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Peat samples collected in six peatlands located in north-eastern Poland were analysed. Two of the investigated psedands were fens, two were transitional bogs and two of them were raised bogs. All peat deposits were investigated in the whole stratigraphic profile, and peat samples were chosen according to the differentiation of peat genus in deposit. pH in water and KCl, degree of decomposition, ash content, carbon content as well as the ratio of humic to falvic acid were evaluated. The highest degree of peat decomposition was found in wood peat (Alneti), and the in moss peat (Bryaleti). The strongest humification was observed in low peat of genus Limno-Phragmitioni (hypnum-moss peat) and Magnocaricioni (sedgeous peat).  相似文献   

The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed in samples of peat and of two plant species (Pinus sylvestris and Ledum palustre) overgrowing peat‐bogs in the north‐east of Poland. Peat samples were collected from different depths according to the stratigraphic profile of the peat bogs. The total concentrations of the 16 anthropogenic PAHs (15 from the US EPA list and benzo[e]pyrene) in all peat samples were between 70 and 439 ng g—1. The concentration for the same compounds in pine needles (Pinus sylvestris) and Dutch Myrthe leaves (Ledum palustre) varied between 194 and 1039 ng g—1. A noticeably high fluorene concentration in Dutch Myrthe leaves was found at some sites. In all peat samples 3‐ring compounds were predominant (55 to 319 ng g—1). There were less 4‐ring PAHs (15 to 110 ng g—1) and the least common PAHs were 5‐ring and 6‐ring compounds (0 to 81 ng g—1 for both groups). In some peat samples, the perylene concentration largely exceeds of the total concentration of all the other PAHs investigated. The high content of perylene in bottom layers could result from the processes of perylene sorption from water during peat‐bog formation or from biogenic formation of perylene.  相似文献   

Surface and atmospheric controls on latent heat flux (QE) and energy partitioning were assessed during three growing seasons at the Mer Bleue peat bog. The surface consisted of a sparse canopy (maximum leaf area index 1.3) of low, mostly evergreen shrubs over moss-covered hummocks and hollows. Available energy was partitioned mostly to QE (Bowen ratio often less than 0.5) throughout the growing seasons over an extensive range of water table fluctuation (as much as 50 cm). QE was often at or below the equilibrium rate due to surface (low moss water content, strong vascular stomatal control) and/or atmospheric (low vapour pressure deficit (Da)) factors. Turbulent energy fluxes varied with net radiation and the magnitude of the fluctuations were affected by Da and moss water content. It is suggested that a change in source partitioning for QE led to a change in QE − Da dynamics. Early in the growing season the moss was wet and the vascular canopy was replacing leaves, thus QE increased as Da increased because moss, which reacts passively to Da, contributed strongly to QE. Later in the growing season as water table declined and the evaporation load reduced moss and fibric peat water contents, moss contributed less strongly to QE and vascular contribution became more important. Also, stomatal control became more influential in reducing bulk surface conductance for water vapour and QE in response to increasing Da.  相似文献   

Northern peatlands store nearly one-third of terrestrial carbon(C)stocks while covering only 3%of the global landmass;nevertheless,the drivers of C cycling in these often-waterlogged ecosystems are different from those that control C dynamics in upland forested soils.To explore how multiple abiotic and biotic characteristics of bogs interact to shape microbial activity in a northern,forested bog,we added a labile C tracer(13C-labeled starch)to in situ peat mesocosms and correlated heterotrophic respiration with natural variation in several microbial predictor variables,such as enzyme activity and microbial biomass,as well as with a suite of abiotic variables and proximity to vascular plants aboveground.We found that peat moisture content was positively correlated with respiration and microbial activity,even when moisture levels exceeded total saturation,suggesting that access to organic matter substrates in drier environments may be limiting for microbial activity.Proximity to black spruce trees decreased total and labile heterotrophic respiration.This negative relationship may reflect the influence of tree evapotranspiration and peat shading effects;i.e.,microbial activity may decline as peat dries and cools near trees.Here,we isolated the response of heterotrophic respiration to explore the variation in,and interactions among,multiple abiotic and biotic drivers that influence microbial activity.This approach allowed us to reveal the relative influence of individual drivers on C respiration in these globally important C sinks.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of the crude lipid fraction of peat was investigated using several typical peat profiles in Japan. Fatty acid composition varied with the peat layers accumulated in a peat profile since 32,000 years BP. Deposition of long-range transported volcanic ash tephras also affected the composition remarkably due to the acceleration of decomposition. Fatty acid composition differed among high moor, transitional moor, and low moor peat profiles sampled in several locations in Hokkaido, Japan. The difference in the plants involved in the formation of peat was considered to be a very important factor determining the fatty acid composition. For example, arachidic acid was considered to be a good indicator for the presence of reed, while the percentage of stearic acid tended to be high in the high moor peat profiles dominated by sphagnum. As the fatty acids with a longer chain length were more stable than those with a shorter chain length, the percentage of longer fatty acids (C24 and C26) tended to increase and that of shorter fatty acids (CI4 and CI6) to decrease in the lower peat profiles. The drying of peatland also exerted a similar effect on the fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

建立了碱熔消解样品,原子荧光光谱法测定泥炭中砷含量的方法。确定了该方法的最佳仪器条件,方法的检出限为0.2137μg/L,相对标准偏差为4.26%(20μg/L)。测定了标准土壤样品(GBW08303)中砷的含量,与证书推荐值一致。同传统酸溶法相比,碱熔法测定值可靠。实际样品测定的加标回收率为98.2%。  相似文献   


Fertilizer treatments for cabbage, grown on sphagnum peat, consisted of an N, a P and a K series. Each nutrient was applied at four rates in combination with constant rates of the other two.

Results indicated that 270 kg N/ha, the highest rate used, may not have been adequate whereas P and K at 80 and 150 kg/ha respectively were. In the N, the P, and the K series, highest head weights coincided with midribs containing 2.06% N, 0.48% P and 4.18% K respectively.  相似文献   


Onions were grown on two areas of sphagnum peat. One (old area) had been fertilized and cropped for a 5‐year period and the other (new area) had not. Fertilizer treatments on both areas consisted of an N, a P and a K series. Each nutrient was applied at four rates in combination with constant rates of the other two.

In practically all instances comparable treatments resulted in lower N, P and K levels in plant tissue samples from the new area than from the old where residual effects from previous cropping and fertilization were evident. Yield data indicate that initially, previously unfertilized sphagnum peat should receive N, P and K at 275–300, 40–50 and 70–80 kg/ha respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogenase activity was measured in young grey alder plantations in a peat bog in central Sweden. The stands were treated in three ways: (1) daily irrigation during the growing season with a complete nutrient solution, including N; (2) application of bark ash or wood ash before planting; and (3) fertilization every second year with solid PK fertilizers. Acetylene reduction assays were performed on (1) detached nodules and attached nodules, either on (2) whole enclosed plants or (3) enclosed nodules. The acetylene reduction rate for the enclosed plants showed a maximum in July when mean values of nearly 80 mol C2H4 (g nodule dry matter)-1 h-1 were reached. No diurnal patterns were observed. The irrigated stands, with an N supply, showed overall nitrogenase activities that corresponded well with those of the other treatments. Only in the case of temporarily increased soil nutrient concentrations in the irrigated stands did the nitrogenase activity fall considerably. In 6-to 7-year-old intensively managed irrigated stands N2-fixation was estimated as 85–115 kg N ha-1 year-1 which was about 55% of the total N uptake of the trees.  相似文献   

A unique artefact — the fragment of a bow made of yew wood, indicating the hunting activity of prehistoric man — was found within the sediments of the landslide peat bog (at the depth of 330 cm) formed on the Mt. Kamiennik (Polish Flysch Carpathians). The datings of this artefact using 14C method at ca 3790–3380 cal BC indicate its connection with the activity of the Neolithic man, related to the Funnel Beaker Culture. In the sequence of the peat bog deposits formed since the Atlantic Phase, the palaeoclimatic changes of the Middle- and Late Holocene, as well as traces of human impact in these and subsequent periods were recorded and analysed using palynological, macrofossils, lithological methods, and dated with radiocarbon. Palaeoenvironmental changes identified in the peat horizon bearing the artefact were marked by the delivery of minerogenic, “high energy” deposits (with charcoal) to the peat bog, as well as distinct changes of plant communities. These phenomena confirm a significant human impact caused by the Prehistoric man on landslide areas. On the other hand, the study confirms significant importance of climatic condition for human activity and proves that landslide peat bog deposits are very sensitive records of palaeoenvironmental changes. The archaeological artefact essentially supplements the results of our interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental study. It is one of the rare Neolithic bows found in the area of Europe, till now.  相似文献   

泥炭对菜心-土壤系统中重金属生物有效性的效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以菜心为研究对象,利用盆栽试验,观测在重金属Cu(200 mg/kg)、Cr(300 mg/kg)、Pb(1000 mg/kg)污染的土壤上添加不同用量的泥炭(0%、0.5%、1%、2%、4%、5%)对重金属生物有效性及其土壤形态分布的影响。结果表明,随着泥炭施用量的增加,菜心采收时土壤重金属的形态分布发生了改变,DTPA交换态的重金属明显减少,有机结合态重金属明显增加,菜心根、茎、叶重金属含量显著降低;从总体趋势来看产量有所提高,只是在5%或4%的泥炭施用水平下产量略有下降。说明在0%~5%范围内的泥炭施用量能降低铜、铬、铅重金属污染土壤的生物有效性,0%~3%范围内的泥炭施用量能提高菜心产量。  相似文献   


Carrots, Daucus carota L., were grown on both sphagnum peat and mineral soils from 1969 to 1972 inclusive. Fertilizer treatments consisted of three rates of N, of P and of K applied in all possible combinations.

In practically every instance rates of N, P and K applied to sphagnum peat were reflected in the levels of these nutrients found in carrot leaves. This was not the case with mineral soils. On sphagnum peat there were eight opportunities, and on mineral soils seven, for each of the three applied nutrients to influence yields. On peat N increased yields in three instances, P in one and K in five. On mineral soils N decreased yields in two instances, P decreased them in one and increased them in one while K had no effect.

The results suggest that on sphagnum peat carrots may require N, P and K up to 250, 50 and 150 kg/ha respectively whereas on mineral soils maximum rates would be 25, 25 and 50 kg/ha.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The aims of this study are to investigate historical PAH deposition through the analysis of PAHs in bulk peat cores and reveal the different distribution of PAHs in...  相似文献   

H. KANG  C. FREEMAN 《土壤圈》2007,17(6):681-687
The nature of the interactions between microbes and roots of plants in a peaty soil were studied in a laboratorybased experiment by measuring activities of β-glucosidase, phosphatase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, and arylsulphatase. The experiment was based on control (autoclaved), bacteria-inoculated, and plant (transplanted with Dactylorhiza) treatments, and samples were collected over 4 sampling intervals. Higher enzyme activities were associated with the bacteria-inoculated treatment, suggesting that soil enzyme activities are mainly of microbial origin. For example,β-glucosidase activity varied between 25-30μmol g^-1 min^-1 in the bacteria-inoculated samples whilst the activity of the control ranged between 4-12 μmol g^-1 min^-1. A similar pattern was found for all other enzymes. At the end of the incubation, the microcosms were destructively sampled and the enzyme activities determined in bulk soil, rhizospheric soil, and on the root surface. Detailed measurement in different fractions of the peat indicated that higher activities were found in rhizosphere. However, the higher activities of β-glucosidase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, and arylsulphatase appeared to be associated with bacterial proliferation on the root surface, whilst a larger proportion of phosphatase appeared to be released from root surface.  相似文献   


Nodule formation in legume crops is a multistep process which involves the interactive gene expression of bacteria and host plants. Attempts to widen the genetic variation of symbiotic bacteria and host plants have led to the isolation of several mutants with a diverse capability of nodulation. The most striking variants in hosts are the supernodulating mutants isolated in pea (Pisum sativum L.) (Jacobsen and Feenstra 1984; Duc and Messager 1989), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (Park and Buttery 1988), and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Men.) (Carroll et al. 1985a,b; Gremaud and Harper 1989; Akao and Kouchi 1992), all of which are capable of producing several-fold more nodules than their parental lines in the presence of nitrate. These mutants may be useful materials for analyzing the mechanism controlling nodule formation, and are considered to have a high agronomic potential under certain growing conditions.  相似文献   

针对当前猪粪好氧堆肥过程中存在的腐熟度低、氮素损失严重、污染气体排放量大等问题,该研究以木本泥炭作为添加剂与猪粪进行联合堆肥,研究了不同木本泥炭添加量(添加比例依次为占物料湿基质量的5%、10%、15%和20%的4个处理)对猪粪好氧堆肥产品腐熟度和堆肥过程中CH4、NH3和H2S等污染气体排放变化的影响。结果表明:在猪粪堆肥中添加木本泥炭作为调理材料,堆体可成功启动升温,在第2~4天堆体可进入高温期,并持续7 d以上,达到无害化卫生标准;经28 d好氧堆肥以后,堆肥产品p H值为8.0左右,电导率值为1.47~1.82 m S/cm,发芽指数均大于80%,达到腐熟标准;木本泥炭添加量增加至15%以上时,有机质分解程度高,物料干质量降解率达22%左右,28 d堆体含水率下降35%左右,CH4、NH3和H2S排放量分别减少82.12%~89.48%、53.47%~63.31%、50.98%~62.76%,总温室气体排放当量减少70.34%~83.26%,堆体总氮损失减少率达44%~63%,保氮效果显著。因此,建议木本泥炭用作猪粪堆肥添加剂的最优添加量为15%~20%(以物料总湿重计)。  相似文献   

The microbial activity and bacterial community structure were investigated in two types of peat soil in a temperate marsh. The first, a drained grassland fen soil, has a neutral pH with partially degraded peat in the upper oxic soil horizons (16% soil organic carbon). The second, a bog soil, was sampled in a swampy forest and has a very high soil organic carbon content (45%), a low pH (4.5), and has occasional anoxic conditions in the upper soil horizons due to the high water table level. The microbial activity in the two soils was measured as the basal and substrate-induced respiration (SIR). Unexpectedly, the SIR (μl CO2 g−1 dry soil) was higher in the bog than in the fen soil, but lower when CO2 production was expressed per volume of soil. This may be explained by the notable difference in the bulk densities of the two soils. The bacterial communities were assessed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) profiling of 16S rRNA genes and indicated differences between the two soils. The differences were determined by the soil characteristics rather than the season in which the soil was sampled. The 16S rRNA gene libraries, constructed from the two soils, revealed high proportions of sequences assigned to the Acidobacteria phylum. Each library contained a distinct set of phylogenetic subgroups of this important group of bacteria.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Fluorescence and UV-visible spectroscopies are simple but useful methods to characterize organic matter in the aqueous phase according to its aromatic nature and humification degree. Although there are several studies about porewater and water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) from peat, at present, no comparative investigations are available in the literature. Thus, the aim of the present study was to identify and compare chemical and spectroscopic features of porewaters and corresponding WEOM samples along a 105-cm undisturbed peat profile.  相似文献   

The expansion of oil palm monocultures into globally important Southeast Asian tropical peatlands has caused severe environmental damage. Despite much of the current focus of environmental impacts being directed at industrial scale plantations, over half of oil palm land-use cover in Southeast Asia is from smallholder plantations. We differentiated a first generation smallholder oil palm monoculture into 8 different sampling zones, and further divided the 8 sampling zones into oil palm root influenced (Proximal) and reduced root influence (Distal) areas, to assess how peat properties regulate in situ carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes. We found that all the physico-chemical properties and nutrient concentrations except sulphur varied significantly among sampling zones. All physico-chemical properties except electrical conductivity, and all nutrient content except nitrogen and potassium varied significantly between Proximal and Distal areas. Mean CO2 fluxes (ranged between 382 and 1191 mg m−2 h−1) varied significantly among sampling zones, and between Proximal and Distal areas, with notably high emissions in Dead Wood and Path zones, and consistently higher emissions in Proximal areas compared to Distal areas within almost all the zones. CH4 fluxes (ranged between −32 and 243 µg m−2 h−1) did not significantly vary between Proximal and Distal areas, however significantly varied amongst sampling zones. CH4 flux was notably high in Canal Edge and Understorey Ferns zones, and negative in Dead Wood zone. The results demonstrate the high heterogeneity of peat properties within oil palm monoculture, strengthening the need for intensive sampling to characterize a land use in the tropical peatlands.  相似文献   

The effects of earthworms on grass growth and soil structure in reclaimed peat were studied in a glasshouse bucket experiment. Cumulative grass yields from 13 cuts taken over a period of 20 months were 89% higher in organically fertilized and 19% higher in inorganically fertilized buckets with earthworms than in similarly fertilized buckets without earthworms. When fertilizers were withheld from some buckets after 7 months grass growth during the remainder of the study was significantly greater in the presence of earthworms under both organic (+222%) and inorganic (+114%) regimes. It is considered that grass growth responses were mainly due to enhanced organic matter decomposition and mineralization. Soil subsidence rates, hydraulic conductivity, moisture characteristics, bulk density, porosity, fibrosity, and soil morphology and micromorphology were significantly influenced by earthworm activity. The results show that earthworm activity can significantly accelerate the process of maturation and profile development in reclaimed peat soils. Received: 12 February 1996  相似文献   

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