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本文报道以国内新近研制的畜禽专用氟喹诺酮类抗菌药──乙基环丙沙星(Enrof-loxacin),进行对实验性感染猪链球菌病及水肿病的药效学研究(230头猪)。试管两倍稀释法测得乙基环丙沙星对兰氏C群类马链球菌(C_(55120))和猪大肠杆菌(O_(54))的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别是0.8及0.05μg/ml。肌注给药对猪链球菌病和水肿病的实验性治疗结果表明,乙基环丙沙星低、中、高剂量组(分别为1.25、2.5、10mg/kg)用药60(每天2次)对猪链球病的治愈率分别是50%、95%及95%,而链球菌感染对照组的死亡率为70%;乙基环丙沙星低、中、高剂量组(分别为1.25、2.5、10mg/kg)用药3d(每隔12h给药一次)对猪水肿病的治愈率分别是85%、90%及90%;而大肠杆菌感染对照组的死亡率为90%。  相似文献   

本文报道国内新近研制的畜禽专用氟喹诺酮类抗菌药物-二氟沙星对实验性感染猪链球菌病及支原体性肺炎的药效学研究。以试管两倍稀释法测得二氟沙星对兰氏C群类马链球菌(C55120)和猪肺炎支原体(F16株)的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别是1.6级及0.16mg/L。肌注给药对猪链球菌病和支原体性肺炎的实验性治疗结果表明,低、中、高剂量二氟沙星组(2.5、5、10mg/kg)及恩诺沙星组(2.5mg/kg)用药5d(每隔12h给药1次)对猪链球菌病的治愈分别是40%、70%、80%及70%,而链球菌感染对照组的死亡率为70%;低、中、高剂量二氟沙星组及恩诺沙星组(2.5mg/kg)用药5d(每隔12h给药1次)对猪支原体性肺炎的治愈率分别是80%、90%、90%及80%;而支原体感染对照组的自愈率为10%。  相似文献   

荣昌猪瘦肉型品系肥育性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对荣昌猪瘦肉型品系0至5世代共246头同胞肥育试验猪进行了肥育性能测定。结果表明,通过六个世代的选育,荣昌猪瘦肉型品系具有优良的胴体品质及较快的生长速度,并保持了原种荣昌猪肉质优良的遗传特性,胴体瘦肉率、肩腰荐三点均膘、后腿比例、胴体长分别由0世代的51.73%、2.63cm、31.39%、84.75cm提高(降)至5世代的55.00%、2.06cm、32.39%、87.25cm,分别提高(降低)了6.3%、21.7%、3.2%、2.9%;20~90kg日增重、每增重1kg耗料、达90kg体重日龄分别由0世代的450.0g、4.17kg、234.9天提高(降)至5世代的598.8g、3.39kg、189.5天.分别提高(降低)了33.5%、19.3%、19.3%。  相似文献   

试验选取58头生长猪(125kg)随机分成三组,饲喂玉米—豆粕型日粮。对照组日粮中添加08%磷酸氢钙(总磷056%,植酸磷026%),试验组分别以200g/T的植酸酶取代2/3和全部的磷酸氢钙(总磷分别为048%和042%,植酸磷均为026%)。56天试验结果表明,用植酸酶(200g/T)取代2/3的磷酸氢钙,生长猪的日增重、饲料报酬和经济效益与对照组均无明显差异,但用200g/T植酸酶取代全部的磷酸氢钙则上述指标明显下降,添加植酸酶后,粪中磷含量分别下降400%和512%,对环境的污染明显下降,这种环保型的添加剂具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

不同猪种四肢骨骼坚强度的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
试验对五种肥育猪(安庆猪、淮猪、大安、长大安、大长淮各10头)的肱骨和股骨作了坚强度测定。试验结果表明本地猪肱骨的骨重相对弯矩(安庆猪11.4±1.5kg.cm/g,淮猪11.9±1.2kg.cm/g)显高于杂交猪相应的弯矩(大安8.9±2.6kg.cm/g,长大安8.9±1.8kg.cm/g,大长淮9.3±2.1kg.cm/g)。不同品种股骨的相对弯矩无显差异。  相似文献   

试验对五种肥育猪(安庆猪、淮猪、大安、长大安、大长淮各10头)的肱骨和股骨作了坚强度测定。试验结果表明本地猪肱骨的骨重相对弯矩(安庆猪11.4±1.5kg.em/g,淮猪11.9±1.2kg.cm/g)显著高于杂交猪相应的弯矩(大安8.9±2.6kg.cm/g,长大安8.9±1.8kg.cm/g,大长淮9.3±2.1kg,cm/g)。不同品种股骨的相对弯矩无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同磷水平日粮添加植酸酶对猪生产性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐建雄  崔立 《饲料工业》1998,19(11):32-33
本试验选取58头生长猪(125kg)随机分成3组,饲喂玉米—豆粕型日粮。对照组日粮中添加08%磷酸氢钙(总磷056%,植酸磷026%),试验组分别以200g/t的植酸酶取代2/3和全部的磷酸氢钙(总磷分别为048%和042%,植酸磷均为026%)。56d试验结果表明,用植酸酶(200g/t)取代2/3的磷酸氢钙,生长猪的日增重、饲料报酬和经济效益与对照组均无明显差异,但用200g/t植酸酶取代全部的磷酸氢钙则上述指标明显下降,添加植酸酶后,粪中磷含量分别下降400%和512%,对环境的污染明显下降。  相似文献   

甜菜碱促进猪生长的机理   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
96 头“杜长大”生长猪按饲养试验要求分成 4 组(每组 3 个重复),分别饲 以添加 0、1 000、1 500、2 000 m g/kg甜菜碱的基础日粮,试验期 62 d。结果表明,1 000 m g/kg 剂量组试验猪生长性能最佳,日增重较对照组提高了 1320% ( P < 001), 料重比降低了 793% ( P < 001)。该组猪血清 G H、 I G F I、 T3 、 T4 水平分别升高了 10176% ( P< 001), 4475% ( P < 001), 2653% ( P< 001) 和 1683% ( P< 005); 血清游离丝氨酸含量提高了 1428% ( P < 005); 血清总蛋白上升了 2169% ( P < 001), 血清尿素氮含量降低 了 4767% ( P < 001); 背最 长肌 和 肝脏 中 R N A 含量 及 背最 长肌 R N A/ D N A 比 率分 别升 高了1260% ( P < 005), 1780% ( P < 002) 和 1979% ( P < 002); 肝脏 和腺 垂体 c A M P 含 量提 高了4753% ( P < 001) 和 6521% ( P < 001)。研究结果提示,甜菜碱似作用  相似文献   

蒽诺沙星是动物专用的喹诺酮类药物,近年来在兽医临床应用上取得了较大进展[1],尤其是它对鸡细菌性病的防治作用已有报道[2,3]。为了进一步验证其对鸡毒支原体病的治疗效果,特就蒽诺沙星对试管中鸡毒支原体的抑菌作用及对鸡毒支原体病的治疗作用进行试验,现将试验结果报告如下。1 材料和方法1.1 药品 蒽诺沙星,由广州白云山兽药厂提供,批号为950501,原液中含蒽诺沙星5%。红霉素,粉剂中含红霉素5%,江苏扬中兽药厂生产,批号为950301,中国兽药监察所提供。1.2 菌株 鸡毒支原体菌株R株、S6株…  相似文献   

兔肺炎支原体病作为兔的一种慢性呼吸道传染病,在兔群中流行广,危害大,且难根治。本研究筛选出以蒽诺沙星作为兔肺炎支原体病的治疗药物,并在兔呼吸道感染的治疗应用中获得确切疗效。现介绍如下:1材料与方法1.1治疗药物1.1.1兔用蒽诺沙星油剂江苏省农业科学院制。1.1.2青霉素注射液用青霉素粉剂配成5万单位/mL。1.1.3硫酸卡那霉素注射液沈阳第一制药厂制。1.2治疗方法将20只活体分离到支原体的患兔分为4组,每组5只。第1组每只兔颈部皮下注射蒽诺沙星油剂0.5mL,每天1次,连续5天。第2组每只兔颈…  相似文献   

沙拉沙星对实验性感染猪链球菌病及大肠杆菌病的药效学   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为兽医临床合理应用沙拉星(Sarafloxacin)提供理论依据,就其对实验性感染猪链球菌 病及大肠杆菌病的药效学进行了研究。以试管2倍稀释法测得沙拉沙星对兰氏C群类马链球菌(C55120)和猪大肠杆菌(O55)的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)分别是0.8mg/L及0.05mg/L。肌注给药对猪链球菌病和大肠杆菌病的试验性治疗结果不明,低、中 高剂量沙拉沙星组2.5、5、10mg/kg)及环丙沙星组(5mg/kg)用药5d(每隔12  相似文献   

沙拉沙星对实验性猪链球菌病及猪水肿病的药效学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将兽医专用氟喹诺酮类药物沙拉沙星以不同治疗方案分别对实验性猪链球菌病和猪水肿病进行药效学研究。在每天总剂量相同的情况下 ,每天 1次与每天 2次给药取得了较好而相似的疗效 (P>0 .0 5 ) :对猪链球菌病 ,每天总剂量为 10 m g/ kg时 ,肌注给药的治愈率分别为 10 0 %和 90 %,但在迅速改善临床症状方面 ,每天 1次给药优于每天 2次(P<0 .0 5 ) ;对猪水肿病 ,每天总剂量为 5 mg/ kg时 ,肌注给药的治愈率均为 10 0 %。结果表明 ,在总剂量相同时 ,以大剂量、长间隔与以较小剂量、短间隔治疗实验性猪链球菌病与猪水肿病 ,均取得相当的疗效。  相似文献   

Tulathromycin was evaluated in the treatment of pneumonia in weaned pigs inoculated intranasally with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Five days postchallenge, the pigs were randomized to treatment with a single IM administration of saline, a single IM administration of tulathromycin (2.5 mg/kg; day 0), or three IM administrations of enrofloxacin (5.0 mg/kg; days 0, 1, 2). Pigs were necropsied on day 12 or 13. Unchallenged controls remained healthy with no lung pathology. Compared with saline, coughing, mean lung lesion score, and proportional lung weight were significantly reduced and weight gain was significantly greater for tulathromycin-treated pigs (P < .05). Compared with enrofloxacin, there were no significant differences in proportional lung weight or weight gains, but coughing and lung lesion scores were greater for tulathromycin-treated pigs (P < .05). Tulathromycin was effective in the treatment of pneumonia following experimental infection with M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

Evaluation of tiamulin for treatment of mycoplasmal pneumonia in swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During 3 trials, using affected pigs of various ages, tiamulin was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced mycoplasmal pneumonia. Pneumonia was induced in respiratory tract disease-free swine by intratracheal inoculation of a lung homogenate containing Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Eleven days after inoculation, when more than 20% of pigs were coughing, pigs were allotted to 3 or 4 groups (n = 8 pigs each) and were given regimens of no medication or 60 mg, 120 mg, or 180 mg of tiamulin/L of drinking water for 10 days. Twenty-one days after cessation of medication, pigs were euthanatized and then were necropsied. Results obtained from the 3 trials did not indicate significant difference among treatment groups in severity of macroscopic or microscopic lesions induced by M hyopneumoniae or in detection of M hyopneumoniae by use of immunofluorescent technique. Clinical evaluations, daily gain, and feed efficiency did not differ significantly among treatment groups. In this study, tiamulin administration did not have beneficial effects in swine with mycoplasmal pneumonia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of difloxacin, a novel fluoroquinolone antibiotic, in calves experimentally infected with Mannheimia haemolytica (formerly Pasteurella haemolytica). ANIMALS: Seventy-two 3-month-old Holstein calves. PROCEDURES: Calves were inoculated with M haemolytica intratracheally; after they developed clinical signs of pneumonic pasteurellosis, they were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 groups (n = 12/group). Calves in each group were treated with 10% difloxacin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg of body weight), 5% difloxacin (2.5 or 5 mg/kg), enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg), or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control group), once daily for 5 days, and clinical signs were scored daily. On day 15, calves were euthanatized, and the percentage of diseased lung tissue was calculated. Swab specimens of the lungs were submitted for bacterial culture. RESULTS: Mortality rate and percentage of diseased lung tissue were significantly higher and cure rate and average daily gain were significantly lower for control calves, compared with calves in the treatment groups; however, no significant differences were found among treatment groups. Mannheimia haemolytica was isolated from the lungs of 10 control calves and from at least 2 calves in each of the treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that difloxacin and enrofloxacin were equally effective for treatment of calves with experimentally induced pneumonic pasteurellosis. However, treatment of infected calves with difloxacin or enrofloxacin may not eliminate the organism.  相似文献   

本试验用壮观霉素,通过控制试验和临床治疗对人工感染和自然感染猪支原体肺炎的病猪进行治疗试验。控制试验分三种不同剂组,治疗1个疗程。10毫克/千克体重的治愈率为75%,治疗有效率为100%。20毫克/千克体重和30毫克/千克体重的治愈率均为91.7%,治疗有效率为100%。  相似文献   

氧氟沙星对霉形体与大肠杆菌合并感染鸡的药效学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以试管两倍稀释法测得氧氟沙星及其对照药物恩诺沙星、洛美沙星和强力霉素对鸡败血霉形体的最小抑菌浓度分别为0.00625、0.025、0.4和0.4mg/L。50、100、200mg/L氧氟沙星、50mg/L恩诺沙星、50mg/L洛美沙星和100mg/L强力霉素连续5d饮水给药,对人工合并感染败血霉形体和大肠杆菌病鸡的治愈率分别是93.3%、96.7%、96.7%、100%、96.7%和83.3%,感  相似文献   

The efficacy of in-feed medication with tylosin for the treatment of enzootic pneumonia was examined in an experimental Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection model. One group of 10 conventional M. hyopneumoniae-free pigs was inoculated intratracheally with a highly virulent field isolate of M. hyopneumoniae; a second group of 10 pigs was inoculated in the same way and after 12 days was given tylosin at 100 mg/kg feed for 21 days; a third group of 10 pigs was inoculated with sterile culture medium, and these pigs were not given tylosin. The pigs were examined daily for clinical signs and each pig was given a respiratory disease score. Thirty-three days after they had been infected the pigs were euthanased, the lung lesions were quantified and samples of lung were processed for immunofluorescence testing for M. hyopneumoniae. The mean (sd) respiratory disease and lung lesion scores were significantly higher (P<0.05) in both the infected groups than in the uninfected group. Between 23 and 33 days after infection the mean respiratory disease score of the pigs treated with tylosin was 0.54 (0.22), significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of the infected pigs which were left untreated, 1.54 (0.46); similarly, their average lung lesion score, 1.72 (1.20), was significantly lower than that of the untreated pigs, 5.27 (3.85).  相似文献   

The in vitro activities of 12 quinolones and four antibiotics were determined against 15 veterinary mycoplasmal species and four species of bacteria commonly involved in respiratory infections in pigs. The newer quinolones were markedly more active in vitro against a wide range of mycoplasmas than nalidixic acid and the earlier quinolones. Against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae ciprofloxacin was the most active quinolone with a geometric mean minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against 16 strains of 0.01 microgram ml-1 compared with 0.04 microgram ml-1 for tiamulin, 0.06 microgram ml-1 for tylosin, 0.17 microgram ml-1 for oxytetracycline and 0.23 microgram ml-1 for gentamicin. M hyosynoviae was less sensitive to the quinolones with mean MICs of 0.6 microgram ml-1 for ofloxacin and 0.7 microgram ml-1 for ciprofloxacin compared with 0.034 microgram ml-1, or less, for tiamulin. Norfloxacin and its 6-chloro analogue were both mycoplasmacidal in vitro at five or 10 times their MICs against M hyopneumoniae UCD4. Tiamulin was mycoplasmastatic. The quinolones were also active against porcine Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida strains and Haemophilus species. Ciprofloxacin was the most active quinolone with mean MICs of 0.58 microgram ml-1 against B bronchiseptica (nine strains), 0.026 microgram ml-1 against P multocida (five strains) and 0.01 microgram ml-1, or less, against Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae (nine strains) and H parasuis (two strains) compared with mean MICs of from 0.5 microgram ml-1 to 64 micrograms ml-1, or more, for the antibiotics. This combination of excellent mycoplasmacidal activity against M hyopneumoniae and good antibacterial activity, suggests that the quinolones have great potential for treating respiratory infections in pigs, including enzootic pneumonia.  相似文献   

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