游地区拥有较大汇水面积的南河和宋村沟又可以提供丰富稳定的水源,因而是营建古城的理想场所。  相似文献   

Limited information on the effect of glyphosate (N-phosphonomethylglycine) on soil microorganisms justified an inquiry into the response of soil actinomycetes, bacteria and fungi in terms of their respiration, and sensitivity of isolates. Low concentrations of glyphosate had little effect on total populations of these organisms during the 214-day experiment, while high concentrations initially increased actinomycete and bacterial numbers by 2 and 1case12 logs, respectively. The stimulation was followed by a decline and fluctuation showing a gradual increase in numbers. The respiration rates of the soil microbiota in soil suspensions, showed some irregular stimulation and retardation with up to 10 μg glyphosate ml?1. In contrast high doses suppressed O2 uptake by the microbiota. Fungi were the least affected. Pronounced inhibition of actinomycete and bacterial respiration was in agreement with the results from isolate replication. The results indicated both stimulation and inhibition of O2 uptake by some organisms within these groups. In contrast to some reports of limited, short-term inquiries these results showed considerable effects of glyphosate on soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

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