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Screenhouse experiments were conducted to study the phytoextractability of lead (Pb) by three oilseed crops (Brassica juncea, Brassica napus and Eruca sativa) from Pb enriched (i.e. 0, 200, 400, 600 and 800 mg Pb kg?1 soil) unamended, sewage sludge-amended (SS-amended) and farmyard manure-amended (FYM-amended) sandy loam soil. Chlorotic symptoms and stunted growth were observed at Pb600 and Pb800 treatments. Sewage sludge and FYM slightly decreased chlorosis. The biomass production for amendment treatments followed the order: FYM-amended > SS-amended > Unamended soil, and for species: Brassica juncea > Brassica napus > Eruca sativa. The Pb concentration followed the order: leaf > stem > seed, Brassica napus > Brassica juncea > Eruca sativa, and SS-amended > Unamended > FYM-amended soils. The Pb uptake followed the order: Brassica juncea > Brassica napus > Eruca sativa, and SS-amended > Unamended > FYM-amended soils. Exchangeable and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions decreased and organic matter bound fraction increased with sewage sludge and FYM. The carbonate bound fraction considerably decreased with FYM.  相似文献   

Sewage sludge in doses of 200 and 400 Mg ha−1 (dry weight) were applied in an experimental rehabilitation of a limestone quarry to improve soil physical condition. The effect of this organic waste on soil aggregation and structural stability has been tested measuring aggregate size distribution by dry- and wet-sieving procedures over a period of 28 months. We discuss the influence of the organic components of aggregates on soil structure. The main effect of sewage sludge was to increase aggregate stability to raindrop impact (splash) just after application of the former but one year later this effect decreased notably. Organic matter is distributed in different ways between macro- and microaggregates, and this parameter seems to be responsible for the structure changes observed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

施用辐照处理的污水污泥对作物产量和土壤氮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field experiment was conducted to study the feasibility of irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge as a fertilizer for the growth of wheat and rice. The irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge were applied at rates of 0 (CK), 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg N ha-1 for wheat, and 0 (CK), 112.5, 225, 337.5 and 450 kg N ha-1 for rice, respectively. (NH4)2SO4 at a rate of 150 kg N ha-1 for wheat, and 225 kg N ha-1 for rice were added to the control treatments. Additionally, 20 kg 15N ha-1 in the form of (NH4)2SO4 was added to each treatment for wheat to study the effect of sewage sludge on chemical nitrogen fertilizer recovery. The results showed that the irradiation of sewage sludge by gamma ray at a dosage of 5 kGy increased crop yield by 11%~27% as compared to the non-irradiated treatments. Irradiation stimulated mineralization of organic nitrogen in the sludge and improved seedling growth. It was found that addition of irradiated sludge could reduce the leaching loss of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Both irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge could increase the content of soil total nitrogen. Based on the preliminary results, it was concluded that irradiated sewage sludge could partly substitute for chemical nitrogen fertilizer in crop production.  相似文献   

聚环氧琥珀酸对污泥中镉的萃取作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Polyepoxysuccinic acid (PESA), as an environmental benign biodegradable chelant, was used to remove heavy metals from the sewage sludge of Shanghai Taopu Wastewater Treatment Plant. The extraction of cadmium (Cd) from sewage sludge using aqueous solution of PESA was studied. It was found that PESA was capable of extracting Cd from the sludge, and the extraction efficiency was dependent on both pH and the concentration of the chelating reagent. The extraction efficiency decreased gradually with increasing of pH, whereas the dependency on pH decreased as the concentration of PESA increased. In the case of the high PESA to total metal ratio, e.g., 10:1, the extraction efficiency reached above 70% within the pH range from 1 to 7. The highest extraction efficiency obtained in the experiment was 78%. By comparing the contents of the heavy metals in sewage sludge before and after the extraction, it was found that the extracted Cd came mainly from the four fractions: acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and water-soluble fractions.  相似文献   

为探讨皂角苷对污泥中Cu和Zn去除的机制,采用化学淋洗的方法研究皂角苷浓度(0~7%)、pH(2~6)、振荡时间(0~48 h)、温度(10、25、40℃)和提取次数(1~4次)对四种生活污泥中Cu和Zn去除率的影响,分析去除前后重金属的形态,并监测去除过程中浸出液pH的变化。结果表明,单次淋洗条件下,皂角苷对Cu的去除率大于Zn;皂角苷溶液的pH对Cu的去除没有显著影响,而Zn的去除率在pH下降到2时明显增加;Cu经过6~12 h的振荡就能达到最大去除,Zn则需要经过较长时间的振荡(48 h)才能达到较好去除;提高振荡温度,Cu的去除率降低而Zn的增加;随着提取次数的增加,Cu和Zn的去除率均增加,Cu的去除以第1次提取为主,Zn的4次提取均有较好效果,用3%的皂角苷溶液连续4次提取后,Cu和Zn的累积去除率最大分别达到32.61%和39.32%;增加振荡时间、提高振荡温度、增加提取次数以及降低皂角苷溶液pH均能降低浸出液的pH。经过3%的皂角苷溶液的提取,污泥中各形态Cu的含量均减少,其中66%以上的酸溶态被去除;而Zn的酸溶态含量减少不明显,可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态均有所降低,但以残渣态的减少为主。  相似文献   


The remediation technologies of soils contaminated with petroleum products are developed in two main directions: the first one encompasses searching for new effective bioagents and the other one explores the ways to activate those microorganisms present in the soil that are capable of degrading oil. The objective of this research was to determine if it is possible to increase the effectiveness of biodegradation of petroleum products by using chemical additives. The soil was supplemented with additives: CuSO4, MnSO4, KMnO4, H2O2, 5% and 10% chemical industry plants sludge, 5% and 10% Stock Company ‘Klaipedos vanduo’ (SC‘KV’) municipal wastewater treatment plants sludge. The data suggest that all the additives statistically significantly stimulated the degradation of diesel fuel (F = 12.01; p = .001) and black oil (F = 9.93; p = .001) compared with the control. It was determined that diesel fuel was degraded the fastest in samples with KMnO4, where efficiency of degradation was 90%, and 88% efficency in samples with 10% chemical industry plants sludge. Black oil was degraded the best in samples, where KMnO4 was added: efficiency of degradation was up to 63%. In the samples with 10% of sewage sludge from chemical industry plant degradation efficiency was 62%.  相似文献   

Leaching column experiments were conducted to determine the degree of mobility of heavy metals (HMs) and nutrients after the addition of municipal solid sewage sludge (MSS) in a sandy‐loam soil. Treatments were (1) soil application of low metal content MSS, (2) soil application of metal‐enriched municipal solid sewage sludge (EMSS), and (3) control. The MSS application represented a dose of 200 Mg dry weight (dw) ha–1. Soil columns were incubated at room temperature for 15 d and were irrigated daily with distilled water to make a total of 557 mm. Leachates were collected and analyzed for HMs and nutrients. The Ni and Pb added to soil via MSS and EMSS were found to be leached through the 20 cm columns of calcareous sandy soil although Ni and Pb concentrations in the percolate were small relative to the total amounts of metals applied. Losses of K+ from the EMSS, MSS, and control were 92.5, 82.0, and 52.5 kg ha–1, respectively. Losses of Mg2+ were in the range from 104.4 (control treatment) to 295.2 kg ha–1 (EMSS), while the loss of Ca2+ was in the range from 265.0 (control treatment) to 568.2 kg ha–1 (EMSS). The results showed that the amounts of P leached from EMSS (3.02 kg ha–1) and MSS (2.97 kg–1 ha–1) were significantly larger than those from the control treatment (1.54 kg ha–1). The geochemical code Visual MINTEQ was used to calculate saturation indices. Leaching of P in different treatments was controlled by rate‐limited dissolution of hydroxyapatite, β‐tri‐Ca phosphate, and octa‐Ca phosphate. The results indicate that application of MSS to a sandy soil, at the loading rate used in this study, may pose a risk in terms of groundwater contamination with Ni, Pb, and the studied nutrients.  相似文献   

Various urban and industrial sewage sludges were applied to a soil at two doses (50 and 100 t ha−1 y−1) during eight years in a field experiment. The soil was analysed at two depths (0–30 and 30–60 cm) for extractable cadmium and nickel. In general these trace metal increased with dosage. However, cadmium formed complexes with organic matter and nickel bound to iron and manganese oxides. Hence, the available fractions of these metals constituted a small proportion of the total content. The results obtained show a low risk of contamination due to the available fractions of these metals at sludges dosages of up to 100 t ha−1. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 An incubation experiment with composted sewage sludge (CSS) just added to the soil was conducted to determine its initial effects on C decomposition, N nitrification and the transformation of organic matter. CSS was mixed with a sandy loam soil from uncultivated ochric epipedon of a Typic Haploxeralf at rates of 0, 40 and 80 t ha–1 (dry weight). The data obtained showed that with regard to the unamended soil, both the 40 and the 80 t ha–1 treatments produced the same result in decreasing respiratory activity, but the addition of increasing amounts of CSS progressively delayed C decomposition. The nitrification index (NI), defined as the relation between nitrate-N and nitrate-N + ammonium-N, increased in correlation with the C mineralization coefficient. Total organic matter decreased after incubation whereas the humic substances increased in relation to the total C mineralized. Received: 28 October 1999  相似文献   

目前关于污泥及其生物质堆肥的土地利用过程中土壤性质变化和温室气体排放数据十分缺乏,难以满足农田土壤氮素保存和温室气体减排的需求。该研究通过在番茄种植过程中添加800 kg/hm2新鲜污泥(S-H)、400 kg/hm2新鲜污泥(S-L)、800 kg/hm2秸秆堆肥(VM-S)和800 kg/hm2猪粪堆肥(VM-M),开展土壤性质、无机氮形态、作物生长以及N2O排放特征的研究。结果表明:堆肥处理显著增加了土壤电导率(electric conductivity,EC)(P0.05),其中猪粪堆肥时土壤EC值最大。添加污泥和堆肥都使土壤p H值显著上升(P0.05),最终趋于中性,且VM-M对土壤酸化的抑制效果略优于VM-S。污泥和堆肥处理时土壤NO3--N浓度显著高于对照,且各处理组NO3--N浓度均随时间逐渐下降,NO3--N主要被番茄吸收,部分NO3--N从土壤上层淋溶至下层;NH4+大多数被氧化为NO3-,部分NH4+被植物吸收。在施入的无机氮量相等情况下,VM-M、VM-S、S-H处理组中番茄地上部分生物量分别为1 515、1 383、1 103 g/株,株高分别为56.8、54.5、51.3 cm,对番茄生长的促进效果为VM-MVM-SS-H,而S-H比S-L多施入的氮肥对番茄生长并未起到明显促进作用(P0.05)。与对照相比,污泥或生物质堆肥都显著提高了土壤N2O的排放(P0.05),各处理组N2O的排放均集中于施肥后的前20天,且土壤N2O的排放通量大小顺序为S-L(0.76 kg/(hm2·a))VM-M(0.95 kg/(hm2·a))VM-S(1.19 kg/(hm2·a))S-H(1.71 kg/(hm2·a))。因此,在进行污泥及其生物质堆肥的土地利用时,应考虑有机肥的种类及其施用量,以在提高作物产量的同时改善土壤并减少温室气体排放,在进行污泥的农田利用时可先将污泥与畜禽粪堆肥。  相似文献   

以小麦-玉米轮作体系下的沙质潮土为研究对象,选用经无害化处理后的城市污泥产物,通过2013~2015年田间定位试验,研究了不同城市污泥施用量对土壤肥力的影响,以期为城市污泥资源化利用提供理论基础和技术依据。设置单施化肥(CK)、CK+污泥15 t·hm~(-2)(CS1)、CK+污泥30 t·hm~(-2)(CS2)和CK+污泥45 t·hm~(-2)(CS3)共4个处理。主要研究结果如下:(1)连续定位试验结果表明,同一施用量污泥处理的土壤p H值随施用时间的增加呈下降趋势;土壤有机质(SOM)和养分含量如全氮(TN)、有效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK)随施用时间的增长呈上升趋势;(2)与CK比较,在2015年玉米季施用污泥各处理的土壤p H值显著降低了0.34~0.83个单位(P0.05),且与污泥施用量呈反比,以高施量污泥45 t·hm~(-2)下降最多;土壤SOM、TN、AP和AK分别显著提高了52.1%~166.9%、77.3%~177.8%、215.7%~486.3%和167.2%~379.0%(P0.05),且与污泥施用量呈正比,以高施量污泥45 t·hm~(-2)效果最显著;(3)试验所用污泥施用量范围内不会造成土壤和植物籽粒重金属污染,能够保持土壤环境健康;(4)与CK比较,施用污泥各处理土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、氮(MBN)含量均显著提高(P0.05),且与污泥施用量呈正比,并且季节不同也显著影响土壤MBC、MBN含量(P0.05);施用污泥能够显著提高土壤MBC/MBN(P0.05),说明施用污泥能够改变土壤微生物群落组成;(5)施用污泥,尤其是高施量污泥45 t·hm~(-2),在保证土壤和植物籽粒质量安全下,其土壤培肥效果最优。  相似文献   

施用生活污泥改良滩涂土壤理化性状的探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用符合土地改良用标准的生活污泥为材料,通过田间小区随机区组试验,研究了生活污泥的不同施用量(0、75、150、300、600 t/hm2)对滩涂土壤部分理化性质的影响。结果表明,施用生活污泥可显著改善滩涂土壤的理化性状。随着污泥施用量的提高,滩涂土壤的容重、密度、pH值逐渐下降,有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、速效磷、CEC均呈上升趋势,全钾、速效钾无显著变化。滩涂土壤的细菌、放线菌数量随污泥施用量的提高呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

Application of sludges to agricultural land depressed plant growth despite its beneficial effects on crop production. Hence it remained to be determined whether sludge application induced any adverse effect on crop nutrition or growth. Thus the growth response of barley on an Andosol to which two kinds of sewage sludge compost had been applied for 17 y was tested in pot experiments with and without application of chemical K fertilizer. The addition of K in the sewage sludge composts resulted in the improvement of plant growth, high dry matter production and increase of total K content both in plant and soil compared to the materials without K application. It was assumed that long term application of sewage sludge requires chemical fertilizer amendment for crop production.  相似文献   


We previously reported that heating sewage sludge significantly changes the rate of N mineralization. The present study was undertaken to examine the extent to which these changes affect plant growth and nutrient supply after application to different soils. A pot experiment in which komatsuna plants (Brassica campestris L. var. rapa) were grown in a Fluvisol or an Arenosol indicated that the amount of N taken up by the plants increased significantly by heating air-dried sludge at 120°C and decreased significantly by heating at 180°C. Heat-drying of the sludge at 120°C or 180°C also increased the N uptake significantly. These plant responses could be explained by the heat-induced changes in the release of inorganic N from the sludge. In contrast to N, the sludge materials containing Fe as a coagulant immobilized soil soluble P. When the sludge was applied to an Andosol, the N-supplying effects on plant growth were offset by P adsorption onto the sludge and soil. In a successive pot experiment conducted without additional sludge application, it was further suggested that frequent sludge application is required to maintain plant growth. However, it will also lead to the accumulation of sludge components in the soil because less than 40% and 15% of the sludge N and P, respectively, were apparently recovered in two harvests of the plants. In conclusion, heated sludge materials can act as an effective organic N fertilizer provided that they are applied to a suitable soil and that the short-term effects on soil productivity are balanced with the long-term effects on environmental quality.  相似文献   

The effect of the dual inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and saprophytic fungi and a combination of wheat straw and sewage sludge residues were studied by determining their effect on dry weight of tomato and on chemical and biochemical properties of soil. Incubation of organic residue (sewage sludge combined with wheat straw) with saprophytic fungi and plant inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi was essential to study plant growth promotion. Soil application of organic residues increased the dry weight of tomato inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis. The greatest shoot dry mass was obtained when the organic residues were incubated with Trichoderma harzianum and applied to AM plants. However, the greatest percentage of root length colonized with AM in the presence of the organic residues was obtained with inoculation with Coriolopsis rigida. The relative chlorophyll was greatest in mycorrhizal plants regardless of the presence of either saprophytic fungus. The presence of the saprophytic fungi increased soil pH as the incubation time increased. Soil nitrogen and phosphorus contents and acid phosphatase were stimulated by the addition of organic residues, and contents of N and P. Total N and P content in soil increased when the organic residue was incubated with saprobe fungi, but this effect decreased as the incubation period of the residue with saprobe fungi increased. The same trend was observed for soil β‐glucosidase and fluorescein diacetate activities. The application of organic residues in the presence of AM and saprophytic fungi seems to be an interesting option as a biofertilizer to improve plant growth and biochemical parameters of soils.  相似文献   

To reclaim a limestone quarry, 200 and 400 Mg/ha of municipal sewage sludge were mixed with an infertile calcareous substrate and spread as mine soil in 1992. Soil samples were taken 1 week later and again after 17 yr of mine soil rehabilitation so as to assess changes in the amount and persistence of soil organic carbon (SOC). Sludge application increased SOC as a function of the sludge rate at both sampling times. Seventeen years after the sludge amendments, the nonhydrolysable carbon was increased in the 400 Mg/ha of sludge treatment. The recalcitrance of SOC was less in sludge‐amended soils than in the control treatment at the initial sampling, but 17 yr later this trend had reversed, showing qualitative changes in soil organic carbon. The CO2‐C production had not differed between treatments, yet the percentage of mineralized SOC was less in the high sludge dose. When the size of active (Cactive) and slow (Cslow) potentially mineralizable C pools was calculated by curve fitting of a double‐exponential equation, the proportion of Cactive was observed to be smaller in the 400 Mg/ha sludge treatment. Soil aggregate stability, represented by the mean weight diameter of water‐stable soil aggregates, was significantly greater in mine soil treated with the high dose of sludge (18.5%) and SOC tended to be concentrated in macro‐aggregates (5–2 mm). Results suggest that SOC content in sludge‐amended plots was preserved due by (i) replacement of the labile organic carbon of sludge by more stable compounds and (ii) protection of SOC in aggregates.  相似文献   

In order to reclaim a clay quarry, a topsoil material was mixed with gravelly spoil at different ratios and with various rates of sewage sludge. The influence of three spoil/topsoil ratios (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) and three sludge rates (40, 80 and 120 t ha−1) on chemical properties of the resulting material was investigated, with emphasis on heavy metal (Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn) contents. The mixtures topsoil/spoil/sludge were water saturated and incubated for 15 or 30 days in a chamber under controlled conditions. The incubated samples were analysed for pH, total carbon and nitrogen, and total, available, exchangeable and soluble heavy metals. The addition of spoil to the topsoil increased the volume of material available, by utilizing an inert material unsuitable by itself to grow plants. The addition of sewage sludge repaired the disadvantages of the spoil, increasing the pH and the organic matter contents. The total heavy metal contents in the mixtures followed the sequence Fe>>Mn>>Zn, Cu>Ni. All except Cu were within the ranges allowed for agricultural lands. The available heavy metals constituted a small fraction of total contents and decrease with time due to complexation and immobilization processes. The exchangeable and soluble fractions were almost negligible; only small amounts of Mn, Zn and Cu were detected. Therefore, the risk of contamination by heavy metals is insignificant in the conditions investigated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental plots were laid out in a limestone quarry in Girona (Catalonia, Spain) to test the effects of sewage sludge on the soil microarthropod populations. Two different doses of sludge (7·5 per cent and 15 per cent) were applied to fertilize soil that was used to restore a quarry after opencast mining. Mean annual arthropod density increased when sludge was applied, but the 15 per cent dose caused an impoverishment of the community structure and a decrease of the soil oribatid diversity. Julidae (Diplopoda) and large predators of the mite family Parasitidae (Mesostigmata) were the most depressed taxa, whereas some groups depending on the availability or quality of organic matter (such as the immature Coleoptera or the Uropodidae), or on water availability (such as Collembola) were stimulated. Among the oribatids, Punctoribates sp. was the most depressed, whereas the more common little Oppias were significantly favoured. The application of sludge at a dose of 15 per cent must be avoided in order to preserve the soil biodiversity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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